Google maps Geometry Controls from GMaps Utility Library - controls

i'm working on google maps in specifically on geometry controls
the point is, in this example when I click in line or polygon infowindow show up, but the language is english (by default I think) can I change the language?
in the tooltips i can replace the text, but in this particular case i have no place do replace it, this let me thinking that "language" is automatic, i'm wrong?
best regards

if you take a look at the reference here:
it says that the html is generated from a template file. In the demo, that file is:
look at the source of this file, and you'll see that's its an html template. You can change the text in there-


How to create a presentation using .svg files representing each slide

This question is motivated by the answer given in this question
Using the animate package without adobe
I want to create latex beamer presentations without relying on adobe, as it is a pain.
I followed the instructions given in the post's answer, and when compiling the given example code, the output were 4 .svg files, and I have no idea on what to do with them.
Something tells me they should be embedded into an html file that produce a slide-presentation, but I'm a complete noob in html and I've not been able to find an answer on how to achieve this.
No additional wrapper for the individual .svg files is necessary. Simply open the first .svg file in your browser and use the little arrows at the top right for navigation. They automatically link to the next slide.

How to translate between user mouse coordinates and PDFDocument coordinates?

I'm working on an app for Macintosh. I want to have the user be able to click inside a PDF rendered onscreen and have an annotation appear where they clicked (or selected). Should/can I use PDFKit for this? I looked at the classes, but PDFSelection seems to deal with text, not coordinates. Specifically, I want to know which classes I should use to achieve this. I've read the PDFKit programming guide, but I'm still not quite clear as to the path forward.
Apple provides sample code, PDF Annotation Editor, its description is:
This sample application uses PDF Kit to examine, edit, and create PDF annotations. It has an inspector panel that shows various attributes of supported annotations. The inspector allows users to edit those values. Additionally, annotations can be created and the code demonstrates how to use PDF Kit to do this. Also, the sample code demonstrates subclassing of PDFAnnotationStamp in order to override the draw method and draw your own custom annotation content. Finally, the sample code demonstrates subclassing PDFView in order to overlay your own content over the PDF content being displayed.
This would appear to answer your questions, in particular look at mouseDown in PDFEditView.

Embed images using FlashDevelop - AS3

I'm not finding much documentation on embeding images in .as files. Really, I'd like to have some theory on it. So far from what I got reading here and there:
I placed an image in Assets folder inside src. Then right-clicked the image and clicked "Generate embed code", then this code line appears where the cursor was [Embed(source="fluffybunny.png")] what now? How do I assign it to a variable or something... I really didn't find it out there.
Instead of given object using .graphic atribbutes I want to use an image.
Also, does it have to be an .SWF?
There are quite a few resources on this (when you search for "as3 use embed tag"). Some of them are really helpful:
The most basic thing is that you declare a variable of some type. And you use the [Embed] tag before the variable declaration. It's some kind of weird association. Something like:
public var imageClass:Bitmap;
// later on you can instantiate it and use:
addChild(new imageClass()); // creates and adds new image
This is just a sample - there are a lot of types and ways to do it - give a shot the Adobe reference, there are tons of samples.

BitmapFont in Skin doesn't draw labels correctly

I made a bitmap font using Hiero, called default.fnt and default.png. I can use these as a BitmapFont in LibGDX, and draw text with the font without problems, using font.draw(). But I can't use this font as the default font in a Skin. I've used the uiskin.json file from here(along with the rest of the skin, but I deleted the Droid Sans files before making my own font), because I have no idea how to make one of my own. From what I've read on the Internet, the .json file is correctly set up: it has the line { default-font: { file: default.fnt } }, which should make the default.fnt the default font for widgets that use the skin. Still, when I run the program, I see this:
There should be a label above the buttons, and the buttons should have text.
If I do this: startGameButton.getStyle().font = font;, where startGameButton is one of the buttons, and font is the BitmapFont created like this: font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("uiskin/default.fnt"), Gdx.files.internal("uiskin/default.png"), false);, the buttons shows the text properly. I don't want to do this since it feels too much like a hack.
I'm following this tutorial, but I've had to look some things up in later revisions of his code, because LibGDX has changed since it was written. screen where there are problems)
Also please tell me if there's a better way to make the menu UI, or if you need other files. The uiskin.json is linked above.
Thank you.
I fixed it. The Droid Sans bitmap image existed in two places, it was part of uiskin.png too. I don't know how, but it probably read the font's letters from that file instead of default.png. So in the end I just renamed the font's .fnt and .png(and the file parameter in the .fnt) and did a search-replace inside the skin's .json, and it all works fine now. I don't know exactly what caused it, but maybe default-font is a reserved word or something.
Anyway, it works now. Thanks to Jyro117 for making me think maybe I shouldn't replace the default but add my own font.

Dynamically Generate Editable PDF

Is there a way to create an editable PDF programmatically? By editable, I mean you can click in a text area and type in your name, that kind of thing.
I'm using Ruby and have found PrinceXML and Princely to be nice projects. I'm wondering if they could do that?
Prince doesn't mention forms in the documentation, and renders forms as static drawings, so I doubt it.
pdfTeX can do it with the hyperref package. Here's a tutorial.
\TextField[backgroundcolor={1 1 0},value=can do forms]{hyperref}
It looks like this:
(Of course, then you're using TeX instead of whatever reports library you like. I'm sure there's an alternative.)
