Sort articles by most commented using disqus - comments

I'm using disqus for my MODx blog commenting system, but couldn't find anywhere a way to sort my articles based on the most commented one, or the most recent comments.
I see that there are already many questions similar to this so any help will be much appreciated us.

An article describing how to do it using Ditto/jot, it shouldn't be too difficult to modify it to work with disqus.


Where have SDL2 wiki examples gone?

In this video ( from about a year ago, there is example code on the SDL_CreateWindow function documentation page. I have seen other posts talking about the SDL examples.
If you look at the documentation now it is the same minus the example code
Am I blind or is there no longer any example code on the SDL2 wiki?
If not, does anybody know what the reasons for removing it are?
I expect that
There are some official examples somewhere
If they were removed from the official wiki they would at least be placed in a 'legacy' repo or something like that.
A Google (DuckDuckGo) search gives only third party examples and, aside from a few forum posts, no mention of there ever being any examples on the wiki.
In 2022, the Wiki migrated from MoinMoin to ghwikipp. With that came a host of breaks and bugs. Your issue specifically is covered under issue #233.
The images were also broken, but that issue shows a workaround for viewing the Wiki in working form: use on, not where it is currently hosted. This gives you your examples back.
e.g. like this
If you have some sort of MediaWiki viewer program, you can also just pull an old revision from the Repo and read it offline. Even Github's MarkDown viewer isn't terrible. Caveat that new changes won't be reflected.
They promise us that it will be fixed at some point, and they do seem to be working hard on it. The only hardfix is either to (a) wait, or (b) help them finish their migration.

Is it possible to copy comments and suggestions when copying a Google Doc using Drive API?

I noticed that comments and suggestions are not by default copied when using drive.files.copy. This is imperative to my project, so I did some googling and it seems like this feature may not even exist? I thought about copying and applying the comments manually using the Docs API, but I can't seem to find anything helpful about this on SO or the Google API documentation for Drive and Docs. Does anyone know if this is possible and how to do this?
edit: the comments.list method returns comments, but not suggestions. I think I would be able to insert these comments manually into the copied document. What about suggestions? Is there a way to retrieve these?
It would be really nice if I could easily copy both without a lot of leg work.
Unfortunately it's not possible to copy a Google Docs file with comments and suggestions
As for comments, you can copy-paste them manually like done here.
However, suggestions are different from comments (at least as the Google APIs go) - see here for information.
In order to retrieve suggestions, you can use the documents.get method
Yet, inserting suggestions programmatically is currently not possible - see here for more details

How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

How to display a few articles within a module?

So basically, I wish to load a few article posts within a category to a module.
These article posts must be the latest 3 or so that have been published.
I have searched far and wide for answers, but I couldn't seem to find anything. I found an extension called 'Articles Anywhere', although I don't think it can do what I am asking exactly.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
From what you describe, Joomla has this module in core. It's called the Latest News module. You can read more about it at

Custom/better magento product landing pages

I tried and searched through some Stackoverflow question and answers but still wasn't able to find my answer. I am hoping this is something simple, but it not I'll give it a try either way. Is there an extension or can I setup product landing pages similar to this in magento? They look really nice and would like to do something similar on my magento site.
Example here:
Any help or guidance would be great!
Thanks in advance.
This is exactly what I was looking for:
Now I am just trying to actually get it to work.
