How can I use do edit-in-place on three different models from a View for a model those three belong_to? - ruby-on-rails-2

I would like to enable edit-in-place functionality in a View that displays values from different models:
This is what I use currently and it does NOT work, but would like some alternatives:
I have a model called Campaign. In the controller, I do the following to list, in order, the three Models that belong_to a Campaign:
<% #campaign_events = campaign_events %>
<% #campaign_events.each do |campaign_event| %>
<% model_name = %>
<%= link_to campaign_event.title, send("#{model_name}_path", campaign_event) %>
<span class='model_name'>(<%= model_name.capitalize %>)</span>
<%= campaign_event.days %> Days
<% end %>
campaign_event is a campaign_helper defined as:
module CampaignsHelper
def campaign_events
return (#campaign.calls + #campaign.emails + #campaign.letters).sort{|a,b| a.days <=> b.days}
I want to be able to click on the numerical value for Days when looking at the view/campaign/show and edit the value for :days (in this case, displayed as campaign_event.days

I'm not really sure about it, but I'll try to help... I believe something like the following may work for you:
# calls controller
in_place_edit_for :call, :days
# emails controller
in_place_edit_for :email, :days
# letters controller
in_place_edit_for :letter, :days
# campaign view
<% #campaign_events = campaign_events %>
<% #campaign_events.each do |campaign_event| %>
<% controller_name = %>
<% model_name = controller_name.singularize %>
<%= link_to campaign_event.title,
send("#{model_name}_path", campaign_event) %>
<span class='model_name'>(<%= model_name.capitalize %>)</span>
<%= in_place_editor_field model_name, :days, {},
:url => {
:controller => controller_name,
:action => 'set_#{model_name}_title',
:id =>} %> Days
<% end %>
There's somethings I don't know exactly how to do:
1) in_place_editor_field model_name
I believe this won't work, but I don't know how to pass the model_name.
2) :action => 'set_#{controller_name}_title'
Not sure about it also. Just doesn't look right.
Anyway, hope it helps you... and forgive me if this is completely stupid.


Missing Params on Post in Rails?

I'm learning Ruby on Rails at the moment and we're making a blog app to learn about crud actions and such and I'm stuck on this create method in my controller not working as it does in the course. I'm having trouble the create method in this controller:
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def show
#article = Article.find(params[:id])
def index
#articles = Article.all
def new
def create
#article =, :description))
redirect_to #article
I get this error when trying to create an article:
ActionController::ParameterMissing in ArticlesController#create
param is missing or the value is empty: article
It seems to be getting hung up on the first line of the create method but I'm not sure why it doesn't think there's an article... Here's my new article view as well for further reference:
<h1>Create a new Article</h1>
<%= form_with scope: #article, url: articles_path, local: true do |f| %>
<%= f.label :title %><br/>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.label :description %><br/>
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
Check whether your parameters coming under hash with key article like this -
Also initiate Article object in new action.
You can redefine the params to permit like this:
in controller new method create object
#article =
and in form HTML add one more option use method: "post"

Saving data in ruby on Rails without resources

Its bit difficult for me to explain what I want, but still I will try my best.
I created a form in Rails where user can fill certain fields. Now once these fields are filled, I know that I can use resources in Router and define a create method in Controller that will save the data to database.
However what I want is to pass data saved in the form to my controller. Then create a custom method in controller that will be just like traditional Create method, but instead of passing parameters using Resource method, I want to pass them as parameter. Is it even possible in Rails:
This is my current View to create form:
<h1> Please add a new product</h1>
<%= form_for #product do |p| %>
<%= p.label 'Product Name' %><br/>
<%= p.text_field :product_name %><br/>
<%= p.label 'Description' %><br/>
<%= p.text_area :description %><br/>
<%= p.label 'Price' %><br/>
<%= p.text_field :price %><br/>
<%= p.label 'Rating' %><br/>
<%= p.text_field :rating %><br/>
<% end %>
So may be I am using In Built form in Ruby, but I just want to pass parameters from View to Controller's method.
Thanks for help !!!
I will help you in solving your problem.
Follow these steps:
Create your route in routes.rb:
get "/create_product" => 'products#create_product', as: :create_product
or if you want to pass params through post method:
post "/create_product" => 'products#create_product', as: :create_product
Now change your view file according to the new route helper:
form_for (#products, url:{:controller=>'products', :action=>'create_product'}, html:{method:'post'})
Now the last step modify your controller:
def create_product
#your form values are avaible here in params variable
pp params
puts params[:Price]
#save your params into ur db
Note: I assumed that you already have product.rb model

How to dry code?

I am working with has many through association in Application.
I access email from employee table in INDEX action of InventoryController like below code:
<% #inventories.each do |inventory| %>
<% inventory.employee_inventories.each do |e| %>
<%if e[:status]== 'ALLOTED'%>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Please help me How to DRY this code in view? Thanks in advance
#alloted_emails = #inventories.flat_map(&:employee_inventories).select do |i|
i[:status] == 'ALLOTED' do |i|
Unless you want to create a scope as suggested by #Pavan, just introduce this var and use it.
If you are using the same code in different views then you can create a helper.
Otherwise write down this code like-
<% #inventories.each do |inventory| %>
<% inventory.employee_inventories.each do |e| %>
<%= if e[:status]== 'ALLOTED' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
The main problem in your code is n+1 query problem. If you are using eager loading then there is no issue otherwise use eager loading using includes keyword in your query.

Ajax and Ruby on Rails with local variable?

I really don't get how to use Ajax with Ruby on Rails. I must be missing something simple.
What I want to do is to ask the user to select a date, and then make a table of documents appear, but only with the selected date (Date is an attribute of Document).
My idea is to create a local variable witch is not in my database, store the selected date in it, and then create a loop in my view saying for example #document.where(:date = date).each...
In app/controllers/documents_controller.rb, I have :
class DocumentsController < ApplicationController
def information
#documents = Document.all
#date = params[:date]
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.json { render json: #documents}
And in app/views/documents/_information.js.erb, I have:
<%= form_tag(document, :remote => true) do %>
<%= label_tag(:date, "The selected date is:") %>
<%= text_field_tag(:date) %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
In the end, I have a field where the user puts his date, but the submit button doesn't do anything.
What do I miss ?
As discussed you need to change the flow of your app.Lets go through steps one by one
a. create your input field where you are selecting your date field. You already have your form for that
<%= form_tag(you_path_for_information_method, :remote => true) do %>
<%= label_tag(:date, "The selected date is:") %>
<%= text_field_tag(:date) %>
<%= label_tag(:portfolio, "Add portfolio") %>
<%= text_field_tag(:portfolio) %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
In controller
def information
#documents = Document.all
#date = params[:date]
#portfolio = Portfolio.find(params[:portfolio])
respond_to do |format|
In your information.js.erb you can have:
$("#some_id_of_parent").html("<%=j render partial: "your_partial", locals: {portfolio: #portfolio} %>")

Clarification on accessing methods

I am having trouble accessing a method i have written in a class, the problem is im trying to access it within an instance of that class, but would appreciate someone explain in a bit more details as to why this doesn't work and things to look at to get a solution.
I have created a simple helper method to use in my view to join two attributes
class TeamMember < ActiveRecord::Base
def fullname
"#{self.forename} #{self.surname}"
Within my view (show action) I want to be able to use this method
def show
#team_member = TeamMember.find(params[:id])
So doing this for example gives me an undefined method
<%= link_to fullname(#team_member) %>
<% #team_member.each do |t| %>
<%= link_to fullname, t %>
<% end %>
Whereas this works
<% #team_member.each do |t| %>
<%= link_to "#{t.forename} #{t.surname}", t %>
<% end %>
Could someone help to clarify this for me so that i can learn from it please
You defined fullname method in your TeamMember class, but you try to call this method with implicit receiver in view, which is ActionView::Base instance. Instead, you should use explicit receiver, which must be TeamMember instance:
<%= link_to #team_member.fullname, #team_member %>
<%= link_to t.fullname, t %>
