Visual Studio has stopped working - on Win 7 - visual-studio

I have Win 7 Enterprise. If i open any .cs file on VS 2008/2010 it gives a message " Visual Studio has stopped working" on a dialog box. There are two buttons "Debug" and "close program". Debug button starts devenv in debug mode with assembly code as i do not have the pdb file for the same.
There is another machine with same configuration where the VS 2008/2010 Ultimate works fine. Even reinstalling Win 7 did not solve the problem. Any idea why it is happening?

Try with some standard VS troubleshooting steps:
Clean the solution
Delete / rename all files in your solution created by VS, i.e. all .ncb, .suo, .user files
Launch Visual Studio with all add-ins disabled: devenv.exe /SafeMode
Reset All Settings: Tools -> Import / Export Settings -> Reset All Settings
Delete HKCU:\Software\Micosoft\VisualStudio\9.0 and then restart Visual Studio
Repair the Visual Studio installation through Add/Remove Programs

Recently I had the same problem, there is not much help on the Internet. So I thought this could be an easy fix. I re-install Visual Studio Several times but no luck. Finally, I uninstall .NET Framework along with Visual Studio, re-boot and re-install.
It worked fine !!
I thought it might help someone.

VS 2012 Stopped Working
I couldn't open a project or create a new one without it crashing
I was getting this error...
System.ComponentModel.Composition.ImportCardinalityMismatchException was unhandled
Message=No exports were found that match the constraint:
ContractName Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.IGlyphService
RequiredTypeIdentity Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.IGlyphService
However, as mentioned above this worked for me:
Launch Visual Studio with all add-ins disabled:
devenv.exe /SafeMode
Reset All Settings: Tools -> Import / Export Settings -> Reset All Settings

Hey i had the same problem some time back but was solved when i installed this patch fix.
Check it out here -

For me ... one of extension I installed earlier is the culprit. That extension is some sort of code reflector. That tool manage to slow down my debugging when i step forward. And make visual studio 2012 constantly crashing. So my advice is be careful what tools and extensions you install... especially those that are not created by Microsoft themselves.

In my case the crash was caused by the parallel project builds. After went to Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run and set maximum number of parallel project builds to 1, the crash was gone.

There could be multiple issues even in the code if the call to an async method an awaiter is missing.
If everything seems to correct from code-wise then clean the solution and delete all the obj and bin fill from all project. Start building the solution again.
This worked multiple times in my scenario.


Visual Studio 2017 crash

We are running into a problem opening our MVC5 solution in Visual Studio 2017. It will show a message saying loading projects, followed by "Preparing solution" and then it just freezes. Some preliminary research has lead to suggestions like
Remove the hidden .vs folder
Repair installation by running as admin
Updating to the latest released VS build
Remove any node.js type folders that have deeply nested folder structure within the solution folder
However, none of these have worked. Has anyone else run into a similar problem using VS 2017 with their solution? There are no special commands on packages loaded on startup.
I was able to finally get it to work. I updated to the latest Visual Studio build 15.0.0+26228.10, but that did not seem to help. After removing my .vs folder before opening the solution multiple times, it finally started to load. I have no 3rd party extensions or tools running.
I installed visual studio enterprise 2017 version 15.0.0+26228.10. and productivity power tool extension. the studio keep crashing when load project. I uninstall everything and reinstall vs only, the crash problem disappeared.
Deleted the vs folder, but it didn't work.
Looked for recently changed files in the project, saw Web.csproj.user — when I removed this the project works again.
Visual studio 2017 keeps crashing when i try to launch it,all i did was to launch visual studio installer go to more which is under the product am using then clicked on repair and that got me running again.
We saw some lockups, especially during the start of Batch Builds, until we set this experimental feature to False:
Tools > Options : Text Editor > C/C++ > Experimental : Enable Faster Project Load.
I don't know whether it could apply to your problem or not, but it is related to loading projects, so...
Good luck.
I had the same issue and uninstalled the ankhsvn subversion plugin then closed and re opened vs 2017 ad it worked.

Unable to start debugging because the object invoked has disconnected from its clients

I'm running Visual Studio 2012 (version 11.0.61030.00 update 4). When debugging a local console application I get the following error when I start debugging (F5):
Microsoft Visual Studio
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.
The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.
This only happens if I leave visual studio alone without debugging for a couple minutes. If I close visual studio and re-open the error goes away (until I leave it untouched for another couple of minutes). Has anyone experienced this? I can't find any threads of other people experiencing it.
This may be a possible answer for the problem.
Some from the answer:
Check which files were changed (why and how) after update from a source control engine
Review the list of extensions and plugins. Try to disable all or some of them
Close Visual Studio and kill all the development processes: devenv, mspdbsrv, vcpkgsrv, msbuild, msvsmon, vshub, vstest etc
Remove .suo, .ncb, .VC.db, .VC.VC.opendb files of the solution as well as .vs directory, which sometimes cause problems
Remove project setting files, sort of YourProjectName.vcproj.DOMAINNAME.LOGINNAME.user or YourProjectName.csproj.user. The setting file name depends on a project kind you use
Run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /setup or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /setup for x64 environment
Just Close the VIsual Studio and start again the project.Its work Perfectly for me.
While restarting Visual Studio does provide a workaround, it doesn't solve the actual problem. In my case, I was working with a C# solution in VS2017 and the following resolved the issue:
Close Visual Studio
Delete the .vs folder that was created in the Solution's directory
Re-open the Solution
I corrupted my App.config file with NLog settings without section Handler in the top of the document. Gist is check out your config file settings either corrupted in format or not properly handled any section. once I remove corrupted config section, it did not raise the error again (VS 2017)
Hope it helps!
In my case I have just reinstalled Windows 10 and so the Visual Studio 2022..
My project was targeting .net 5 SDK, but I only had .net 6 SDK installed. The solution was to install earlier version of the SDK.

How to handle Visual Studio 2010 Not Responding?

First of all, I am not asking the same question here. ( This may be a duplicate post on Stack Overflow.) I have searched other solutions on MSDN, ASP .NET Forum, Stack Overflow, Code Project and everywhere on internet. But none of them solved my problem. These are the links that I found:
And a lot more...
My CPU is 4th Generation Intel Core i7 and memory capacity is 8 GB. I think it is more than recommended hardware requirements.
My visual studio hangs on these situations.
Opening a solution (Hangs for a minute when I open a file from solution explorer)
Running the debugging (Freezes consistently when I click on debug button) and
Stopping the debugging (Freezes immediately after the UI returns to the Developer layout after debugging)
I have tried the following steps:
I ensured that I deleted all the breakpoints in the solution.
I ensured that I am not using any resources from network drive.
I ensured Step over properties is enabled.
I ensured Enable .NET Framework source stepping is NOT enabled.
I start visual studio with SafeMode to suppress extensions
I cleared watch window.
I cleaned and rebuilt the solution.
Before I encounter this problem, I installed "Install Web Components" Visual Studio Add-In a few weeks ago. May be because of extensions and add-ins?
How can I do it to solve my problem?
If you suspect that Visual Studio settings get corrupted after installing "Install Web Component" bundle, why don't you try to reset the settings?
You can perform the steps below to reset Visual Studio settings:
Open Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) under Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools (Run it with Administrator privilege: Right-click the program > Run as administrator)
Run devenv /Resetsettings to restore the IDE's default settings, optionally resets to the specified VSSettings file.
Run devenv /ResetSkipPkgs to clear all SkipLoading tags added to VSPackages.
Run devenv /Safemode to see if you can apply it correctly. This can eliminate the possibility that third party Add-ins or packages are causing problems.
Open your solution in Safemode and see whether it works.
Found this to happen also when the solution is connected to a Team Foundation Server and the service is not available at the moment, so the solution could not connect. In this case do not end the Visual Studio instance and wait until a message box show up giving the option to Go Offline. This is usually associated with the "Visual Studio is waiting for an operation to complete...." notification message.
My solution was simply to reload a saved GOOD (backup) copy of my settings (made a year ago). Worth trying before resetting everything to blank. My VS2010 would take 60 seconds to start debugging and approx. 3 minutes to stop debugging. I saved the corrupted settings and to my surprise they were over 3MB instead of 260Kb. I loaded the good backup copy and everything is great again :-)
If Visual Studio doesn't respond only when attempting to open solutions, then open a raw instance of Visual Studio then Reset Settings
Check How to: Reset Your Settings from the Tools Menu
This is Visual Studio 2013 and Windows 8.1
Open developer command prompt.
Start -> All programs -> Visual Studio -> Visual studio tools -> developer command prompt
Make sure that you don't have any pending changes that need to be checked in.
run this command : "tf workspace /delete 'your workspace/ machine name'"
yes for removing the unnecessary pending changes if at all present.

"Csc.exe" exited with code -1073741819

Everytime I try to run my code, I am having this error that "Csc.exe" exited with code -1073741819
, I cleaned my solution and restarted Visual Studio with no gain.
Can anyone help me?
I faced same problem. Delete the bin and obj folder in project(s). The try to clean and rebuild the solution. This worked for me.
Cleaning and rebuilding the solution will sometimes solve the issue and sometimes won't.
You need to repair Visual Studio. Go to Control Panel -> Programs. Then select your version of Visual Studio you are using and press "Change"(or right click it and press "Change"). When the setup appears, click "Repair".
This solved it for me and several others who have been facing this issue.
For the problem csc-exe-exited-with-code-1073741819
I repaired Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86). This worked for Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable. I found about this problem when uninstalling and then reinstalling VS2015. After the setup is completed it says that some items are not installed correctly. And among them is Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 not installed correctly.
So after a while I repaired Visual C++ Redistributable 2015. Here is the link Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.
classic ms solution: restart computer :D
delete bin and obj folders
open vs
it should work.
I want to share my experience here because I had this problem for several days (with VS Studio 2012) and I had MANY MANY difficulties to find the solution !
And my problem was... That I had a virus/malware problem, and the faulty module was BITGUARD !
So if someone has this problem, and goes here searching the solution, I think you must try any free Malware remover program to see if Bitguard should not be your problem !
I also had this problem, and luckily found a solution.
First off is more of a workaround, but seemed to work. Disable parallel build in Visual Studio
(Tools -> Options ->Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run. Change maximum number of parallel builds to 1).
This resolved the issue for me, but did not solve the problem.
The issue I had, as obscure as it is, was I had Razer Synapse set up to record mouse and keyboard stats on Visual Studio. Once I disabled this, everything worked perfectly.
When our company changed anti-virus software, an application that had not been touched in months suddenly started having the build error
"csc.exe" exited with code -532462766..
I used our new AV client to scan the bin folder of the application that wouldn't build. The AV client claimed it was infected with W32.Trojan.Genkd. Uninstalling that AV software allowed it to build as usual. I think a single file got quarantined, preventing the build.
Your options may be these:
disinfect the files (assuming it's an actual infection)
unquarantine the "infected" files (assuming it's actually safe)
uninstall / disable that AV client
change AV software
Lastly, you could always comment blocks of code to identify what is causing the false-positive.
I got this error when running from the devenv command. Adding /SafeMode to the command arguments solved my issue which lead me to think one of my install extension/plugins for VS2015 was to blame.
I Resolved the same issue by Restarting my PC and that's it.

Visual Studio crash at start-up

My Visual Studio began crashing at start-up. In my search for finding a remedy, I found these two suggestions, but neither worked for me:
Launching Visual Studio while running in safe mode, and
Running repair on Visual Studio.
However, I found that if I logged into a different Windows account, Visual Studio was able to run from that account without crashing.
Here is an error code that that I observed in the crash report:
LCID: 1033
Can anyone provide a solution for returning my Visual Studio to working order?
For me it turned out to be the plugin that GitExtensions installed into Visual Studio 2013.
-- UPDATE: try this before uninstalling GitExtensions
#Enceradeira proposed in the comments to uncheck the Show current branch in Visual Studio option. In GitExtensions, you get there via Tools -> Settings -> Appearance:
After uninstalling GitExtensions and reinstalling it with all VS plugin unselected my VS runs smoothly again.
I even put together a blog post about this issue because it bugged me so much.
Since you're able to run with another user login, something may be wrong with your local settings, you can try to reset them: devenv /resetsettings in Start menu -> Run.
Warning: this will restore visual studio to default settings.
In my case VS used to crash on a single solution. I resolved the problem by deleting the respective solutions's user file: SolutionName.suo
My colleague recently experienced a problem with Visual Studio 2013 crashing on start-up. Unfortunately, we found that the approach recommended in the answer by #Arun M did not solve the problem:
devenv.exe /ResetSettings
...however, using a different command line argument did:
devenv.exe /ResetUserData
An easy way to run devenv.exe is via the Visual Studio command prompt; on Windows 10, it can be found here:
Start Button => All Apps => Visual Studio 2013 => Visual Studio Tools =>
VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt
For more about these command line arguments for devenv.exe, see this answer to this related question: How do I truly reset every setting in Visual Studio 2012?. ⚠ In particular, please note the cautionary statement in that answer about the /ResetUserData command line argument!
Try to run VS as administrator. That's necessary in my case.
If coincident to these Visual Studio crashes you are getting "Heap corruption" (Exception code: 0xc0000005) errors in your Windows Application log (Faulting module name: WindowsCodecs.dll), here is something worth checking into: A faulty WIC component within Expression Blend can cause ALL versions of Visual Studio to crash upon launch, as well as cause Internet Explorer to crash upon visiting many, if not most sites. Even though Microsoft distributes this component, they call it a "non-Microsoft component". As such, a Visual Studio reinstall won't fix this,, an OS reinstall over existing Windows installation won't fix this, and a system file integrity check won't detect it.
If my case, the misbehaving codec was "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Expression\Common\Imaging\4.0.360.0\PSDCodec.dll", and simply unregistering this component got my Visual Studio working again from consistent startup launch crashes.
I post this in hopes this solution to one source of Visual Studio crashing might save others from the $500 Microsoft support incident fee and week of downtime this caused me.
I just changed the windows language in the bottom right to "EN", then started as admin. And it worked, interesting..
I had the very strange phenomenon that both Visual Studio 2010 and 2013 on a Windows 7 machine crashed when run in a remote desktop session, started from a Windows 10 pc. Debugging the crash showed a CultureNotFound exception. It was caused by regional settings on the Windows 10 pc, which could not be translated in something understood by Windows 7. I had language English(Belgium) with an Azerty keyboard. I added and selected English(UK) with an Azerty keyboard and the crashes disappeared. No other programs suffered from this.
For me it was being caused by Web Essentials and I was able to resolve by disabling it, restarting VS, enabling it back , restart again. Works now.
I had a crash on startup (or soon after startup, before opening any solution) occurring in git2-msvstfs.dll, caused by placing a 3GB temp file into a directory within my solution. Deleting the file fixed it.
Once I accidentally pressed a random key combination (maybe something like ctrl+', but I didn’t realize I was holding ctrl down so I forgot what keys I hit by the time I realized something bad had happened) that resulted in VS Professional 2017 15.3.5 crashing within half a minute. After relaunching, I found that VS would be interactive for a few seconds before it would crash within half a minute. It was really too fast for me to try to figure out what I had accidentally activated or for me to disable it before VS would crash. Also, it would even crash if I didn’t open any solution, so I figured it was not something that deleting a .vs (per project/solution Solution Explorer/open files state) folder would fix.
To fix, I followed Arun M’s comment and renamed my %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_3f4d04be folder. You will need to adjust the path for the edition/version of VS that is crashing. On my machine, I think 15.0_3f4d04be is Professional and 15.0_0fed6c59 is VS Community Edition. You’ll probably have to guess based on the folder’s modification timestamp which is probably going to reflect the date you last used that edition of VS.
After renaming the versioned dotfolder, VS launched without crashing. It started with default settings but automatically restored some of my settings through the cloud sync stuff after a minute of running and it even remembered my account information so I didn’t need to sign in.
I did not need to rename my %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VSCommon folder (which Arun M had also suggested).
I had a similar problem, both VS2015 and VS2013 would crash at startup. Tracked it down to an application I installed which put .net 4.7.2 on the system. Once i removed that app, removed .net, and reinstalled .net 4.6, Visual Studio started working again.
