Visual Studio 2017 crash - visual-studio

We are running into a problem opening our MVC5 solution in Visual Studio 2017. It will show a message saying loading projects, followed by "Preparing solution" and then it just freezes. Some preliminary research has lead to suggestions like
Remove the hidden .vs folder
Repair installation by running as admin
Updating to the latest released VS build
Remove any node.js type folders that have deeply nested folder structure within the solution folder
However, none of these have worked. Has anyone else run into a similar problem using VS 2017 with their solution? There are no special commands on packages loaded on startup.

I was able to finally get it to work. I updated to the latest Visual Studio build 15.0.0+26228.10, but that did not seem to help. After removing my .vs folder before opening the solution multiple times, it finally started to load. I have no 3rd party extensions or tools running.

I installed visual studio enterprise 2017 version 15.0.0+26228.10. and productivity power tool extension. the studio keep crashing when load project. I uninstall everything and reinstall vs only, the crash problem disappeared.

Deleted the vs folder, but it didn't work.
Looked for recently changed files in the project, saw Web.csproj.user — when I removed this the project works again.

Visual studio 2017 keeps crashing when i try to launch it,all i did was to launch visual studio installer go to more which is under the product am using then clicked on repair and that got me running again.

We saw some lockups, especially during the start of Batch Builds, until we set this experimental feature to False:
Tools > Options : Text Editor > C/C++ > Experimental : Enable Faster Project Load.
I don't know whether it could apply to your problem or not, but it is related to loading projects, so...
Good luck.

I had the same issue and uninstalled the ankhsvn subversion plugin then closed and re opened vs 2017 ad it worked.


Visual Studio Update Paused - Now cannot be resumed, modified or removed

First of all, I am trying to open a support request with Microsoft about this issue, but their support reporting portal isn't working. I have resorted to Stackoverflow because I have no way of getting to Microsoft.
Yesterday, I started updating Visual Studio 2022 from Visual Studio Installer by mistake and paused it shortly after. Today, I tried to open a project but Visual Studio seemed unavailable. At that point I remembered about the paused update and re-opened the Visual Studio installer. I tried to Resume, and I got the below error. The Modify and Remove options give out the same error too. There is no Repair option.
Sorry something went wrong
The dependent package of
cannot be found: Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerClient.Concord,
I also tried Restarting and deleting temporary files using the Disk Cleanup tool - no difference.
I have tried to force an uninstall from the Add or Remove programs but this still redirects me to the Visual Studio installer.
I have tried to research this error online but found nothing.
I did not fix the issue but at least I managed to uninstall the Visual Studio instance to be able to start from scratch again. If you do not want to go down the route of uninstalling, feel free to try the steps as suggested by #garbagecollector.
I deleted the installation folder for 2022 from ProgramFiles.
I deleted the Visual Studio installer from Add or Remove programs. (Note: This actually uninstalled a working version of Visual Studio 2019 that I had, and left the messed up version of 2022 with the same issues, so beware if you do not want to uninstall another working version of Visual Studio)
Then I ran InstallCleanup.exe via CMD (in admin mode). Refer to the "Remove All with InstallCleanup.exe" section within this article. This seems to have cleared all Visual Studio related files including the Visual Studio
installer, and I could re-download the installer for Visual Studio
2022 Community edition and start afresh.
I faced the same issue today and could solve it by removing corresponding dependencies from _package.json files from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\[PACKAGE_NAME] folders.
I am not sure whether you can repair your installation this way, I tried only with uninstall.
So in your case edit this file:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Concord,version=17.1.33203.90,productarch=x64 and remove the line marked with "-->" under "dependencies":
"id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Concord",
"dependencies": {
--> "Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerClient.Concord": "[17.0,18.0]"
In my case I had to repeat this procedure for three or four _package.json files.

files disappear from VS 2015 solution after saving

After installing VS 2015 Pro (14.0.25... with Update 3, licence key has been succesfully added), and creating a new project (especially in Javascript or TypeScript with Ionic 2 templates), when I open a file, (modified it or not), I save it and it disappear from Solution Explorer. Just before it disappear, the icon of the file is updated with a warning icon.
However, if I try to create a C++ project, there is no problem !
In a typescript project, after building, ts files appear again at the end of the build.
All my projects are located in c: disk. I've tried with and without using git.
The two extensions I've installed are : Ionic 2 templates and NPM Task runner. I uninstalled them, but the problem is still here.
When I restart VS, I can see again the files. But the problem is still here.
How to fix it ?
I had same issue on Windows 10.
It seems caused by windows update version 1709.
After I recovered my windows version to 1703, the problem was solved.
I can confirm that the 1709 (aka Fall Creator's Update) caused this. I was too low on space to keep the rollback. In another thread someone suggested that visual studio 2017 does not have this problem. I can confirm that is true; but this solution came (for me) with a few different problems. First, I can no longer deploy direct to my android phone. Second, my team-mates still on VS 2015 can no longer open the project at all! If you can move forward to VS 2017, you'll also need to install TypeScript SDK for Visual Studio 2017 before you can compile again.

xamarin project type incompatible

This error started showing from yesterday, I remember installing Web development packages and updates windows. Before that if was working fine.
If I reload project same error shows up.
The application which this project type is based on was not found.
Please try this link for further information:
This link redirects page , which is nothing but xamarin download page.
I tried uninstalling Xamarin packages and reinstalling.
It did not solve the issue.
Now I am doing complete uninstall of MS Visual Studio 2017
Please note that no changes have been made to csproj or solution file.
I get the "xamarin project type incompatible" frequently. (VS2015)
The solution for me:
Close down VS.
In the src project folder delete the .vs folder.
Restart VS.
Complete uninstall of Visual Studio along with C++ distributables from Control Panel > Programs and Features and then re-installing Visual Studio fixed the issue. Seems its caused by errors in installation
Microsoft should code properly and let programmers know if there were errors and 'repair' option is supposed to fix them. I don't know why these things are missed out in roll-outs.

"Unknown Error" when launching Visual Studio 2017 Community after installation

I am getting an "Unknown Error" (shown below) alert when I try to launch Visual Studio 2017 Community after successful installation.
UPDATE: After Force uninstall & reinstallation
remove this folder (or similar):
folder name 15.0_db2a872f could be different in your machine eg. 15.0_XXXXXXX
found in the vs startup log that processing of Progression_NativePackage_Component_x86.pkgdef bailed out, indicating an inconsistent extension installation
I only had to rename(if you wan't to back it up)/delete the following file:
depending on Visual Studio version.
After restarting Visual Studio 2017 you may need to activate Tools or Extensions again.
Please check if the machine has Symantec Workspace Virtualization Agent installed. Removing the product from add\remove programs fixed the unknown error while launching VS 2017.
Here is the detail of the product.
Product code: {785F9A4D-D113-43B3-AA1D-77AD777F0A2F}
Package code: {32DB9767-3EF7-465A-ADF2-7ECFD25ABC12}
Install date: 2015.05.21
Version: 6.4.1266
Publisher: Symantec
I ran it as Admin and it somehow booted up just fine after that. I was getting the same error even after making sure that all packages and SDKs were installed until I ran it as admin.
Basically, just go to the shortcut in Start or to the .exe in the files, then right click it and run as Admin or change it in the properties. Tbh, it seems like a temporary fix and I'd actually like to know the real source of the problem, but for now, I don't have to reinstall and repair over and over.
Same version: Visual Studio Community 2017 installed using the launcher
I have a same problem after update VS 2017 Enterprise to the build 26228.9.
Repair installation doesn't fix anything. Still I got "Unknown error" message immediately after start VS2017.
Fixing is possible by removing this folder:
where xxxxxxxx is some hexadecimal number.
BUT AFTER THAT YOU LOSE ALL SETTINGS that you done on your installation of VS 2017 (except product license key appliance).
Sorry that I must say this, but:
Maybe will be better stuck on the VS2015 for now. Because MS still not has really fully functional build of VS for now.
VS 2017 is still ready for first experimenting only and not for real work.
It is same story like a was when VS2015 has been published. (after several days stop working).
I fixed it the same way as niclar by deleting folder 15_.*. It does however appear that renaming privateregistry.bin has same effect with less trouble.
As mentioned by Torbjorn, ReSharper and other Extensions can mess up, however no reinstall required.
Merely go to Tools > Extensions and Updates... > Scroll through list of Installed Extensions > Enable those that should be enabled.
I have a side by side installation with VS2015. After opening and closing VS2015 once, VS2017 ist starting again normally. Strange but helped in my case.
I only needed to delete or rename ApplicationPrivateSettings.lock within C:\users{your username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_c31ecfb9 folder.
I was experiencing this issue with Visual Studio Professional
when not running as administrator. (It worked Ok as administrator)
I used Niclar's solution of deleting the folders.
I found same issue after installing the extension and removing the folder "C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_xxxxxxx" solved my problem.
you can rename the Solution Name and reopen the Project it solved for me after repairing the VS Installation

Visual Studio has stopped working - on Win 7

I have Win 7 Enterprise. If i open any .cs file on VS 2008/2010 it gives a message " Visual Studio has stopped working" on a dialog box. There are two buttons "Debug" and "close program". Debug button starts devenv in debug mode with assembly code as i do not have the pdb file for the same.
There is another machine with same configuration where the VS 2008/2010 Ultimate works fine. Even reinstalling Win 7 did not solve the problem. Any idea why it is happening?
Try with some standard VS troubleshooting steps:
Clean the solution
Delete / rename all files in your solution created by VS, i.e. all .ncb, .suo, .user files
Launch Visual Studio with all add-ins disabled: devenv.exe /SafeMode
Reset All Settings: Tools -> Import / Export Settings -> Reset All Settings
Delete HKCU:\Software\Micosoft\VisualStudio\9.0 and then restart Visual Studio
Repair the Visual Studio installation through Add/Remove Programs
Recently I had the same problem, there is not much help on the Internet. So I thought this could be an easy fix. I re-install Visual Studio Several times but no luck. Finally, I uninstall .NET Framework along with Visual Studio, re-boot and re-install.
It worked fine !!
I thought it might help someone.
VS 2012 Stopped Working
I couldn't open a project or create a new one without it crashing
I was getting this error...
System.ComponentModel.Composition.ImportCardinalityMismatchException was unhandled
Message=No exports were found that match the constraint:
ContractName Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.IGlyphService
RequiredTypeIdentity Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.IGlyphService
However, as mentioned above this worked for me:
Launch Visual Studio with all add-ins disabled:
devenv.exe /SafeMode
Reset All Settings: Tools -> Import / Export Settings -> Reset All Settings
Hey i had the same problem some time back but was solved when i installed this patch fix.
Check it out here -
For me ... one of extension I installed earlier is the culprit. That extension is some sort of code reflector. That tool manage to slow down my debugging when i step forward. And make visual studio 2012 constantly crashing. So my advice is be careful what tools and extensions you install... especially those that are not created by Microsoft themselves.
In my case the crash was caused by the parallel project builds. After went to Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run and set maximum number of parallel project builds to 1, the crash was gone.
There could be multiple issues even in the code if the call to an async method an awaiter is missing.
If everything seems to correct from code-wise then clean the solution and delete all the obj and bin fill from all project. Start building the solution again.
This worked multiple times in my scenario.
