Embed Powerpoint viewer on a web page (PHP) - powerpoint

I am building a PHP application where the user upload Powerpoint files. I want the other users to view it online instead of downloading. (Using a third party apps like google docs might be a little cumbersome for the users) Is it possible to write a powerpoint viewer code in PHP?

You could automate the process of using google docs with php.
Google provides a ppt viewer that can be embed into webpages using the following code
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://www.domainname.come/presentation.ppt&embedded=true" style="width:550px; height:450px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Now im assuming php handles the uploads your users make, thus it would be easy to find the url to the specific ppt file. You could store this url either in a variable or a database, fetch it when needed and place it in the code above.
I hope I have been able to explain the logic im trying to apply, do let me know if you need more specifications.

I suspect it would be much easier to reduce the powerpoint slides to .PNG files, and build a simple PHP script to cycle through the images.

You want to re-write Powerpoint in PHP? I'm gonna say... very difficult at best. There are, however, tools out there that make your life easier. Also, there's a "Save as web page" option in Powerpoint, so maybe you could have your uploaders save the powerpoint as a web page, and upload that output, which I would imagine would be pretty easy for you to subsequently put up on the web.
Alternatively, if you're feeling more ambitious, you could read up on the Google docs APIs, and possibly create a portal to upload to Google docs for the contributors, and view Google docs for your visitors. Your PHP frontend could leverage the power of Google docs, but eliminate the cumbersomeness (I'm kind of surprised that's a real word).

"Is it possible to write a powerpoint viewer code in PHP?"
Yes. Unfortunately, if you are asking this question, you probably won't be able to do it yourself.
If you want to try it anyways, here's a good place to start:
Or you can look for a library that does that. They are probably out there, just Google it.
EDIT: Found one here:

Powerpoint files can be embedded on a webpage using the API provided by Microsoft.
<iframe src="https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?src=https://yourdomainname.com/your_powerpoint_file.pptx" width="100%" height="565px" frameborder="0"> </iframe>


How to add image in OBIEE?

I am coding some basic html code just to display an image banner to our OBIEE dashboard but failed to do so. I am a newbie in terms of programming so feel free to correct me in anyway. So, here's the detail.
I am currently working in the static text layout where the old banner was coded, I remove them and replace with a basic code that only import an image see here.
*Oracle Business Intelligence
I have tried coding it thru HTML,CSS, & Javascript those only the few I basically know. I did my research and follow some tutorials but no glimpse of hope to it, it does work when I relay the output in a browser while coding it in Visual Studio.
What I want is just to display it successfully and not to show a image icon. Hope someone can help me out. Thank You :)
I am struggling to comprehend where Visual Studio comes into this but assuming you want to just have an image on a dashboard then there are lots of options
It looks like you are trying to insert a remote image which is going to cause all sorts of security issues that are likely to mean it will get blocked.
The simplest is to just add a "link or Image" object and use a local image. If you click on the select image button there is an option to upload image and select it for display.
If you want to use html then you just need to add a text object and add the img html
<img src="https://someurl.com/img.jpg" />
but you are going to need to change lot of security policies to allow the content to be displayed.
There are other options to host the file locally such as a shared folder (https://gianniceresa.com/2017/02/obiee-12c-custom-style-using-shared-folder/) but the upload is far simpler.
If you insist of using a remote image you will need to understand security policies (CSP, XSS etc.) which aren't OBIEE specific but standard web server

How is this interactive website made?

I am trying to make a website similar to this and I'd like to know how this website was made. The website is also run on desktop and has a mobile app too so there's no HTML or anything in the back end.
Any ideas?
You can use Wappalyzer to identify the technologies used for this Website.
Result for https://realtimeboard.com/signup/
as mentioned you can use https://www.wappalyzer.com/ or http://builtwith.com to know the technologies used, further more you can view the webpage source or use the inspect element tool to have a better idea of what is going on. and ofcourse there is HTML used in that page whether it was automatically generated or manually

Asp.Net MVC 3 Free Text Editor with File Upload

I spent all day yesterday looking for a text editor for my Asp.Net MVC 3 application without any joy. What I am looking for is a text editor that I will use to allow a user to add a news story. Therefore, it would be nice if when using the editor the user, as well obviously adding text, could embed an image by hitting an image icon and browsing to their local drive. And also to highlight text, ie 'Further Info', and be able to link to a document which they can also upload.
I know you might think reading this that there are loads of tutorials etc on the Web that already explain that, but after a full day of researching yesterday I have not been able to find any. Either the documentation is for asp.net Web Forms, or PHP etc, but I can find hardly any info on how to implement this for MVC.
I know that the likes of CKEditor and TINYMCE are availble, but I can find no information on how to implement these to my requirements stated above.
If anyone knows of any tutorials or even any alternatives that I could use it would be very much appreciated.
This might be what you are looking for. A solution for tinymce: http://www.xdevsoftware.com/blog/post/TinyMCE-Image-Upload-Plugin-for-ASPNET.aspx

Web Page Rendering Capture

I start with describing the problem itself. Rather than a problem I'm looking for a better solution. I have a asp.net page which has a bunch of images and a link underneath it, Each image is infact the latest rendering of the link underneath it.
I scheduled a bat script which runs every hour to fetch the images through IECapt a web page rendering capture utility. One thing am annoyed about this utility is it takes a lot of time for the 20 images I have and for few because of the flash content it misses to take the actual screenshot of the website.
Now I like to know can this rendering be done by traditional programming am not interested in using any utilities. I'm interested in trying this. The solution need not be necessarily a C# based am ready to try in any other language. Because it gives me a chance to learn.
Thank you.
You should probably look at moz-headless-screenshot
You should be able to embed the functionality you need.
he also provided a sample embedding client application called moz-headless-screenshot.
This is a simple command line tool that takes a URL, image size, and output filename
and generates a PNG screenshot of the webpage.
You should look into browser shots:
They do what you want to do for lots of different browsers. It is even open source.
There's no simple-simple solution for what you're asking to do. This is because rendering HTML, CSS, and Flash is actually a very sophisticated process.
If you're up for quite a bit of coding, you can use the Gecko engine (which powers firefox) or another open-source web-browser core (ie Dillo) to render the page onto a custom canvas. Then save that canvas to a file. Unless you implement support for browser plug-ins, you won't get Flash this way, though. You could try using Gnash or its like. Good luck with that.
I don't know of an open-source project that already does this. It would be neat, though :-). If you write something, please push it to the world; it would be really cool to have a "get a screencap of this URL" tool.
One way is to use IRobotSoft web scraper. You can design a robot to go to the URL every hour, and capture the whole web page as an image via a function CapturePage(imagefile).
I am not sure if it will be better than IECapt though.
We have used ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control (http://www.acasystems.com/en/web-thumb-activex/) quite successfully to capture parts or whole of a web page in the web server and then to write them to a file, just passing in the url. It performs fast enough for our need.
I am not familiar with IECapt, but this might be something you might want to have a look at.

About search engines: how do they take screenshots of web sites?

This may be a dumb question, but I really have no idea and I'm utterly curious! So please bear with me.
What I know is search engines just read HTML and words in a site. They usually ignore CSS or part of it. They arguably cannot read images. Do they?
If they really cannot or ignore to read those, then my question is how do they make screenshot, which is a page that is presented just the way as CSS makes it, and has images.
If they do not read CSS, images, and they also do not like human being to open it in his or her screen. How do they make the screenshot?
Are you referring to Google's new screenshot feature, or their old cache feature? Your question is talking about screenshots and doesn't mention the cache at all, but your comments on your question seem to imply that you're referring to the cache, not the screenshots.
In the case of the screenshots:
You are correct in that search engines usually only read the HTML and text on a website, because that's all they need. But that doesn't mean they can't.
When they want to take a screenshot of a site, they'll just do exactly what a normal browser does when a user visits the site. Download the website, the CSS, the images, and everything else, and render it with the rendering engine of a web browser, such as WebKit.
In the case of the cache:
The search engine usually just stores the HTML without/before parsing it. It sends the saved HTML to your browser, and your browser pulls all the other stuff in the page (images, etc) from the original website. The search engine isn't reading anything, it's just saving the page verbatim (well, with minor changes, namely URL rewriting), and giving it to your browser.
There are apps that takes screenshot of pages as if displayed in a chosen browser.
Browershot is an example of online service that does it.
Here are some links and projects of webpage thumbnail generator:
Build your own website thumbnail generator with Django (Python)
Zubrag Website Thumb Generator (PHP)
Maybe I'm not understanding your question, but...
You seem to be using "read an image" to mean load the data from the image to the search engine. This the search engine does do (including CSS). When people say search engines ignore images they mean it doesn't see them as meaningful searchable data. In other words if I make an image that has the word "Hello" on it you and I "read" it in the sense that we see and understand that the image contains a word. A search engine typically will not attempt to do this, the search engine will however "read" the image into its storage if it wants to have the ability to present that to a user at a later time.
Search engine don't use the CSS and image content for indexing but they can store them on their servers to make a cached version of the site.
In the case of google I think they store only text files, so HTML, CSS, maybe javascript but no images.
