enumerating all partitions in Mathematica - wolfram-mathematica

Like Select[Tuples[Range[0, n], d], Total[#] == n &], but faster?
Here are the 3 solutions and plot of their times, IntegerPartitions followed by Permutations seems to be fastest. Timing at 1, 7, 0.03 for recursive, FrobeniusSolve and IntegerPartition solutions respectively
partition[n_, 1] := {{n}};
partition[n_, d_] :=
Map[Join[{k}, #] &, partition[n - k, d - 1]], {k, 0, n}], 1];
f[n_, d_, 1] := partition[n, d];
f[n_, d_, 2] := FrobeniusSolve[Array[1 &, d], n];
f[n_, d_, 3] :=
Flatten[Permutations /# IntegerPartitions[n, {d}, Range[0, n]], 1];
times = Table[First[Log[Timing[f[n, 8, i]]]], {i, 1, 3}, {n, 3, 8}];
ListLinePlot[times, PlotRange -> All,
PlotLegend -> {"Recursive", "Frobenius", "IntegerPartitions"}]
Exp /# times[[All, 6]]

Your function:
In[21]:= g[n_, d_] := Select[Tuples[Range[0, n], d], Total[#] == n &]
In[22]:= Timing[g[15, 4];]
Out[22]= {0.219, Null}
Try FrobeniusSolve:
In[23]:= f[n_, d_] := FrobeniusSolve[ConstantArray[1, d], n]
In[24]:= Timing[f[15, 4];]
Out[24]= {0.031, Null}
The results are the same:
In[25]:= f[15, 4] == g[15, 4]
Out[25]= True
You can make it faster with IntegerPartitions, though you don't get the results in the same order:
In[43]:= h[n_, d_] :=
Flatten[Permutations /# IntegerPartitions[n, {d}, Range[0, n]], 1]
The sorted results are the same:
In[46]:= Sort[h[15, 4]] == Sort[f[15, 4]]
Out[46]= True
It is much faster:
In[59]:= {Timing[h[15, 4];], Timing[h[23, 5];]}
Out[59]= {{0., Null}, {0., Null}}
Thanks to phadej's fast answer for making me look again.
Note you only need the call to Permutations (and Flatten) if you actually want all the differently ordered permutations, i.e. if you want
In[60]:= h[3, 2]
Out[60]= {{3, 0}, {0, 3}, {2, 1}, {1, 2}}
instead of
In[60]:= etc[3, 2]
Out[60]= {{3, 0}, {2, 1}}

partition[n_, 1] := {{n}}
partition[n_, d_] := Flatten[ Table[ Map[Join[{k}, #] &, partition[n - k, d - 1]], {k, 0, n}], 1]
This is even quicker than FrobeniusSolve :)
Edit: If written in Haskell, it's probably clearer what is happening - functional as well:
partition n 1 = [[n]]
partition n d = concat $ map outer [0..n]
where outer k = map (k:) $ partition (n-k) (d-1)


Mathematica Nested Manipulates Lag

Ok! I'm working towards building a nested manipulate command that will solve n number of damped oscillating masses in series (with fixed endpoints). I have everything pretty much working but I have one problem - when I increase the number of oscillators, my initial conditions lag behind a bit. For example, if I set n to 4, Mathematica says I still only have 2 initial conditions (the starting number - position and velocity for one oscillator). When I then move to 3, I now have 8 (from my 4 oscillators) - which is too many for the state space equations, and it all fails. What is going on?
(Yes, I know that my initial conditions aren't going to be put in correctly yet, I'm just trying to get them to match up first).
coupledSMD[n_, m_, k_, b_, f_, x0_, v0_, tmax_] :=
Module[{aM, bM, cM, dM},
aM = Join[Table[Boole[i == j - n], {i, n}, {j, 2 n}],
If[n != 1,DiagonalMatrix[-2 k/m Table[1, {n}]] +
k/m DiagonalMatrix[Table[1, {n - 1}], 1] +
k/m DiagonalMatrix[Table[1, {n - 1}], -1],
{{-2 k/m}}],
If[n != 1,DiagonalMatrix[-2 b/m Table[1, {n}]] +
b/m DiagonalMatrix[Table[1, {n - 1}], 1] +
b/m DiagonalMatrix[Table[1, {n - 1}], -1],
{{-2 b/m}}], 2]];
bM = Join[Table[0, {n}, {1}], Table[1/m, {n}, {1}]];
cM = Table[Boole[i == j], {i, n}, {j, 2 n}];
dM = Table[0, {n}, {1}];
{StateSpaceModel[{aM, bM, cM, dM}], Flatten[Join[x0, v0]]},
f, {t, 0, tmax}]
x0s = Table[Subscript[x, i, 0], {i, 1, n}],
v0s = Table[Subscript[v, i, 0], {i, 1, n}],
initialx = Sequence ## Table[{{Subscript[x, i, 0], 0}, -10, 10}, {i, 1, n}],
initialv = Sequence ## Table[{{Subscript[v, i, 0], 0}, -10, 10}, {i, 1, n}]},
myplot = coupledSMD[n, m, k, b, f, x0s, v0s, tmax];
Plot[myplot, {t, 0, tmax}, PlotRange -> yheight {-1, 1},
PlotLegends -> Table[Subscript[x, i, 0], {i, 1, n}]],
Style["Initial Positions", Bold],
Style["Initial Velocities", Bold],
Style["System conditions", Bold],
{{m, 1, "Mass(kg)"}, 0.1, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{k, 1, "Spring Constant(N/m)"}, 0.1, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{b, 0, "Damping Coefficient(N.s/m)"}, 0, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{f, 0, "Applied Force"}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
Style["Plot Ranges", Bold],
{tmax, 10, 100},
{{yheight, 10}, 1, 100},
ControlPlacement -> Flatten[{Table[Right, {2 n + 2}], Table[Left, {8}]}]
{n, 1, 4, 1}
Edit: Updated the code. It works now, but I'm still getting the errors. I'm guessing that it has something to do with a time lag in the updating process? - That some parts are getting updated before others. Again, it seems to be working perfectly, except it throws these errors (the errors seem superfluous to me, as if they are remnants in the code, but not actually causing a problem)
But I don't really know what I'm talking about :)

Generating the Sierpinski triangle iteratively in Mathematica?

I have written code which draws the Sierpinski fractal. It is really slow since it uses recursion. Do any of you know how I could write the same code without recursion in order for it to be quicker? Here is my code:
midpoint[p1_, p2_] := Mean[{p1, p2}]
trianglesurface[A_, B_, C_] := Graphics[Polygon[{A, B, C}]]
sierpinski[A_, B_, C_, 0] := trianglesurface[A, B, C]
sierpinski[A_, B_, C_, n_Integer] :=
sierpinski[A, midpoint[A, B], midpoint[C, A], n - 1],
sierpinski[B, midpoint[A, B], midpoint[B, C], n - 1],
sierpinski[C, midpoint[C, A], midpoint[C, B], n - 1]
I have written it with the Chaos Game approach in case someone is interested. Thank you for your great answers!
Here is the code:
random[A_, B_, C_] := Module[{a, result},
a = RandomInteger[2];
Which[a == 0, result = A,
a == 1, result = B,
a == 2, result = C]]
Chaos[A_List, B_List, C_List, S_List, n_Integer] :=
list = NestList[Mean[{random[A, B, C], #}] &,
Mean[{random[A, B, C], S}], n];
ListPlot[list, Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.001]]]
This uses Scale and Translate in combination with Nest to create the list of triangles.
Translate[Scale[#, 1/2, {0, 0}], pts/2] &, {Polygon[pts]}, depth]},
PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}, PlotRangePadding -> .2],
{{pts, {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1/2, 1}}}, Locator},
{{depth, 4}, Range[7]}]
If you would like a high-quality approximation of the Sierpinski triangle, you can use an approach called the chaos game. The idea is as follows - pick three points that you wish to define as the vertices of the Sierpinski triangle and choose one of those points randomly. Then, repeat the following procedure as long as you'd like:
Choose a random vertex of the trangle.
Move from the current point to the halfway point between its current location and that vertex of the triangle.
Plot a pixel at that point.
As you can see at this animation, this procedure will eventually trace out a high-resolution version of the triangle. If you'd like, you can multithread it to have multiple processes plotting pixels at once, which will end up drawing the triangle more quickly.
Alternatively, if you just want to translate your recursive code into iterative code, one option would be to use a worklist approach. Maintain a stack (or queue) that contains a collection of records, each of which holds the vertices of the triangle and the number n. Initially put into this worklist the vertices of the main triangle and the fractal depth. Then:
While the worklist is not empty:
Remove the first element from the worklist.
If its n value is not zero:
Draw the triangle connecting the midpoints of the triangle.
For each subtriangle, add that triangle with n-value n - 1 to the worklist.
This essentially simulates the recursion iteratively.
Hope this helps!
You may try
l = {{{{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 0}}, 8}};
g = {};
While [l != {},
k = l[[1, 1]];
n = l[[1, 2]];
l = Rest[l];
If[n != 0,
AppendTo[g, k];
(AppendTo[l, {{#1, Mean[{#1, #2}], Mean[{#1, #3}]}, n - 1}] & ## #) & /#
NestList[RotateLeft, k, 2]
Show#Graphics[{EdgeForm[Thin], Pink,Polygon#g}]
And then replace the AppendTo by something more efficient. See for example https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/845/internalbag-inside-compile
f[1] = {{{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, 0}}, 8};
i = 1;
g = {};
While[i != 0,
k = f[i][[1]];
n = f[i][[2]];
If[n != 0,
g = Join[g, k];
{f[i + 1], f[i + 2], f[i + 3]} =
({{#1, Mean[{#1, #2}], Mean[{#1, #3}]}, n - 1} & ## #) & /#
NestList[RotateLeft, k, 2];
i = i + 3
Show#Graphics[{EdgeForm[Thin], Pink, Polygon#g}]
Since the triangle-based functions have already been well covered, here is a raster based approach.
This iteratively constructs pascal's triangle, then takes modulo 2 and plots the result.
NestList[{0, ##} + {##, 0} & ## # &, {1}, 511] ~Mod~ 2 // ArrayPlot
sierpinski[{a_, b_, c_}] :=
With[{ab = (a + b)/2, bc = (b + c)/2, ca = (a + c)/2},
{{a, ab, ca}, {ab, b, bc}, {ca, bc, c}}];
pts = {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1/2, Sqrt[3]/2}} // N;
n = 5;
d = Nest[Join ## sierpinski /# # &, {pts}, n]; // AbsoluteTiming
Graphics[{EdgeForm#Black, Polygon#d}]
(*sierpinski=Map[Mean, Tuples[#,2]~Partition~3 ,{2}]&;*)
Here is a 3D version,https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/22256/how-can-i-compile-this-function
ListPlot#NestList[(# + RandomChoice[{{0, 0}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}}])/2 &,
N#{0, 0}, 10^4]
With[{data =
NestList[(# + RandomChoice#{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {.5, .8}})/2 &,
N#{0, 0}, 10^4]},
VertexColors -> ({1, #[[1]], #[[2]]} & /# Rescale#data)]]
With[{v = {{0, 0, 0.6}, {-0.3, -0.5, -0.2}, {-0.3, 0.5, -0.2}, {0.6,
0, -0.2}}},
NestList[(# + RandomChoice[v])/2 &, N#{0, 0, 0}, 10^4],
BoxRatios -> 1, ColorFunction -> "Pastel"]

Using PatternSequence with Cases in Mathematica to find peaks

Given pairs of coordinates
data = {{1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 1}, {4, 2}, {5, 1},
{6, 2}, {7, 3}, {8, 4}, {9, 3}, {10, 2}}
I'd like to extract peaks and valleys, thus:
{{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}}
My current solution is this clumsiness:
Partition[data, 3, 1],
{{ta_, a_}, {tb_, b_}, {tc_, c_}} /; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c] :> {tb, b}
which you can see starts out by tripling the size of the data set using Partition. I think it's possible to use Cases and PatternSequence to extract this information, but this attempt doesn't work:
({___, PatternSequence[{_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}], ___}
/; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c]) :> {t, b}
That yields {}.
I don't think anything is wrong with the pattern because it works with ReplaceAll:
data /. ({___, PatternSequence[{_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}], ___}
/; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c]) :> {t, b}
That gives the correct first peak, {4, 2}. What's going on here?
One of the reasons why your failed attempt doesn't work is that Cases by default looks for matches on level 1 of your expression. Since your looking for matches on level 0 you would need to do something like
{___, {_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}, ___} /; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c] :> {t, b},
However, this only returns {4,2} as a solution so it's still not what you're looking for.
To find all matches without partitioning you could do something like
ReplaceList[data, ({___, {_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}, ___} /;
Or[a < b > c, a > b < c]) :> {t, b}]
which returns
{{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}}
Your "clumsy" solution is fairly fast, because it heavily restricts what gets looked at.
Here is an example.
m = 10^4;
n = 10^6;
ll = Transpose[{Range[n], RandomInteger[m, n]}];
Timing[extrema =
Cases[Partition[ll, 3,
1], {{ta_, a_}, {tb_, b_}, {tc_, c_}} /;
Or[a < b > c, a > b < c] :> {tb, b}];][[1]]
Out[266]= 3.88
In[267]:= Length[extrema]
Out[267]= 666463
This seems to be faster than using replacement rules.
Faster still is to create a sign table of products of differences. Then pick entries not on the ends of the list that correspond to sign products of 1.
In[268]:= Timing[ordinates = ll[[All, 2]];
signs =
Table[Sign[(ordinates[[j + 1]] -
ordinates[[j]])*(ordinates[[j - 1]] - ordinates[[j]])], {j, 2,
Length[ll] - 1}];
extrema2 = Pick[ll[[2 ;; -2]], signs, 1];][[1]]
Out[268]= 0.23
In[269]:= extrema2 === extrema
Out[269]= True
Handling of consecutive equal ordinates is not considered in these methods. Doing that would take more work since one must consider neighborhoods larger than three consecutive elements. (My spell checker wants me to add a 'u' to the middle syllable of "neighborhoods". My spell checker must think we are in Canada.)
Daniel Lichtblau
Another alternative:
Part[#,Flatten[Position[Differences[Sign[Differences[#[[All, 2]]]]], 2|-2] + 1]] &#data
(* ==> {{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}} *)
Extract[#, Position[Differences[Sign[Differences[#]]], {_, 2} | {_, -2}] + 1] &#data
(* ==> {{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}} *)
This may be not exactly the implementation you ask, but along those lines:
localMaxPositions[lst : {___?NumericQ}] :=
Part[#, All, 2] &#
MapIndexed[List, lst],
{___, {x_, _}, y : {t_, _} .., {z_, _}, ___} /; x < t && z < t :> y];
In[2]:= test = RandomInteger[{1,20},30]
Out[2]= {13,9,5,9,3,20,2,5,18,13,2,20,13,12,4,7,16,14,8,16,19,20,5,18,3,15,8,8,12,9}
In[3]:= localMaxPositions[test]
Out[3]= {{4},{6},{9},{12},{17},{22},{24},{26},{29}}
Once you have positions, you may extract the elements:
In[4]:= Extract[test,%]
Out[4]= {9,20,18,20,16,20,18,15,12}
Note that this will also work for plateau-s where you have more than one same maximal element in a row. To get minima, one needs to trivially change the code. I actually think that ReplaceList is a better choice than Cases here.
To use it with your data:
In[7]:= Extract[data,localMaxPositions[data[[All,2]]]]
Out[7]= {{4,2},{8,4}}
and the same for the minima. If you want to combine, the change in the above rule is also trivial.
Since one of your primary concerns about your "clumsy" method is the data expansion that takes place with Partition, you may care to know about the Developer` function PartitionMap, which does not partition all the data at once. I use Sequence[] to delete the elements that I don't want.
# /. {{{_, a_}, x : {_, b_}, {_, c_}} /; a < b > c || a > b < c :> x,
_ :> Sequence[]} &,
data, 3, 1

For loop to change the values of a four dimensional table

I would like your help on something,
I have a Table:
InitialMatrix[x_, y_, age_, disease_] :=
ReplacePart[Table[Floor[Divide[dogpopulation/cellsno,9]], {x}, {y}, {age}, {disease}],
{{_, _, 1, _} -> 0, {_, _, 3, _} -> 6}];
I was trying to set up a condition to change all the values inside the table to sumthing else, according to a value, I tried:
For[a = 1, a < 4, a++,
For[b = 1, b < 4, b++,
For[x = 1, x < 4, x = x + 1,
For[z = 1, z < 4, z = z + 1,
listInitial =
If[Random[] > psurvival,
ReplacePart[ InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3], {a, b, x, z} ->
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3][[a]][[b]][[x]][[z]] - 1],
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3], {a, b, x, z} ->
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3][[a]][[b]][[x]][[z]]]]]]]
but it only changes the last part of my table, finally I decided to use the following code instead of the for loop,
SetAttributes[myFunction, Listable]
myFunction[x_] :=
If[Random[] > psurvival, If [x - 1 < 0 , x , x - 1], x]
myFunction[InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3]] // TableForm
but now I want to change specific parts inside the table, for example I want all the part
{__,__,3,_} to change I tried to choose the range with MapAt but again I think I need to do a loop, and I cannot, can any one please help me?
For[x = 1, x < 4, x++,
listab[MapAt[f, InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3], {x, 3, 3}]//TableForm]]
If you check out the documentation for MapAt, you will see that you can address multiple elements at various depths of your tensor, using various settings of the third argument. Note also the use of Flatten's second argument. I think this is what you are looking for.
MapAt[g, InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3],
Flatten[Table[{i, j, 3, k}, {i, 3}, {j, 3}, {k, 3}], 2]]
Since this seems to be your second attempt to ask a question involving a really complicated For loop, may I just emphasise that you almost never need a For or Do loop in Mathematica in the circumstances where you would use one in, say, Fortran or C. Certainly not for most construction of lists. Table works. So do things like Listable functions (which I know you know) and commands like NestList, FoldList and Array.
You will probably also find this tutorial useful.
I used the following code as an answer, I am not sure whether is the best solution or not, but it works!!
InitialTable[x_, y_, z_, w_] :=
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3] +
Table[If[RandomReal[] > psurvival, -1,
0], {3}, {3}, {3}, {3}], {{_, _, 1, _} -> 0, {_, _, 2, _} ->
0}], {{_, _, 1, 2} -> 0, {_, _, 1, 3} -> 0}],
Flatten[Table[{i, j, 3, l}, {i, x}, {j, y}, {l, w}], 2]];
g[x_] := If[x < 0, 0, x];

Optimising the game of life

I'm writing a game of life program in mathematica however there is a caveat in that I need to be able to apply the reproduction rules to some percentage of the cells, I want to try a new method using MapAt but liveNeighbors doesn't work elementwise, and I can't think of a way of fixing it without doing exactly what I did before (lots of messy indexing), does anyone have any suggestions? (I am assuming this will be more efficient then the old method, which is listed below, if not please let me know, I am just a beginner!).
What I am trying to do:
Map[ArrayPlot,FixedPointList[MapAt[update[#,liveNeighbors[#]]&,#,coords]&,Board, 1]]
What I have done already:
LifeGame[ n_Integer?Positive, steps_] := Module [{Board, liveNeighbors, update},
Board = Table [Random [Integer], {n}, {n}];
liveNeighbors[ mat_] :=
Apply[Plus,Map[RotateRight[mat,#]&,{{-1,-1},{-1, 0},{-1,1}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}}]];
update[1, 2] := 1;
update[_, 3] := 1;
update[ _, _] := 0;
SetAttributes[update, Listable];
Seed = RandomVariate[ProbabilityDistribution[0.7 UnitStep[x] + 0.3 UnitStep[x - 1], {x, 0, 1, 1}], {n, n}];
FixedPointList[Table[If[Seed[[i, j]] == 1,update[#[[i, j]], liveNeighbors[#][[i, j]]],#[[i, j]]], {i, n}, {j, n}]&, Board, steps]]]
LifeGame2[n_Integer?Positive, steps_] :=
Module[{Board, liveNeighbors, update},
Board = RandomInteger[1, {n, n}];
liveNeighbors[mat_] :=
ListConvolve[{{1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1}},
ArrayPad[mat, 1, "Periodic"]];
SetAttributes[update, Listable];
Seed = RandomVariate[BernoulliDistribution[0.3], {n, n}];
update[0, el_, nei_] := el;
update[1, 1, 2] := 1;
update[1, _, 3] := 1;
update[1, _, _] := 0;
FixedPointList[MapThread[update, {Seed, #, liveNeighbors[#]}, 2] &,
Board, steps]
This implementation does the same as yours, except is quite a lot faster:
In[162]:= AbsoluteTiming[
res1 = BlockRandom[SeedRandom[11]; LifeGame[20, 100]];]
Out[162]= {6.3476347, Null}
In[163]:= Timing[BlockRandom[Seed[11]; LifeGame2[20, 100]] == res1]
Out[163]= {0.047, True}
Assuming you don't have to roll your own code for a homework problem, have you considered just using the built-in CellularAutomaton function?
Straight from the documentation, the 2D CA rule:
GameOfLife = {224, {2, {{2, 2, 2}, {2, 1, 2}, {2, 2, 2}}}, {1, 1}};
And iterate over a 100x100 grid for 100 steps:
ArrayPlot[CellularAutomaton[GameOfLife, RandomInteger[1, {100, 100}], {{{100}}}]]
It would at least give you a baseline for a speed comparison.
Instead of MapAt, you could use Part with the Span syntax to replace a whole subarray at once:
a = ConstantArray[0, {5, 5}];
a[[2 ;; 4, 2 ;; 4]] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}
Here you have my golfed version.
