Using PatternSequence with Cases in Mathematica to find peaks - wolfram-mathematica

Given pairs of coordinates
data = {{1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 1}, {4, 2}, {5, 1},
{6, 2}, {7, 3}, {8, 4}, {9, 3}, {10, 2}}
I'd like to extract peaks and valleys, thus:
{{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}}
My current solution is this clumsiness:
Partition[data, 3, 1],
{{ta_, a_}, {tb_, b_}, {tc_, c_}} /; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c] :> {tb, b}
which you can see starts out by tripling the size of the data set using Partition. I think it's possible to use Cases and PatternSequence to extract this information, but this attempt doesn't work:
({___, PatternSequence[{_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}], ___}
/; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c]) :> {t, b}
That yields {}.
I don't think anything is wrong with the pattern because it works with ReplaceAll:
data /. ({___, PatternSequence[{_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}], ___}
/; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c]) :> {t, b}
That gives the correct first peak, {4, 2}. What's going on here?

One of the reasons why your failed attempt doesn't work is that Cases by default looks for matches on level 1 of your expression. Since your looking for matches on level 0 you would need to do something like
{___, {_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}, ___} /; Or[a < b > c, a > b < c] :> {t, b},
However, this only returns {4,2} as a solution so it's still not what you're looking for.
To find all matches without partitioning you could do something like
ReplaceList[data, ({___, {_, a_}, {t_, b_}, {_, c_}, ___} /;
Or[a < b > c, a > b < c]) :> {t, b}]
which returns
{{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}}

Your "clumsy" solution is fairly fast, because it heavily restricts what gets looked at.
Here is an example.
m = 10^4;
n = 10^6;
ll = Transpose[{Range[n], RandomInteger[m, n]}];
Timing[extrema =
Cases[Partition[ll, 3,
1], {{ta_, a_}, {tb_, b_}, {tc_, c_}} /;
Or[a < b > c, a > b < c] :> {tb, b}];][[1]]
Out[266]= 3.88
In[267]:= Length[extrema]
Out[267]= 666463
This seems to be faster than using replacement rules.
Faster still is to create a sign table of products of differences. Then pick entries not on the ends of the list that correspond to sign products of 1.
In[268]:= Timing[ordinates = ll[[All, 2]];
signs =
Table[Sign[(ordinates[[j + 1]] -
ordinates[[j]])*(ordinates[[j - 1]] - ordinates[[j]])], {j, 2,
Length[ll] - 1}];
extrema2 = Pick[ll[[2 ;; -2]], signs, 1];][[1]]
Out[268]= 0.23
In[269]:= extrema2 === extrema
Out[269]= True
Handling of consecutive equal ordinates is not considered in these methods. Doing that would take more work since one must consider neighborhoods larger than three consecutive elements. (My spell checker wants me to add a 'u' to the middle syllable of "neighborhoods". My spell checker must think we are in Canada.)
Daniel Lichtblau

Another alternative:
Part[#,Flatten[Position[Differences[Sign[Differences[#[[All, 2]]]]], 2|-2] + 1]] &#data
(* ==> {{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}} *)
Extract[#, Position[Differences[Sign[Differences[#]]], {_, 2} | {_, -2}] + 1] &#data
(* ==> {{4, 2}, {5, 1}, {8, 4}} *)

This may be not exactly the implementation you ask, but along those lines:
localMaxPositions[lst : {___?NumericQ}] :=
Part[#, All, 2] &#
MapIndexed[List, lst],
{___, {x_, _}, y : {t_, _} .., {z_, _}, ___} /; x < t && z < t :> y];
In[2]:= test = RandomInteger[{1,20},30]
Out[2]= {13,9,5,9,3,20,2,5,18,13,2,20,13,12,4,7,16,14,8,16,19,20,5,18,3,15,8,8,12,9}
In[3]:= localMaxPositions[test]
Out[3]= {{4},{6},{9},{12},{17},{22},{24},{26},{29}}
Once you have positions, you may extract the elements:
In[4]:= Extract[test,%]
Out[4]= {9,20,18,20,16,20,18,15,12}
Note that this will also work for plateau-s where you have more than one same maximal element in a row. To get minima, one needs to trivially change the code. I actually think that ReplaceList is a better choice than Cases here.
To use it with your data:
In[7]:= Extract[data,localMaxPositions[data[[All,2]]]]
Out[7]= {{4,2},{8,4}}
and the same for the minima. If you want to combine, the change in the above rule is also trivial.

Since one of your primary concerns about your "clumsy" method is the data expansion that takes place with Partition, you may care to know about the Developer` function PartitionMap, which does not partition all the data at once. I use Sequence[] to delete the elements that I don't want.
# /. {{{_, a_}, x : {_, b_}, {_, c_}} /; a < b > c || a > b < c :> x,
_ :> Sequence[]} &,
data, 3, 1


Mathematica: how to apply more than one rule at once

I have a list of points where each point is a list of its 3 coordinates: x,y and z.
But some of those points in their coordinates x and y are "bad" and I'd like to clean them. Is it possibile to write a single rule to do that? I've tried with:
cleanAdjustedPoints[adjustedPoints_List] := adjustedPoints /. {x_, y_, z_} /; x < 0 -> {0, y, z}; /; y > constB -> {x, constB, z};
and I've seen that only the first rule is applied to the points with bad x, while the ones with bad y do not change. Mathematica does not give a sintax error so I thought that it was right.
Any suggestions? thanks.
You just need to put the rules in a list. Also, note use of RuleDelayed (:>) which localises the variables x, y & z ensuring they don't pick up values from elsewhere in your program.
cleanAdjustedPoints[adjustedPoints_List] :=
adjustedPoints /. {{x_, y_, z_} /; x < 0 :> {0, y, z},
{x_, y_, z_} /; y > constB :> {x, constB, z}};
constB = 5;
cleanAdjustedPoints[{{-1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}]
{{0, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 5, 9}}

Variant on Cutting Stock in Mathematica

So I'm pretty new to Mathematica, and am trying to learn to solve problems in a functional way. The problem I was solving was to list the ways in which I could sum elements from a list (with repetitions), so the sum is leq to some value. The code below solves this just fine.
i = {7.25, 7.75, 15, 19, 22};
m = 22;
getSum[l_List, n_List] := Total[Thread[{l, n}] /. {x_, y_} -> x y];
t = Prepend[Map[Range[0, Floor[m/#]] &, i], List];
Outer ## %;
Flatten[%, ArrayDepth[%] - 2];
Map[{#, getSum[i, #]} &, %];
DeleteCases[%, {_, x_} /; x > m || x == 0];
TableForm[Flatten /# SortBy[%, Last], 0,
TableHeadings -> {None, Append[i, "Total"]}]
However, the code check a lot of unneccesary cases, which could be a problem if m is higher of the list is longer. My question is simply what would be the most Mathematica-esque way of solving this problem, concerning both efficiency and code elegancy.
One simple though not optimal way is :
sol = Reduce[Dot[i, {a, b, c, d, e}] <= m, {a, b, c, d, e}, Integers];
at first try with a smaller i, say i = {7.25, 7.75} to get a feeling about whether you can use this.
You can improve speed by providing upper limits for the coefficients, like in
sol = Reduce[And ## {Dot[i, {a, b, c, d, e}] <= m,
Sequence ## Thread[{a, b, c, d, e} <= Quotient[m, i]]},
{a, b, c, d, e}, Integers]
How about
recurr[numbers_, boundary_] :=
Reap[memoryRecurr[0, {}, numbers, boundary]][[2, 1]];
memoryRecurr[_, _, {}, _] := Null;
memoryRecurr[sum_, numbers_, restNumbers_, diff_] :=
{presentNumber = First[restNumbers], restRest = Rest[restNumbers]}
presentNumber <= diff
newNumbers = Append[numbers, presentNumber],
newSum = sum + presentNumber
Sow[{newNumbers, newSum}];
diff - presentNumber
memoryRecurr[sum, numbers, restRest, diff]
So that
recurr[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 7]
{{{1}, 1}, {{1, 2}, 3}, {{1, 2, 3}, 6}, {{1, 2, 4}, 7}, {{1, 3},
4}, {{1, 4}, 5}, {{1, 5}, 6}, {{2}, 2}, {{2, 3}, 5}, {{2, 4},
6}, {{2, 5}, 7}, {{3}, 3}, {{3, 4}, 7}, {{4}, 4}, {{5}, 5}}

find the min and max of the set of prime factor of a number with the same power in Mathematica

n=2^10 3^7 5^4...31^2...59^2 61...97
be the factorization of an integer such that the powers of primes are non-increasing.
I would like to write a code in Mathematica to find Min and Max of prime factor of n such that they have the same power.
for example I want a function which take r(the power) and give (at most two) primes in general. A specific answer for the above sample is
Any idea please.
Let n = 91065388654697452410240000 then
{{2, 10}, {3, 7}, {5, 4}, {7, 4}, {31, 2}, {37, 2}, {59, 2}, {61, 1}, {97, 1}}
and the expression
Cases[FactorInteger[n], {_, 2}]
returns only those elements from the list of factors and coefficients where the coefficient is 2, ie
{{31, 2}, {37, 2}, {59, 2}}
Next, the expression
Cases[FactorInteger[n], {_, 2}] /. {{min_, _}, ___, {max_, _}} -> {min, max}
{31, 59}
Note that this approach fails if the power you are interested in only occurs once in the output from FactorInteger, for example
Cases[FactorInteger[n], {_, 7}] /. {{min_, _}, ___, {max_, _}} -> {min, max}
{{3, 7}}
but you should be able to fix that deficiency quite easily.
One solution is :
getSamePower[exp_, n_] := With[{powers =
Select[ReleaseHold[n /. {Times -> List, Power[a_, b_] -> {a, b}}], #[[2]] ==
exp &]},
If[Length[powers] == 1, {powers[[1, 1]], powers[[1, 1]]}, {Min[powers[[All, 1]]], Max[powers[[All, 1]]]}]]
to be used as :
getSamePower[7, 2^10 3^7 5^4 \[Pi]^1 31^2 E^1 59^2 61^1 I^1 97^1 // HoldForm]
(* {3, 3} *)
getSamePower[2, 2^10 3^7 5^4 \[Pi]^1 31^2 E^1 59^2 61^1 I^1 97^1 // HoldForm]
(* {31, 59} *)

Changing values in nested lists according to elements in the list

I have a list of pairs of values in mathematica, for example List= {{3,1},{5,4}}.
How do I change the first element (3 & 5) if the second element does not reach a threshold. For example, if the second parts are below 2 then i wish the first parts to go to zero. so that list then = {{0,1},{5,4}}. Some of these lists are extremely long so manually doing it is not an option, unfortunately.
Conceptually, the general way is to use Map. In your case, the code would be
In[13]:= lst = {{3, 1}, {5, 4}}
Out[13]= {{3, 1}, {5, 4}}
In[14]:= thr = 2
Out[14]= 2
In[15]:= Map[{If[#[[2]] < thr, 0, #[[1]]], #[[2]]} &, lst]
Out[15]= {{0, 1}, {5, 4}}
The # symbol here stands for the function argument. You can read more on pure functions here. Double square brackets stand for the Part extraction. You can make it a bit more concise by using Apply on level 1, which is abbreviated by ###:
In[27]:= {If[#2 < thr, 0, #], #2} & ### lst
Out[27]= {{0, 1}, {5, 4}}
Note however that the first method is several times faster for large numerical lists. An even faster, but somewhat more obscure method is this:
In[29]:= Transpose[{#[[All, 1]]*UnitStep[#[[All, 2]] - thr], #[[All, 2]]}] &[lst]
Out[29]= {{0, 1}, {5, 4}}
It is faster because it uses very optimized vectorized operations which apply to all sub-lists at once. Finally, if you want the ultimate performance, this procedural compiled to C version will be another factor of 2 faster:
fn = Compile[{{lst, _Integer, 2}, {threshold, _Real}},
Module[{copy = lst, i = 1},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[lst], i++,
If[copy[[i, 2]] < threshold, copy[[i, 1]] = 0]];
copy], CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"]
You use it as
In[32]:= fn[lst, 2]
Out[32]= {{0, 1}, {5, 4}}
For this last one, you need a C compiler installed on your machine.
Another alternative: Apply (###, Apply at level 1) and Boole (turns logical values in 1's and 0's):
lst = {{3, 1}, {5, 4}};
{#1 Boole[#2 >= 2], #2} & ### lst
An alternative approach might be to use substitution rules, and attach a condition (/;)
lst = {{3, 1}, {5, 4}};
lst /. {x_, y_ /; y < 2} -> {0, y}
{{0, 1}, {5, 4}}
Assuming that your matrix is 2x2 and by second elemnt you mean the second row:
This should work:
If[A[[2, 1]] < 2 || A[[2, 2]] < 2, A[[2,1]] = 0 ]; A
You may have to change the variables, since your questions is kind of confusing. But that's the idea ;-)

Aggregating Tally counters

Many times I find myself counting occurrences with Tally[ ] and then, once I discarded the original list, having to add (and join) to that counters list the results from another list.
This typically happens when I am counting configurations, occurrences, doing some discrete statistics, etc.
So I defined a very simple but handy function for Tally aggregation:
listTallied_List] :=
Join[Tally#Join[listUnTallied, listUnTallied1], listTallied] //.
{a___, {x_, p_}, b___, {x_, q_}, c___} -> {a, {x, p + q}, b, c};
Such that
l = {x, y, z}; lt = Tally#l;
n = {x};
m = {x, y, t};
aggTally[n, {}]
{{x, 1}}
aggTally[m, n, {}]
{{x, 2}, {y, 1}, {t, 1}}
aggTally[m, n, lt]
{{x, 3}, {y, 2}, {t, 1}, {z, 1}}
This function has two problems:
1) Performance
Timing[Fold[aggTally[Range##2, #1] &, {}, Range[100]];]
{23.656, Null}
(* functional equivalent to *)
Timing[s = {}; j = 1; While[j < 100, s = aggTally[Range#j, s]; j++]]
{23.047, Null}
2) It does not validate that the last argument is a real Tallied list or null (less important for me, though)
Is there a simple, elegant, faster and more effective solution? (I understand that these are too many requirements, but wishing is free)
Perhaps, this will suit your needs?
aggTallyAlt[listUnTallied__List : {}, listUnTallied1_List, listTallied : {{_, _Integer} ...}] :=
{#[[1, 1]], Total##[[All, 2]]} & /#
GatherBy[Join[Tally#Join[listUnTallied, listUnTallied1], listTallied], First]
The timings are much better, and there is a pattern-based check on the last arg.
Here is a faster version:
aggTallyAlt1[listUnTallied__List : {}, listUnTallied1_List, listTallied : {{_, _Integer} ...}] :=
Transpose[{#[[All, 1, 1]], Total[#[[All, All, 2]], {2}]}] &#
GatherBy[Join[Tally#Join[listUnTallied, listUnTallied1], listTallied], First]
The timings for it:
In[39]:= Timing[Fold[aggTallyAlt1[Range##2, #1] &, {}, Range[100]];]
Timing[s = {}; j = 1; While[j < 100, s = aggTallyAlt1[Range#j, s]; j++]]
Out[39]= {0.015, Null}
Out[40]= {0.016, Null}
The following solution is just a small modification of your original function. It applies Sort before using ReplaceRepeated and can thus use a less general replacement pattern which makes it much faster:
aggTally[listUnTallied__List : {}, listUnTallied1_List,
listTallied : {{_, _Integer} ...}] :=
Sort[Join[Tally#Join[listUnTallied, listUnTallied1],
listTallied]] //. {a___, {x_, p_}, {x_, q_}, c___} -> {a, {x, p + q}, c};
Here's the fastest thing I've come up with yet, (ab)using the tagging available with Sow and Reap:
aggTally5[untallied___List, tallied_List: {}] :=
Scan[((Sow[#2, #] &) ### Tally[#]) &, {untallied}];
Sow[#2, #] & ### tallied;
, _, {#, Total[#2]} &]]
Not going to win any beauty contests, but it's all about speed, right? =)
If you stay purely symbolic, you may try something along the lines of
(Plus ## Times ### Join[#1, #2] /. Plus -> List /. Times -> List) &
for joining tally lists. This is stupid fast but returns something that isn't a tally list, so it needs some work (after which it may not be so fast anymore ;) ).
EDIT: So I've got a working version:
aggT = Replace[(Plus ## Times ### Join[#1, #2]
/. Plus -> List
/. Times[a_, b_] :> List[b, a]),
k_Symbol -> List[k, 1], {1}] &;
Using a couple of random symbolic tables I get
a := Tally#b;
b := Table[f[RandomInteger#99 + 1], {i, 100}];
Timing[Fold[aggT[#1, #2] &, a, Table[a, {i, 100}]];]
--> {0.104954, Null}
This version only adds tally lists, doesn't check anything, still returns some integers, and comparing to Leonid's function:
Timing[Fold[aggTallyAlt1[#2, #1] &, a, Table[b, {i, 100}]];]
--> {0.087039, Null}
it's already a couple of seconds slower :-(.
Oh well, nice try.
