Develop for WinCE with VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

I have a VS2003 WinForms app running on WinCE (running on proprietary hardware so a switch is out for now) and I'd like to know if I can upgrade it to VS2010 (or 2008). In doing so, I lose the option to deploy it to a WinCE emulator. Is this situation just broken, or do I have options.

VS 2008 should work ok.
VS 2010 doesn't support mobile development prior to Windows Phone 7 as stated here.

As others have said, go with VS2008 (2010 won't target CF). I worked on WinCE 6 targeting .Net 2.0CF and 3.5CF. 2010 isn't an option (sadly), but at least 2008 gives you the option to use .Net 3.5 which has a lot of features I couldn't live without (linq for instance).
VS2008 is stable and a definite step up from 2005. I am fairly certain 2008 still had the emulator. We never used it as the system was beyond running on the emulator at that point, but I vaguely remember it popping up when I didn't target the actual device.

See also:
ETA on smart device projects for visual studio 2010
VS2010 and non XNA/Silverlight Windows phone dev


IDE / language for Okuma machine tool control development

I'm trying to set up some new developers to make apps for the Okuma control using the Okuma API and SDK. What environment should they use? I tried installing Visual Studio Express 2012 but it keeps giving an error looking for files during install. Also, what language should they use so they can work with the Okuma API?
The Okuma API is written using .NET 4.0 so you really have several options.
Normally I'd say Visual Studio express 2012 for desktop is best but I've seen problems putting it on Windows XP.
If you're using windows XP and aren't ready to invest in a full version of Visual Studio yet, I'd recommend Visual C# Express 2010. If you're more familiar with VB and don't want to switch, do the VB express verison.
All these (and the professional version) are available from
VS 2019 community edition is currently working fine for me doing this. I just have to choose which .net framework in the project settings. That was not listed in the prior answer in case anyone comes across this in the future.

Windows Phone on Visual Studio and windows 8

Currently I am using visual studio 2010 in a new Windows 8 machine and I am a Windows Phone developer. Windows Phone SDK works properly only in VS1012 on Windows 8.
In case of Windows Phone, what's the difference between using visual studio express or add-in on visual studio 2012 ultimate?
Visual Studio Ultimate is a powerful professional and commercial tool. It offers you to install extensions, testing capabilities and all sorts of cool stuff that you may or may not need or even not know they exist. To compare editions in details, go here.
If you just wish to develop apps for Windows Phone 8, Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Phone will be fine - complete SDK is available to you, and in that sense it shouldn't be any different. You get the emulator(s), Blend etc. However, you will have to switch to other Express versions if you wish to develop for other platforms, too.
From an SDK feature perspective, there is no difference. If you already have VS2012 Ultimate, then you should use it with the add-in because of all of the extra capabilities that VS2012 Ultimate has over VS2012 Express. But if you don't have Ultimate already, it's worth noting that VS2012 Express is free and Ultimate is rather pricey - so if all you want to do is develop WP apps/games, Express is probably sufficient for your needs.

Does the Honeywell D6X00 WinCE5.0 SDK work with Visual Studio 2010?

I'm planning to develop an application targetting the Honeywell Dolphin 6100 running Win CE 5.0. The documentation for the platform SDK and device SDK say that VS2005 is required to use them.
I don't have a copy of VS2005 and since it's not sold or supported by MS any more, I'd much rather buy VS2010. Does anyone know if the Honeywell D6X00 SDKs are compatible with VS2010?
Thanks for your help!
You can get access to VS2005 or VS2008 by purchasing VS2010 Pro with a MSDN subscription. You can then download old versions of VS and other stuff from the MSDN site. This is the path I have taken as there is lots of info on the web about how VS2010 does not support Win CE 5.0. If you plan to only write straight C++, you can use embedded visual c++ 4.0 which you can download for free from MS. If you have a lot of UI code, you may want to get VS2005.
Good luck.
Visual Studio 2010 removed support for developing Windows Mobile devices (instead replacing that with support for Windows Phone) - you would need to get hold of Visual Studio 2008 (or 2005, as you mention), which should still be available.

Installing XNA Game Studio in Visual Studio 2010

So I'd like to try out XNA Game Studio, but although the last stable version seems to be 3.1 (I am not sure about this), it's asking me for Visual Studio Express 2008 (I'm using a full Visual Studio 2010).
How to solve this issue? Must I install the XNA's 4.0 beta? I can't find a place to download it.
As far as I can tell XNA v3.1 isn't compatible with VS2010 (which is making me unhappy, as well).
If you're just interested in building a Windows (or Windows Phone 7) game, VS2010 with XNA 4.0 will work fine. The description on the MS site implies that 4.0 only includes tools for phone development, but that's not the case.
Download the Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta from here ( That download comes with all of the project files, assemblies, tools, etc you need to build Windows XNA apps with VS2010.
The only restriction (which should disappear when 4.0 comes out of beta) is that, although you can create a new xbox 360 project and build it, can't deploy it or test it on your local console. I had to switch back to VS2008 and XNA 3.1 for that reason.
Good luck.
According to XNA Game Studio Team blog, XNA 4.0 will be release September 16 2010, including XBOX beta support and full integration with VS2010. There are a few breaking changes that are worth investigating, but the beta looks promising.

If I have Both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, do have I have to keep both

I recently downloaded VS 2010 trial, the new version is more easy to use.
I have VS 2008 installed, If i decide to use VS 2010 in the future, do I still have to keep VS 2008? Is there any compatibility issue with it?
You would need to keep VS2008 installed if you target Windows CE (via Compact Framework, native smart device projects, etc.)
Also if you want to write native applications that run on versions of Windows before XP SP3 and Server 2003 SP2, this is no longer possible with VC++ 2010. The same applies to managed code written for the .NET Framework 4.0, but you can still use Framework 3.5 with VS2010 for projects with managed code only.
And Intellisense for C++/CLI code is gone (MS promises to remedy that in the future, whether a service pack or the next version I cannot say).
If you open a VS 2008 solution or a project in VS 2010 it will be converted to VS 2010 and you will not be able to open it in VS 2008.
If that is not a problem then you don´t have to keep VS 2008, unless you are using a addin or some other third party application with VS 2008 that is not compatible with VS 2010.
Look at Ben Voigt´s answer for information for which version have support for different platforms.
VS2010 allows you to specify the target framework that you'd like to develop on. There should be no reason to keep VS2008 installed unless you've become accustom to some handy plugins :)
