content://sms/inbox query - sms

I use Android 1.6. I'd like to query "content://sms/inbox". How to implement it?

Part of the SDK or not, I can't see any way to access SMS data other than using content://sms/inbox
String folder = "content://sms/inbox" -or- "content://sms/sent"
Uri mSmsQueryUri = Uri.parse(folder);
String columns[] = new String[] {"person", "address", "body", "date","status"
String sortOrder = "date ASC";
Cursor c = _context.getContentResolver().query(mSmsQueryUri, columns, where, null, sortOrder);
This will give you a Cursor to access what you need.
Take a look at gTalkSMS. The file to look at for SMS database queries is the SmsMmsManager.

This is not part of the Android SDK. Please do not use it.


Wakanda Datastore - Find and Replace?

I've got a lot of values in a legacy Wakanda datastore which I need to update to some new values. Is there a curl-like command in the wakanda data browser page that can be used to do a mass find-and-replace in a table?
If your dataclass is called MyDataClass and the attribute you want to update is myAttribute you can use the following server-side script :
var newValue = "new value";
entity.myAttribute = newValue;;
You can also use a transaction if you want to commit or rollback the whole operation
I don't think there is a way to do a mass of find/replace in the dataBrowser,
But I suggest you to use a query in the server side that search the records with the value you need to replace, and then a loop on this collection to set the new values
As mentioned in other answers, you are likely best to loop over a collection. There is no concept of a mass replace in Wakanda like you see in many other databases.
var myCollection = ds.DataClassName.query("attributeName == :1", "valueToFind");
e.attributeName = "newValue";;
So a fake "person" data type might look like this:
var blankFirsts = ds.Person.query("firstname == :1", "");
person.firstname = "no name";;

How to find a template in Alfresco with OpenCMIS from Spring application?

I am working in a Spring 3.1 application and I need to find a String template document located in Alfresco's repository. I can already create a file in alfresco with OpenCMIS, but I couldn't figure out how to find a template, so if anyone knows how to do it or point me an example, please let me know, thanks in advance!
There are a number of options you can use. First of all, you need to have a criteria that uniquely identifies your document. Here below I'll show some, hopefully your case falls in one of them or they will inspire you towards a proper solution. The following uses pseudo code, please have a look to the OpenCMIS dev guide for working with the Java client API.
Once you create a Document via CMIS, you get the unique ID of it that you can store in your application for later retrieval.
Map<String, Object> templateProperties = createDocumentProperties();
Folder folder = getTemplatesFolder();
ObjectId templateId = createTemplateIn(folder);
storeTemplateId(templateId.getId(), templateProperties); // persist the ID
// later on
String id = getTemplateId(); // retrieve the ID
Session session = openCMISSession();
Document template = (Document)session.getObject(id);
Similar to the previous example, you will have to take note of where you stored the document instead of its ID, or having a way to construct the path by hand.
String path = getTemplatePath(); // either recover it from DB or construct a path
Document template = (Document)session.getObjectByPath(path);
Let's say you can use a specific metadata field on a template Document that allows you to easily retrieve it afterwards (e.g. you created some specific Alfresco metadata model for your use case).
String meta = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_ID; // e.g. my:templateId
String type = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_TYPE; // e.g. my:template
String templateMeta = "TEMPLATE1";
Map<String, Object> templateProperties = createDocumentProperties();
templateProperties.put(meta, templateMeta);
templateProperties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, type);
// later on
String type = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_TYPE; // e.g. my:template
String meta = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_ID;
String tplId = "TEMPLATE1";
String query = String.format("SELECT * FROM % WHERE % = '%'", type, meta, tplId);
ItemIterable<QueryResult> i = session.query(query, false);
QueryResult qr = i.iterator().next(); // let's assume we have one single match
String templateId = qr.getPropertyByQueryName("cmis:objectId").getFirstValue()
Document template = (Document)session.getObject(templateId);
The previous approach is not really tied to search by property name, and can be easily extended to use any kind of query that identifies your templates. Have a look at the Alfresco page on its CMIS query language implementation details to learn more ways of querying the repository.

What is the right way to get Unique Identifier of windows phone 7?

Currently i am using the following methods. I am not sure if this is the correct way to identify each unique phone (doesn't need to have same sim card). For android there is a imei phone
public static String GetDeviceUniqueID()
object DeviceUniqueID;
byte[] DeviceIDbyte = null;
if (DeviceExtendedProperties.TryGetValue("DeviceUniqueId", out DeviceUniqueID))
DeviceIDbyte = (byte[])DeviceUniqueID;
string DeviceID = Convert.ToBase64String(DeviceIDbyte);
return DeviceID;
Yes , it is the only way to get the unique device identifier ...
Downt forget to include the necessary value in WMAppManifest.xml . If it is not found , there will be an exception as described in the below URL...
That seems to be the suggested way from the stuff that I have read to date.

How do I search for a wildcard character in Microsoft CRM 4.0?

I need to search for accounts in Microsoft CRM, using a wildcard search to get a "contains" search for the user's input. So if the user enters "ABC", I use ConditionOperator.Like and the value "%ABC%".
My question is, how would I search for a customer name that contains a percentage sign, such as "100% Great llc"? I can't find a way to escape the %.
Sounds like you're looking for a SQL-based approach so I'm not sure if this helps.
One way I know is through the user interface with an asterisk *
So if you want to find all of the accounts that have a % sign just type in *% into the account search.
Try using square blocks for special characters, for instance like [%]. So the condition would be: 100[%] Great llc or %100[%] Great llc%.
This is in response to your comment.
Try utilizing the ConditionExpression, something like following:
//1. Condition expression.
ConditionExpression nameCondition= new ConditionExpression();
nameCondition.AttributeName = "AccountName";
nameCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Like;
nameCondition.Values = new string[] { "%100[%] Great llc%" };
//2. Create filter expression
FilterExpression nameFilter = new FilterExpression();
nameFilter.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] { nameCondition };
//3. Provide columns
ColumnSet resultSetColumns = new ColumnSet();
resultSetColumns.Attributes = new string[] { "name", "address" };
//4. Prepare query expression
QueryExpression qryExpression = new QueryExpression();
qryExpression.Criteria = nameFilter;
qryExpression.ColumnSet = resultSetColumns;
//5. Set the table to query.
qryExpression.EntityName = EntityName.account.ToString();
//6. BusinessEntityCollection accountsResultSet = service.RetrieveMultiple(qryExpression);
Though I have played alot with CRM, but never came across special characters scenario. Let me know your findings. This article has some revelations.

How to use Crystal Reports without a tightly-linked DB connection?

I'm learning to use Crystal Reports (with VB 2005).
Most of what I've seen so far involves slurping data directly from a database, which is fine if that's all you want to display in the report.
My DB has a lot of foreign keys, so the way I've tried to stay sane with presenting actual information in my app is to add extra members to my objects that contain strings (descriptions) of what the foreign keys represent. Like:
Class AssetIdentifier
Private ID_AssetIdentifier As Integer
Private AssetID As Integer
Private IdentifierTypeID As Integer
Private IdentifierType As String
Private IdentifierText As String
Here, IdentifierTypeID is a foreign key, and I look up the value in a different table and place it in IdentifierType. That way I have the text description right in the object and I can carry it around with the other stuff.
So, on to my Crystal Reports question.
Crystal Reports seems to make it straightforward to hook up to records in a particular table (especially with the Experts), but that's all you get.
Ideally, I'd like to make a list of my classes, like
Dim assetIdentifiers as New List(Of AssetIdentifier)
and pass that to a Crystal Report instead of doing a tight link to a particular DB, have most of the work done for me but leaving me to work around the part that it doesn't do. The closest I can see so far is an ADO.NET dataset, but even that seems far removed. I'm already handling queries myself fine: I have all kinds of functions that return List(Of Whatever) based on queries.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: OK, I found something here:
but it only appears to give this capability for web projects or web applications. Am I out of luck if I want to integrate into a standalone application?
Go ahead and create the stock object as described in the link you posted and create the report (StockObjectsReport) as they specify. In this simplified example I simply add a report viewer (crystalReportViewer1) to a form (Form1) and then use the following code in the Form_Load event.
stock s1 = new stock("AWRK", 1200, 28.47);
stock s2 = new stock("CTSO", 800, 128.69);
stock s3 = new stock("LTWR", 1800, 12.95);
ArrayList stockValues = new ArrayList();
ReportDocument StockObjectsReport = new StockObjectsReport();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = StockObjectsReport;
This should populate your report with the 3 values from the stock object in a Windows Form.
EDIT: Sorry, I just realized that your question was in VB, but my example is in C#. You should get the general idea. :)
I'm loading the report by filename and it is working perfect:
ReportDocument StockObjectsReport;
string reportPath = Server.MapPath("StockObjectsReport.rpt");
//Export PDF To Disk
string filePath = Server.MapPath("StockObjectsReport.pdf");
StockObjectsReport.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, filePath);
#Dusty had it. However in my case it turned out you had to wrap the object in a list even though it was a single item before I could get it to print. See full code example:
string filePath = null;
string fileName = null;
ReportDocument newDoc = new ReportDocument();
// Set Path to Report File
fileName = "JShippingParcelReport.rpt";
filePath = func.GetReportsDirectory();
string fileExists = filePath +#"\"+ fileName;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileExists))
// Must Convert Object to List for some crazy reason?
// See:
var labelList = new List<ParcelLabelView> { label };
// Set User Selected Printer Name
newDoc.PrintOptions.PrinterName = report.Printer;
newDoc.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0); //copies, collated, startpage, endpage
// Save Printing
report.Printed = true;
db.Entry(report).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
catch (Exception e2)
string err = e2.Message;
