How to find a template in Alfresco with OpenCMIS from Spring application? - spring

I am working in a Spring 3.1 application and I need to find a String template document located in Alfresco's repository. I can already create a file in alfresco with OpenCMIS, but I couldn't figure out how to find a template, so if anyone knows how to do it or point me an example, please let me know, thanks in advance!

There are a number of options you can use. First of all, you need to have a criteria that uniquely identifies your document. Here below I'll show some, hopefully your case falls in one of them or they will inspire you towards a proper solution. The following uses pseudo code, please have a look to the OpenCMIS dev guide for working with the Java client API.
Once you create a Document via CMIS, you get the unique ID of it that you can store in your application for later retrieval.
Map<String, Object> templateProperties = createDocumentProperties();
Folder folder = getTemplatesFolder();
ObjectId templateId = createTemplateIn(folder);
storeTemplateId(templateId.getId(), templateProperties); // persist the ID
// later on
String id = getTemplateId(); // retrieve the ID
Session session = openCMISSession();
Document template = (Document)session.getObject(id);
Similar to the previous example, you will have to take note of where you stored the document instead of its ID, or having a way to construct the path by hand.
String path = getTemplatePath(); // either recover it from DB or construct a path
Document template = (Document)session.getObjectByPath(path);
Let's say you can use a specific metadata field on a template Document that allows you to easily retrieve it afterwards (e.g. you created some specific Alfresco metadata model for your use case).
String meta = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_ID; // e.g. my:templateId
String type = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_TYPE; // e.g. my:template
String templateMeta = "TEMPLATE1";
Map<String, Object> templateProperties = createDocumentProperties();
templateProperties.put(meta, templateMeta);
templateProperties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, type);
// later on
String type = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_TYPE; // e.g. my:template
String meta = TemplateProperties.TEMPLATE_ID;
String tplId = "TEMPLATE1";
String query = String.format("SELECT * FROM % WHERE % = '%'", type, meta, tplId);
ItemIterable<QueryResult> i = session.query(query, false);
QueryResult qr = i.iterator().next(); // let's assume we have one single match
String templateId = qr.getPropertyByQueryName("cmis:objectId").getFirstValue()
Document template = (Document)session.getObject(templateId);
The previous approach is not really tied to search by property name, and can be easily extended to use any kind of query that identifies your templates. Have a look at the Alfresco page on its CMIS query language implementation details to learn more ways of querying the repository.


Fetch absolute or relative path using file object in IBM filenet

String mySQLString = "select * from document where documentTitle like '%test%' ";
SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL(mySQLString);
IndependentObjectSet s = search.fetchObjects(sql, 10, null, true);
Document doc;
PageIterator iterator = s.pageIterator();
for (Object object : iterator.getCurrentPage()) {
doc = (Document) object;
Properties properties = doc.getProperties();
//I am trying to get an absolute or relative path here for every document.
// for eg: /objectstorename/foldername/filename like this.
I have tried searching propeties and class descriptions in document . but can't able to find the path. ?
To do it all in one single query (as you are trying to do in your code) you can create a join with the ReferentialContainmentRelationship table. The property Head of this table points to the document, the property Tail points to the folder the document is filled in and the property ContainmentName is the name the document has in the folder. Use the following code to construct the document path:
SearchSQL searchSQL = new SearchSQL("SELECT R.ContainmentName, R.Tail, D.This FROM Document AS D WITH INCLUDESUBCLASSES INNER JOIN ReferentialContainmentRelationship AS R WITH INCLUDESUBCLASSES ON D.This = R.Head WHERE DocumentTitle like '%test%'");
SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(objectStore);
RepositoryRowSet objects = searchScope.fetchRows(searchSQL, null, null, null);
Iterator<RepositoryRow> iterator = objects.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
RepositoryRow repositoryRow =;
Properties properties = repositoryRow.getProperties();
Folder folder = (Folder) properties.get("Tail").getEngineObjectValue();
String containmentName = properties.get("ContainmentName").getStringValue();
System.out.println(folder.get_PathName() + "/" + containmentName);
Paths constructed this way can also be used to fetch the object from the object store. The query code can be optimized by using a property filter as the third argument of the fetchRows() method. Don't know how this behaves if the document is filed in multiple folders.
I suggest you explore the "Creating DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship Objects" section of FileNet documentation:
A FileNet Ddocument can be assigned to multiple Folders, so you can have several logical "Paths" for a given document.
At end, you should get something like "Folder.get_PathName() + DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship.get_Name()" to display the full pathname.
As described by samples in FileNet documentation, a relationship object (e.g. DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship) controls the relation of document/folder:
Also, keep in mind that a FileNet Document can be also a "unfiled" document, so there is no actual "pathname" or folder "relationship" to be retrieved.
tl;dr from FileNet Content Engine - Database Table for Physical path
Documents are stored among the directories at the leaf level using a hashing algorithm to evenly distribute files among these leaf directories.

Attribute routing not working with dictionaries

Being new to attribute routing, I'd like to ask for help getting this to work.
This test is a simple dynamic DB table viewer: Given a table name (or stored query name or whatever) and optionally some WHERE parameters, return query results.
Table COMPANIES (one of any number of tables which has an associated SELECT query stored somewhere, keyed by table name):
1 Apple USA Consumer electronics
2 Bose USA Low-quality, expensive audio equipment
3 Nokia FIN Mobile Phones
public object Get(string table, Dictionary<string, string> parameters) {
var sql = GetSql(table);
var dbArgs = new DynamicParameters(parameters);
return Database.Query(sql, dbArgs); // Return stuff/unrelated to problem
SQL stored in some resource or table. Obviously the parameters must match exactly:
SELECT * FROM companies
WHERE name = :name
-- OR hq = :hq
-- OR ...etc. Doesn't matter since it never gets this far.
Request (Should look clean, but the exact URL format isn't important): --> 404: No matching controller --> parameters is null --> Exception: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).
When I use: [Route("view/{table}{parameters}")] I get:
A path segment cannot contain two consecutive parameters. They must be separated by a '/' or by a literal string. Parameter name: routeTemplate. Makes sense.
My question is: How do I accept a table name and any number of unknown parameters in the usual key1=val1&key2=val2 form (not some awkward indexed format like the one mentioned here) which will be later bound to SQL parameters, preferably using a vanilla data structure rather than something like FormCollection.
I don't think that binding URL parameters to a Dictionary is built-in to the framework. I'm sure there's a way to extend it if you wanted to.
I think quickest (but still acceptable) option is to get the query string parameters using Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs() like this:
public object Get(string table) {
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
var sql = GetSql(table);
var dbArgs = new DynamicParameters(parameters);
return Database.Query(sql, dbArgs); // Return stuff/unrelated to problem

Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve

In attempting to merge contacts in Microsoft CRM, I am using the following code -
//c1ID and c2ID are GUIDs of duplicated contacts.
EntityReference target = new EntityReference();
target.LogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName;
target.Id = c2ID;
MergeRequest merge = new MergeRequest();
// SubordinateId is the GUID of the account merging.
merge.SubordinateId = c1ID;
merge.Target = target;
merge.PerformParentingChecks = true;
Contact updater = new Contact();
Contact updater2 = new Contact();
updater = (Contact)xrmSvc.ContactSet.Where(c => c.ContactId.Equals(c1ID)).First();
updater2 = (Contact)xrmSvc.ContactSet.Where(c => c.ContactId.Equals(c2ID)).First();
MergeResponse mergedR = (MergeResponse)xrmSvc.Execute(merge);
When I try my Execute call here,I get this error -
Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve. Attribute: owneridname.
Am I not setting something correctly?
Having updatecontent does not change the issue. In fact, I get the error on lookups entered into the updatecontent. I find you have to build new entityreferences:
if (match.Contains("new_mostrecentcampaign"))
master["new_mostrecentcampaign"] =
new EntityReference(match.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_mostrecentcampaign").LogicalName
, match.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_mostrecentcampaign").Id);
Merge.UpdateContent = master
I realize this is a pretty old question, but for those of you who have run into the same issue in 2021 and beyond, here's the reason this error happens.
TL;DR: Ensure the EntityReference values for the attributes does not specify the Name property.
Everything that gets added to the Entity set to UpdateContent will be applied to the Target contact. When programmatically executing a MergeRequest within a plugin/workflow, the attributes of the UpdateContent get applied (as desired).
Where this breaks down is for EntityReference value types (lookups). The internal Microsoft code that performs this operation tries to interpret all properties of the EntityReference object, including Name.
So when the existing values from the SubordinateId contact are pulled using IOrganizationService.Retrieve (to dynamically get the latest version), the Name property is automatically set for those lookup attributes (the child record). This operation is not valid, even though it's not the user code that's directly executing it.
This brings us full circle to explain the original error:
Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve
I wish I had some documentation for this, but although the official documentation notes that the UpdateContent is optional, experience proves that it is in fact necessary. In the MergeRequests I've tested, I always include that property in the request, and there's a post in the MSDN forums for Dynamics 3.0 that suggests the same.
In fact, when I try to merge two contacts in my org without UpdateContent assigned, I actually get a FaultException saying the following:
Required field 'UpdateContent' is missing
Even though the documentation says it's optional!
So I'd suggest populating the UpdateContent property with something as in the below and see if that works:
var merge = new MergeRequest
// SubordinateId is the GUID of the account merging.
SubordinateId = c1ID,
Target = target,
PerformParentingChecks = true,
UpdateContent = new Contact()

Updating an Entity Without Saving the Data back to the Database

I have created a new query like the following
var pressData = from press in dataContext.Releases
select new
Heading = press.Heading,
Description = press.Desc,
DatePublished = press.PublishDate.ToString(),
Body = press.BodyContent,
Later in the code I want to update the entity from a session variable, but not save any data back to the database. Here is the code I am trying to accomplish this with....
var edit = pressData.Where(a => a.Heading == sectionPreview.HeadingContent && a.ID == sectionPreview.tionID).FirstOrDefault();
if (edit != null)
edit.Body = sectionPreview.SectionContent;
The code aboves purpose is to look at pressData and replace the body content with the new body from a session variable(not shown here), but NOT save it to the db. I want pressData to be filtered and updated only in the entity. So when I bind it to the control in this case it binds the data stored in my session.
this.rptSections.DataSource = pressData;
I am getting a complier error stating
Property or indexer 'AnonymousType#1.Body' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only.
I checked the entity model and nothing is read only not any fields not anything. I must be missing something?
Anonymous Types encapsulate a read only property collection - for more information, read here. The compiler rewrites anonymous types as a constructor injections, ie:
select new
Heading = press.Heading,
Description = press.Desc,
DatePublished = press.PublishDate.ToString(),
Body = press.BodyContent,
Is really rewritten as:
new Anonymous`1(press.Heading, press.Desc, press.PublishDate.ToString(), press.BodyContent, press.ReleaseID, press.CreatedBy)
And the properties are read only (public get, private / protected set, to use an easy comparison). If you want to solve your issue, instead of taking the data and making an anonymous object, create a real type and set properties on it.

How to use Crystal Reports without a tightly-linked DB connection?

I'm learning to use Crystal Reports (with VB 2005).
Most of what I've seen so far involves slurping data directly from a database, which is fine if that's all you want to display in the report.
My DB has a lot of foreign keys, so the way I've tried to stay sane with presenting actual information in my app is to add extra members to my objects that contain strings (descriptions) of what the foreign keys represent. Like:
Class AssetIdentifier
Private ID_AssetIdentifier As Integer
Private AssetID As Integer
Private IdentifierTypeID As Integer
Private IdentifierType As String
Private IdentifierText As String
Here, IdentifierTypeID is a foreign key, and I look up the value in a different table and place it in IdentifierType. That way I have the text description right in the object and I can carry it around with the other stuff.
So, on to my Crystal Reports question.
Crystal Reports seems to make it straightforward to hook up to records in a particular table (especially with the Experts), but that's all you get.
Ideally, I'd like to make a list of my classes, like
Dim assetIdentifiers as New List(Of AssetIdentifier)
and pass that to a Crystal Report instead of doing a tight link to a particular DB, have most of the work done for me but leaving me to work around the part that it doesn't do. The closest I can see so far is an ADO.NET dataset, but even that seems far removed. I'm already handling queries myself fine: I have all kinds of functions that return List(Of Whatever) based on queries.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: OK, I found something here:
but it only appears to give this capability for web projects or web applications. Am I out of luck if I want to integrate into a standalone application?
Go ahead and create the stock object as described in the link you posted and create the report (StockObjectsReport) as they specify. In this simplified example I simply add a report viewer (crystalReportViewer1) to a form (Form1) and then use the following code in the Form_Load event.
stock s1 = new stock("AWRK", 1200, 28.47);
stock s2 = new stock("CTSO", 800, 128.69);
stock s3 = new stock("LTWR", 1800, 12.95);
ArrayList stockValues = new ArrayList();
ReportDocument StockObjectsReport = new StockObjectsReport();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = StockObjectsReport;
This should populate your report with the 3 values from the stock object in a Windows Form.
EDIT: Sorry, I just realized that your question was in VB, but my example is in C#. You should get the general idea. :)
I'm loading the report by filename and it is working perfect:
ReportDocument StockObjectsReport;
string reportPath = Server.MapPath("StockObjectsReport.rpt");
//Export PDF To Disk
string filePath = Server.MapPath("StockObjectsReport.pdf");
StockObjectsReport.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, filePath);
#Dusty had it. However in my case it turned out you had to wrap the object in a list even though it was a single item before I could get it to print. See full code example:
string filePath = null;
string fileName = null;
ReportDocument newDoc = new ReportDocument();
// Set Path to Report File
fileName = "JShippingParcelReport.rpt";
filePath = func.GetReportsDirectory();
string fileExists = filePath +#"\"+ fileName;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileExists))
// Must Convert Object to List for some crazy reason?
// See:
var labelList = new List<ParcelLabelView> { label };
// Set User Selected Printer Name
newDoc.PrintOptions.PrinterName = report.Printer;
newDoc.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0); //copies, collated, startpage, endpage
// Save Printing
report.Printed = true;
db.Entry(report).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
catch (Exception e2)
string err = e2.Message;
