ASP.NET MVC Installer - visual-studio-2010

We need to install ASP.NET MVC on several developers machines with VS2010. Unfortunately the only files I can find in the Microsoft Download Center are labelled as ASP.NET MVC installer for VS2008.
Can someone please point me in the direction of installer for VS2010, or can the VS2008 one also work for VS2010?

VS2010 comes with ASP.NET MVC 2 project templates already available out of the box.


Using SimpleMemberShipProvider in Visual Studio 2010 MVC 4 Basic Template

For quite a long time I've been searching a good guide to develop a MVC 4 application, which would use SimpleMemberShipProvider.
I've created a project with MVC4 Basic template in Visual Studio 2010. So, it gives no Views, Models or controllers. Can you give a step by step procedure of how to make this project use SimpleMemberShip Provider to manage all its user registration, login and forms authentication. All the examples around the Google using Visual Studio express 2012. (But, I can't use that for company policy and project requirement.) So, please help out.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry about this comment as an answer, but I don't have enough reputation to comment.
I don't have VS 2010 handy, but I know that on VS 2012 you can create an MVC4 project with .NET Framework 4.0 and if you use the Internet Application template it will build in all the Simple Membership code.
If doing the above in VS 2010 does not generate the Simple Membership features, maybe you could run VS 2012 long enough to generate the code and then use the VS 2012 code to guide implementing the same features in VS 2010. I think the important part should be the MVC4 Simple Membership, not the particular version of VS.

install mvc 4 on server without visual studio

I'm getting a build server up and running (Windows Server 2008 R2).
The app will be MVC 4.
Do I need to install MVC3 and MVC4 onto the box? Or just MVC4?
I don't want to install a whole bunch of Visual Studio kerfuffle on the build server though. Which the web platform installers seem to be all wrapt up in.
Cheers for any MVC 4 wisdom!
If your application is going to use MVC 4 then all you need to install is ASP.NET MVC 4. You don't need to install Visual Studio. The MVC installer checks if VS is installed and if it is it adds the project templates to VS 2010. Otherwise it deploys only the runtime assemblies into the GAC.

The project type is not supported by this installation

I am trying to open an MVC 3 project on my system but I am getting following error:
Microsoft Visual Studio
The project file 'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\trunk\iCorpNow\iCorpNow.csproj' cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
OK Help
I have both MVC 2 and MVc 3 installed on my development machine
I have windows 7 installed on my machine.
I have visual studio 2010 ultimate installed.
Project is developed using MVc 3 and on Windows server 2008 using Visual studio professional 2010
Please suggest me how to fix this error.
Here are the project types listed in my project file
The problem you're having is that your project using Asp.Net MVC4 but you've only installed 2 and 3. If you install Asp.Net MVC4 it should allow you to open the project.
The way to tell that this is the problem is by examining the GUIDs which are associated with the ProjectType entry in the project file. In this example they are
{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}: C# project
{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21}: Web Application
{E3E379DF-F4C6-4180-9B81-6769533ABE47}: Asp.Net MVC 4
Both C# and Web Application come standard with Visual Studio Pro and above hence the missing piece must be Asp.Net MVC 4
I also had this problem and I found my answer here:
In short:
open Visual Studio Command Prompt
run "devenv /setup" from the command line
Also, you must have MVC3 or 4 or whatever is required before you run this command.

MVC 3 Razor Intellisense

I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installed with SP1 RTM and MVC 3 RTM installed as well. The problem I am having is that the Razor intellisense will not work. When I start a new MVC 3 project with the Razor engine and open a view, the Razor highlighting works but all of the key words are underlined with red squiggles and the intellisense doesn't work. I do not have ReSharper installed.
I have tried reinstalling MVC 2, MVC 3, and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate but intellisense will still not work for Razor. Has anyone else had this issue, or know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
When uninstalling make sure to uninstall all of the below:
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools Update (you might not have this one installed)
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages - Visual Studio 2010 Tools
Now install the following:
ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update
Razor Intellisense should work.
Its possible that you're not opening Razor files with the right editor. This is particularly likely if you were using Razor before the RTM came out, when there was no Razor editor.
Right-click on one of your .cshtml files and select "Open With", and make sure that the default is the "Razor Editor" and not the HTML or XML editors. Pre-RTM, the auto-detection would have picked the XML editor as the correct one based on the presence of XML tags.
Also, you said that you've reinstalled everything, but the actual Intellisense support comes from a package called "ASP.NET Web Pages Visual Studio Tools", which is installed as part of MVC. If you are actually using the Razor editor and have no Intellisense, uninstall MVC3 and the web pages tools, and reinstall them both.
This solution is worked for me :)
When i uninstalled (i should never install) SP1 update for visual studio, my razor support had gone away, i try to uninstall and install MVC3 Tools update many times but it didn't worked.
After that I right click the installer and extract the package and i saw the seperated .msi installers in it. I installed one by one which are i needed and it worked :)
I hope it helps other user.

How to reinstall MVC 2 tools for VS2010?

I accidentally uninstalled the Asp.Net MVC 2 Tools for Visual Studio 2010. How can I reinstall it? The MVC2 download only seems to include the VS2008 tools.
Everything I've googled says that MVC 2 is included in VS2010, but a repair install didn't fix it, and MVC 2 isn't listed as a selectable component in the VS2010's add/remove components screen.
You'll find VS2010ToolsMVC2.msi on your VS2010 DVD under WCU\ASPNETMVC - hopefully that will do it!
