install mvc 4 on server without visual studio -

I'm getting a build server up and running (Windows Server 2008 R2).
The app will be MVC 4.
Do I need to install MVC3 and MVC4 onto the box? Or just MVC4?
I don't want to install a whole bunch of Visual Studio kerfuffle on the build server though. Which the web platform installers seem to be all wrapt up in.
Cheers for any MVC 4 wisdom!

If your application is going to use MVC 4 then all you need to install is ASP.NET MVC 4. You don't need to install Visual Studio. The MVC installer checks if VS is installed and if it is it adds the project templates to VS 2010. Otherwise it deploys only the runtime assemblies into the GAC.


Visual Studio 2017 – Enterprise restarts on .Net Core Projects

Just installed Visual Studio 2017 – Enterprise Edition with the following workloads:
Universal Windows Platform Development
ASP.Net and Web Development
.Net Desktop Development
.Net Core cross-platform Development
After this installation, when I create a new .net core or .net standard project, the visual studio restarts while loading the project template.
Steps to create the behavior:
File ⇒ New Project ⇒ .Net Core ⇒ Asp.Net Core Application (.Net Core)
Visual Studio tries to load the selected template then suddenly it disappears and the windows show the dialogue box to Check online help, debug or close it.
Next, visual studio reboots to the start page.
This only happens when I select any .Net Core or .Net Standard project templates.
Much appreciate your help in advance.
I had the exact same issue. It turned out that when a .Net core or .Net standard project template is selected, it tries to restore the packages from NuGet and somehow it was unable to do that or clear the NuGet’s local cache.
Here are the steps to fix it:
Download NuGet
Open the command prompt as “Administrator” – this is important other
cache may not get cleared due to permission issues.
Navigate to the folder where the NuGet is downloaded
Run the following command to clear the cache
nuget locals all -clear
Open Visual Studio 2017
Create a new ASP.Net core project with default templates
Hope this helps!

ASP.NET MVC 4 Development: what is a right choice of tools?

I'm going to start some ASP.NET MVC4 development, with a possibility of mixing in MVC4 parts into our big existing ASP and ASP.NET (Web Forms) application.
Our small team is currently using Visual Studio 2010 (we have MSDN subscription), developers machines are Windows 7, test machines are MS Windows Server 2003 R2 , production is hosted on MS Windows Server 2008 R2.
Is it possible to develop and host MVC4 pages in such environment?
Can I install MVC4 on Visual Studio 2010?
In case I have to migrate to VS 2012, would it be possible to share projects with rest of the team sitting on VS 2010 through our Team Foundation Server?
Can I have both VS 2010 and VS 2012 co-existing on the same machine?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, mvc4 should run even on iis6
Yes (See installation section)
No need. And vs2012 will upgrade your project file but it should be compatible with vs2010sp1 (conditions apply)
Yes its possible
Yes you can install MVC4 without a problem in visual 2010
You dont need to migrate if you dont want to.
Yes i have installed both on my computer and work on both without a problem.

The project type is not supported by this installation

I am trying to open an MVC 3 project on my system but I am getting following error:
Microsoft Visual Studio
The project file 'C:\Users\abc\Desktop\trunk\iCorpNow\iCorpNow.csproj' cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
OK Help
I have both MVC 2 and MVc 3 installed on my development machine
I have windows 7 installed on my machine.
I have visual studio 2010 ultimate installed.
Project is developed using MVc 3 and on Windows server 2008 using Visual studio professional 2010
Please suggest me how to fix this error.
Here are the project types listed in my project file
The problem you're having is that your project using Asp.Net MVC4 but you've only installed 2 and 3. If you install Asp.Net MVC4 it should allow you to open the project.
The way to tell that this is the problem is by examining the GUIDs which are associated with the ProjectType entry in the project file. In this example they are
{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}: C# project
{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21}: Web Application
{E3E379DF-F4C6-4180-9B81-6769533ABE47}: Asp.Net MVC 4
Both C# and Web Application come standard with Visual Studio Pro and above hence the missing piece must be Asp.Net MVC 4
I also had this problem and I found my answer here:
In short:
open Visual Studio Command Prompt
run "devenv /setup" from the command line
Also, you must have MVC3 or 4 or whatever is required before you run this command.

installing MVC 3 with visual studio 2010

I want to install MVC 3 with visual studio 2010. I am using "Web plateform installer" and selected MVC 3, it showed message that MVC 3 installed successfully but It is not installed. I tried to launch Web plateform installer from but still same issue. I downloaded offline installer from:
AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe 21.6 MB
but it starts installing and then rolls back. Any suggestion please ?

ASP.NET MVC 2 and VS 2010 Beta 2

I have a VPS and I would like to be able to run ASP.NET MVC 2 apps that were built in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.
Which ASP.NET MVC 2 do I need to install (is it Preview 2?) and where can I get the installer for it since all I can find are MVC 2 RC for VS 2008?
You can install Framework 3.5 SP1 on the server, and copy System.Web.Mvc.dll to the bin directory, then it will work. You can extract the DLL from the GAC of the machine you have Visual Studio 2010 on. (Perhaps you have some other references too, that you will need to copy).
