Secure ajax form POST - ajax

I was wondering how to develop a secure form post through AJAX.
For example, i have:
My HTML form.
My JavaScript handling the submit.
The submit url is "post_data.php"
The posted data is:
The PHP verifies if variables id and name are POSTED and their data type. If this is ok it proceed to do some stuff on a database.
My question is, how can i prevent someone from creating his own html form, outside my web site, or whatever, and posting false data to my PHP script?
Imagine that data realy exists on my database, this could be bad.

One very common way to do this is to have a token of some kind included in a <hidden> field on your form, and the same one saved in a session variable (or somewhere else) on your server. When the post is submitted, you check that the token is valid.
Someone else could still forge a token, but they can't (in any easy way, at least) force you to save the same token on your server, so no other form than your own will be accepted.
This is, for example, how the built-in support for this in ASP.NET MVC works.

The token method is probably the most effective way. With that said, you should never assume that the data is coming from your own form even once you have these other security measures in place. Validating data will always be important.


Does it make sense to put antiforgerytoken in _Layout.cshtml?

I'm developing an ASP.NET MVC application and I'm planing to protect each non GET request (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc...) with AntiForegeryToken.
I've implemented an extension of the classical AntiForgery verification based on the [__RequestVerificationToken] sent in the header. This because most of my calls are async ($.ajax()) and it turns out easier for me to send the hidden field value that way.
Does it make sense to put one single #Html.AntiForgeryToken() in the _Layout.cshtml (template for all pages) and always refer to that one only ?
I've tryed to understand what wolud be different beteen this option and putting it in each form (that I don't use much since my requests are pretty much all async), but I haven't.
Can anyone clear this to me ?
You can put it in your _Layout.cshtml and generate a single token when the page is rendered, that's fine.
While there is a very slight security benefit of using a different token for every request, if your token has enough entropy (and the standard token generated by #Html.AntiForgeryToken() does), then it is practically infeasible for an attacker to guess the token even during the time of a user session. So one token per user session is still considered secure in most cases.
Actually, trying to use a new token for each request leads to all kinds of bugs in a Javascript heavy application, because the browser needs a non-neglectible time to actually change things like a cookie value or to send a request, and frequent ajax requests will lead to a race condition and you will have hard to debug bugs around token mismatches.
ASP.NET MVC still focuses on traditional form-based applications in this regard, and while you can use it to prevent CSRF in modern Javascript-heavy apps with some tweaks (like a custom attribute to actually verify a token sent in request headers), you do have to write some custom code to do that. Hopefully Microsoft will add built in support in future versions.
After implementing the solution with #Html.AntiForgeryToken() directly in Template page (_Layout.cshtml) I found out a possible problem bound to the use of custom Claims. The problem happens during re-validation of UserIdentity. As a reference I'll leave the link to another post in which I've been dealing with that and added there the wotrkaround for those who choose the same implementation.
Custom Claims lost on Identity re validation
Hope it helps !

submitting a form with ajax and retaining session

I have a page on domain A which includes a javascript from from domain B. The script loads a form from domain A with Ajax and posts it back to A.
The form got rejected by Yesod because of missing session variable which resides in a cookie and isn't transmitted on Ajax request because of that.
Can Yesod's session mechanism be made work in such a situation?
I was given an answer by Michael Shoyman, the author of Yesod. The easiest way in my case is to disable CSRF protection for that particular form. There is an api function for that.

Proposing an alternative way of securing ajax calls with a stored token

Now I think securing ajax calls, sometimes normal forms with a token is pretty common. It works like this. 1) The user requests a page 2) a token is put into the html, and into the session 3) on submit these values are checked.
Now one major obstacle I am facing with this is caching. I do not have a lot of changing content, so I want to be able to cache for at least 24 hours. On the other hand, I do some ajax calls on the front-end, and good practice is to have them a little secured.
Now I was thinking of this, but I do not know if it will work. Maybe you can help.
user requests a site, and the cached site is given.
On the site, the first ajax call is made, which only asks a token
In the backend, a token is generated, stored in the session and sent to the front-end
The token is stored in a var in the frontend, and now sent with every call
On every call we check the session and the given token
If they match we do our DB stuff, if not we make a call to the FBI
The FBI takes over the case
Just kidding about the last part. But will this work, because you are not sending a piece of the actual website.
Maybe you can make it a little smarter by storing an identifier of the form the user requests.
Actually, I have no idea if this will work, I actually doubt it. Maybe someone can explain to me why this will not work.
In order to prevent csrf with a token, each user must have a unique token that an attacker cannot guess. If you serve the same cached page to everyone, then the token isn't a secret and an attacker can forge requests.
That being said. You could have some JavaScript use an XHR to pull that users token from the user's session data store and populate a form or in ajax calls.

Securing an ajax request

i have a website that uses session cookies for security. it works fine and all, but any ajax requests right now are not secure. example being lets say a user is on a page. they can only get to this page if they are logged in with a session - so far so good. but now the ajax request they ask for is
if any other user decides to just go to that link themselves (without a session) they still get the same ajax output that was meant for logged in people.
so obviously im going to have to pass session data across when i send an ajax request. anyone have any tips for the best way of doing this? ive never done this before and would rather use trusted methods than make up my own.
The ajax requests work just like any other request to your website and should return the same session cookies as the non-ajax request. This is pointed out in this question. If you aren't getting the session cookie, perhaps something else is wrong.
Having an ajax output isn't necessarily a vulnerability. It entirely depends on what data is being transmitted. I am not sure what platform you are using, but most web application development platforms have a session variable that can maintain state between requests.
What you should have in place is way of marking the user as being logged in from the server side. I php this would look like:
Then you can check in a header file if they are allowed to access the page:
(If a variable isn't set it is also false.)
There are a few things you need to keep in mind. This is a vulnerability:
The user can control $_COOKIE, so they can tell you that they are logged in.
Another vulnerability:
header() doesn't kill the script. In fact it still runs, so it will still output but it won't be displayed in a browser, you can still use netcat/telnet/wireshark to see the data.
Use the same security check on the pages that handle the ajax request.
Since that is a PHP page, I don't see why you couldn't perform authentication on the PHP side. If authentication is successful, send back the data. Otherwise, send back an error message. AJAX aren't that different from any other request.
Just let ajax carry the session cookie, there is no problem with that, but you must check if the user is logged or not at the end, and you might want to add some CSRF token for your request, just in case ...
And try to validate the referrer, so you can check if the request was sent from your website, and your website only, it's not a good practice to let user open your request url for ajax in their browser ....
And if you have query in your script, to get some data from your database or else ... don't forget to sanitize the input, and escaping the output, based on what kind of data that you need, once more just in case ...

Securing AJAX Requests via GUID

I'm writing a web app that will be making requests via AJAX and would like to lock down those calls. After a little research, I am considering using some form of random token (string) to be passed back along with the request (GUID?). Here's the important parts of my algorithm:
Assign a token to a JavaScript variable (generated server-side).
Also, store that token in a DB and give it a valid time period (i.e. 10 minutes).
If the token has still not been used and is within it's valid time window, allow the call.
Return requested information if valid, otherwise, log the request and ignore it.
With an eye toward security, does this make sense? For the token, would a GUID work - should it be something else? Is there a good way to encrypt variables in the request?
I understand that these AJAX requests wouldn't be truly "secure" but I would like to add basic security in the sense that I would like to prevent others from using the service I intend to write. This random token would be a basic, front-line defense against abusive calls. The data that would be requested (and even submitted to generate such data) would is HIGHLY unlikely to be repeated.
Maybe I'm wrong in using a GUID... how about a randomly generated string (token)?
If you are doing this to trust code that you sent to the client browser, then change direction. You really don't want to trust user input, which includes calls from js that you sent to the browser. The logic on the server should be made so that nothing wrong can be done through there. That said, uses a signed field, you might want to go that way if absolutely necessary.
Expanding a bit: tamper-proofs the viewstate, which is sent as a html hidden field (depending on the configuration). I am sure there are better links as reference, but at least it is mentioned on this one:
validation. This specifies the hashing
algorithm used to generate HMACs to
make ViewState and forms
authentication tickets tamper proof.
This attribute is also used to specify
the encryption algorithm used for
ViewState encryption. This attribute
supports the following options:
SHA1–SHA1 is used to tamper proof
ViewState and, if configured, the
forms authentication ticket. When SHA1
is selected for the validation
attribute, the algorithm used is
A link for the .net class for that algorithm
Update 2:
For tamper-proofing you want to sign the data (not encrypt it). Note that when using cryptography in general, you should really avoid using a custom implementation or algorithm. Regarding the steps, I would stick to:
Assign a token to a JavaScript variable (generated server-side). You include info to identify the request and the exact date&time where it was issued. The signature will validate the server side application issued the data.
Identify double submits if appropriate.
That said, the reason validates the viewstate by default, is because devs rely on info coming in there as being handled only by the application when they shouldn't. The same probably applies for your scenario, don't rely on this mechanism. If you want to evaluate whether someone can do something use authentication+authorization. If you want to know the ajax call is sending only valid options, validate them. Don't expose an API at granularity level than the one where you can appropriately authorize the actions. This mechanism is just an extra measure, in case something slipped, not a real protection.
Ps. with the HMACSHA1 above, you would instantiate it with a fixed key
It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish by security. If you mean prevent unauthorized use of the HTTP endpoints there is very little you can do about it since the user will have full access to the HTML and JavaScript used to make the calls.
If you mean preventing someone from sniffing the data in the AJAX requests then I would just use SSL.
A GUID used in the way that you're suggesting is really just reinventing a session id cookie.
"Securing" is kind of a vague term. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Using a GUID is a perfectly fine way to prevent duplicate submissions of the same request, but that is all.
If the information being passed between the client and server is truly sensitive, you should do it over HTTPS. That's really the only answer as far as securing the actual communication is concerned.
Edit: To answer your question regarding whether a GUID is the "right" way - there is no right way to do what you're suggesting. Using any token, whether it's a GUID or something of your own creation, will not have any effect other than preventing duplicate submissions of the same request. That's it.
