submitting a form with ajax and retaining session - ajax

I have a page on domain A which includes a javascript from from domain B. The script loads a form from domain A with Ajax and posts it back to A.
The form got rejected by Yesod because of missing session variable which resides in a cookie and isn't transmitted on Ajax request because of that.
Can Yesod's session mechanism be made work in such a situation?

I was given an answer by Michael Shoyman, the author of Yesod. The easiest way in my case is to disable CSRF protection for that particular form. There is an api function for that.


Sending authenticated ajax from another domain

Maybe this is not possible...
I have one site, we'll call it
And I have another site called
I have control of both domains. is powered by a Django project, and is a shopify site.
If you're a member of, you get a discount on
We want to do it so that integration is seamless. No need to enter your credentials to, we want the page to do that for you.
How do I implement this?
I already tried simply putting an ajax call on pointing to, and it seems to work with one exception: The browser is not sending the proper cookies along with the request, so when gets this ajax request it can't authenticate it.
You should consider OAuth2 to achieve what you need.

CSRF risk in Ajax

I'm using Symfony2 and protecting my forms with a CSRF token.
I have a comments system based on Ajax calls. If a user wants to edit his comment, here's what's happening:
A user hits the edit button.
A "fresh" comment edit form is loaded via ajax.
The user edit and submit the form via ajax.
The edited comment is sent back in response.
Is loading the "fresh" edit form via ajax a security risk?
If the form were already in the loaded page and couldn't be requested via ajax, an attacker could not guess the CSRF Token, but since he can request the form he can get his hands on the Token..
Couldn't he..?
Maybe an example will make it clearer:
Dave is an innocent registered user in my site (
Dave logged in my site and then visited He doesn't know that, but when he visited a script was executed.
The script sent an ajax request to and got the edit form in response.
It then filled in that form with it's malicious content and submitted that form (again, with ajax).
Will evil's evil plan work?
As far as i understand, there is no risk if your form contains CSRF token field. Default Symfony2 CSRF token depends on session which is not availiable for the attacker (and also on intention). So when the attacker requests the form there is attacker's (not user's) session id used.

Ajax Request for same domain only. Restrict Cross domain ajax

I am new for jquery with limited knowledge.
I am doing ajax request to fetch much imp information to display into the page without reloading the page.
It is done.
But i am worried about. Any can do the call from other server to that php file to get information details.
My Question is that How i can restrict the others to access that file using ajax or directly putting the file path in browser address bar?
Please Help in it.
Thanks in advance.
An ajax request is like any other http request.So you can add the security layer on your server using session-cookies, which will work only if user is logged-in(or you can create dummy sessions for pages that don't expect user to be logged in)
You'll need to include a CSRF token in all your AJAX calls. This prevents CSRF attacks since the attacker cannot put the right token in its submissions.

How to protect cross site form submit

Does anyone know how to protect cross site form submit? For example if I have register page and user have to enter there own email and password and I do not want anyone submit email and password value from other site to myweb site.
Store secret randomly generated key inside users session. When user will open page with form put inside form hidden input with that value. Check if both match while validating received data after form is submitted.
If you mean you don't want people to be able to submit data in a form hosting on another website to your server one way of preventing that would be to check the Referrer HTTP header however this is not going to work all of the time as it relies on data being sent by the browser and is easily faked.
You would also end up causing hassle to those who turn off HTTP Referrer sending.
Another way to get this to work might be sending an <input type="hidden" value="dsahdbashdbhas[keyboard mash]" /> which will have a value you generate (when the user requests the page) based on their IP address. Then when you process the form you can check for this value and if it isn't correct you can drop the request.
If this is to prevent automated form filling then you should use CAPTCHA
In the web security world, this is a vulnerability known as Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF). You should be sure to read the Cross-Site Request Forgery Prevention Cheat-Sheet --and other pages-- at OWASP

Secure ajax form POST

I was wondering how to develop a secure form post through AJAX.
For example, i have:
My HTML form.
My JavaScript handling the submit.
The submit url is "post_data.php"
The posted data is:
The PHP verifies if variables id and name are POSTED and their data type. If this is ok it proceed to do some stuff on a database.
My question is, how can i prevent someone from creating his own html form, outside my web site, or whatever, and posting false data to my PHP script?
Imagine that data realy exists on my database, this could be bad.
One very common way to do this is to have a token of some kind included in a <hidden> field on your form, and the same one saved in a session variable (or somewhere else) on your server. When the post is submitted, you check that the token is valid.
Someone else could still forge a token, but they can't (in any easy way, at least) force you to save the same token on your server, so no other form than your own will be accepted.
This is, for example, how the built-in support for this in ASP.NET MVC works.
The token method is probably the most effective way. With that said, you should never assume that the data is coming from your own form even once you have these other security measures in place. Validating data will always be important.
