What is a .dhtml page? - dhtml

What is a .dhtml page?

DHTML is a TERM describing the art of making dynamic and interactive web pages.
From the Tag excerpt from Stackoverflow [Read]
Dynamic HTML, or DHTML, is an umbrella term for a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites by using a combination of a static markup language (such as HTML), a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript), a presentation definition language (such as CSS), and the Document Object Model.
For more information, You can check out these links:

DHTML, is a term for a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites by using a combination of a static markup language (such as HTML), a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript), a presentation definition language (such as CSS), and the Document Object Model.


Microsoft translator widget not translating contents loaded dynamically(e.g. using ajax call)

We are trying to understand different language translation options for our mvc application.
We checked how Microsoft translator widget working. As per their document, we have added embedded script to our pages. It loaded translate button. it is translating content to selected language. But then after if any content loaded dynamically (e.g. making ajax call and loaded some partials in the page), it is not automatically convert to language. We need to again reset and re-select the language to convert again.
Note: In case of google translate widget, they are converting automatically all dynamic content after loading them.
We want same functionality using Microsoft translator widget. Is there any way to achieve this functionality?
Yes there is, Microsoft no longer supports the Translator widget and the available solution is to integrate the Translator Text API in your website or application. To do this you will need to subscribe to the Microsoft Translator Text API. Visit the Getting Started page at http://www.aka.ms/TranslatorGettingStarted and you will find the steps.

Is it possible to dynamically set the preferred language of a google custom search engine

Say I have a website in two languages each under its own domain:
Both have a paid custom search engine. In the future more websites with will be added for other languages. This will dramatically increase the costs for the custom search engines.
I'd rather have a single search engine that searches all of the websites, but with a preferred language set by me depending on what website loads the engine. This way a visitor on websitename.fr will have French pages ranked higher.
Google CSE supports searching multiple websites and setting a preferred language. I can't seem to find how to alter this setting dynamically when loading the engine in one of the websites. Is this possible at all, or is my only option to have a different CSE for each website?
gcse.src = 'https://cse.google.com/cse.js?language=fr&cx=' + cx;
Just add language parameter in src to cse.js.

Is a website MVC MVP or MVVM?

I've not really been able to differentiate between the patterns mentioned in the title.
A dynamic website has a user interface developed with basically HTML, CSS and maybe javascript (at least, that's what the user sees). The backend could be PHP or ASP (or whatever) which would be connected to a database.
I believe the database is the Model and the UI is the View. Is the backend a controller, presenter or viewmodel?
I'll appreciate an explanatory answer and, if necessary, links.
You cannot determinate which design pattern has been used for the application without access to the source code. And I get ad definite impressions, that this is what you are asking for.
Also you seem to be somewhat confused about what the are the parts of MVC and MVC-inspired design patterns:
Model is not the database. It is a layer (not a class or object) of application, that contains all of the domain business logic and interacts with at least one data source (which might or might not be a database).
The UI is maintained by presentation layer, which is mostly composed (mostly) from views and controller-like structures.
This microsoft msdn article WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern describes MVVM as a microsoft customisation of Martin Fowler's Presentation Model pattern. His Passive View pattern is the MVP approach. His Supervising Controller pattern is the MVC approach. This older article takes about the evolution of such patterns. Not all languages and frameworks have good support for GUI patterns. MVVM for example was invented by Microsoft for desktop programming. Web pages typically have full page refresh rather than an event driven "desktop" programming model. It is arguable that trying to scale down the desktop patterns into a web page programming model distorts them beyond recognition.
A modern web framework that does have event driven programming model is ZK. This article Implementing event-driven GUI patterns using the ZK Java AJAX framework outlines writing the same simple screen three times using the three Martin Fowler patterns mentioned above. Everything is translated to html and javascript for the browser but the actual application screen code is running on a serverside event driven "desktop". What is the View, the Model, and the third part of the MVC/MVP/MVVM pattern is discussed in this presentation Design Patterns in ZK: Java MVVM as Model-View-Binder.

How to do Search Engine Optimization for Web Applications

I am currently developing a single-page web application that is focused on functionality. It doesn't really have or need long paragraphs of text, and those that are there are loaded dynamically via javascript and AJAX.
Normally search engine optimization tips revolve around getting the right word count percentages, etc. But what are the best practices for SEO when your application is heavily reliant on AJAX? A landing page with descriptive text is not an option - it's important that users can immediately start using the application, and it's rather obvious what it does once it's loaded.
With meta tags fading in importance in modern search engines, is link-building the only solution or are there tricks to help search engines know what an AJAX-based web application is about?
Google has a written specification suggesting how you might make an AJAX web application better crawlable by their robots.
The fundamental principle is that you make a static html version of key pages, and let the crawler know these pages exist, and the relationships between them, using the #! url fragment syntax.
Somewhere you'll have to explain:
What so great about your app
How your app is working ("for dummies" style)
Who you are and why you did it
You can use all this content to do SEO (no ajax is needed for that).
Forget about making ajax crawlable if you don't have any text inside your app anyway.

ajax source code - good open source project?

Whenever I want to study a new language, the best way IMO is to see how expert writes code in that language, that is always effecient.
I am looking for that :)
First you should understand that what is AJAX
Ajax is a way of developing Web
applications that combines:
XHTML and CSS standards based presentation
Interaction with the page through the DOM
Data interchange with XML and XSLT
Asynchronous data retrieval with XMLHttpRequest
JavaScript to tie it all together
Simple Ajax Example
AJAX isn't really a language in and of itself, it's used in tandem with other languages to create dynamic web applications. There isn't really a catch-all open source AJAX project that I'm aware of, although there may be some tailored to specific languages. Perhaps if you update the tags to elaborate on the language I can offer some suggestions.
Some resources you may be interested in:
