Space partitioning algorithm - algorithm

I have a set of points which are contained within the rectangle. I'd like to split the rectangles into subrectangles based on point density (giving a number of subrectangles or desired density, whichever is easiest).
The partitioning doesn't have to be exact (almost any approximation better than regular grid would do), but the algorithm has to cope with the large number of points - approx. 200 millions. The desired number of subrectangles however is substantially lower (around 1000).
Does anyone know any algorithm which may help me with this particular task?

Just to understand the problem.
The following is crude and perform badly, but I want to know if the result is what you want>
Assumption> Number of rectangles is even
Assumption> Point distribution is markedly 2D (no big accumulation in one line)
Bisect n/2 times in either axis, looping from one end to the other of each previously determined rectangle counting "passed" points and storing the number of passed points at each iteration. Once counted, bisect the rectangle selecting by the points counted in each loop.
Is that what you want to achieve?

I think I'd start with the following, which is close to what #belisarius already proposed. If you have any additional requirements, such as preferring 'nearly square' rectangles to 'long and thin' ones you'll need to modify this naive approach. I'll assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the points are approximately randomly distributed.
Split your initial rectangle in 2 with a line parallel to the short side of the rectangle and running exactly through the mid-point.
Count the number of points in both half-rectangles. If they are equal (enough) then go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 3.
Based on the distribution of points between the half-rectangles, move the line to even things up again. So if, perchance, the first cut split the points 1/3, 2/3, move the line half-way into the heavy half of the rectangle. Go to step 2. (Be careful not to get trapped here, moving the line in ever decreasing steps first in one direction, then the other.)
Now, pass each of the half-rectangles in to a recursive call to this function, at step 1.
I hope that outlines the proposal well enough. It has limitations: it will produce a number of rectangles equal to some power of 2, so adjust it if that's not good enough. I've phrased it recursively, but it's ideal for parallelisation. Each split creates two tasks, each of which splits a rectangle and creates two more tasks.
If you don't like that approach, perhaps you could start with a regular grid with some multiple (10 - 100 perhaps) of the number of rectangles you want. Count the number of points in each of these tiny rectangles. Then start gluing the tiny rectangles together until the less-tiny rectangle contains (approximately) the right number of points. Or, if it satisfies your requirements well enough, you could use this as a discretisation method and integrate it with my first approach, but only place the cutting lines along the boundaries of the tiny rectangles. This would probably be much quicker as you'd only have to count the points in each tiny rectangle once.
I haven't really thought about the running time of either of these; I have a preference for the former approach 'cos I do a fair amount of parallel programming and have oodles of processors.

You're after a standard Kd-tree or binary space partitioning tree, I think. (You can look it up on Wikipedia.)
Since you have very many points, you may wish to only approximately partition the first few levels. In this case, you should take a random sample of your 200M points--maybe 200k of them--and split the full data set at the midpoint of the subsample (along whichever axis is longer). If you actually choose the points at random, the probability that you'll miss a huge cluster of points that need to be subdivided will be approximately zero.
Now you have two problems of about 100M points each. Divide each along the longer axis. Repeat until you stop taking subsamples and split along the whole data set. After ten breadth-first iterations you'll be done.
If you have a different problem--you must provide tick marks along the X and Y axis and fill in a grid along those as best you can, rather than having the irregular decomposition of a Kd-tree--take your subsample of points and find the 0/32, 1/32, ..., 32/32 percentiles along each axis. Draw your grid lines there, then fill the resulting 1024-element grid with your points.


Good question.
I think the area you need to investigate is "computational geometry" and the "k-partitioning" problem. There's a link that might help get you started here
You might find that the problem itself is NP-hard which means a good approximation algorithm is the best you're going to get.

Would K-means clustering or a Voronoi diagram be a good fit for the problem you are trying to solve?

That's looks like Cluster analysis.

Would a QuadTree work?
A quadtree is a tree data structure in which each internal node has exactly four children. Quadtrees are most often used to partition a two dimensional space by recursively subdividing it into four quadrants or regions. The regions may be square or rectangular, or may have arbitrary shapes. This data structure was named a quadtree by Raphael Finkel and J.L. Bentley in 1974. A similar partitioning is also known as a Q-tree. All forms of Quadtrees share some common features:
They decompose space into adaptable cells
Each cell (or bucket) has a maximum capacity. When maximum capacity is reached, the bucket splits
The tree directory follows the spatial decomposition of the Quadtree


Mapping 2D points to a fixed grid

I have any number of points on an imaginary 2D surface. I also have a grid on the same surface with points at regular intervals along the X and Y access. My task is to map each point to the nearest grid point.
The code is straight forward enough until there are a shortage of grid points. The code I've been developing finds the closest grid point, displaying an already mapped point if the distance will be shorter for the current point.
I then added a second step that compares each mapped point to another and, if swapping the mapping with another point produces a smaller sum of the total mapped distance of both points, I swap them.
This last step seems important as it reduces the number crossed map lines. (This would be used to map points on a plate to a grid on another plate, with pins connecting the two, and lines that don't cross seem to have a higher chance that the pins would not make contact.)
Can anyone comment on my thinking that if the image above were truly optimized, (that is, the mapped points--overall--would have the smallest total distance), then none of the lines were cross?
And has anyone seen any existing algorithms to help with this. I've searched but came up with nothing.
The problem could be approached as a variation of the Assignment Problem, with the "agents" being the grid squares and the points being the "tasks", (or vice versa) with the distance between them being the "cost" for that agent-task combination. You could solve with the Hungarian algorithm.
To handle the fact that there are more grid squares than points, find a bounding box for the possible grid squares you want to consider and add dummy points that have a cost of 0 associated with all grid squares.
The Hungarian algorithm is O(n3), perhaps your approach is already good enough.
See also:
How to find the optimal mapping between two sets?
How to optimize assignment of tasks to agents with these constraints?
If I understand your main concern correctly, minimising total length of line segments, the algorithm you used does not find the best mapping and it is clear in your image. e.g. when two line segments cross each other, simple mathematic says that if you rearrange their endpoints such that they do not cross, it provides a better total sum. You can use this simple approach (rearranging crossed items) to get better approximation to the optimum, you should apply swapping for more somehow many iterations.
In the following picture you can see why crossing has longer length than non crossing (first question) and also why by swapping once there still exists crossing edges (second question and w.r.t. Comments), I just drew one sample, in fact one may need many iterations of swapping to get non crossed result.
This is a heuristic algorithm certainly not optimum but I expect to be very good and efficient and simple to implement.

Algorithm to Produce an Evenly Spaced Grid

I'm looking for a general algorithm for creating an evenly spaced grid, and I've been surprised how difficult it is to find!
Is this a well solved problem whose name I don't know?
Or is this an unsolved problem that is best done by self organising map?
More specifically, I'm attempting to make a grid on a 2D Cartesian plane in which the Euclidean distance between each point and 4 bounding lines (or "walls" to make a bounding box) are equal or nearly equal.
For a square number, this is as simple as making a grid with sqrt(n) rows and sqrt(n) columns with equal spacing positioned in the center of the bounding box. For 5 points, the pattern would presumably either be circular or 4 points with a point in the middle.
I didn't find a very good solution, so I've sadly left the problem alone and settled with a quick function that produces the following grid:
There is no simple general solution to this problem. A self-organizing map is probably one of the best choices.
Another way to approach this problem is to imagine the points as particles that repel each others and that are also repelled by the walls. As an initial arrangement, you could already evenly distribute the points up to the next smaller square number - for this you already have a solution. Then randomly add the remaining points.
Iteratively modify the locations to minimize the energy function based on the total force between the particles and walls. The result will of course depend on the force law, i.e. how the force depends on the distance.
To solve this, you can use numerical methods like FEM.
A simplified and less efficient method that is based on the same principle is to first set up an estimated minimal distance, based on the square number case which you can calculate. Then iterate through all points a number of times and for each one calculate the distance to its closest neighbor. If this is smaller than the estimated distance, move your point into the opposite direction by a certain fraction of the difference.
This method will generally not lead to a stable minimum but should find an acceptable solution after a number ot iterations. You will have to experiment with the stepsize and the number of iterations.
To summarize, you have three options:
FEM method: Efficient but difficult to implement
Self organizing map: Slightly less efficient, medium complexity of implementation.
Iteration described in last section: Less efficient but easy to implement.
Unfortunately your problem is still not very clearly specified. You say you want the points to be "equidistant" yet in your example, some pairs of points are far apart (eg top left and bottom right) and the points are all different distances from the walls.
Perhaps you want the points to have equal minimum distance? In which case a simple solution is to draw a cross shape, with one point in the centre and the remainder forming a vertical and horizontal crossed line. The gap between the walls and the points, and the points in the lines can all be equal and this can work with any number of points.

extract points which satisfy certain conditions

I have an array of points in one plane. They form some shape. I need to extract points from this array which only form straight lines of this shape.
At this moment I have an algorithm but it does not work very good. I take first two points, make a straight line and then check if the following points lie on it with some tolerance. But there is a problem: the points which form straight line are not really on the straight but have some deviation. This deviation is quite large. If in my algorithm I make deviation large enough to get points from the straight part, then other points which are on the slightly bent part but have deviation less then specified also extracted.
I am looking for some idea on how to perform such task.
Here is the picture:
In circles are the parts which I want to extract. Red points are the parts which I could extract with my approach. If I increase the tolerance then I miss the straight pieces too.
First, if you already have some candidate subset of points and want to check whether they lie on a straight line. Use a form of linear regression to identify the best-fitting line, then check how well it fits and accept or reject the hypothesis that this particular segment is linear based on that.
One of the most standard ways of doing that is using Least Squares method.
Identifying the subset is a different problem, the best solution to which will depend strongly on the kind of data you have and the objective. I suggest that enumerating all the segments is a good starting point, if the amount of data is not extremely large, -- that should be doable in no more than cubic time, I gather.
There are certainly some approximations one can apply, e.g. choosing a point in the sequence and building a subset by iteratively adding points on either side as long as the segment remains linear within the tolerance threshold, than accepting or rejecting it if the segment is long enough.
I assume here that the curve is parameterizable by one of the coordinates. If this is not the case, e.g. if the curve is closed, additional steps may be required to separate the curve into parameterizable segments.
EDIT: how to check a segment is straight
There's a number of options.
First, I would expect that for a straight line the average deviation would stay roughly the same as you add the new points, then you can simply find a reasonable threshold on that given the data.
Second option is to further split the subset into a fixed number of parts (e.g. 2), find the best fitting line for each one and then compare these. In case of a straight line, roughly the same line should be predicted, but for a curve it would be different.
Third option is to perform nonlinear curve fitting, e.g. fit a quadratic curve and check the coefficient for the quadratic term -- if the line is straight, it should be close to zero.
In each case, of course, there is a tradeoff between the segment size and the deviation of the points from that segment. In the extreme case, there would either be one huge linear segment with huge deviation or a whole buch of 2-point segments with 0 deviation. The actual threshold on the deviation, the difference between the tangent curves, or the magnitude of the quadratic term (depending on the option you prefer) has to be selected for the given dataset to suit your needs. Looking at the plot, I would say that the threshold should be picked so as to allow for segments of length 10 or so.

3D clustering Algorithm

Problem Statement:
I have the following problem:
There are more than a billion points in 3D space. The goal is to find the top N points which has largest number of neighbors within given distance R. Another condition is that the distance between any two points of those top N points must be greater than R. The distribution of those points are not uniform. It is very common that certain regions of the space contain a lot of points.
To find an algorithm that can scale well to many processors and has a small memory requirement.
Normal spatial decomposition is not sufficient for this kind of problem due to the non-uniform distribution. irregular spatial decomposition that evenly divide the number of points may help us the problem. I will really appreciate that if someone can shed some lights on how to solve this problem.
Use an Octree. For 3D data with a limited value domain that scales very well to huge data sets.
Many of the aforementioned methods such as locality sensitive hashing are approximate versions designed for much higher dimensionality where you can't split sensibly anymore.
Splitting at each level into 8 bins (2^d for d=3) works very well. And since you can stop when there are too few points in a cell, and build a deeper tree where there are a lot of points that should fit your requirements quite well.
For more details, see Wikipedia:
Alternatively, you could try to build an R-tree. But the R-tree tries to balance, making it harder to find the most dense areas. For your particular task, this drawback of the Octree is actually helpful! The R-tree puts a lot of effort into keeping the tree depth equal everywhere, so that each point can be found at approximately the same time. However, you are only interested in the dense areas, which will be found on the longest paths in the Octree without even having to look at the actual points yet!
I don't have a definite answer for you, but I have a suggestion for an approach that might yield a solution.
I think it's worth investigating locality-sensitive hashing. I think dividing the points evenly and then applying this kind of LSH to each set should be readily parallelisable. If you design your hashing algorithm such that the bucket size is defined in terms of R, it seems likely that for a given set of points divided into buckets, the points satisfying your criteria are likely to exist in the fullest buckets.
Having performed this locally, perhaps you can apply some kind of map-reduce-style strategy to combine spatial buckets from different parallel runs of the LSH algorithm in a step-wise manner, making use of the fact that you can begin to exclude parts of your problem space by discounting entire buckets. Obviously you'll have to be careful about edge cases that span different buckets, but I suspect that at each stage of merging, you could apply different bucket sizes/offsets such that you remove this effect (e.g. perform merging spatially equivalent buckets, as well as adjacent buckets). I believe this method could be used to keep memory requirements small (i.e. you shouldn't need to store much more than the points themselves at any given moment, and you are always operating on small(ish) subsets).
If you're looking for some kind of heuristic then I think this result will immediately yield something resembling a "good" solution - i.e. it will give you a small number of probable points which you can check satisfy your criteria. If you are looking for an exact answer, then you are going to have to apply some other methods to trim the search space as you begin to merge parallel buckets.
Another thought I had was that this could relate to finding the metric k-center. It's definitely not the exact same problem, but perhaps some of the methods used in solving that are applicable in this case. The problem is that this assumes you have a metric space in which computing the distance metric is possible - in your case, however, the presence of a billion points makes it undesirable and difficult to perform any kind of global traversal (e.g. sorting of the distances between points). As I said, just a thought, and perhaps a source of further inspiration.
Here are some possible parts of a solution.
There are various choices at each stage,
which will depend on Ncluster, on how fast the data changes,
and on what you want to do with the means.
3 steps: quantize, box, K-means.
1) quantize: reduce the input XYZ coordinates to say 8 bits each,
by taking 2^8 percentiles of X,Y,Z separately.
This will speed up the whole flow without much loss of detail.
You could sort all 1G points, or just a random 1M,
to get 8-bit x0 < x1 < ... x256, y0 < y1 < ... y256, z0 < z1 < ... z256
with 2^(30-8) points in each range.
To map float X -> 8 bit x, unrolled binary search is fast —
see Bentley, Pearls p. 95.
Added: Kd trees
split any point cloud into different-sized boxes, each with ~ Leafsize points —
much better than splitting X Y Z as above.
But afaik you'd have to roll your own Kd tree code
to split only the first say 16M boxes, and keep counts only, not the points.
2) box: count the number of points in each 3d box,
[xj .. xj+1, yj .. yj+1, zj .. zj+1].
The average box will have 2^(30-3*8) points;
the distribution will depend on how clumpy the data is.
If some boxes are too big or get too many points, you could
a) split them into 8,
b) track the centre of the points in each box,
otherwide just take box midpoints.
K-means clustering
on the 2^(3*8) box centres.
(Google parallel "k means" -> 121k hits.)
This depends strongly on K aka Ncluster, also on your radius R.
A rough approach would be to grow a
of the say 27*Ncluster boxes with the most points,
then take the biggest ones subject to your Radius constraint.
(I like to start with a
Minimum spanning tree,
then remove the K-1 longest links to get K clusters.)
See also
Color quantization .
I'd make Nbit, here 8, a parameter from the beginning.
What is your Ncluster ?
Added: if your points are moving in time, see
collision-detection-of-huge-number-of-circles on SO.
I would also suggest to use an octree. The OctoMap framework is very good at dealing with huge 3D point clouds. It does not store all the points directly, but updates the occupancy density of every node (aka 3D box).
After the tree is built, you can use a simple iterator to find the node with the highest density. If you would like to model the point density or distribution inside the nodes, the OctoMap is very easy to adopt.
Here you can see how it was extended to model the point distribution using a planar model.
Just an idea. Create a graph with given points and edges between points when distance < R.
Creation of this kind of graph is similar to spatial decomposition. Your questions can be answered with local search in graph. First are vertices with max degree, second is finding of maximal unconnected set of max degree vertices.
I think creation of graph and search can be made parallel. This approach can have large memory requirement. Splitting domain and working with graphs for smaller volumes can reduce memory need.

Merging and splitting overlapping rectangles to produce non-overlapping ones

I am looking for an algorithm as follows:
Given a set of possibly overlapping rectangles (All of which are "not rotated", can be uniformly represented as (left,top,right,bottom) tuplets, etc...), it returns a minimal set of (non-rotated) non-overlapping rectangles, that occupy the same area.
It seems simple enough at first glance, but prooves to be tricky (at least to be done efficiently).
Are there some known methods for this/ideas/pointers?
Methods for not necessarily minimal, but heuristicly small, sets, are interesting as well, so are methods that produce any valid output set at all.
Something based on a line-sweep algorithm would work, I think:
Sort all of your rectangles' min and max x coordinates into an array, as "start-rectangle" and "end-rectangle" events
Step through the array, adding each new rectangle encountered (start-event) into a current set
Simultaneously, maintain a set of "non-overlapping rectangles" that will be your output set
Any time you encounter a new rectangle you can check whether it's completely contained already in the current / output set (simple comparisons of y-coordinates will suffice)
If it isn't, add a new rectangle to your output set, with y-coordinates set to the part of the new rectangle that isn't already covered.
Any time you hit a rectangle end-event, stop any rectangles in your output set that aren't covering anything anymore.
I'm not completely sure this covers everything, but I think with some tweaking it should get the job done. Or at least give you some ideas... :)
So, if I were trying to do this, the first thing I'd do is come up with a unified grid space. Find all unique x and y coordinates, and create a mapping to an index space. So if you have x values { -1, 1.5, 3.1 } then map those to { 0, 1, 2 }, and likewise for y. Then every rectangle can be exactly represented with these packed integer coordinates.
Then I'd allocate a bitvector or something that covers the entire grid, and rasterize your rectangles in the grid. The nice thing about having a grid is that it's really easy to work with, and by limiting it to unique x and y coordinates it's minimal and exact.
One way to come up with a pretty quick solution is just dump every 'pixel' of your grid.. run them back through your mapping, and you're done. If you're looking for a more optimal number of rectangles, then you've got some sort of search problem on your hands.
Let's look at 4 neighboring pixels, a little 2x2 square. When I write algorithms like these, typically I think in terms of verts, edges, and faces. So, these are the faces around a vert. If 3 of them are on and 1 is off, then you've got a concave corner. This is the only invalid case. For example, if I don't have any concave corners, I just grab the extents and dump the whole thing as a single rectangle. For each concave corner, you need to decide whether to split horizontally, vertically, or both. I think of the splitting as marking edges not to cross when finding extents. You could also do it as coloring into sets, whatever is easier for you.
The concave corners and their split directions are your search space.. you can use whatever optimization algorithm you'd like. Branch/bound might work well. I bet you could find a simple heuristic that performs well (for example, if there's another concave corner directly across from the one you're considering, always split in that direction. Otherwise, split in the shorter direction). You could just go greedy. Or you could just split every concave vert in both directions, which would generally give you fewer rectangles than outputting every 'pixel' as a rect, and would be pretty simple.
Reading over this I realize that there may be areas that are unclear. Let me know if you want me to clarify anything.
