Semicolon in object variable name - ruby

There's a common LDAP attribute called userCertificate;binary. It actually has a semi-colon in the attribute name. In ruby, I turn an LDAP entry into a OpenStruct object called 'struct'.
>> struct.class
=> OpenStruct
But of course ruby thinks it's an end-of-line character.
?> struct.userCertificate;binary
NameError: undefined local variable or method `binary' for main:Object
from (irb):52
from :0
IRB knows that the local variable is there, because it gives me struct.userCertificate;binary from the tab auto-completion. I can also see the class variable when calling struct.methods on it.
>> struct.methods
=> ... "send", "methods", "userCertificate;binary=", "hash", ...
It's definitely there, I can see the contents if I print the whole variable to_s(). But how can I access the local variable when it has a semicolon in it? I have workarounds for this but I thought it was an interesting problem to post.

Syntactically, I think there is no way around the fact that a semicolon terminates the statement, so I can't imagine there is a way to do exactly what you'd like. However, you could use the send method to retrieve the value:
>> struct.send('userCertificate;binary')
Assigning to such a member would be similar:
>> struct.send('userCertificate;binary=', my_binary_data)

I'm a little bit confused. You are asking about how to access a local variable, but your code examples are about methods?
If it's a local variable, then I don't know any way to access it. However, if it is anything but a local variable, then you can use the appropriate reflection method to get access to it: Module#const_get for constants, Object#instance_variable_get for instance variables, Object#send for methods and so on.


ruby equal sign in method call

Hi there fellow rubyists!
I've just came across a weird syntax in method call: 'first_arg', more1='other', more2='another'
but when I test it out 'other' is always assigned to the second argument, never mind the word before equal sign. What is this? Why is this in ruby? I'm familiar with ruby 2.0 key-arguments, but this seems to have nothing to do with that.
This has nothing to do with key arguments.
This is just a shortcut of assigning and passing variables to the method. 'first_arg', more1='other', more2='another'
Can be rewritten as
more2='another''first_arg', more1, more2)
'other' is assigned to the variable more1 and the resulting expression is always 'other' so that value is passed to the bar method. So why do that? Well, probably more1 and more2 are used after that call. I don't like it but that's it.

Convert and String to Variable Ruby [duplicate]

I have a string, which has been created at runtime. I want to use this string as a variable to store some data into it. How can I convert the string into a variable name?
If you can forgive an # sign in front of the variable name, the following will work:
variable_name = ... # determine user-given variable name
instance_variable_set("##{variable_name}", :something)
This will create a variable named #whatever, with its value set to :something. The :something, clearly, could be anything you want. This appears to work in global scope, by declaring a spontaneous Object instance which binds everything (I cannot find a reference for this).
The instance_variable_get method will let you retrieve a value by name in the same manner.
You can use eval() for this provided that you've declared your variable first:
>> foo = []
>> eval("foo")[1] = "bar"
>> foo[1]
=> "bar"
Here are the docs.
Rather than do that directly, why not consider using a hash instead. The string would be the key, and the value you want to store would be the value. Something like this:
string_values = { }
some_string = params[:some_string] # parameter was, say "Hello"
string_values[some_string] = 42
string_values # { 'Hello' => 42 }
some_number = string_values[some_string]
some_number # 42
This has a couple of benefits. First, it means you're not doing anything magic that might be hard to figure out later. Second, you're using a very common Ruby idiom that's used for similar functionality throughout Rails.
Now simply using instance_variable_set method, you can create a instance variable at runtime.
instance_variable_set('#' + 'users', User.all)
I don't mean to be negative, but tread carefully. Ruby gives you a lot of features for highly dynamic programming such as define_method, storing blocks as Proc objects to be called later, etc. Generally these are cleaner code and far safer. 99% of the time using eval() is a mistake.
And absolutely never use eval() on a string that contains user submitted input.
As Jason Watkins says, a lot of people might be quick to use eval() first thing and this would be a serious mistake. Most of the time you can use the technique described by Tack if you've taken care to use a class instance variable instead of a local one.
Local variables are generally not retrievable. Anything with the # or ## prefix is easily retrieved.

Access local variables from a different binding in Ruby

In Ruby, you can easily access local variables programmatically by using local_variables and eval. I would really like to have meta-programming access to these variables using a single method call such as
# define a variable in this scope, such as
x = 5
Foo.explore_locals # inside the Foo#explore_locals method, access x
where Foo is some external module. The idea is to display and export local variables in a nice way.
What should be inside the explore_locals method? Is there any way to make this possible? If absolutely necessary, I guess it could be
Foo.explore_locals binding
but this is much less elegant for the application I have in mind.
It's a shame there isn't a built-in way to get the caller's binding. The block trick seems to be the usual answer to this question.
However there is another 'trick' which existed for older 1.8 Ruby versions called binding_of_caller. Looks like quix ported it to 1.9. You might want to check that out:
Here is an example (but it requires extra braces {} which I would rather avoid if possible):
module Foo
def self.explore_locals &block
p block.binding.eval 'local_variables'
local_1 = 3
Foo.explore_locals{} # shows [:local_1, :_]

Ruby: Setting a global variable by name

I am trying to dynamically set (not create, it already has to exist) a global ruby variable in a method. The variable name is determined from the passed symbol. What I am currently doing is the following:
def baz(symbol)
eval("$#{symbol}_bar = 42")
$foo_bar = 0
puts $foo_bar # => 42
But to me, this kind of feels very wrong. Is this the way to do this? Or can it be done differently? Also, I don't know how evals perform in ruby. Does it run much slower than
$foo_bar = 42
The method looks fine to me. This guy says that eval efficiency is much worse, though the post is 3 years old.
I will point out that this method suggests you have a lot of global variables, which is generally a code smell if the code base is significant.
If you can use an instance variable instead, there is Object#instance_variable_set.
def baz(symbol)
instance_variable_set("##{symbol}_bar", 42)
Note that it only accepts variable names that can be accepted as an instance variable (starting with #). If you put anything else in the first argument, it will return an error. For the global variable counterpart to it, there is a discussion here: Forum: Ruby
Either way, you also have the problem of accessing the variable. How are you going to do that?

Using a string as a variable at run time

I have a string, which has been created at runtime. I want to use this string as a variable to store some data into it. How can I convert the string into a variable name?
If you can forgive an # sign in front of the variable name, the following will work:
variable_name = ... # determine user-given variable name
instance_variable_set("##{variable_name}", :something)
This will create a variable named #whatever, with its value set to :something. The :something, clearly, could be anything you want. This appears to work in global scope, by declaring a spontaneous Object instance which binds everything (I cannot find a reference for this).
The instance_variable_get method will let you retrieve a value by name in the same manner.
You can use eval() for this provided that you've declared your variable first:
>> foo = []
>> eval("foo")[1] = "bar"
>> foo[1]
=> "bar"
Here are the docs.
Rather than do that directly, why not consider using a hash instead. The string would be the key, and the value you want to store would be the value. Something like this:
string_values = { }
some_string = params[:some_string] # parameter was, say "Hello"
string_values[some_string] = 42
string_values # { 'Hello' => 42 }
some_number = string_values[some_string]
some_number # 42
This has a couple of benefits. First, it means you're not doing anything magic that might be hard to figure out later. Second, you're using a very common Ruby idiom that's used for similar functionality throughout Rails.
Now simply using instance_variable_set method, you can create a instance variable at runtime.
instance_variable_set('#' + 'users', User.all)
I don't mean to be negative, but tread carefully. Ruby gives you a lot of features for highly dynamic programming such as define_method, storing blocks as Proc objects to be called later, etc. Generally these are cleaner code and far safer. 99% of the time using eval() is a mistake.
And absolutely never use eval() on a string that contains user submitted input.
As Jason Watkins says, a lot of people might be quick to use eval() first thing and this would be a serious mistake. Most of the time you can use the technique described by Tack if you've taken care to use a class instance variable instead of a local one.
Local variables are generally not retrievable. Anything with the # or ## prefix is easily retrieved.
