tracking visit count of external url in joomla 1.0 - joomla

i have a website in joomla 1.0. it has some links to external sites (not our domain)
is there an easy way to track the hit count?
any components?

You could try using the default banner component. You can publish the banner module with an image. That has click thru tracking if I remember correctly, but you really should be using 1.5 by now if you have the chance.


is this possible convert current page to AMP

I'm using this extension for creating AMP pages for our Magento e-commerce website.
In that extension, they create different pages for AMP (home page, category page, product page). We felt it is an extra work.
is this possible to convert the current page to AMP? (without any modification)
I don't think it's possible without having any modification unless you use some third party apps. You may check this Convert HTML to AMP tutorial. Be noted that it is strongly recommended that you use HTTPS in production environments. HTTPS has several benefits beyond just security including SEO. You can read more about this topic in this Google Webmaster blog post. Also, from this page, if you use WordPress, all you have to do is download the official AMP WordPress plugin.

Where to add Google Remarketing tag in Magento

I am trying to figure out in which file I need to add the Google remarketing tag. I know it needs to be added before the closing of the body tag. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
here is I did in the past:
Depending on what kind of google tracking you are using you have a few different way to use:
1) If only add a custom code and should be in all the Magento page, use the "Miscellaneous Scripts" value going to admin section, System > Configuration > Design > HTML Head - Miscellaneous Scripts. (This will be included before head closing tag in page HTML.)
2) By native Magento already have Google Analytics tracking code and you can find this configuration going to admin section System > Configuration > Google API - Google Analytics.
3) If you are looking something more complex and use the Google adWords I used the extension magento connect link. For a particular Client I did some extra modification to include some extra code if a client subscribe to newsletter or a new client etc.
I hope you can find something helpfully in the post.
There are different template file for different pages in magento so at first I think you should decide where to place it.For example if you want to place it in footer than you should place that code snippet in
Similarly you can check other different template files to place your code.
NB:Best practice is to overide the core file of magento before making changes to it.
Hope this will help.
There's no indication as to which Magento version you're using 1 or 2. At the end of the day it depends how much technical knowledge you have and if you're using a version control system to manage your Magento build.
Miscellaneous Scripts as another answer mentioned earlier, this approach is straight forward and very easy to use to plug and play your code.
Google Module depending which version of Magento you use (CE/EE) there will be a built-in section for you to plugin your account ID in backend Magento configuration and then the platform will generate necessary code for you.
Write custom module by writing your own module you can place it the snippet anywhere on the page by targeting before_body_end node in your layout XML file. This is more technical but gives you more control over what you can do.
Google Tag Manager this also depends on if your Magento version comes pre-built with Google Tag Manager module, then you can create a container and place all your logic in there. This is also more technical and require the output of some values in JS format on the frontend to let GTM read the values.
At the end of the day go with what is easy to setup, portable and easy to manage. I usually go with Google Tag Manager as it takes time to create initial setup of exposing data on the frontend but then I have full control of what I want to do with that data through tag manager. In most cases you'll end up using the same data (ex. totals, shipping method, product IDs, SKUs, cost, etc.) in more than one third party API so this gives you flexibility to do just that.

Embedding an external site inside a joomla site

A customer asked me to embed an external site inside an existing Joomla 1.5 site.
I thought to use the Joomla wrapper, but the problem is that the external site has a zoom function that permits to see in 100% width/height and, using wrapper, zoom would be limited to iframe size instead of all the page.
Is there a better way to embed an external site in Joomla 1.5?

Dynamic (Ajax) share buttons (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter) to share an image, with a link and a description

It's been few days I'm looking for a solution and I can't figure out why it's still not working.
Here is my goal:
I have a website with a sideshow. The images are dynamically changed (with previous and next buttons). I just want to share an image on social networks (facebook, google+ and twitter) and actually see the image in my wall with a little description and the link to a page.
The image is a thumbnail (so, not the same url) of the main image and the link I want to publish is neither the page I'm on (which is static due to Ajax) nor the image one.
My tries:
I have almost got it on facebook but the image loading failed and it was with a share button (which seems to be deprecated in favor of like) and for google+, the +1 button become red after I click it... I tried XFBML and OpenGraph, but the problem is with Ajax (url is the one of the page or is not changed even with createElement("
1. Is there any packaged solution (like addthis, but working the way I want)?
2. Or do you have one (or a clue) for me please?
3. Am I the only one to think that offical facebook and google+ ajax documentation are lame?
Thanks a lot.
PS: if I could have a fly-out to edit a comment with the content I'm about to share, it would be fantastic!
One way to accomplish this is with cloaking.
Setup a page which provides the image, title, and description to the social application (aka. facebook, google+). You can then use Javascript to redirect the user to the page you actually want the user to see. For users without Javascript the page should display a link to the target page with a "Click here if you are not automatically redirected". The image should exist on the page but you can place it in a div with style="display: none;" so the user doesn't actually see it.
A more advanced technique would be to use the IP address and browser name (user agent) to determine if the visitor is a user or a social network robot and using a 502 temporary redirect to the page you want the user to see if the visitor is not a social robot. The social robots would be shown a page which has the image, title and description.
The social sharing buttons that you're using all have one thing in common: they all work best when there's a URL representation for the object that you're sharing. Some of them, namely Facebook's like button and Google's +1 button, use the contents of that page to create the snippet that's shared.
This isn't a new problem, though. This is the same problem faced with search indexing of AJAX applications. Sadly there's no easy solution. Here are a couple of challenging ones:
Programmatic Solution
You can improve your back end so that it's capable of rendering pages for each shareable step in the state of your slide show: one page per image. As you step through the slide show you can destroy and re-create the social sharing plugins each time targeting them to this machine accessible version of that image.
Snapshot Solution
You can use a crawler tool that is capable of executing JavaScript to make snapshots of the different states of your application. You can then target the social sharing buttons to the snapshot of the current state.
This might require less back end work but may be challenging to keep up to date.

Constructing membership site with joomla

Hi i run Joomla site on htpp:// and wanted to construct a membership based subscription where people pay to get premium articles.
Exactly the same as tutsplus site network.[ i think it is custom but some solution must be available for joomla]. I already looked into extensions directory nothing fits my purpose.
Some requirements i need are,
1.Custom Profile fields for members.
2.Any time un-subscribe from plan.
3.Simple interface to show plans available
4.Payment processor's support
Also how do i hide the articles for premium members from not showing in search results, both joomla and google.
Joomla has teensy, weensy setting that hides un categorized articles in search plugin.
If you are running your website on Joomla 1.5 then PayPlans might be the better choice. It blends very well with JomSocial and your design. And yes, its very much customizable.
If you want to use 1.5, then Joomla 1.5 + JomSocial + AEC. I would also use K2 for the content because it would make filling your request about keeping content out of Google trivial. I wrote an upgrade to the K2 content display module that would allow you to leave all of your content as public and only display the intro text to non-registered users. Then you display the member content in a module that only displays to registered users. Very easy to maintain and implement.
