Embedding an external site inside a joomla site - joomla

A customer asked me to embed an external site inside an existing Joomla 1.5 site.
I thought to use the Joomla wrapper, but the problem is that the external site has a zoom function that permits to see in 100% width/height and, using wrapper, zoom would be limited to iframe size instead of all the page.
Is there a better way to embed an external site in Joomla 1.5?


is this possible convert current page to AMP

I'm using this extension for creating AMP pages for our Magento e-commerce website.
In that extension, they create different pages for AMP (home page, category page, product page). We felt it is an extra work.
is this possible to convert the current page to AMP? (without any modification)
I don't think it's possible without having any modification unless you use some third party apps. You may check this Convert HTML to AMP tutorial. Be noted that it is strongly recommended that you use HTTPS in production environments. HTTPS has several benefits beyond just security including SEO. You can read more about this topic in this Google Webmaster blog post. Also, from this page, if you use WordPress, all you have to do is download the official AMP WordPress plugin.

how to prioritize html content coming from joomla modules

Google suggests me to prioritize visible content of my site.
But my website is built in joomla and page content is coming from different joomla modules. is it possible to prioritize dynamic html content.
How can i prioritize my joomla page content..??
See this topic on joomla forum:

How to create a custom component for Joomla 3.3?

I'm new to Joomla and I'm confused, so I need your advice on this. I have to create a plugin which connects to an API and shows base64 PDF on a page. So, I created my PDF viewer, but I don't know how to pack it up in Joomla. It's not just "custom HTML", it has to be a separate package so it can be installed on other Joomla sites. I guess it also has to have a database to store some settings (e.g. API URL). I want users who install this extension to be able to go to Modules > New Module > PDF Viewer, and from there they can set up API URL for that module. Users will be able to create modules of this type on multiple pages and to be able to set different API URL for every page. So, what do I need? An extension, component, module...? I searched for tutorials and read Joomla docs but I'm still confused. Please help me, what to do, some guide, where to put files, where to upload them etc. Thanks
You could actually go about this with a component, plugin or module:
I think a component would be the most complex in this situation. As you are probably already aware, a component is like an application which renders itself in the main click of the website.
If you were to create a plugin, you could generate a short code snippet based on the name of the plugin which could then be added to an article, which would then display the PDF within the article. For example:
Creating a module in my opinion would be the easiest. As once you've added the functionality to render the PDF, the user can either display it as a module (like a sidebar widget), or they can also import it in their article using a built in Joomla feature. Assign a custom position to the module, then add the following anywhere within an article: {loadposition XXX}, where XXX is the name of the custom position you assigned to the module.
Out of all honest, you should develop it in a way you feel most comfortable with. Just make sure when you do it, that you stick to Joomla coding standards.
Hope this helps

Port X-Cart Module to Joomla (Cloudsearch) (might be impossible)

I have an X-cart store with a Joomla front-end. I have installed the x-cart module cloudsearch into my x-cart store. It creates a little search box in the upper right corner to search my x-cart store's products and pages. I would like for this box to also appear in my joomla sites header (which is the "front-end" for the store). Does anyone know if this is even possible?
Thanks for any help
Sure, create a new module of type "Custom HTML" and paste your cart form there (if it's just ajax) or load it by url creating a module of type "Wrapper"
Ok, so this required finding the libraries for the module (mainly handlebars.js and hoverintent.js) and making sure those were being loaded via the joomla header. Also had to add CSS from the modules template directory as well. Then I used "view source" to get the generated javascript source to initiate cloudsearch, as well as get the dynamically generated html for the search box I was using.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help. In the end it ended up being just a matter of getting the javascript, css, and html right. All the database connectivity and search features are controlled by an external js file loaded from the cloudsearch server.

tracking visit count of external url in joomla 1.0

i have a website in joomla 1.0. it has some links to external sites (not our domain)
is there an easy way to track the hit count?
any components?
You could try using the default banner component. You can publish the banner module with an image. That has click thru tracking if I remember correctly, but you really should be using 1.5 by now if you have the chance.
