WINAPIs keybd_event() not recognized in certain programs - winapi

I've made an interface to a NES Controller with an atxmega, which send the keys through serial. The problem lies in the program that reads the input and sends keybd_events accordingly.
if(szBuff[0] & BTN_LEFT) {
keybd_event(VkKeyScan('j'), 0, 0, 0);
keybd_event(VkKeyScan('j'), 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
Problem is, it fails to get recognized as a 'j' in a NES emulator, while it does so in say a browser.

Hard to answer this without you explaining how the Nintendo emulator works. But you'll have to provide the virtual key code to VkKeyScan(). Which is 'J', not 'j'. As long as the Shift key isn't pressed, Windows will translate that to a WM_CHAR message that generates a 'j'.
Note that keybd_event() takes a virtual key and a scan code. You are passing the scan code as the virtual key. Fix:
keybd_event('J', VkKeyScan('J'), 0, 0);


How to get the display names of multiple monitors with the Win32 API?

I have two monitors connected to my Windows PC -- one is a normal monitor and the other is a projector. Because Windows doesn't consistently assign one or the other as the primary monitor (in part because they aren't always both on when Windows boots), I need to programmatically detect which monitor is which.
The Control Panel shows the names of the monitors as "HP 2159" (the normal monitor) and "PROJECTOR" in the screen where you choose which is the primary monitor. That's the information I want to get in my program.
I can't find the right Win32 API function for this info. I've tried both EnumDisplayDevices and EnumDisplayMontiors. Both just give "DISPLAY1" and "DISPLAY2" as devices names. What should I be using to get the "HP 2159" and "PROJECTOR" info or something analogous?
UPDATE: Here's the Python code I'm using:
>>> import win32api
>>> monitors = win32api.EnumDisplayMonitors()
>>> win32api.GetMonitorInfo(monitors[0][0])
{'Device': '\\\\.\\DISPLAY1', 'Work': (0, 0, 1920, 1080), 'Flags': 1, 'Monitor': (0, 0, 1920, 1080)}
>>> win32api.GetMonitorInfo(monitors[1][0])
{'Device': '\\\\.\\DISPLAY2', 'Work': (1920, 0, 3360, 1080), 'Flags': 0, 'Monitor': (1920, 0, 3360, 1080)}
The EnumDisplayMonitors passes a monitor handle to the MonitorEnumProc callback function. You can pass that handle to GetMonitorInfo, being sure to pass a pointer to a MonitorInfoEx structure and setting the cbSize member accordingly.
Upon return, the szDevice field in the MonitorInfoEx structure will contain the name of the monitor.

SetupComm, SetCommState, SetCommTimeouts fail with USB device

i am opening a USB device:
for communication using CreateFile:
HANDLE hUsb = CreateFile("\\.\LCLD9",
The call succeeds (i.e. hUsb is not equal to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE). But then it comes time to do what we do with every serial port:
SetupComm (set receive and transit buffer sizes)
SetCommState (set flow-control, baud rate, etc)
SetCommTimeouts (set timeouts)
Each of these calls returns a GetLastError() code of 1. E.g.:
SetupComm(hUsb, 1024, 1024);
Why are operations to configure the serial device failing when using a "USB" serial device, but work when using a "virtual COM port"? Do USB devices not support such baud rates, buffers, flow control, and timeouts?
If this is a limitation/feature of Universal Serial devices, how can i detect that a handle refers to a "Universal Serial Device", rather than a "COMM Port"? For example, the user is the one who specifies which port to use:
Other serial functions that fail when talking to Universal Serial Bus serial device:
GetCommModemStatus (with error code 1)
ReadFile (with error code 6)
PurgeComm (with error code 6)
WriteFile (with error code 6)
Which begs the larger question, how do you communicate with a USB device once it's been opened with CreateFile?
No, USB devices do not use these things. If your device is an actual USB-to-RS232 (or other slow serial), then you should be opening the COM port it associated with. Let the drivers handle the work of sending that data.
USB communication is not like COM ports. You can think of it more as an external PCI bus than a simple send-whatever-data-you-want line.
Turns out that i don't have to do anything with Comm, because it's not a COM port. The reason my WriteFile was failing was because i was attempting to write to \\.\LCLD9 rather than \\.\LCLD9\.
The trailing backslash is critical; even though CreateFile returns success both ways.
void WriteToDisplay(String s)
//Open the display
var hLineDisplay = CreateFile("\\.\LCLD9\", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
//Write the command
DWORD bytesWritten;
WriteFile(hLineDisplay, s, s.Length, ref bytesWritten, nil);
Anyone using Logic Controls LD9000 USB Line Display, the above is how you write to the display.
After reverse engineering their .NET Line Display driver i will also mention that the name of the port you use, e.g.:
can be inferred from the full devicePath returned using the Windows Setup APIs. For example, my pole display's full device path is:
The rule is to check the device path for Product IDs. In my case PID_A090 means it will be available as file \\.\LCLD9\. Other product IDs and their associated file paths:
Contains DeviceName (trailing backslash is not optional)
======== ===============================================
PID_A030 \\.\LCPD3\
PID_A060 \\.\LCPD6\
PID_A090 \\.\LCLD9\
Note: Any code is released into the public domain. No attribution required.

Why is my kernel module throwing "broken pipe" errors when I try to write to a device?

I am currently in the process of writing a Linux kernel module in C. The module provides an extremely basic driver for a USB light (the device consists of three colored LEDs). I have managed to get the driver to load and unload without problems and also create the device (/dev/wn0, /dev/wn1, etc.). However, I keep getting errors when attempting to write to the device:
$ echo "1" >/dev/wn0
bash: echo: write error: Broken pipe
The entire code for the module is here. However, the interesting part is the wn_set_color() function:
/* Create the data buffer to be sent to the device. */
u8 buf[8] = {
red, green, blue, 0, 0, 0, 0x1F, 0x05
/* Send the data to the device. */
return usb_control_msg(udev,
usb_sndctrlpipe(udev, 0),
0, 0, 0, 0,
buf, 8, 0);
For some reason, it returns -32 instead of sending the data to the device.
I am completely new to Linux kernel programming so I'm likely doing something silly. If you can shed some light on this at all, it would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: here is some further information:
lsusb -v output is here
the bDescriptorType member of the usb_endpoint_descriptor class contains '5' for the single endpoint exposed by the device (bEndpointAddress is 129 - or 0x81 in hex)
here is a screengrab of one of the control URBs sent to the device
usb_control_msg() eventually calls down to usb_submit_urb(). The Documentation/usb/error-codes.txt file describes the errors that this function can return:
-EPIPE The pipe type specified in the URB doesn't match the
endpoint's actual type.
If usb_submit_urb() succeeded, then usb_control_msg() returns an urb->status value. This lists under EPIPE:
-EPIPE (**) Endpoint stalled. For non-control endpoints,
reset this status with usb_clear_halt().
(**) This is also one of several codes that different kinds of host
controller use to indicate a transfer has failed because of device
disconnect. In the interval before the hub driver starts disconnect
processing, devices may receive such fault reports for every request.
Have you checked for any messages in the kernel log?
I have a feeling it has to do with your usb_sndctrlpipe call. The definition of this function is as follows: unsigned int usb_sndctrlpipe(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int
You seem to be passing the device pointer appropriately, however your pass in the value 0 for your control endpoint, which as you mention, is not the address of your endpoint. I would recommend defining a constant at the beginning with the hex value of your endpoint and passing that to your calls.
However, I believe you have a bigger problem.
Looking at your lsusb, it seems that your endpoint is not actually a control endpoint, but an interrupt endpoint. This changes the functions that you need to call to communicate. For example, instead of usb_sndctrlpipe you will need usb_rcvintpipe(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int endpoint) to generate the pipe (since it is an IN endpoint as listed in your lsusb) and use a different function instead of usb_control_msg. Unfortunately, from what I can gather, it seems like there are no functions available to automatically construct interrupt urbs so you will need to create a urb struct as described in section of Even worse news is that (unless I am missing something) because your only endpoint seems to be the interrupt IN endpoint, it would seem that you can only receive interrupts from the device and are not able to send anything to the device. Do you know for sure that changing the colors of the lamp via usb is a functionality supported by the device?
More information can be found at the following: (thorough information on endpoints and how to read the descriptors) and (function definitions for usb communication)

How to simulate keybard input to a remote desktop session?

i'm trying to send fake keyboard input to an application that's running in a Remote Desktop session. i'm using:
Byte key = Ord("A");
keybd_event(key, 0, 0, 0); // key goes down
keybd_event(key, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); // key goes up
Now this code does send the character "a" to any local window, but it will not send to the remote desktop window.
What that means is i use Remote Desktop to connect to a server, and i then open Notepad on that server. If i manually punch keys on the keyboard: they appear in Notepad's editor window. But keybd_event's fake keyboard input not causing "a"'s to appear in Notepad.
How can i programtically send fake keyboard input to an application running inside a remote desktop connection, from an application running on the local machine?
Nitpickers Corner
In this particular case i want to do this becase i'm trying to defeat an idle-timeout. But i could just as well be trying to
perform UI automation tests
UI stress tests
UI fault finding tests
UI unit tests
UI data input tests
UI paint tests
or UI resiliance tests.
In other words, my reasons for wanting it aren't important
Note: The timeout may be from remote desktop inactivity, or perhaps not. i don't know, and it doesn't affect my question.
Although Microsft says you don't need to, and you should not, send the OEM code, you need to send the OEM scan codes. In this example i need to send the OEM scan codes for
key A goes down
key A goes up
There is a picture of a chart on CodeProject that lists the make and break scan codes for various keys:
In my case the original calls to keybd_event need to be changed to:
Byte key = Ord("A");
keybd_event(key, 0x1E, 0, 0); // key goes down
keybd_event(key, 0x9E, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); // key goes up
i tested this, and it works. So all is well.
May be you can execute an autoit script with PsExec, a light-weight telnet-replacement that lets you execute processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software.
(AutoIt is quite capable to send any signal (keys or other) to any window application, and could be launched with PsExec on the remote desktop)
An AutoIt script like KillSaver, for instance, is designed to move the mouse to avoid any prolong idle time on a computer!
This worked very well thank you. In order to get the keyboard scan code one can use:
int scan;
scan = MapVirtualKey(key & 0xff, 0);
keybd_event(key, scan, 0, 0); // key goes down
keybd_event(key, scan | 0x80, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); // key goes up
You could use SendMessage();
It's really a much better simulator for keys.
Well, good luck on this!

Windows CDROM Eject

Does anyone know a method to programmatically close the CD tray on Windows 2000 or higher?
Open CD tray exists, but I can't seem to make it close especially under W2k.
I am especially looking for a method to do this from a batch file, if possible, but API calls would be OK.
I kind of like to use DeviceIOControl as it gives me the possibility to eject any kind of removable drive (such as USB and flash-disks as well as CD trays). Da codez to properly eject a disk using DeviceIOControl is (just add proper error-handling):
bool ejectDisk(TCHAR driveLetter)
TCHAR tmp[10];
_stprintf(tmp, _T("\\\\.\\%c:"), driveLetter);
DWORD bytes = 0;
DeviceIoControl(handle, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, 0, 0, 0, 0, &bytes, 0);
DeviceIoControl(handle, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, 0, 0, 0, 0, &bytes, 0);
DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA, 0, 0, 0, 0, &bytes, 0);
return true;
Here is an easy way using the Win32 API:
[DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "mciSendStringA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
protected static extern int mciSendString(string lpstrCommand,StringBuilder lpstrReturnString,int uReturnLength,IntPtr hwndCallback);
public void OpenCloseCD(bool Open)
if (Open)
mciSendString("set cdaudio door open", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
mciSendString("set cdaudio door closed", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
I noticed that Andreas Magnusson's answer didn't quite work exactly the same as Explorer's 'Eject' button did. Specifically, the drive wasn't grayed out in Explorer using Andreas' code, but was if you used the Eject command. So I did some investigating.
I ran API Monitor while running the Eject command from Explorer (Windows 7 SP1 64-bit). I also found a good (now-defunct) MSKB article 165721 titled How To Ejecting Removable Media in Windows NT/Windows 2000/Windows XP. The most interesting part of the article is quoted below:
Call CreateFile with GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, and OPEN_EXISTING. The lpFileName parameter should be \\.\X: (where X is the real drive letter). All other parameters can be zero.
Lock the volume by issuing the FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME IOCTL via DeviceIoControl. If any other application or the system is using the volume, this IOCTL fails. Once this function returns successfully, the application is guaranteed that the volume is not used by anything else in the system.
Dismount the volume by issuing the FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME IOCTL. This causes the file system to remove all knowledge of the volume and to discard any internal information that it keeps regarding the volume.
Make sure the media can be removed by issuing the IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL IOCTL. Set the PreventMediaRemoval member of the PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL structure to FALSE before calling this IOCTL. This stops the device from preventing the removal of the media.
Eject the media with the IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA IOCTL. If the device doesn't allow automatic ejection, then IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA can be skipped and the user can be instructed to remove the media.
Close the volume handle obtained in the first step or issue the FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME IOCTL. This allows the drive to be used by other
Andreas's answer, the MSKB article, and my API sniffing of Explorer can be summarized as follows:
CreateFile called to open the volume. (All methods).
DeviceIoControl called with FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME. (All methods).
DeviceIoControl called with FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME. (Andreas's and MSKB methods only. Explorer does not call this for some reason. This IOCTL seems to be what affects whether the drive is grayed out in Explorer or not. I am not sure why Explorer doesn't call this).
DeviceIoControl called with IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL and PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL member set to FALSE (MSKB and Explorer methods. This step is missing from Andreas's answer).
DeviceIoControl called with IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA (Andreas and MSKB article) or IOCTL_DISK_EJECT_MEDIA (Explorer; note this IOCTL was obsoleted and replaced with the STORAGE IOCTL. Not sure why Explorer still uses the old one).
To conclude, I decided to follow the procedure outlined in the MSKB article, as it seemed to be the most thorough and complete procedure, backed up with an MSKB article.
Nircmd is a very handy freeware command line utility with various options, including opening and closing the CD tray.
To close the drive tray do as described here but instead of using DeviceIoControl with IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA you need to call DeviceIoControl with IOCTL_STORAGE_LOAD_MEDIA.
