Multithreaded Win32 GUI message loop - winapi

When do you need to use this type of modified message loop in multithreaded application?
DWORD nWaitCount;
HANDLE hWaitArray[4];
BOOL quit;
int exitCode;
while (!quit)
MSG msg;
int rc;
rc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(nWaitCount, hWaitArray, FALSE, INFINITE,QS_ALLINPUT);
if (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_O + nWaitCount)
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
quit = TRUE;
exitCode = msg.wParam;
else if (rc >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && rc < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + nwaitCount)
int nlndex = rc - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
else if (rc >= WAIT_ABANDONED_0 && rc < WAIT_ABANDONED_0+ nWaitCount)
int nlndex = rc - WAIT_ABANDONED_O;

Hopefully never. But it is the kind of code you have to write when you want the UI thread to block on synchronization objects. A UI thread is not permitted to block, Windows prevents you from calling WaitForMultipleObjects(). The reason is that it is very likely to cause deadlock.
The reason for that is COM. COM is everywhere in Windows, the most common examples are the clipboard, drag+drop and the shell dialogs. COM marshals interface method calls made from a worker thread for COM objects that live on the STA (Single Threaded Apartment) by using the message loop. If the STA thread isn't pumping messages then the call won't complete. And calls that can't complete are ingredient number one for deadlock. Add a UI thread that waits for the worker thread to complete and deadlock is assured.
You avoid this kind of code by having a worker thread use PostMessage() to signal the UI thread that something important happened.


MFC: How to use MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() from the main thread to wait for multiple threads to complete that use SendMessage()?

I have a main thread that fires off several other threads to complete various items of work based on what the user choose from the main UI. Normally I'd use WaitForMultipleObjects() with bWaitAll set to TRUE. However, in this case those other threads will log output to another window that uses a mutex to ensure the threads only output one at a time. Part of that process uses SendMessage() to send get the text size and send the text to the windows which will hang if using WaitForMultipleObjects() since it's running from the main UI thread. So I moved over to use MsgWaitForMultipleObjects with QS_SENDMESSAGE flag, only it's problem is the logic for bWaitAll which states it will only return if all objects are signaled AND an input event occurred (instead of returning when all objects are signaled OR an input event occurred). Had the logic been OR this should have worked:
while (1)
MSG msg;
while (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) {
// mfc message pump
if (!theApp.PumpMessage()) {
// program end request
// TO DO
// MFC idel processing
LONG lidlecount = 0;
while (theApp.OnIdle(lidlecount++));
// our wait
waitres = ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(threadcount, threadhandles, TRUE, INFINITE, QS_SENDMESSAGE);
// check if ended due to message
if (waitres!=WAIT_OBJECT_0+threadcount) {
// no, exit loop
Rather than fire off a thread that then fires off the other threads I wondered what is the correct way to handle this from the main thread? I thought about using bWaitAll FALSE then using WaitForMultipleObjects() with bWaitAll set to TRUE and the dwMilliseconds set to 0 (or 1) and checking the result to see if completed. If not, it would need to loop back to the top of the loop and then to MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() which when using bWaitAll FALSE could return right away if one of the many threads completed (say 1 thread of 10 completed, I could check as mentioned above if all completed, but when going back with bWaitAll FALSE it will just return and not wait).
So what is the proper way to handle waiting for multiple threads (that use SendMessage()) to complete in the main thread of an MFC application?
So what is the proper way to handle waiting for multiple threads to
need create some structure, with reference count and pass pointer to this structure to every thread. here also probably exist sense have some common task data. and HWND of some window in main(GUI) thread. when worked thread exit - it release reference on object. when last thread exit - delete object and post some message to window, from main thread.
so we not need store thread handles (can just close it) and wait om multiple handles. instead we got some window message when all thread finish task
example of code
struct Task
HWND _hwnd;
LONG _dwRefCount = 1;
// some common task data probably ..
Task(HWND hwnd) : _hwnd(hwnd) {}
~Task() {
PostMessageW(_hwnd, WM_USER, 0, 0);// WM_USER as demo only
void AddRef(){
void Release(){
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&_dwRefCount)) delete this;
ULONG CALLBACK WorkThread(void* pTask)
WCHAR sz[16];
swprintf_s(sz, _countof(sz), L"%x", GetCurrentThreadId());
MessageBoxW(0, L"working...", sz, MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK);
return 0;
void StartTask(HWND hwnd, ULONG n)
if (Task* pTask = new Task(hwnd))
if (HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, WorkThread, pTask, 0, 0))
} while (--n);

Detect "suspended" Windows 8/10 process

UWP (or "Metro") apps in Windows 8/10 can be suspended when they are not in the foreground. Apps in this state continue to exist but no longer consume CPU time. It looks like this change was introduced to improve performance on low-power/storage devices like tablets and phones.
What is the most elegant and simple method to detect a process in this state?
I can see 2 possible solutions at the moment:
Call NtQuerySystemInformation() and the enumerate each process and each thread. A process is "suspended" if all threads are in the suspended state. This approach will require a lot of code and critically NtQuerySystemInformation() is only semi-documented and could be removed in a future OS. NtQueryInformationProcess() may also offer a similar solution with the same problem.
Call GetProcessTimes() and record the counters for each process. Wait some longish time (minutes) and check again. If the process counters haven't changed then assume the process is suspended. I admit this is a hack but maybe could work if the time period is long enough.
Is there a more elegant way?
for this exist PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION - meaning of flags in it described in this answer. you are need IsFrozen flag. so you need open process with PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION access (for do this for all processes, you will be need have SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGE enabled in token). and call NtQuerySystemInformation with ProcessBasicInformation and PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION as input. for enumerate all processes we can use NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemProcessInformation. of course possible and use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot + Process32First + Process32Next but this api very not efficient, compare direct call to NtQuerySystemInformation
also possible enumerate all threads in process and check it state and if state wait - wait reason. this is very easy, because all this information already returned by single call to NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemProcessInformation. with this we not need open processes. usually both this ways give the same result (for suspended/frozen) processes, but however use IsFrozen is most correct solution.
void PrintSuspended()
RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGE, TRUE, FALSE, &b);
ULONG cb = 0x1000;
NTSTATUS status;
if (PBYTE buf = new BYTE[cb])
if (0 <= (status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessInformation, buf, cb, &cb)))
union {
pb = buf;
ULONG NextEntryOffset = 0;
pb += NextEntryOffset;
if (!spi->UniqueProcessId)
if (0 <= NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, &pebi, sizeof(pebi), 0) &&
pebi.Size >= sizeof(pebi))
if (pebi.IsFrozen)
DbgPrint("f:%x %wZ\n", spi->UniqueProcessId, spi->ImageName);
if (ULONG NumberOfThreads = spi->NumberOfThreads)
if (TH->ThreadState != StateWait || TH->WaitReason != Suspended)
} while (TH++, --NumberOfThreads);
if (!NumberOfThreads)
DbgPrint("s:%x %wZ\n", spi->UniqueProcessId, spi->ImageName);
} while (NextEntryOffset = spi->NextEntryOffset);
delete [] buf;
} while (status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH);

How to CancelSynchronousIo() on WaitForSingleObject() waiting on stdin?

On Windows 10, I'm waiting for input from the console using
WaitForSingleObject( GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), ... )
and to cancel this waiting using CancelSynchronousIo().
But the cancellation does nothing (returns 0 and GetLastError() is ERROR_NOT_FOUND).
Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
Should I be able to cancel this waiting for new input on stdin?
(I actually want to do this with any HANDLE whose GetFileType() is FILE_TYPE_CHAR, not only stdin, but stdin is certainly the most important use case and the simplest to test with).
Related discussions I've found:
Synchronous ReadFile() on stdin cannot be unblocked by CancelSynchronousIo()
win32: how stop ReadFile (stdin|pipe)
But unfortunately they only discuss ReadFile(), not WaitForSingleObject(). I've also tried WaitForMultipleObjects() (with just a single object in the array), same problem.
(Background: I'm trying to improve input handling in the GHC Haskell compiler runtime.)
CancelSynchronousIo cancel I/O operations that are issued by the specified thread. more concrete it cancel IRP packets which associated with specified thread via call IoCancelIrp. if use undocumented NtCancelSynchronousIoFile (CancelSynchronousIo internally call it with IoRequestToCancel = 0) we can be more selective - cancel only i/o request which used specified IoRequestToCancel (system check that Irp->UserIosb == IoRequestToCancel and cancel only this requests)
but WaitForSingleObject this is not I/O request. this call not create any IRP which can be canceled. so - no way do this.
however if you use WaitForSingleObjectEx with bAlertable set to TRUE - you can break wait by queue apc to thread by using QueueUserAPC . also if use NtWaitForSingleObject instead WaitForSingleObjectEx we can also alert thread by using undocumented call NtAlertThread. in this case NtWaitForSingleObject will break with STATUS_ALERTED (note that WaitForSingleObjectEx which internally call NtWaitForSingleObject do special check for STATUS_ALERTED and in case this status - again run NtWaitForSingleObject - as result we can not break WaitForSingleObjectEx by call NtAlertThread, but NtWaitForSingleObject will be breaked.
so if you need break waiting for std input - create additional thread, which must call not CancelSynchronousIo (this senseless) but QueueUserAPC or NtAlertThread (only if you use NtWaitForSingleObject for wait). and input thread must wait in alertable state. so demo code can look like:
extern "C" NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAlertThread(HANDLE ThreadHandle);
DbgPrint("OnApc(%p)\n", Parameter);
DWORD CALLBACK BreakWaitThread(HANDLE hThread)
switch (LONG status = MessageBoxW(0, L"Use Apc(yes) or Alert(No) ?", L"BreakWaitThread",
case IDYES:
if (!QueueUserAPC(OnApc, hThread, 0))
DbgPrint("QueueUserAPC=%u\n", GetLastError());
case IDNO:
if (0 > (status = NtAlertThread(hThread)))
DbgPrint("AlertThread=%x\n", status);
DbgPrint("MessageBox=%x\n", status);
return 0;
void ConsoleLoop(HANDLE hStdIn)
ULONG NumberOfEvents, NumberOfEventsRead, n;
INPUT_RECORD buf[8], *p;
for (;;)
switch (ZwWaitForSingleObject(hStdIn, TRUE, 0))
//switch (WaitForSingleObjectEx(hStdIn, INFINITE, TRUE))
while (GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(hStdIn, &NumberOfEvents) && NumberOfEvents)
NumberOfEventsRead = min(RTL_NUMBER_OF(buf), NumberOfEvents);
if (ReadConsoleInput(hStdIn, buf, NumberOfEventsRead, &NumberOfEventsRead) && NumberOfEventsRead)
n = NumberOfEventsRead;
p = buf;
if (p->EventType == KEY_EVENT)
DbgPrint("%u(%u) %C %x %x %x\n",
if (VK_OEM_PERIOD == p->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode)
return ;//if user type '.' return for demo
} while (p++, --n);
} while (NumberOfEvents -= NumberOfEventsRead);
DbgPrint("\nWAIT_FAILED=%u\n", GetLastError());
void SimpleDemo()
if (HANDLE hCurrentThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALERT|THREAD_SET_CONTEXT , FALSE, GetCurrentThreadId()))
ULONG dwThreadId;
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, BreakWaitThread, hCurrentThread, 0, &dwThreadId);
if (hThread)
PostThreadMessage(dwThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
Console I/O is difficult to use asynchronously, it is simply not designed for it. See IO Completion Ports (IOCP) and Asynchronous I/O through STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR for some possible workarounds.
If that is not an option for you, then you will have to either:
use WaitForSingleObject() in a loop with a short timeout. Create a flag variable that your loop can look at on each iteration to break the loop if the flag is set.
use WaitForMutipleObjects(), giving it 2 HANDLEs to wait on - one for the console (or whatever), and one for an event object from CreateEvent(). Then you can signal the event with SetEvent() when you want to break the wait. The return value of WaitForMutipleObjects() will tell you which HANDLE was signaled.

QueueUserAPC fails with invalid handle?

I'm trying to figure out why QueueUserAPC fails, the error code is 6, which is ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
The DLL exists, the OpenThread works too,
Attached source code,
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
DWORD pid;
vector<DWORD> tids;
if (FindProcess(L"calc.exe", pid, tids)) {
auto p = ::VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, nullptr, 1 << 12, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
wchar_t buffer[] = L"c:\\msgbox.dll";
::WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, p, buffer, sizeof(buffer), nullptr);
for (const auto& tid : tids) {
HANDLE hThread = ::OpenThread(THREAD_SET_CONTEXT, FALSE, tid);
if (hThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
::QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)::GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32"), "LoadLibraryW"), hThread, (ULONG_PTR)p);
printf ("QueueUserAPC: %d\n", GetLastError());
} else {
printf ("OpenThread failed (%d): %d\n", tid, GetLastError());
::VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, p, 0, MEM_RELEASE | MEM_DECOMMIT);
} else {
puts ("process not found");
return 0;
OpenThread -
If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
so condition
is error. need
if (hThread != NULL)// or if (hThread)
I guess that in your case hThread == 0
also need understand that:
When a user-mode APC is queued, the thread is not directed to call the
APC function unless it is in an alertable state.
really even if you use correct thread id/handle - your code will be no effect - APC not executed. insert APC have sense only if you know what thread is doing, that he wait for APC.
one is point, when QueueUserAPC worked - if you yourself call CreateProcess with CREATE_SUSPENDED and then call QueueUserAPC (in xp before call QueueUserAPC you must call GetThreadContext because xp at thread start insert also internal insert APC to it (to LdrInitializeThunk) - and if you just (without arbitrary wait or GetThreadContext(this is exactly wait) call QueueUserAPC - your APC can inserted before system APC - as result process begin executed not from LdrInitializeThunk but from your func and crashed. begin from vista this problem is gone and we can not use this hack) .
this will be worked because just before call exe entry point ntdll always call ZwTestAlert - this call check - are exist APC in thread queue and execute it. as result your APC will execute after all DLL in process got DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, TLS initialized, etc.. but just before exe entry point begin executed. in context of first thread in process. for this case use QueueUserAPC the best injection way

Named Pipes server, how to interrupt or timeout the wait for client connection and for incoming data

I am writing a simple Named Pipes server for Windows, calling the Windows API (in Java with JNA but this is not relevant).
I am trying to figure out how to avoid that the server stays stuck forever waiting for a client to connect or for data to come from the client.
The server code does the following:
1) It creates the pipe by calling CreateNamedPipe, with PIPE_WAIT in the dwPipeMode argument.
2) It calls ConnectNamedPipe which doesn't return until a client has connected.
3) It enters a loop where it repeatedly reads a message from the client by calling ReadFile which doesn't return until data is read, and for each received message it sends a message back to the client in response by calling WriteFile.
4) After many such conversations the client and the server will disconnect from the pipe.
I just would like to be able to set timeouts in the wait for ConnectNamedPipe at step 2 and ReadFile at step 3, and I can't see where to set the timeouts. There is the nDefaultTimeOut argument in CreateNamedPipe function, but it doesn't really sound to be intended for that; the API doc says:
The default time-out value, in milliseconds, if the WaitNamedPipe function specifies NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT.
So the nDefaultTimeOut arg in CreateNamedPipe sounds like the default timeout that the clients which would connect to the pipe would use for their operations and only if they call the WaitNamedPipe function. In fact in my tests values of 0 or 1000 don't make a difference, the call to ConnectNamedPipe never returns (unless a client connects). What I'm looking for is timeouts in the server instead, on the calls to ConnectNamedPipe and ReadFile.
As the doc of CreateNamedPipe, for the dwPipeMode argument with PIPE_WAIT says, Blocking mode is enabled. When the pipe handle is specified in the ReadFile, WriteFile, or ConnectNamedPipe function, the operations are not completed until there is data to read, all data is written, or a client is connected. Use of this mode can mean waiting indefinitely in some situations for a client process to perform an action.
So maybe the way to implement such timeouts is to create the pipe in non-blocking mode (with PIPE_NOWAIT instead of PIPE_WAIT) so that calls to ReadFile, WriteFile and ConnectNamedPipe return immediately, and then somehow monitor myself the event (client connected or data received) in a loop, and check myself within the loop whether a timeout elapsed or another interrupting event occurred (like the user clicking a Cancel button) ?
ADDED: It looks like for the ReadFile call I might be able to use PeekNamedPipe which returns immediately, to check if there is data to read, and only then call ReadFile. I will try that. But I still have the same problem for the call to ConnectNamedPipe.
ADDED: As I suspected and the answers confirmed, being a novice to pipes I was looking at them from a somehow skew angle, from which the need for timeouts appeared greater than it actually is.
F.ex. the reasoning behind wanting to timeout calls to ReadFile was that if I (the server) am inside it reading data from the client and the client suddenly shuts down, sometimes I might end up stuck inside the ReadFile. But now I know that if the ReadFile is reading from a pipe and the client shuts down, the ReadFile will always error out, so the execution won't be stuck inside it.
I suggest you set FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED and use an event to check/wait for completion.
Although this is originally intended for asynchronous IO, you can instead time the event to your predefined time to live.
If you then wanted to cancel the I/O operation, you can use the CancelIo() function. If you just wanted to do some work and then resume waiting, you can do that too - timing out the wait doesn't automatically cancel the I/O, so you would not need to call ConnectNamedPipe again.
You could also, as you yourself suggested set PIPE_NOWAIT and poll the connection until successfull, either way should bring the same result in this use case. Note however that this is legacy functionality and Microsoft discourage use of this option.
Some real-world code to demonstrate the asynchronous use of the server end of a pipe, in a GUI application:
void wait_for_object(HANDLE object)
MSG msg;
for (;;)
dw = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(1, &object, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT, 0);
if (dw == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
if (dw == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) DispatchMessage(&msg);
srvfail(L"sleep() messageloop", GetLastError());
HANDLE server_pipe;
HANDLE io_event;
void pipe_connection(void)
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
DWORD dw, err;
SecureZeroMemory(&overlapped, sizeof(overlapped));
overlapped.hEvent = io_event;
if (!ReadFile(server_pipe, input_buffer, sizeof(input_buffer) - 1, NULL, &overlapped))
err = GetLastError();
if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
if (!GetOverlappedResult(server_pipe, &overlapped, &dw, FALSE))
srvfail(L"Read from pipe failed asynchronously.", GetLastError());
srvfail(L"Read from pipe failed synchronously.", GetLastError());
if (!GetOverlappedResult(server_pipe, &overlapped, &dw, FALSE))
srvfail(L"GetOverlappedResult failed reading from pipe.", GetLastError());
input_buffer[dw] = '\0';
if (!WriteFile(server_pipe, &output_struct,
((char *)&output_struct.output_string - (char *)&output_struct) + output_struct.string_length,
NULL, &overlapped))
err = GetLastError();
if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
if (!GetOverlappedResult(server_pipe, &overlapped, &dw, FALSE))
srvfail(L"Write to pipe failed asynchronously.", GetLastError());
srvfail(L"Write to pipe failed synchronously.", GetLastError());
if (!GetOverlappedResult(server_pipe, &overlapped, &dw, FALSE))
srvfail(L"GetOverlappedResult failed writing to pipe.", GetLastError());
if (!FlushFileBuffers(server_pipe)) srvfail(L"FlushFileBuffers failed.", GetLastError());
if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(server_pipe)) srvfail(L"DisconnectNamedPipe failed.", GetLastError());
void server(void)
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
DWORD err, dw;
// Create the named pipe
if (server_pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) srvfail(L"CreateNamedPipe failed.", GetLastError());
// Wait for connections
io_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (io_event == NULL) srvfail(L"CreateEvent(io_event) failed.", GetLastError());
for (;;)
SecureZeroMemory(&overlapped, sizeof(overlapped));
overlapped.hEvent = io_event;
if (!ConnectNamedPipe(server_pipe, &overlapped))
err = GetLastError();
else if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
if (!GetOverlappedResult(server_pipe, &overlapped, &dw, FALSE))
srvfail(L"Pipe connection failed asynchronously.", GetLastError());
srvfail(L"Pipe connection failed synchronously.", GetLastError());
if (!GetOverlappedResult(server_pipe, &overlapped, &dw, FALSE))
srvfail(L"GetOverlappedResult failed connecting pipe.", GetLastError());
(This code has been edited down from the original to remove extraneous logic. I haven't tried compiling the edited version, so there may be some minor problems. Also note the use of global variables, which is OK in my case because the application is very small, but should usually be avoided.)
The use of MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx() allows window messages to be processed while you are waiting for I/O to complete. If you were also waiting for something else to happen, you could pass it an array of handles rather than just a single handle - for example, if you wanted to monitor a child process and do something when it exited, you could pass an array containing both io_event and the process handle. And if you just had to do some other job periodically, you could set a timeout for the wait, or use a window timer.
