MFC: How to use MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() from the main thread to wait for multiple threads to complete that use SendMessage()? - winapi

I have a main thread that fires off several other threads to complete various items of work based on what the user choose from the main UI. Normally I'd use WaitForMultipleObjects() with bWaitAll set to TRUE. However, in this case those other threads will log output to another window that uses a mutex to ensure the threads only output one at a time. Part of that process uses SendMessage() to send get the text size and send the text to the windows which will hang if using WaitForMultipleObjects() since it's running from the main UI thread. So I moved over to use MsgWaitForMultipleObjects with QS_SENDMESSAGE flag, only it's problem is the logic for bWaitAll which states it will only return if all objects are signaled AND an input event occurred (instead of returning when all objects are signaled OR an input event occurred). Had the logic been OR this should have worked:
while (1)
MSG msg;
while (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) {
// mfc message pump
if (!theApp.PumpMessage()) {
// program end request
// TO DO
// MFC idel processing
LONG lidlecount = 0;
while (theApp.OnIdle(lidlecount++));
// our wait
waitres = ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(threadcount, threadhandles, TRUE, INFINITE, QS_SENDMESSAGE);
// check if ended due to message
if (waitres!=WAIT_OBJECT_0+threadcount) {
// no, exit loop
Rather than fire off a thread that then fires off the other threads I wondered what is the correct way to handle this from the main thread? I thought about using bWaitAll FALSE then using WaitForMultipleObjects() with bWaitAll set to TRUE and the dwMilliseconds set to 0 (or 1) and checking the result to see if completed. If not, it would need to loop back to the top of the loop and then to MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() which when using bWaitAll FALSE could return right away if one of the many threads completed (say 1 thread of 10 completed, I could check as mentioned above if all completed, but when going back with bWaitAll FALSE it will just return and not wait).
So what is the proper way to handle waiting for multiple threads (that use SendMessage()) to complete in the main thread of an MFC application?

So what is the proper way to handle waiting for multiple threads to
need create some structure, with reference count and pass pointer to this structure to every thread. here also probably exist sense have some common task data. and HWND of some window in main(GUI) thread. when worked thread exit - it release reference on object. when last thread exit - delete object and post some message to window, from main thread.
so we not need store thread handles (can just close it) and wait om multiple handles. instead we got some window message when all thread finish task
example of code
struct Task
HWND _hwnd;
LONG _dwRefCount = 1;
// some common task data probably ..
Task(HWND hwnd) : _hwnd(hwnd) {}
~Task() {
PostMessageW(_hwnd, WM_USER, 0, 0);// WM_USER as demo only
void AddRef(){
void Release(){
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&_dwRefCount)) delete this;
ULONG CALLBACK WorkThread(void* pTask)
WCHAR sz[16];
swprintf_s(sz, _countof(sz), L"%x", GetCurrentThreadId());
MessageBoxW(0, L"working...", sz, MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK);
return 0;
void StartTask(HWND hwnd, ULONG n)
if (Task* pTask = new Task(hwnd))
if (HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, WorkThread, pTask, 0, 0))
} while (--n);


How to CancelSynchronousIo() on WaitForSingleObject() waiting on stdin?

On Windows 10, I'm waiting for input from the console using
WaitForSingleObject( GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), ... )
and to cancel this waiting using CancelSynchronousIo().
But the cancellation does nothing (returns 0 and GetLastError() is ERROR_NOT_FOUND).
Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
Should I be able to cancel this waiting for new input on stdin?
(I actually want to do this with any HANDLE whose GetFileType() is FILE_TYPE_CHAR, not only stdin, but stdin is certainly the most important use case and the simplest to test with).
Related discussions I've found:
Synchronous ReadFile() on stdin cannot be unblocked by CancelSynchronousIo()
win32: how stop ReadFile (stdin|pipe)
But unfortunately they only discuss ReadFile(), not WaitForSingleObject(). I've also tried WaitForMultipleObjects() (with just a single object in the array), same problem.
(Background: I'm trying to improve input handling in the GHC Haskell compiler runtime.)
CancelSynchronousIo cancel I/O operations that are issued by the specified thread. more concrete it cancel IRP packets which associated with specified thread via call IoCancelIrp. if use undocumented NtCancelSynchronousIoFile (CancelSynchronousIo internally call it with IoRequestToCancel = 0) we can be more selective - cancel only i/o request which used specified IoRequestToCancel (system check that Irp->UserIosb == IoRequestToCancel and cancel only this requests)
but WaitForSingleObject this is not I/O request. this call not create any IRP which can be canceled. so - no way do this.
however if you use WaitForSingleObjectEx with bAlertable set to TRUE - you can break wait by queue apc to thread by using QueueUserAPC . also if use NtWaitForSingleObject instead WaitForSingleObjectEx we can also alert thread by using undocumented call NtAlertThread. in this case NtWaitForSingleObject will break with STATUS_ALERTED (note that WaitForSingleObjectEx which internally call NtWaitForSingleObject do special check for STATUS_ALERTED and in case this status - again run NtWaitForSingleObject - as result we can not break WaitForSingleObjectEx by call NtAlertThread, but NtWaitForSingleObject will be breaked.
so if you need break waiting for std input - create additional thread, which must call not CancelSynchronousIo (this senseless) but QueueUserAPC or NtAlertThread (only if you use NtWaitForSingleObject for wait). and input thread must wait in alertable state. so demo code can look like:
extern "C" NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAlertThread(HANDLE ThreadHandle);
DbgPrint("OnApc(%p)\n", Parameter);
DWORD CALLBACK BreakWaitThread(HANDLE hThread)
switch (LONG status = MessageBoxW(0, L"Use Apc(yes) or Alert(No) ?", L"BreakWaitThread",
case IDYES:
if (!QueueUserAPC(OnApc, hThread, 0))
DbgPrint("QueueUserAPC=%u\n", GetLastError());
case IDNO:
if (0 > (status = NtAlertThread(hThread)))
DbgPrint("AlertThread=%x\n", status);
DbgPrint("MessageBox=%x\n", status);
return 0;
void ConsoleLoop(HANDLE hStdIn)
ULONG NumberOfEvents, NumberOfEventsRead, n;
INPUT_RECORD buf[8], *p;
for (;;)
switch (ZwWaitForSingleObject(hStdIn, TRUE, 0))
//switch (WaitForSingleObjectEx(hStdIn, INFINITE, TRUE))
while (GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(hStdIn, &NumberOfEvents) && NumberOfEvents)
NumberOfEventsRead = min(RTL_NUMBER_OF(buf), NumberOfEvents);
if (ReadConsoleInput(hStdIn, buf, NumberOfEventsRead, &NumberOfEventsRead) && NumberOfEventsRead)
n = NumberOfEventsRead;
p = buf;
if (p->EventType == KEY_EVENT)
DbgPrint("%u(%u) %C %x %x %x\n",
if (VK_OEM_PERIOD == p->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode)
return ;//if user type '.' return for demo
} while (p++, --n);
} while (NumberOfEvents -= NumberOfEventsRead);
DbgPrint("\nWAIT_FAILED=%u\n", GetLastError());
void SimpleDemo()
if (HANDLE hCurrentThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALERT|THREAD_SET_CONTEXT , FALSE, GetCurrentThreadId()))
ULONG dwThreadId;
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, BreakWaitThread, hCurrentThread, 0, &dwThreadId);
if (hThread)
PostThreadMessage(dwThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
Console I/O is difficult to use asynchronously, it is simply not designed for it. See IO Completion Ports (IOCP) and Asynchronous I/O through STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR for some possible workarounds.
If that is not an option for you, then you will have to either:
use WaitForSingleObject() in a loop with a short timeout. Create a flag variable that your loop can look at on each iteration to break the loop if the flag is set.
use WaitForMutipleObjects(), giving it 2 HANDLEs to wait on - one for the console (or whatever), and one for an event object from CreateEvent(). Then you can signal the event with SetEvent() when you want to break the wait. The return value of WaitForMutipleObjects() will tell you which HANDLE was signaled.

On Windows 10, the Cancel object never returns RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE

In our application that we've had for 15+ years, we have a type of progress bar.
This progress bar is for long lasting C++ operations and there is also the case for when we make a COM call and it takes a long time for the COM call to return.
In general, we want the user to know that something is taking a long time to complete and give him a chance to cancel if he thinks it is taking too much time.
For COM operations, many years ago we implemented a custom IMessageFilter for COM calls that take too long. We would like the user to be able to cancel but also for the prompt to cancel go away on its own when the operation completes. It has been working fine for years. Most of our customers are conservative and are still running Windows 7. Recently a customer using Windows 10 has found an issue where a COM call on Windows 10 never seems to never finish.
Our progress bar comes up and the progress control cycles and recycles, but the operation never seems to finish. After investigating it, it seems that the ICancelMethodCalls::TestCancel() method always returns RPC_S_CALLPENDING, it never returns RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE. On Windows 7, previous versions of Windows, and Windows 8.1, it works fine, but not on Windows 10.
I created a minimal test solution in Visual Studio 2013 that demonstrates the problem. One project is an ATL server, and the other project is an MFC client application. A link to a zip file of a sample solution is here:
Basically the ATL server has a property that sets a delay, and a method that just waits the delay length. The purpose is to simulate a COM operation that is taking too long.
interface IMyTimoutServer : IDispatch{
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Timeout value in milliseconds")] HRESULT TimeOut([out, retval] LONG* pVal);
[propput, id(1), helpstring("Timeout value in milliseconds")] HRESULT TimeOut([in] LONG newVal);
[id(2)] HRESULT DoTimeOut([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Result);
The next important thing is the IMessageFilter in the client application. At some point, someone decided it was good to derive from COleMessageFilter, the default MFC implementation. (Let's not argue whether that is a good idea.)
The important methods of the the class are the MessagePending() and MyNotResponding().
DWORD CMyMessageFilter::XMyMessageFilter::MessagePending(HTASK htaskCallee, DWORD dwTickCount, DWORD dwPendingType)
METHOD_PROLOGUE_EX(CMyMessageFilter, MyMessageFilter);
MSG msg;
if (dwTickCount > pThis->m_nTimeout && !pThis->m_bUnblocking && pThis->IsSignificantMessage(&msg))
if (pThis->m_bEnableNotResponding)
pThis->m_bUnblocking = TRUE; // avoid reentrant calls
// eat all mouse and keyboard messages in our queue
// show not responding dialog
pThis->m_dwTickCount = dwTickCount;
bool bCancel = pThis->MyNotResponding(htaskCallee) == RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED;
pThis->m_bUnblocking = FALSE;
return bCancel ? PENDINGMSG_CANCELCALL : PENDINGMSG_WAITNOPROCESS; // if canceled, the COM call will return RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED
// don't process re-entrant messages
if (pThis->m_bUnblocking)
// allow application to process pending message
if (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD))
pThis->OnMessagePending(&msg); // IK: could also return a value from extended OnMessagePending() to cancel the call
// by default we return pending MSG wait
After a timeout, we display a status type window that updates in the NotMyResponding() method.
int CMyMessageFilter::MyNotResponding(HTASK hTaskBusy)
CComPtr<ICancelMethodCalls> pCancel;
HRESULT hRes = ::CoGetCancelObject(0, IID_ICancelMethodCalls, (void**)&pCancel);
ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hRes)); // COM should automatically create Cancel objects for pending calls [both on client and server]
if (pCancel == NULL)
return COleBusyDialog::retry;
CMyCancelDlg dlg;
HWND hWndDlg = dlg.GetSafeHwnd();
MSG msg;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD); ++i)
if (dlg.StepAndCheckCancel())
return RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED; // signals to MessagePending() that the COM call should be cancelled
Sleep(250); // this call has been pending for many seconds now... sleep for some time to avoid CPU utilization by this loop and yield if needed
hRes = pCancel->TestCancel();
} while (hRes == RPC_S_CALLPENDING);
Basically, in MyNotResponding(), we create a Cancel object, create a window with a cancel button, pump messsages, and look for either a press on the cancel button or if TestCancel() returns something other than RPC_S_CALLPENDING.
Well, on Windows 10, it stays in the loop and RPC_S_CALLPENDING is always returned from TestCancel().
Has anyone seen anything like this on Windows 10? Are we doing something wrong that we are really only getting lucky on Windows 7?
The default implementation of the MFC puts up an OLEUIBusy dialog which pumps messages. It just never tests the cancel object.

Cannot find the main window handle of the just stareted Dialog APP

Here is the scenario:
I have 2 apps. One of them is my main app, and the second is a dialog based app, which is started from the first one. I'm trying to capture the main handle of the dialog based app from my main app. The problem is that I cannot find it with EnumWindows. The problem disappears if I put sleep for a second, just before start enumerating windows.
This is the code:
BOOL res = ::CreateProcess( NULL, _T("MyApp.exe"), NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &siStartInfo, &piProcInfo );
dwErr = WaitForInputIdle(piProcInfo.hProcess, iTimeout);
ASSERT(dwErr == 0);
//Sleep(1000); //<-- uncomment this will fix the problem
DWORD dwProcessId = piProcInfo.dwProcessId;
EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&dwProcessId);
BOOL IsMainWindow(HWND handle)
return GetWindow(handle, GW_OWNER) == (HWND)0 && IsWindowVisible(handle);
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
DWORD* pParam = (DWORD*)lParam;
DWORD dwTargetProcessId = *pParam;
DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
::GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwProcessId);
if (dwProcessId == dwTargetProcessId )
::SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)MAXTEXT,(LPARAM)buffer);
if( IsMainWindow(hwnd))
g_hDlg = hwnd;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
There are exactly 2 windows which belongs to my process and tracing their text shows:
GDI+ Window
Default IME
I'm not quite sure what does this mean. These might be the default captions, assigned to the windows, before their initialization.... but I call EnumWindows after WaitForInputIdle ...
Any help will be appreciated.
CreateProcess returns, when the OS has created the process object including the object representing the primary thread. This does not imply, that the process has started execution.
If you need to query another process for information that is only available after that process has run to a certain point, you will need to install some sort of synchronization. An obvious option is a named event object (see CreateEvent), that is signaled, when the second process has finished its initialization, and the dialog is up and running. The first process would then simply WaitForSingleProcess, and only continue, once the event is signaled. (A more robust solution would call WaitForMultipleObjects on both the event and the process handle, to respond to unexpected process termination.)
Another option would be to have the second process send a user-defined message (WM_APP+x) to the first process, passing its HWND along.
WaitForInputIdle sounds like a viable solution. Except, it isn't. WaitForInputIdle was introduced to meet the requirements of DDE, and merely checks, if a thread in the target process can receive messages. And that really means any thread in that process. It is not strictly tied to a GUI being up and running.
Additional information on the topic can be found here:
WaitForInputIdle should really be called WaitForProcessStartupComplete
WaitForInputIdle waits for any thread, which might not be the thread you care about

Modal MFC dialog not shown due to idle checks in CWnd::RunModalLoop

Below I've put the source to CWnd::RunModal, which is the message loop run when you call CDialog::DoModal - it takes over as a nested message loop until the dialog is ended.
Note that with a couple of special case exception ShowWindow is only called when the message queue is idle.
This is causing a dialog not to appear for many seconds in some cases in our application when DoModal is called. If I debug into the code and put breakpoints, I see the phase 1 loop is not reached until this time. However if I create the same dialog modelessly (call Create then ShowWindow it appears instantly) - but this would be an awkward change to make just to fix a bug without understanding it well.
Is there a way to avoid this problem? Perhaps I can call ShowWindow explicitly at some point for instance or post a message to trigger the idle behaviour? I read "Old New Thing - Modality" which was very informative but didn't answer this question and I can only find it rarely mentioned on the web, without successful resolution.
wincore.cpp: CWnd::RunModalLoop
int CWnd::RunModalLoop(DWORD dwFlags)
ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); // window must be created
ASSERT(!(m_nFlags & WF_MODALLOOP)); // window must not already be in modal state
// for tracking the idle time state
BOOL bIdle = TRUE;
LONG lIdleCount = 0;
BOOL bShowIdle = (dwFlags & MLF_SHOWONIDLE) && !(GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE);
HWND hWndParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd);
MSG *pMsg = AfxGetCurrentMessage();
// acquire and dispatch messages until the modal state is done
for (;;)
// phase1: check to see if we can do idle work
while (bIdle &&
!::PeekMessage(pMsg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE))
// show the dialog when the message queue goes idle
if (bShowIdle)
bShowIdle = FALSE;
// call OnIdle while in bIdle state
if (!(dwFlags & MLF_NOIDLEMSG) && hWndParent != NULL && lIdleCount == 0)
// send WM_ENTERIDLE to the parent
::SendMessage(hWndParent, WM_ENTERIDLE, MSGF_DIALOGBOX, (LPARAM)m_hWnd);
if ((dwFlags & MLF_NOKICKIDLE) ||
!SendMessage(WM_KICKIDLE, MSGF_DIALOGBOX, lIdleCount++))
// stop idle processing next time
bIdle = FALSE;
// phase2: pump messages while available
// pump message, but quit on WM_QUIT
if (!AfxPumpMessage())
return -1;
// show the window when certain special messages rec'd
if (bShowIdle &&
(pMsg->message == 0x118 || pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN))
bShowIdle = FALSE;
if (!ContinueModal())
goto ExitModal;
// reset "no idle" state after pumping "normal" message
if (AfxIsIdleMessage(pMsg))
bIdle = TRUE;
lIdleCount = 0;
} while (::PeekMessage(pMsg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE));
return m_nModalResult;
So to answer my own question, the solution I found was to explicitly call the following two methods:
CWnd::RunModalLoop is supposed to call these, but only when it detects the message queue is empty/idle. If that doesn't happen then the dialog exists and blocks input to other windows, but isn't visible.
From tracking messages I found WM_ACTIVATE was the last message being sent before things got stuck, so I added an OnActivate() handler to my Dialog class.
I found a very similar problem in my application. It only happened when the application was under a heavy load for drawing (the user can open many views, the views show real time data, so they are constantly refreshing, and each view must be drawn independently, and the process of drawing takes a lot of time). So, if under that scenario, the user tries to open any modal dialog (let's say, the "About" dialog, or if the app needs to show any modal dialog like a MessageBox), it "freezes" and the dialog only shows after pressing the ALT key.
Analyzing RunModalLoop() I got to the same conclusion as you did, that is, the first loop (titled "phase1" in the code comments), is never called, since it needs the message queue to be empty, and it never is; the app then falls in the second loop, phase2, from which it never exits, because the call to PeekMessage() at the end of phase2 never returns zero (the message queue is very busy for so many views constantly updating).
Since this code is in wincore.cpp, my solution was to find the closest function that could be overloaded, and lucky me found ContinueModal() which is virtual. Since I already had a class derived from CDialog which I always use as a replacement, I only had to define in that class a BOOL variable m_bShown, and an overload of ContinueModal():
BOOL CMyDialog::ContinueModal()
// Begin extra code by Me
if (m_nFlags & WF_CONTINUEMODAL)
if (!m_bShown && !(GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE))
m_bShown = TRUE;
// End extra code
return m_nFlags & WF_CONTINUEMODAL;
This causes ContinueModal() to actually show the window if it has never been shown before. I set m_bShown to FALSE both in its declaration and in OnInitDialog(), so it arrives to RunModalLoop() in FALSE, and set it to TRUE immediately after showing the window to disable the little additional code snippet.
This solved the problem for me and supposedly should solve it for anybody. The only doubts remaining are, 1) is RunModalLoop() called from somewhere else within MFC that would conflict with this modification? and 2) Why did Microsoft program RunModalLoop() this weird way leaving this glaring hole there that can cause an app to freeze without any apparent reason?
I recently had the same problem.
I solved by sending the undocumented message 0x118 before calling DoModal(), which is handled in the phase2.
PostMessage(0x118, 0, 0);
return CDialog::DoModal();

implementing a scheduler class in Windows

I want to implement a scheduler class, which any object can use to schedule timeouts and cancel then if necessary. When a timeout expires, this information will be sent to the timeout setter/owner at that time asynchronously.
So, for this purpose, I have 2 fundamental classes WindowsTimeout and WindowsScheduler.
class WindowsTimeout
bool mCancelled;
int mTimerID; // Windows handle to identify the actual timer set.
ITimeoutReceiver* mSetter;
int cancel()
mCancelled = true;
if ( timeKillEvent(mTimerID) == SUCCESS) // Line under question # 1
delete this; // Timeout instance is self-destroyed.
return 0; // ok. OS Timer resource given back.
return 1; // fail. OS Timer resource not given back.
WindowsTimeout(ITimeoutReceiver* setter, int timerID)
mSetter = setter;
mTimerID = timerID;
class WindowsScheduler
static void CALLBACK timerFunction(UINT uID,UINT uMsg,DWORD dwUser,DWORD dw1,DWORD dw2)
WindowsTimeout* timeout = (WindowsTimeout*) uMsg;
if (timeout->mCancelled)
delete timeout;
WindowsTimeout* schedule(ITimeoutReceiver* setter, TimeUnit t)
int timerID = timeSetEvent(...);
if (timerID == SUCCESS)
return WindowsTimeout(setter, timerID);
return 0;
My questions are:
Q.1. When a WindowsScheduler::timerFunction() call is made, this call is performed in which context ? It is simply a callback function and I think, it is performed by the OS context, right ? If it is so, does this calling pre-empt any other tasks already running ? I mean do callbacks have higher priority than any other user-task ?
Q.2. When a timeout setter wants to cancel its timeout, it calls WindowsTimeout::cancel().
However, there is always a possibility that timerFunction static call to be callbacked by OS, pre-empting the cancel operation, for example, just after mCancelled = true statement. In such a case, the timeout instance will be deleted by the callback function.
When the pre-empted cancel() function comes again, after the callback function completes execution, will try to access an attribute of the deleted instance (mTimerID), as you can see on the line : "Line under question # 1" in the code.
How can I avoid such a case ?
Please note that, this question is an improved version of the previos one of my own here:
Windows multimedia timer with callback argument
Q1 - I believe it gets called within a thread allocated by the timer API. I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the thread ran at a very high priority. (In Windows, that doesn't necessarily mean it will completely preempt other threads, it just means it will get more cycles than other threads).
Q2 - I started to sketch out a solution for this, but then realized it was a bit harder than I thought. Personally, I would maintain a hash table that maps timerIDs to your WindowsTimeout object instances. The hash table could be a simple std::map instance that's guarded by a critical section. When the timer callback occurs, it enters the critical section and tries to obtain the WindowsTimer instance pointer, and then flags the WindowsTimer instance as having been executed, exits the critical section, and then actually executes the callback. In the event that the hash table doesn't contain the WindowsTimer instance, it means the caller has already removed it. Be very careful here.
One subtle bug in your own code above:
WindowsTimeout* schedule(ITimeoutReceiver* setter, TimeUnit t)
int timerID = timeSetEvent(...);
if (timerID == SUCCESS)
return WindowsTimeout(setter, timerID);
return 0;
In your schedule method, it's entirely possible that the callback scheduled by timeSetEvent will return BEFORE you can create an instance of WindowsTimeout.
