How to give process specific privileges in windows - windows

I am writing some testing software that receives some source code, compiles it on the server, executes it, forward input from the database, catches output and compares it with one in the database to see if it is correct. The problem is that source code can be anything (it is written in c/c++ and compiled with visual studio cl), so I need to prevent somehow malicious users. I am automatically killing those processes if they run longer than some time, or use more memory than allowed.
The question is, can I only allow those processes only to write and read from standard in/out streams and to deny any other access rights on windows.
Please excuse my English.
Thank you in advance.

Probably Job Objects can help you (see This very powerful feature is not good known.
Working with jobs is very easy. You can create a job with respect of CreateJobObject and set a lot of different restrictions like time, memory and some restrictions. Then You can create a process with suspended flag, assign process to the job and resume the process. Then you receive full control under the created process and all tree of child processes, which the process can create. Job feature exist since Windows 2000.
Another modern way is User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) (see or the way of usage Low Integrity Processes introduced by Vista. See how to create a process with Low Integrity.


How exactly a debugged process can compromise the debugging process (machine)?

Whenever one wants to attach to a process from Visual Studio, one receives this nasty message:
This question and its answers show the struggle to get rid of it. This Microsoft article tells us about the potential dangers of attaching for the debugging process/machine:
However, many developers do not realize that the security threat can
also flow in the opposite direction. It is possible for malicious code
in the debuggee process to jeopardize the security of the debugging
machine: there are a number of security exploits that must be guarded
Question: how does the debugged process is able to exploit the debugging process? (I am interested in just a few highlights, as I imagine that one can write a book about it).
And also, what is the purpose of having this warning when debugging on local machine's w3wp.exe process (I imagine that the vast majority of debugging sessions happen within the development machine). If local machine's w3wp process is compromised, you are in deep trouble anyway.
You get this warning when you attach to a process that runs with a limited user account. Like w3wp.exe, a web server is typically configured with such account so that an attacker cannot do too much damage after he figured out how to compromise the web server. Note how you normally use an account with admin privileges to debug the web server.
This opens up a generic security hole that is very similar to the one exploited by a "shatter attack". A privilege escalation, the unprivileged process exploiting the privileges of another process. The conduit is the debugger transport, the channel that lets a debugger control the debuggee. I think a socket in the case where the process runs on another machine, a named pipe if it runs on the same machine. The compromised process could fake the messages that the debugger interprets as normal responses. Anything is possible, nothing is simple, none of this is documented. Intentionally.
Note how you still use the remote debugger when w3wp.exe runs locally. It is normally a 64-bit process and VS is 32-bit, the remote debugger (msvsmon.exe) is required to bridge the bitness difference.
It is the kind of attack scenario where Microsoft has to throw up their hands and can no longer guarantee that such an attack cannot succeed and do real damage to your machine. The attack surface is too large. So they display the dialog, you have to interpret it as a "we are no longer liable for what happens next". Plausible deniability when it ever comes to a lawsuit. The info it displays is not actually useful to judge whether the process is compromised, but it is all they got. Life is too short to worry about it every single time you click Attach, lawyers never once made a programmer's job easier :)
When you func eval something in the debuggee, you are effectively running code on the debugger. This is where the potential security problem could be.
For example, suppose the debuggee has some types that will load a natvis into the debugger. And suppose that the C++ Expression Evaluator has a security hole in it, that allows a buffer overrun attack through a natvis. Just by debugging a certain process, the remote process could take control of your local machine. Granted this isn’t likely, but the debugger isn’t hardened against this sort of attack. The nature of debugging means you have to let any code run.
In the other direction, once a process is being debugged, the debugger have the same permissions as it does. You can do anything you want.
This warning below pops up when attaching to an unknown users’ process. See this article:

Do all user mode processes started in Windows go through CreateProcess?

Is there any bottleneck above the physical the cpu and HAL? Or are there multiple ways a process could start under Windows XP, Vista, or 7, that don't invovle CreateProcess at some point?
Given the comment on your question:
Building an Anti-Executable driver, just planning, wondering if controlling createprocess would be enough.
No it wouldn't be enough if security is your concern. There is NtCreateProcess below that one for example. And those aren't the only ones.
The best way provided by the system is a file system filter driver. In fact the WDK comes with samples that require only a moderate amount of change to do what you're asking. Since you asked about XP you can use a minifilter if you can get away with support for XP SP1 and later.
PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine and PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine are unfortunately only notifications. So they don't allow to do anything about the event that they notify about. And you really shouldn't attempt to work around this.
In the old times I have seen some clever implementations using SSDT hooks on ZwCreateSection that would exchange the returned handle with one to an executable that shows an error message. Since the executable itself sees the original command line, it can then show a nice error message informing the user that the command has been banned for reasons xyz. However, with Vista and later and even on XP and 2003 64bit (x64), it's going to be harder to write the SSDT hooks. Not to mention that everyone would frown upon it, that it requires quite extensive experience to get it right (and even then it often has flaws that can cause havoc) and that you can forget any certifications you may be aspiring for in the Windows Logo process.
Conclusion: use a file system filter driver to deny access to unwanted executables. With a minifilter the learning curve will be moderate, with a legacy filter I'll recommend you take a few courses first and then start your first attempts.
Looking through a quick disassembly of CreateProcess, it appears that the two main things it does are:
Call NtCreateUserProcess (this is syscall 0xAA) to actually create the process structures in the kernel (PEB, etc.)
Start the new process with a call to NtResumeThread (syscall 0x4F).
The Windows Internals books certainly detail this process very well.
I'm not sure if there are designated hooks in the kernel which would allow you to create your anti-executable driver. It used to be that you could hook the "System Service Dispatch Table" to change how these system calls behaved. But now, technologies like PatchGuard prevent a driver from doing this (and allowing the system to run).

ReadDirectoryChangesW and determining which process caused the change

How can I determine which processes are making changes to which files.
I did find this:
FileSystemWatcher: how to know which process made the change?
But I'm curious if anything has changed lately? Is it possible yet to determine which process is making changes to the file system, either using ReadDirectoryChangesW or anything else? I'd prefer not to have to write or use a kernel driver.
Create a security audit on the files you want to track. The information will be recorded in the security event log.
While it may be possible to find out the process that changes a file using kernel drivers (for example, process monitor), there will always be a problem identifying the process in case the folder is shared on the network, and a process on another computer modifies the file over the network.
Even the kernel drivers would in this case identify the network share process as the one accessing the file, not the process on the other computer.
I can't seem to comment yet. I would be interested in your Python code that creates a security audit on files or paths. It's a bit of a shame if it messes with the system security event log, but you can't have everything! :-)
Up until this point, I have been using GetForegroundWindow at the time of the change to eventually get the associated process. It only works well for changes initiated by the user, but that is primarily what I've been interested in. Besides background processes, the only minor issue is that sometimes a process is spawned just to accomplish a task (like a batch file) and it is non-existent by the time you want to learn more about it (like what process spawned it). I imagine that is a problem even with a security audit, though.

What are known/documented/undocmented methods of the process start monitoring?

I need to monitor and, if it is needed, decline process start in the Windows XP and Vista OS?
What are known/documented/undocmented methods? What about known hacks of this methods?
(It will be used for the shareware firewall/security software).
Be very careful with any code that thinks it knows enough about what a user is doing to know whether or not to allow a process to start. It's a great way to find out how much you don't know about your users, but only if you provide an email address for the users to send complaints to.
An example was some VPN software I worked with that hooked into the Windows system to be notified whenever a DLL was loaded. It actually caused BSOD when running a very common application - Visual Studio. The manufacturer wasn't aware of how modular VS is, and that starting it loads many DLLs, and sometimes even more during execution, as new features are loaded.
When you put yourself in the position to do things for your users, you have the responsibility to know enough to do them correctly.
For monitoring you can use WMI events.
There is no[1] method to decide whether to allow the start or not. If you are on Pro/Biz/Ent/Ultimate editions group policy can be used to block specified executables from being launched, or limit to a specified list.
[1] As far as I am aware.

How do I make Windows file-locking more like UNIX file-locking?

UNIX file-locking is dead-easy: The operating system assumes that you know what you are doing and lets you do what you want:
For example, if you try to delete a file which another process has opened the operating system will usually let you do it. The original process still keeps it's file-handles until it terminates - at which point the the file-system will quietly re-cycle the disk-resources. No fuss, that's the way I like it.
How different things are on Windows: If I try to delete a file which another process is using I get an Operating-System error. The file is untouchable until the original process releases it's lock on the file. That was great back in the single-user days of MS-DOS when any locking process was likely to be on the same computer that contained the files, however on a network it's a nightmare:
Consider what happens when a process hangs while writing to a shared file on a Windows file-server. Before the file can be deleted we have to locate the computer and ID the process on that computer which originally opened the file. Only then can we kill the process and delete our unwanted file.
What a nuisance!
Is there a way to make this better? What I want is for file-locking on Windows to behave a like file-locking in UNIX. I want the operating system to just let me do what I want because I'm in charge and I know what I'm doing... can it be done?
No. Windows is designed for the "average user", that is people who don't understand anything about a computer. Therefore, the OS tries to be smart to avoid PEBKACs. To quote Bill Gates: "There are no issues with Windows that any number of people want to be fixed." Of course, he knows that 99.9999% of all Windows users can't tell whether the program just did something odd because of them or the guy who wrote it.
Unix was designed when the world was more simple and anyone close enough to a computer to touch it, probably knew how to assemble it from dirty sand. Therefore, the OS usually lets you do what you want because it assumes that you know better (and if you didn't, you will next time).
Technical answer: Unix allocates an "i-nodes" if you create a file. I-nodes can be shared between processes. If two processes create the same file (that is, two processes call create() with the same path), then you end up with two i-nodes. This is by design. It allows for a fancy security feature: You can create files which no one can open but yourself:
Open a file
Delete it (but keep the file handle)
Use the file any way you like
Close the file
After step #2, the only process in the universe who can access the file is the one who created it (unless you want to read the hard disk block by block). The OS will keep the data alive until you either close the file or your process dies (at which time Unix will clean up after you).
This design is the foundation of all Unix filesystems. The Windows file system NTFS works much the same way but the high level API is different. Many applications open files in exclusive mode (which prevents anyone, even backup programs) to read the file. This is even true for applications which just display information like PDF viewers.
That means you'll have to fix all the Windows applications to achieve the desired effect. If you have access to the source, you can create a file in a shared mode. That would allow other processes to access it at the same time but then, you will have to check before every read/write if the file still exists, whether someone has made changes, etc.
According to MSDN you can specify to CreateFile() 3rd parameter (dwSharedMode) shared mode flag FILE_SHARE_DELETE which:
Enables subsequent open operations on a file or device to request delete access.
Otherwise, other processes cannot open the file or device if they request delete access.
If this flag is not specified, but the file or device has been opened for delete access, the function fails.
Note Delete access allows both delete and rename operations.
So if you're can control your applications you can use this flag.
Note that Process Explorer allow for force closing of file handles (for processes local to the box on which you are running it) via Handle -> Close Handle.
Unlocker purports to do a lot more, and provides a helpful list of other tools.
Also deleting on reboot is an option (though this sounds like not what you want)
That doesn't really help if the hung process still has the handle open. It won't release the resources until that hung process releases the handle. But anyway, in Windows it is possible to force close a file out from under a process that's using it. Process Explorer from will let you look at and close handles that a process has open.
