flex blazeds spring exception translator - spring

I am using spring exception translator to wrap java exception into flex exception.
public void testException()throws Exception{
throw new Exception("my exception");
But for some reason, I am getting IllegalAccessError. The code sections are entering the testException and the Translator class.
Why it trying to get log target level? Can someone help me resolve this please.
Below is the lines from the log:
class java.lang.IllegalAccessError
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method **flex.messaging.log.Log.getTargetLevel()S** from class flex.messaging.MessageException
tried to access method
flex.messaging.log.Log.getTargetLevel()S from class flex.messaging.MessageException
[BlazeDS] tried to access method flex.messaging.log.Log.getTargetLevel()S from class flex.messaging.MessageException
[BlazeDS] Serializing AMF/HTTP response

This turned out to be mismatch in jars. Thank you Cornel Creanga for the initial response.
I also verified that throwing an java.lang.exception was enough to catch the error on the client side.


How to return Custom Response for MaxUploadSizeExceededException during MultiPart File Upload Request?

I'm using a Spring Boot 2.7.5 Backend for a Multipart File Upload.
I want to return a Custom Response if the uploaded file exceeds the specified upload size limit in the configuration.
I originally tried using an ExceptionHandler in a ControllerAdvice as such:
#ExceptionHandler(value = [MaxUploadSizeExceededException::class])
fun handleSizeLimitExceededException(): ResponseEntity<Any> {
val fileSizeMegabyte = multipartProperties.maxFileSize.toMegabytes().toString()
val message = "The file is too big for the upload. Files are not allowed to be bigger than $fileSizeMegabyte MB"
return ResponseEntity(CustomErrorDto(FILE_TOO_LARGE, message, mapOf("maxFileSize" to fileSizeMegabyte)), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
Now this code gets executed, but it is ultimately ignored, as the Multipart Exception already gets handled (Connection Aborted) before the ControllerAdvice is even in play.
An exception occurred: java.lang.Throwable: org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: Failed to parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: SRVE8021E: The file being uploaded is too large.
I tried using the spring.servlet.multipart.resolve-lazily: true property which seemed to work for some people in this thread here, as well as using an ErrorController (which is not applicable for my use case, as it is not a Spring MVC application)
Any hints will be much appreciated, so if you ever dealt with this or a similar issue, please let me know!
Thanks in advance!

How can I catch the ProvisioningException that can occur when Spring kafka cannot connect to Producer endpoint?

How can I catch the ProvisioningException that can occur when Spring kafka cannot connect to Producer endpoint during Spring-Boot initialization phase?
I am using the lib called spring-cloud-stream, or in my case, more specifically: spring-cloud-starter-stream-kafka .
I assume there must be a way to define a config-Bean, or AOP, that might be able to catch the null error thrown due to connection problems? The existing error is not informative enough when connectivity is gone:
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: null
at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl$SingleWaiter.await(KafkaFutureImpl.java:108)
at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl.get(KafkaFutureImpl.java:272)
at org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.kafka.provisioning.KafkaTopicProvisioner.createTopicAndPartitions(KafkaTopicProvisioner.java:355)
at org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.kafka.provisioning.KafkaTopicProvisioner.createTopicIfNecessary(KafkaTopicProvisioner.java:329)
at org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.kafka.provisioning.KafkaTopicProvisioner.createTopic(KafkaTopicProvisioner.java:306)
I'm talking about the "Bean Creation Phases" documented here: https://reflectoring.io/spring-bean-lifecycle/ which describes how to hook your own code to initialization phases but I want to hook 3rd party code.
NOTE: The bounty is expired. An answer outside of the context of Spring Kafka is ok the answer is still relevant to my question.
NOTE: I found another question that also does not provide a good answer: Spring - catch bean creation exception
you can for example Capture that in ExcepcionHander
public class ExceptionHandler {
#ExceptionHandler(value = {ProvisioningException.class})
public void handleException(ProvisioningExceptione) {
I mean the main paoint is to know when do you get this error....
when invoking a method the method should throw it but instead if it is on the initializacion or something like that, it is diferent. I can see such information in your question, please be more specific

Global Exception Handling via Spring Advice In a MQ based Spring Boot Application

I've a MQ Spring Boot PaaS application where I need to implement exception handling via a common exception handler class (GlobalExceptionHandler). My PaaS application receives message from a source queue, perform some database operations via spring jpa and write the response back to a destination queue.
I need to handle all the database RuntimeException, custom business exceptions and other checked exceptions via GlobalExceptionHandler class.
My GlobalExceptionHandler will have handlers (method) defined for every exception. In my handler, I will be logging the exception first and then I will be creating a [error code, desc] and then I need to return it back to main flow.
I do not have any controller in my application. So I think, I can't use #ControllerAdvice. Currently I'm using spring AOP #AfterThrowing as below but I'm not able to return the [code, desc] from handlers.
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* com.abc.xyz.service..*(..)) ",
throwing = "dataNotFoundException")
public void handleDataNotFoundException(DataNotFoundException dataNotFoundException) {
LOGGER.info("Info : " + dataNotFoundException.getMessage());
// code, desc need to create here and send it back to calling place.
// I need to change the return type here from void.
Can anyone please guide me in implementing exception handling here.
As I explained here, #AfterThrowing cannot modify return values or otherwise change the execution flow of your epplication. You cannot even catch the exception there. You need to use an #Around advice instead.
I suggest you read some documentation first and then ask more follow-up questions.

What is the replacement for Spring's deprecated NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException?

The NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException was deprecated in Spring 4.3, in favor of annotation-driven handler methods. What does this mean? The exception is still listed in the documentation, without mentioning its deprecated status. If I understand correctly, this exception is thrown when there is no request mapper for a given request. It appears to be handled by the DefaultExceptionHandlerResolver, here, and the relevant method has been deprecated as well.
If this method is deprecated, can I assume Spring does not throw this exception anymore? How am I supposed to replace this functionality with annotation-driven exception handling? Which exception am I supposed to handle, if this one is deprecated?
Side note: I also noticed a newer NoHandlerFoundException, here. Is this a replacement? If so, why? It appears to do the same thing. And why are the exceptions related to other HTTP status codes not deprecated? It all doesn't make a lot of sense.
The NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException exception is part of the multiaction package that has been deprecated in Spring:
If you don't use multiactions, you can safely get rid of that catch statement and/or stop trying to catch and handle that exception. For example, some "Exception-to-Response error handlers" sample code might look like this to try and catch cases when the dispatcher doesn't find a proper mapping:
public class RestErrorHandler {
#ExceptionHandler({FileNotFoundException.class, NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException.class})
public ErrorInfo process404(HttpServletRequest req, Exception ex) {
return handleException(req, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, ex);
But the latest dispatcher (non-multiaction) will never throw such an exception, so you could simply get rid of the NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException and, instead, handle the NoHandlerFoundException (which is not thrown by default, but you can configure the spring dispatcher to throw it IF you really need to, because, by default, the dispatcher already returns a 404).

Spring mvc controller test + Json response error

I have in my spring mvc test controller:
public void consultaPorIdJson() throws Exception{
mockMvc.perform(get("/timesheet/consultaporidjson/{id}", 1L))
When I trying to run my test I get an error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set error status - response is already committed
I think that is about 2k (I think) of response, but I don't know what must I do to fix it :-(
Does the url works outside of your test? I doubt it does not work as the error suggests you have issue in your implementation where the code is trying to change the status when something is already written in the response.
