Open Project from SVN - visual-studio-2010

My primary dev workstation has tortise and visualSVN installed and VS10 offers me a command off my File menu - 'Open Solution from SVN' - (or something to that effect...I can't open that workstation right now so the wording is probably different. But the point is that i has a way to open a project that stored at my VisualSVN server and all files are copied down to my workstation with source control active. I can 'update to latest' and make my commits.
I'm trying to get to that same level of functionality on a new workstation - have both tortise and visualSVN installed...and within VS10 i have the VisualSVN menu and tortiese context menu items. But I'm not seeing the 'Open from SVN' at the file menu and don't see how I'm supposed to import the project from the VisualSVN server.
NOTE: I was just able to reboot that server (hope springs eternal) and verify the menu struture...On Visual Studio's main File menu - at the top - is "Open" where the only item is a flyout menu - the only item on that is 'Open From SVN'. This is what's missing on the new workstation's visual studio implmentation.

Can't you just do a SVN Checkout using Tortoise and open the solution file in VS?


Import project to Visual Studio online

I am working on a Xamarin.Forms project in Visual Studio and have recently got another laptop. I would like to be able to edit the project when using my work laptop so I searched online and found Visual Studio Online.
The problem is I don't know how to import my current project into the Visual Studio online to get it on the other laptop. I have tried watching tutorials but all others explain how to create a new project and couldn't find any tutorials online that explain it easily.
The first step is to sign up for Visual Studio Team Services and create a new project:
Make sure you select Team Foundation Version Control during this step.
Once the project is created, you can head over to Visual Studio and make sure you're connected to TFS (Team Foundation Server).
Open the Team Explorer panel if it isn't already open (you can find it in View->Team Explorer) and click "Connect"
Once you do that, a window will open that will allow you to sign into your Microsoft account that you used to create the TFS server. Once signed in, you can select your project and click "Connect"
Your project should open in the Team Explorer panel where you should then click "Configure Workspace"
Click "Advanced Options" and then change the Local Folder to point to the folder that contains the solution you want in source control.
Click okay and say no when it asks you if you want to get latest from source control.
You can now go to the "Pending Changes" page in the Team Explorer and click on "Detected XX add(s)" and then click "Promote" in the resulting dialog.
The final step is to add a comment and check in everything!
Your code is now in source control!
From here you can proceed like normal in setting up TFS on your new computer and getting your code from TFS!

No TFS-connection in Visual Studio Solution Explorer

Our project is on Visual Studio Team Services (was TFS Online) and we are using visual studio 2013, but I dont seem to have any connection from Solution Explorer to Team Services.
I have no problem opening Team Explorer-> Source Control Explorer and Get Latest, but when I open the .sln file in visual studio, it seems disconnected to Team Services in the sense that I cant find menu items like "Get Latest", "Check out" and so on. When I create new items in VS they aren't added to Team Services, I have to add them by using Source Control Explorer.
My mappings seems fine, they point to the folders where I have my source code locally.
So, how to I connect my VS to Visual Studio Team Services?
Under Source Control Explorer in VS, double click the .sln file, then go to Solution Explorer to check whether the files under the solution is source controlled.
Additionally, you can go to File--Source Control to see whether you can see "Get latest version" or "Check Out for Edit".
Open the File - Source Control - Manage Source Control and click Bind for each project in the solution.
Also make sure that Team Foundation Server is selected as the version control tools in Tools - Options - Source Control.

How can I get TFS working again?

Today I checked out a new project in TFS (Visual Studio 2010): Which, if any, folders do I need to create before checking out a TFS project?
The .sln file wouldn't save (said it was read-only, and even when changing that in Windows Explorer, it made no difference).
So, I created a new folder, created a new .sln, and then copied all the other files over to that structure.
Now, somehow, TFS has "given up the ghost" On connecting (I do seem to connect, I can see the projects in the Team Explorer pane), when I 2-click the "Source Control" item below a project, I get, "Team Foundation Server is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in."
If I do fall for its ploy, I then see, "Error Command "Tools.Options" does not accept arguments or switches."
What in blue blazes is going on?!?
I reinstalled ("repaired", as that was the only option other than uninstall) MSSCCIProvider, but that did no good - I get the same errors. How can I get TFS back?
I am connecting to TFS, because when I open VS and select the "Connect to TFS" (verbiage?) link, it opens the Team Explorer tab, with a visual representation of the TFS server, with the various "areas" below that, and then, for the area I'm currently working on:
> Work Items
> Builds
Source Control
...but when I mash "Source Control," it tells me, "TFS is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in."
But that's a bait-and-switch, because when I do (click there), I get the err msg, "Error< crlf > Command "Tools.Options" does not accept arguments or switches."
As per my comment, it looks like you have the wrong source control plugin enabled in Visual Studio. In visual studio go to "Tools", "Options", "Source Control"
Make sure that the "Current source control plug-in" is set to "Visual Studio Team Foundation Server"
You should now be able to use Team Explorer to manage your code in TFS

Is there a Visual Studio option or add-on to add an "Open Explorer Here" when I right click on a project in the solution folder?

When I right click on a project in the solution explorer I'd like to be able to select an option that would open a new windows "Explorer" that lists the contents of the build directory. I'd settle for the project directory... but getting me into /bin/x86/Debug vs /bin/x86/Release based on the active build configuration would be major bonus.
I find myself manually navigating to that folder fairly often for various reasons - usually on Utility applications which don't have installers / cmd line build scripts etc
I currently use 2005 express. But, am open to upgrading.
A couple things that might be close enough:
add an "external tool" to the Tools menu. In the "Tools | External Tools..." dialog:
Click "Add" and give the new tool whatever name you want
Command: %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe
Argument: /k "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
Initial directory: $(TargetDir) // (or whatever appropriate macro)
Right click on a open document's tab and select "Open containing folder"
My VS 2005 Standard IDE already had a "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" tool, but it landed the command window in the VC installation directory. Changing the "Argument" and "Initial directory" fields as above made it land in the project's target directory.
The drawbacks are they don't show up in the right menu for the project and they might not land you exactly where you want, but they should land you pretty close.
No sure this is what you want but the "Open file" icon will pop up a FileOpen dialog in the project folder. From there you can right click the Release or Debug folders to open them in an Explorer (and Cancel the dialog).

Visual SVN client commit solution files only

I have VisualSVN client integrated in my Visual Studio and I want to commit modified files. The problem is when I right-click on the solution file item in the solution explorer and choose 'Commit', VisualSVN is trying to commit all modified files in my trunk. This is the same problem if I choose 'Commit' from the VisualSVN menu item.
Is it possible to just show the modified files linked with my solution and not all the trunk files?
I know that with AnkhSVN, this works perfectly but I think I missed something with VisualSVN client.
Use VisualSvn menu or context menu in Solution Explorer and choose "Show Changes". It could also be that you have fiddled with the VisualSvn->"Set Working Copy Root" option. Set it back to automatic mode if possible.
As VisualSvn uses TortoiseSvn in the background, it works only with folders so if there is a modified file in the folder not belonging to the solution side by side with a modified file belonging to the solution you will see both files.
