No TFS-connection in Visual Studio Solution Explorer - visual-studio

Our project is on Visual Studio Team Services (was TFS Online) and we are using visual studio 2013, but I dont seem to have any connection from Solution Explorer to Team Services.
I have no problem opening Team Explorer-> Source Control Explorer and Get Latest, but when I open the .sln file in visual studio, it seems disconnected to Team Services in the sense that I cant find menu items like "Get Latest", "Check out" and so on. When I create new items in VS they aren't added to Team Services, I have to add them by using Source Control Explorer.
My mappings seems fine, they point to the folders where I have my source code locally.
So, how to I connect my VS to Visual Studio Team Services?

Under Source Control Explorer in VS, double click the .sln file, then go to Solution Explorer to check whether the files under the solution is source controlled.
Additionally, you can go to File--Source Control to see whether you can see "Get latest version" or "Check Out for Edit".

Open the File - Source Control - Manage Source Control and click Bind for each project in the solution.
Also make sure that Team Foundation Server is selected as the version control tools in Tools - Options - Source Control.


Import project to Visual Studio online

I am working on a Xamarin.Forms project in Visual Studio and have recently got another laptop. I would like to be able to edit the project when using my work laptop so I searched online and found Visual Studio Online.
The problem is I don't know how to import my current project into the Visual Studio online to get it on the other laptop. I have tried watching tutorials but all others explain how to create a new project and couldn't find any tutorials online that explain it easily.
The first step is to sign up for Visual Studio Team Services and create a new project:
Make sure you select Team Foundation Version Control during this step.
Once the project is created, you can head over to Visual Studio and make sure you're connected to TFS (Team Foundation Server).
Open the Team Explorer panel if it isn't already open (you can find it in View->Team Explorer) and click "Connect"
Once you do that, a window will open that will allow you to sign into your Microsoft account that you used to create the TFS server. Once signed in, you can select your project and click "Connect"
Your project should open in the Team Explorer panel where you should then click "Configure Workspace"
Click "Advanced Options" and then change the Local Folder to point to the folder that contains the solution you want in source control.
Click okay and say no when it asks you if you want to get latest from source control.
You can now go to the "Pending Changes" page in the Team Explorer and click on "Detected XX add(s)" and then click "Promote" in the resulting dialog.
The final step is to add a comment and check in everything!
Your code is now in source control!
From here you can proceed like normal in setting up TFS on your new computer and getting your code from TFS!

Do we have Git source control explorer in Visual Studio 2017?

We get source control explorer for the TFS source control model, and it is productive.
Do we get a similar source control explorer for Git in Visual Studio 2017?
If we do have it, how do I navigate to it?
In short, no, there is no built-in UI support for Git in Visual Studio 2017.
Alternatively, you can try the following extensions based on your source control setup.
In Visual Studio, select Tools → Extensions and Updates, select Online on the left pane, search for one of the following in the search bar in the top right:
Bitbucket → install Visual Studio Bitbucket Extension
GitHub → Install GitHub Extension for Visual Studio
Git → Install Easy Git Integration Tools
The first two do a good job of providing UI controls to work with source control as they relate to Bitbucket or GitHub in a similar fashion to regular TFS integration (that you may be familiar with). I haven't tried the third one myself, and I'm not sure what that one is like.
Please see the Solution Explorer - Folder View. This can be accessed from Solution Explorer (open with CTRL+W, S), then by clicking the Solutions and Folders toggle button. In Visual Studio 2017, it looks like this:
Though it's not a 1:1 capability of the Team Foundation Source Control Explorer view, it does have the ability to view files in the local repo, open, view history, etc.
Visual Studio does not currently have Source Control Explorer for Git repositories. You might consider voting on this User Voice item to help the product team prioritize features:
In Visual Studio 2019, open the folder for the work space using "File->Open->Folder...". The solution explorer, via "View->Solution Explorer", should display all the files which you can then right click to view history and other GIT operations.

Visual Studio TFS workspace and solution explorer

I have a problem with my team foundation server whenever I change something in the project and then check it in other visual studio can't see the changes when they get latest version of the file or entire project but the change is available in the Source Control Explorer but not in the solution explorer.
I use Team Foundation Server 2013 and Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate.
If the file exists on disk (physically in the folder) but does not show in the solution then it is likely that the file was checked in, but the modification to the solution was not.
On the solution explorer there is a "show all files" button at the top of the page. If you click it you should see the file grayed out. Right click on it and add it to the solution with the "include in project". Now check in the change to the project file.
Everyone will now see it added.
You need to find who is adding files and not checking in the solution. I find a rolled up newspaper is most suitable to rectifying the issue permanently.

Having Issue Binding Team Foundation Server Project in Visual Studio

So I connected to a project via, I then clicked "Soure Control Explorer":
Then I clicked "Get Latest Version":
This download the source code and correctly mapped a local directory for me. But my project is not under source control in the solution explorer, if I right click on the solution I see:
Which I click and then see error:
After reaching this error on the internet I go to File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control to rebind:
And I see:
In this screenshot I clicked Bind for the sln. But it makes checkout to bind to the server:
I just want Visual Studio integrated solution explorer Get Latest and Checkin functions, I got latest from TFS and do not understand what the big deal is with getting Visual Studio 2012 to understand.
So far you are on the right track. If you continue and Check-Out the SLN file it will add the bindings to the SLN and csproj files. These are some extra properties in the csproj file and a new GlobalSection in the SLN file. With these Visual Studio will be fully aware of TFS and provide status icons in File Explorer and all the other goodness.

How can I get TFS working again?

Today I checked out a new project in TFS (Visual Studio 2010): Which, if any, folders do I need to create before checking out a TFS project?
The .sln file wouldn't save (said it was read-only, and even when changing that in Windows Explorer, it made no difference).
So, I created a new folder, created a new .sln, and then copied all the other files over to that structure.
Now, somehow, TFS has "given up the ghost" On connecting (I do seem to connect, I can see the projects in the Team Explorer pane), when I 2-click the "Source Control" item below a project, I get, "Team Foundation Server is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in."
If I do fall for its ploy, I then see, "Error Command "Tools.Options" does not accept arguments or switches."
What in blue blazes is going on?!?
I reinstalled ("repaired", as that was the only option other than uninstall) MSSCCIProvider, but that did no good - I get the same errors. How can I get TFS back?
I am connecting to TFS, because when I open VS and select the "Connect to TFS" (verbiage?) link, it opens the Team Explorer tab, with a visual representation of the TFS server, with the various "areas" below that, and then, for the area I'm currently working on:
> Work Items
> Builds
Source Control
...but when I mash "Source Control," it tells me, "TFS is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in."
But that's a bait-and-switch, because when I do (click there), I get the err msg, "Error< crlf > Command "Tools.Options" does not accept arguments or switches."
As per my comment, it looks like you have the wrong source control plugin enabled in Visual Studio. In visual studio go to "Tools", "Options", "Source Control"
Make sure that the "Current source control plug-in" is set to "Visual Studio Team Foundation Server"
You should now be able to use Team Explorer to manage your code in TFS
