How to setup rounded corner menu in joomla - joomla

Does anyone know how to setup a round corner menu in joomla? I need each item in the menu to have rounded corner.

Are you having trouble creating the rounded corner images or trouble using them in the template?
I would go to ( or ( to easily generate the buttons or background image you want to use for the menus.
To use your new images in the menu, you will probably have to connect to the website via FTP, upload your images to the correct folder, and then edit the template so that it uses the correct images.
The easiest way to do this is to find the folder on the server where the current menu images are stored, name your new buttons the same names as the ones being used, and upload the new images, overriding the current images with the new ones. Then you won't have to edit the path to the images, the template will automatically display your new ones since they have the same name the old ones did. Of course, before you do override the old images, I would download and save the current images so you have them if the new buttons dont work!
A few things you will need to be careful about are: either the new buttons need to have the exact same dimensions as the current buttons; or (if the new buttons don't have the same dimensions) you will need to edit the menu attributes (height, width, etc.) in your template's stylesheet so that the new buttons display properly without throwing off the whole template.
Hope this helps! let me know if you have questions...


Best way to represent list with image(using url) in Xamarin.Forms?

I want to create List View. In this List View, I will have following fields.
1- Image with 300 x 400 size
2- Text-Label Controls
1 Screen will hardly cover 1 and Half ViewCell.
Images will have ImageURL. I want to load image smoothly. I also want to make smooth scroll up/down with image appearing.
Can anybody please suggest me which control I should use?
If List View, which CacheStrategy I should use?
Note: For one of such functionality, I had used List View with default CacheStrategy. In that, I just faced 1 major problem of image appearing. When page initialize first time, it show image properly. But as soon as I scroll down or scroll up, image disappear or misplace. In that case, I had suffered a lot and removed image finally.
Please suggest appropriate way for above functionality.
Thank you.
For the listview, you should definitely use RecycleElement as the CachingStrategy. See here
And because the images are URLs, you can use FFImageLoading. It will fade-in the image after it is downloaded (as opposed to appearing instantly after downloaded), and you can even specify a placeholder image to use while the image is being downloaded.

Using image instead of default + and - signs in tree view

I am developing a win32 application and I want to use my own images instead of default + and - signs in tree view.
I also found here that I can use images in four cases-
1)An image, such as an open folder, displayed when the item is selected.
2)An image, such as a closed folder, displayed when the item is not selected.
3)An overlay image that is drawn transparently over the selected or nonselected image.
4)A state image, which is an additional image displayed to the left of the selected or nonselected image. You can use state images, such as checked and cleared check boxes, to indicate application-defined item states.
I found some examples like this one(uses state images) but it seems it is not related to my query.
But I can't find how to replace default + and - signs of tree view with my images.
Please help me out of it. Thanks in advance.
The "expansion" buttons are not drawn using an assigned image list; instead they come from the current theme (or in XP/non-themed, are hard-coded glyphs).
The only way to customize them is to use Custom Draw and draw the tree items yourself.

BingMaps predefined pushpin icons

I'm using the Ajax v.7 version of Bing Maps and want to change the pushpin icon.
I don't want to create new icons nor I want to draw on the canvas.
Is there a way to get some predefined puspins or to change the default one color.
the default one is:
so i assume there must be others, but how to get them?
To change the icon you need to either use a URL to an image. Or hide the icon all together and use HTML instead (HTML 5 Canvas, SVG, and symbol fonts all work well). If you have a specific type of pushpin icon you want to create and/or function (i.e. be able to change color), let me know and I'll provide ore details.

I want to dynamically show 2 images in MFC CDialog dialog box. Can somebody please give me a hint on how to do it?

I am able to show 2 images by opening 2 dialog boxes, but I want to show both of them in the same dialog box. The images will keep on changing
One easy way of doing this is as follows:
add the images as Bitmap resources to the project;
add a picture control to the dialog for each bitmap, position and size as you want it;
set the image property of the picture controls to point to the bitmap resource.
If this way is too static or not how you want to do it, then you'll need to update your question to be more specific.

How to check the positions of different controls in iPhone

How to check some place is already reserved by some controls before adding a new control to the view.
I have added some buttons in the UIImageView and I want to display some images in a label which I'm getting in a random size from the server.I want to place those images over the empty places in the same view.
After adding the first image in some empty place,how could I know that this place is reserved and I have to place the second image in some other placeand the images and buttons should not overlap over each other.
Can somebody please help me ?
Try using CGRectIntersectsRect on the control's frame property (which it inherits from UIView).
I don't believe this will work for rotated views
See this image for reference:
