BingMaps predefined pushpin icons - ajax

I'm using the Ajax v.7 version of Bing Maps and want to change the pushpin icon.
I don't want to create new icons nor I want to draw on the canvas.
Is there a way to get some predefined puspins or to change the default one color.
the default one is:
so i assume there must be others, but how to get them?

To change the icon you need to either use a URL to an image. Or hide the icon all together and use HTML instead (HTML 5 Canvas, SVG, and symbol fonts all work well). If you have a specific type of pushpin icon you want to create and/or function (i.e. be able to change color), let me know and I'll provide ore details.


Is it possible to change the black colour of CKEditor Toolbar icons(in the moono skin), like one can with webfonts.?

I have just upgraded to CKEditor 4.4.5 from 3.5, and notice quite a few changes !! One of the changes is the new skin called Moono which looks great. However it did get me wondering whether it would be possible to change the black in the menu icons to a custom colour, for branding reasons for example. We do this in the rest of the web application using a combination of Server code and CSS.
Many thanks.
Toolbar icons in Moono are images, so if you want to change them, you'd need to create a new skin or use an alternative one from the CKEditor Addons Repository.
However, since Moono is a monochromatic skin, maybe for branding purposes it would be enough for you to use the so-called "chameleon feature" that lets you change the UI color with a simple configuration option?
If so, just use config.uiColor to provide a mataching RGB color value or an HTML color name, as in:
config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
See a working example here:

Powerpoint - want to define a color palette that is NOT a color scheme

I import Spotfire graphics into Powerpoint quite frequently. Spotfire has its own specific color palette, which aren't the standard colors used in powerpoint, at least I don't think so.
I often must create my own legend or for other reasons match the spotfire color palette, and I do this by entering the RGB codes for the spotfire colors. I would like to do this one time and have the spotfire color palette always available in powerpoint without having to re-type.
I do not think I want to use a color theme, because I want my colors to stay consistent if I end up using different templates (themes). That is, I don't want to call spotfire default blue "Accent 1", because if I change background templates (themes) I think it will overwrite Accent 1 with the new template's Accent 1.
So I want a color palette that is always available to me regardless of what theme I choose.
Any thoughts?
You're dismissing themes for all the right reasons. They wouldn't work for what you're after. You'd pretty much need to buy or write an add-in to do what you want.
For example, it might install n buttons on the toolbar/ribbon, where n = the number of colors you need on your palette. When the button is clicked it sets the fill, for example, of the currently selected shape/shapes to the appropriate color.
You could have different sets of buttons for fill, outline etc, or have the code figure out whether the user has pressed, eg the CTRL key. Click = set the fill, CTRL+Click = set the outline.
Because I was curious I decided to attempt to create a simple Add-In that will allow you to select a chart, series in the chart, and then apply colors.
You can download from Google Docs (revised link)
The file is saved as a PPTM to expose the code modules. Save As a PPAM and load the Add-in; it will be available from the Add-Ins command bar. I have tested briefly and seems to be working.
Here's the nuts & bolts of it:
First declared several custom colors as Public Const variables. These can be modified using the long value (converted from RGB) to suit whatever you need.
The macro requires that the selection be a Shape, and further that the Shape .HasChart = True. There is some logic to trap these conditions.
A user form has a ComboBox that populates with a list of Series from the selected chart, and 8 CommandButtons colored for each of the defined colors, will send that color to the chosen series.
You could add additional CommandButtons and colors as needed, or tweak the existing code to suit your specific needs.
Although the slide templates have a default color theme attached to them, you can switch slide templates and still use any XML color scheme at your disposal.

How to check the positions of different controls in iPhone

How to check some place is already reserved by some controls before adding a new control to the view.
I have added some buttons in the UIImageView and I want to display some images in a label which I'm getting in a random size from the server.I want to place those images over the empty places in the same view.
After adding the first image in some empty place,how could I know that this place is reserved and I have to place the second image in some other placeand the images and buttons should not overlap over each other.
Can somebody please help me ?
Try using CGRectIntersectsRect on the control's frame property (which it inherits from UIView).
I don't believe this will work for rotated views
See this image for reference:

How to setup rounded corner menu in joomla

Does anyone know how to setup a round corner menu in joomla? I need each item in the menu to have rounded corner.
Are you having trouble creating the rounded corner images or trouble using them in the template?
I would go to ( or ( to easily generate the buttons or background image you want to use for the menus.
To use your new images in the menu, you will probably have to connect to the website via FTP, upload your images to the correct folder, and then edit the template so that it uses the correct images.
The easiest way to do this is to find the folder on the server where the current menu images are stored, name your new buttons the same names as the ones being used, and upload the new images, overriding the current images with the new ones. Then you won't have to edit the path to the images, the template will automatically display your new ones since they have the same name the old ones did. Of course, before you do override the old images, I would download and save the current images so you have them if the new buttons dont work!
A few things you will need to be careful about are: either the new buttons need to have the exact same dimensions as the current buttons; or (if the new buttons don't have the same dimensions) you will need to edit the menu attributes (height, width, etc.) in your template's stylesheet so that the new buttons display properly without throwing off the whole template.
Hope this helps! let me know if you have questions...

Customized Checkboxes

I am trying to implement image as checkbox.
I have a list with 2 columns and I want to display checbox image on right side, as a third column.On clicking that image ,the image will be changed to a different one.
In which way I can do this?
One way to do this would be to create a custom Field that extends BitmapField. This custom field could contain two Bitmap images (one for each state). You might even consider having four images, so that you can indicate when it has focus as well. For example: unchecked-non-focused, unchecked-focused, checked-non-focused, checked-focused.
When you want to change the image (i.e. on a touch event or trackball click) just have your custom Field call setBitmap() with the appropriate bitmap.
