Debugging 32bit CASSINI on 64bit OS (Oracle 9) - debugging

We are debugging a 32bit application, which connects to oracle using 32bit libraries.
We are able to debug in IIS by setting our application pools to 32bit and using IIS debugging.
We would like to be able to use cassini.
At the moment we are getting TNS listener problems connecting to oracle on 64bit windows 7 using cassini as the debugger.
We have tried building 32bit targets, but this does not help.
There are obviously idiosyncratic issues with this mixed architecture setup. Is there an alternative to cassini, or a way of forcing cassini to be fully 32bit.
The same problems do not occur on a 32bit O/S.

You can pull the source for CassiniDev and build as x64. It serves as a drop-in replacement for the VS 2008/2010 dev servers.


Oracle .NET Provider DLL hell

I am currently developing on a Win7-32bits computer. Everything works fine. It's a ASP.NET application.
I was able to use Microsoft's Oracle deprecated .NET provider to connect to Oracle (using 32 bit instant client) and also ODP.NET. No problems at all. Application runs fine.
The problem comes when I deploy it to IIS7 on Windows 2008 Server 64bit computer. I can't get Microsoft's deprecated .NET provider or ODP.NET to work easily.
Is there a straightforward way to use a 32bit based ODP.NET or Microsoft's Oracle deprecated .NET provider in Windows 2008 Server 64bits?
DLL hell here!
Have you tried creating a 64bit version of your software and deploying with the x64 version of ODP.NET?
See this answer for Visual Studio configuration details.
Since this question is unanswered I'll add a link to another answer I created a while ago even though this question is very old.
Is ODP.NET required for Oracle 11g Client?
In general, change to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess (the managed code version of the ODP.NET client made by oracle) instead of the non-managed alternatives. This will help you a lot with "bittyness".
if you set IIS to run 32 Bits then I can confirm that the driver should work without problem as long as it's the 32 bit client.
I've done this in iis for websites in the recent past and for our winforms app have set it to be x86 build so we always get the 32 bit odp providers on a 64 bit os (though you can do it with corflags as well).

Visual Studio 2008 64-bit debugging strategy

We are moving to an all-64-bit development environment. Unfortunately VS 2008 and, more importantly, its built-in web server, run in 32-bit mode. When debugging code that references 64-bit assemblies - Oracle.DataAccess, for example - we experience the dreaded System.BadImageFormatException.
Can anyone offer any strategies for debugging code with 64-bit dependencies in VS? I suppose we could use a 32-bit Oracle provider, but we would like to emulate the production environment as closely as possible.
I have a similar setup on 64 bit Vista where I have the web site deployed in IIS - this site has in been successfully run and debugged in both 32 and 64 bit.
The biggest problem I have found is working in a mixed environment where some members on the project team are still on 32 bit Windows (both XP and Vista).
This causes headaches with project references to Oracle.DataAccess which I have only managed to solve with bindingRedirect entries in the web.config file in order to point to the correct version of the assembly.
If you use IIS7 you can choose 32/64 bit mode. You will then have to have your projects kick up with IIS instead of cassini which takes a little bit of work, but I think it will solve the problem with Oracle at least. Honestly I don't know how that would all work when attaching at 32bit debugger to it.
We use VMware hosts to give each of our web site developers their own virtual web server. You can use full IIS (as #KevinWon suggested) and install a 64-bit version of the debugger on them. I don't know the specifics of what our guys do - I found this out over a coffee the other day.
Set up an local IIS on your computer and set it to run in 32bit mode
If you enable the Debuging mode you can work with it, just like you would with the integrated development server. But you don't have to mess with the 32/64bit assemblies

How to transform Win2K3 into a Workstation Developement OS?

Here is a question not directly related to programming.
Being fed up with Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and the lots of eye-candy, I want to try Microsoft Windows Server 2003 as the main OS on my development PC. (The other reason is a better version of IIS than 5.1). And knowing that Win2K3 was originally designed as a Server OS, I think that I should make it somehow more "workstation friendly".
My question is: How do I transform Win2K3 (Standard Edition most probably) into a Workstation OS? Any articles or links are highly appreciated.
PS: My development PC must run mainly MS Visual Studio 2008, MS SQL Server 2008, MS Expression Studio 2, different Oracle software (10gR2, ExpressEdition, 11g) and other little utilities (a testing framework, a subversion tool - TFS, a web browser, a bittorrent client, etc). All of this are compatible with Win2K3, as I previously checked.
I only server OS as my workstation, I had Server 2003 before I switched to Server 2008. There's a guide you can find here
You shouldn't run into any problems. Most of windows xp drivers will work on server 2003, however, some apps won't. Especially those that check for the OS version before installing. But you shouldn't have any problems with VS2008, Expression and anything you posted.
For me the only thing that was troublesome was running iTunes on server 2003, it doesn't look as good.
And if you like the eye candy you can turn it on by starting the Theme service and changing a few settings.
You shouldn't run into any issues running those applications on Server 2003.
The last time I personally ran 2003 on a workstation the only real big change was changing the security settings of internet explorer.
If you run one of the free anti-virus software packages you may find that they will not install on a Server OS.
edit: As another poster has suggested I would also go straight to server 2008 if it is an options. Server 2008 runs very well as a workstation OS and if you're hardware supports it the virtual server works very well.
Here's links for turning 2003 into workstation:
If you'd like use Windows Server 2008 as a workstation, runs much better (faster) than a regular Vista install:
or try getting your hands on Windows 7 RC1 which runs quite well.
None of the software types you've listed has any workstation-biased dependencies that I'm aware of. Expression Blend may suffer a bit depending on your hardware and drivers, as WPF is a little more demanding of visual goo than most other development tools for Windows forms.

Can I still develop 32-bit applications using a 64-bit machine?

I'm wondering if I can still develop 32-bit apps using a 64-bit machine (64-bit Windows Vista with Visual Studio 2008 SP1)? Because I am planning to buy a laptop with 64-bit Vista. Im asking just to make sure. Thanks!
64-bit Windows runs 32-bit Visual Studio just fine. Unless you specify you wish you use the x64 development tools, it will still compile 32-bit applications.
Straight from the page:
Visual Studio uses the 32-bit cross
compiler even on a Windows 64-bit
computer. You can, however, use devenv
commands to create a command line
environment to call 64-bit hosted
Further Information:
With Visual Studio you are able to target what platform. By default it will run on "Any CPU" (read 32 or 64 bit), but you can specify if you desire. Look under Project>Properties>Build and look for the "Platform Target" property.
Yes. 64-bit vista will run 32-bit executables, so if you have a 32-bit compiler, it will still work.
Within visual studio you can tell it what to compile to under the Configuration Manager - (Build Menu - Configuration manager) - this allows you to target 32 or 64 bit.
64bit of consumer hardwares is usually "amd64" architecture which can run both 32bit apps and 64bit ones natively. Windows Vista 64bit edition supports both 32bit and 64bit system libraries, so basically you can run both type of applications as well. (Note that IA-64 architecture does not allow this.)
Compiling a program in 64bit is not much related to the platform that the compiler runs. But, of course, to run and test the result binary requires the corresponding architecture.
As many mentioned above, VS2008 let you choose the target architecture, so there's no problem.
I've found that just the setup.exe created by Visual Studio 2012 Express won't work on XP, but if you go ahead load MS 4.0 .NET Framework from the Microsoft Website then the *.application will load and install without using the setup.exe at all.

Missing Visual Studio features when running in 64-bit mode

Can someone tell me why I don't have all of the dev studio windows available to me when I develop on a 64-bit platform? I upgraded my dev desktop box to server 2003 x64 to match our deployment platform. Since then (I'm using VS2005) I've noticed that several windows aren't available. I can't view Processes (which is the most annoying) so I don't know which processes I'm attached to. I can attach to a process fine, but it won't show me what is already running under the debugger. There are others, but that's the one that sticks out in my mind at the moment.
My question is where are these limitations of developing under 64 bit documented (assuming they are)? (Of course, I also get the "Edit/Continue" warning dialog all the time telling me that doesn't work in 64-bit)
Also, is VS2008 any better under 64 bit?
Follow-up: Apparently my question is a little bit vague. I'm developing a 64-bit app on a 64-bit development environment. "Recompile it in x86" doesn't solve my problems.
Follow-up #3: I just installed XP 64 (previously I was using Server 2003 64-bit) and those features all showed up again (Process window, etc). Apparently the server version of windows doesn't provide all of the dev features.
Can anyone tell me why?
"Edit/Continue" can work if you change the build setting to X86 :)
Here was the suggestion from StackOverflow about it.
I had some problem with NUNIT when debugging code. The solution was to use the special program in the \bin\ folder Nunit-x86.exe for old code built in x86 and use the Nunit.exe for x64 built.
