Oracle .NET Provider DLL hell - oracle

I am currently developing on a Win7-32bits computer. Everything works fine. It's a ASP.NET application.
I was able to use Microsoft's Oracle deprecated .NET provider to connect to Oracle (using 32 bit instant client) and also ODP.NET. No problems at all. Application runs fine.
The problem comes when I deploy it to IIS7 on Windows 2008 Server 64bit computer. I can't get Microsoft's deprecated .NET provider or ODP.NET to work easily.
Is there a straightforward way to use a 32bit based ODP.NET or Microsoft's Oracle deprecated .NET provider in Windows 2008 Server 64bits?
DLL hell here!

Have you tried creating a 64bit version of your software and deploying with the x64 version of ODP.NET?
See this answer for Visual Studio configuration details.

Since this question is unanswered I'll add a link to another answer I created a while ago even though this question is very old.
Is ODP.NET required for Oracle 11g Client?
In general, change to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess (the managed code version of the ODP.NET client made by oracle) instead of the non-managed alternatives. This will help you a lot with "bittyness".

if you set IIS to run 32 Bits then I can confirm that the driver should work without problem as long as it's the 32 bit client.
I've done this in iis for websites in the recent past and for our winforms app have set it to be x86 build so we always get the 32 bit odp providers on a 64 bit os (though you can do it with corflags as well).


How to connect .net API to MS Access database

Dear Experts : I have an existing MS Access database , and I have created a web API using Visual Studio 2019. I am trying to create an entity data model or even Code first . The problem is that I cannot find in the data source when I create new data source , the oledb .
Any idea how to connect to Access via API
Thanks in-advance
Do you have the Access database engine installed?
I would install the Access database engine from here:
Make sure you choose the correct bit size. If you running the web server as x32 bits (the default), then install Access x32 (x86) version. If you are running your .net application as x64 bits, then install the x64 bit version of Access. Keep in mind that Visual Studio is a x32 bit application. So, if you choose "any" CPU, it will launch your application as x32 bits.
If you force your project to x64, then you need to have installed the x64 bit version of the Access database engine. Keep in mind that running as x64 bits will work for debug, and running and testing. However, while you can use the connection builders in VS, the final test connection will ALWAYS fail if you using the x64 bit version of Access. This is because VS is a x32 bit application. So, the test connection button will not work, and if you going to use the dataset designer (or now the newer version (entity frame work), then you best develop with the x32 bit version of Access.
If you just developing local, then not a problem, but most hosted web sites (in fact near all) are x64 bits). If you not using the IIS express local, then you have to force your project to x64 bits. And testing connections to the database will be a challenge (your code, or debug code will work, but actual test connections from VS will fail if your project is forced as x64 bits.

ODAC for visual studio 2013

There are a lot of ODAC download at the Oracle website but I want to know what is the right ODAC to download for my VS 2013? I have a Windows 7 64-bit OS.
And also, do I need to install ODAC on BOTH my laptop (where I will create my project) and to the Oracle database server?
When I'm trying to connect to my Oracle database, it throws me this error:
System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater
so I read other blogs saying that I should install ODAC, but these blogs example are using either VS2005 or VS2008, but mine is VS2013
Start with easy answers:
No, you don't have to install any ODAC on Oracle database server (most likely they might be installed anyway by default)
It does not matter at all which Visual Studio you have, regarding Oracle installation they are all the same.
Now regarding your error:
"Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle", i.e. System.Data.OracleClient is deprecated for ages, you should not use it in new projects. You should use the Oracle provider "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" (ODP.NET), so by downloading ODAC from Oracle you have been on the right path.
When you like to use ODP.NET you also have to install an Oracle Client, otherwise it does not work (this requirement is also valid for System.Data.OracleClient, that's the actual error you get).
You can either install "Oracle Instant Client" and ODP.NET or download full Oracle Client where you can make a "Custom" installation. There you have to enable component "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" at least.
It is important to have everywhere the same architecture, i.e. Oracle Client, ODP.NET and your application must be all the same - either x86 or x64 ("AnyCPU" means x64 on nowadays 64-bit Windows). In case you have to support both x86 and x64 follow this instruction to install x86 and x64 on one machine.
Another possibility is to use the "ODP.NET Managed Driver", this one is just a single .dll and does not require any further Oracle client installation. Unlike "ODP.NET" the "ODP.NET Managed Driver" does not depend on the architecture, i.e. it works for both x86 and x64.
It does not matter whether your database is 32-bit or 64-bit. This applies for everything mentioned above.

ODP .Net 12 using OraClient11

I know that the request may look somehow weird but I am trying to develop a .Net application using EF and Visual Studio 2010 against a ORACLE 10g DB.
Initially I tried with EF4 which is the embedded one in VS2010 and with ODP11 I am able to make it work. But due to some specific bugs in EF4 (StoreGeneratedPattern bug) I want to go to EF5 or EF6.
While "googleing" a bit I was able to Install EF6 using the nugets and adding the context generator for EF using the following explanation:
The problem here is that the system is not able to find a proper ODP provider for Entity Framework as I only have ODP11 installed.
Again after investigating a bit :) I saw I need ODP12 which will have full support to EF. My problem here is that all servers will be working with OraClient 11g against a Ora10g DB... I know there is no major problem (at least for the use I need) to use Ora11Client with a Ora10Server but what about ODP? I cannot change the Oracle client and I am wondering whether I can face any issue by having my application developed with ODP12 and being executed in a machine with Ora11g Client.
Is anyone having some advice on this?
Thanks a lot in advance!!
It's my understanding that the managed driver for 12 (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework available on NuGet) will connect to 10.2 and above and does not require ANY client installed on the computer as it contains the client it needs. It just gets installed in the app's bin directory. Be aware though that it doesn't seem to currently work with .NET 4.0 in case you're still targeting that. The 4.0 version of Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework shows up on NuGet as a beta version and is actually compiled against .NET 4.5.
ODP.NET 12.x has a dependency on the Oracle 12 client software so you cannot use it with the 11 client stack. You can use ODP.NET 12 to connect to databases going back to version 10.2.
You can embed the ODP.NET, unmanaged client stack in your app by using the Xcopy download, or you could use the ODP.NET, Managed Driver which is just one DLL and less than 10 MB in size.
Oracle has the concept of an "Oracle Home" (subdirectories) to allow multiple versions of software to run side by side. So that version 11 Client on your servers can exist alongside with the version 12 software you deploy there.

Can I use 32 bit Oracle Developer Tools with x64 ODAC in VS2010?

From the Oracle website here:
This is for their latest Oracle Data Access Components, 64-bit ODAC 11.2 Release 4 ( for Windows x64. I want to use the developer tools (ODT) but they aren't available in 64 bit (probably because VS2010 is still 32-bit). From the site:
Important: The 32-bit Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio download is required for Entity Framework design-time features. The above download fully supports Entity Framework deployment, but does not contain design-time tools.
I don't use EF (I use the Mindscape LightSpeed product as it's usually 3 or 4 years ahead of EF) but the principle is the same - VS2010 and LightSpeed are 32-bit apps and can't load/use x64 libs.
I would like to use the 32-bit tools (ODT) to develop my app and deploy the app using the x64 ODAC. Has anyone done this? Can it be done? Anybody?
If it matters, this is for a WCF service running on a virtual Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. What I have done semi-successfully is force everybody to 32-bit operation, but that seems a little silly if 64 bit is supported as they claim it is.
Thanks in advance,
What the Oracle site mentions is that they have provided the ODAC components for both 32 and 64 bit, but have the Visual Studio design tools for only 32 bit.
Since you are not using EF, I am guessing you are interested in using ODP.NET components with LightSpeed.
For this scenario, you could go ahead by installing both 64 and 32 bit of ODP.NET on the development system and allowing the application to run in native mode on the deployment systems (the application will select the 64 or 32 bit ODP component based on the platform it is running on).
Check RealFiction blog and Semaphoremd blog for detail about installing the client tools for both 64 and 32 bit in parallel. Basically proper way to go about installing them in separate folders and creating symbolic links to the appropriate folder from %windir%\system32 and %windir%\SysWOW64. Thus allowing the WOW64 to take care of allocating the proper components based on the running application.

Is ODP.NET required for Oracle 11g Client?

I may be asking the wrong question here, I'm willing to change it if so.
I have a project that is using the Microsoft.NET Oracle provider (our plan is to change to ODP but we haven't done so yet).
I am trying to get this project to build on a windows 2008 (x64) build server. It builds just fine but our unit tests fail when they hit stuff on the Oracle database.
I had initially installed the 32bit oracle 9i client which is what we currently use on our winxp dev boxes and the previous 2003 build server. But now this gets a message like: Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed.
We tried compiling to the x86 platform but that didn't change the error message.
I now have the 11g 64 bit client installed but I am getting a message saying System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.
So what Oracle install should I be using?
I was able to get this to work. Turned out it was the testing causing the problem, by forcing NUnit to run in 32bit mode: Link I was able to get the tests to work using the old 32 bit driver. This would be a crappy answer to the question so I am not using it but will gladly award the correct answer to anyone putting in some good info on transitioning to Oracle 64bit drivers.
When it comes to Oracle, I like to use Oracle Instant Client :
You don't have to install anything on the target machines (including dev boxes !).
You can make sure that your application will run with the specific client you picked.
You could even easily have multiple applications work with different client versions on the same computer.
As a downside, it adds a significant weight to your application (~19Mb minimum).
Check What is the minimum client footprint required to connect C# to an Oracle database? for more information. To know how to set up a Visual Studio project that will work on x86 as well as x64 machines, check my blog post Oracle Instant Client in Visual Studio.
I'm adding a new answer since as of this fall (2012) the ODP Managed Code Beta is available. See this link for more information. It is for us highly stable and we are using it in production, mainly because of these reasons:
No installation (except for entity framework where a simple registration is needed)
It is smaller than the unmanaged version, the footprint is approx 6 MB.
It is NOT "bit sensitive", ie Any CPU will finally work with ODP :)
More intuitive mapping C# types <-> Oracle types (and it solved some problems with EF and model generation from database)
Supports EZCONNECT (all versions of the unmanaged ODP did not), ie no more tnsnames.ora hassles.
But for transitioning to 64 bit, download the managed ODP driver and change the Oracle.DataAccess reference to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and recompile :)
I think the message "System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater" it's similar to "Oracle client not installed, installed but not found or installed but it's needed 8.1.7 or greater".
Check on regedit if the values are right under the key:
Where OraOdac11g_home1 depends on the Oracle Home name for your installation.
Also, try to connect through Visual Studio to see if its possible.
I have had an issue which could relate to what you are seeing.
I initially had the just the Oracle 10g client installed on my machine and the .Net Oracle.DataAccess component version number was - this was for .Net runtime v1.0.3705
I installed ODP.Net and the Oracle.DataAccess component version is now v2.102.2.20 and runs on .Net runtime v2.0.50727 - I cant find the reference as to why Oracle did this - it was something to do with bringing version numbers in line with the runtime version
It took me a day to work this out. We dont use the 11g client yet and I havent used the 8i client for ages so I dont know what the version numbers would be for those clients, but I'd check it if I were you what.
In short, Oracle back-tracked the component version numbers which could be making your 11g component appear out-of-date as opposed to Oracle 8i components
I have found many times that the error "requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater" is a notoriously misleading error. From distant memory I seem to remember that this usually indicates a file IO permissions problem. I think it may be that the ASP.NET worker process (or whichever identity an application is running under) requires some sort of read or write permission to a folder in the oracle client folder hierarchy...
This can be a cause of multiple oracle homes in the environment. Remove the older version oracle home in your build system. try generating the build again with the single home. There are some issues with 9i version ODP.NET and 10G/11G connectivity
