Load function from variable name (Ruby) - ruby

Here's a short example of my problem.
prefix = "!"
commands = ["right"]
response = nil
message = "Some text !right here"
for i in 0..commands.length
if message.include?(prefix + commands[i]) # If message contains "!right"
response = commands[i](parameter) # Load matching function
if response
def right(parameter)
"This is an example response"
Why can't I load the function right by doing it like this?

First of all, numeric for loops are usually not used in ruby. You can just write
commands.each do |command|
As for calling "functions", you need to know that functions as such don't exist in ruby, only methods (which are, in theory, just a special case of function).
To call a method on an object, you use the send method, which "sends" (read: calls) a "message" (read: the method name) to the object.
The send method takes a symbol as its argument, which is in practice just an interned string, but you're supposed to use them differently from normal strings.
Last but not least, how can you write def outside of any class to define a function, but it's still somehow a method? That's because Ruby pretty much wraps your entire code in an implicit object.
In practice, you'll be better off using a lambda, which is really just an object with a call method that simulates first class functions as you may know them from javascript, lua, etc.
The syntactic sugar for defining one is whatever = lambda { |argument| puts "I'm a lambda" } or whatever = ->(argument){ puts "I'm a lambda too" }.
do |argumetn| ... some lines of code ... end syntax can also be used with both lambda and -> notations.
You can then call the lambda with whatever.call(<argument>)
There's also Procs, which are like lambdas, but with a few differences and I suggest you just google it if you want to know what exactly they are.
Assuming each command is a lambda (or a proc), to assign each one to a string, I recommend just using a hash (read: map or dict).
They are defined like this:
my_map_variable = {
20 => "I'm an integer",
"string" => "I'm a string",
:symbol => "I'm a symbol, an interned string",
symbol2: "I'm the same as above, but with fancy notation",
right: -> (parameter) { puts "This is an example response" }
You can then access the values like this
puts my_map_variable[20] # prints: I'm an integer
puts my_map_variable[:symbol2]
puts my_map_variable[:right].call(nil) # prints: "This is an example response"
Lastly, if you have a string "right", but your hash uses symbol indices, you can just call "right".to_sym to turn the string into a symbol. Or you can just use strings in the first place.


why pass block arguments to a function in ruby?

I'm unclear on why there is a need to pass block arguments when calling a function.
why not just pass in as function arguments and what happens to the block arguments, how are they passed and used?
m.call(somevalue) {|_k, v| v['abc'] = 'xyz'}
module m
def call ( arg1, *arg2, &arg3)
Ruby, like almost all mainstream programming languages, is a strict language, meaning that arguments are fully evaluated before being passed into the method.
Now, imagine you want to implement (a simplified version of) Integer#times. The implementation would look a little bit like this:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return if zero?
3.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
0.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
-1.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
As you can see, 3.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, instead of thrice, as it should do. Also, 0.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, instead of not at all, as it should do, despite the fact that it returns in the second line of the method, and thus action_to_be_executed is never even evaluated. Even -1.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, despite that fact that it raises an ArgumentError exception as the very first thing in the method and thus the entire rest of the method body is never evaluated.
Why is that? Because Ruby is strict! Again, strict means that arguments are fully evaluated before being passed. So, what this means is that before my_times even gets called, the puts "Hello" is evaluated (which prints Hello to the standard output stream), and the result of that evaluation (which is just nil because Kernel#puts always returns nil) is passed into the method.
So, what we need to do, is somehow delay the evaluation of the argument. One way we know how to delay evaluation, is by using a method: methods are only evaluated when they are called.
So, we take a page out of Java's playbook, and define a Single Abstract Method Protocol: the argument that is being passed to my_each must be an object which implements a method with a specific name. Let's call it call, because, well, we are going to call it.
This would look a little bit like this:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return if zero?
def (hello = Object.new).call
puts "Hello"
# Hello
# Hello
# Hello
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
Nice! It works! The argument that is passed is of course still strictly evaluated before being passed (we can't change the fundamental nature of Ruby from within Ruby itself), but this evaluation only results in the object that is bound by the local variable hello. The code that we want to run is another layer of indirection away and will only be executed at the point where we actually call it.
It also has another advantage: Integer#times actually makes the index of the current iteration available to the action as an argument. This was impossible to implement with our first solution, but here we can do it, because we are using a method and methods can take arguments:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
def __my_times_helper(action_to_be_executed, index = 0)
return if zero?
pred.__my_times_helper(action_to_be_executed, index + 1)
def (hello = Object.new).call(i)
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
However, this is not actually very readable. If you didn't want to give a name to this action that we are trying to pass but instead simply literally write it down inside the argument list, it would look something like this:
3.my_times(Object.new.tap do |obj|
def obj.call(i)
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
or on one line:
3.my_times(Object.new.tap do |obj| def obj.call; puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" end end)
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
# or:
3.my_times(Object.new.tap {|obj| def obj.call; puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" end })
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
Now, I don't know about you, but I find that pretty ugly.
In Ruby 1.9, Ruby added Proc literals aka stabby lambda literals to the language. Lambda literals are a concise literal syntax for writing objects with a call method, specifically Proc objects with Proc#call.
Using lambda literals, and without any changes to our existing code, it looks something like this:
3.my_times(-> i { puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" })
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
This does not look bad!
When Yukihiro "matz" Matsumoto designed Ruby almost thirty years ago in early 1993, he did a survey of the core libraries and standard libraries of languages like Smalltalk, Scheme, and Common Lisp to figure out how such methods that take a piece of code as an argument are actually used, and he found that the overwhelming majority of such methods take exactly one code argument and all they do with that argument is call it.
So, he decided to add special language support for a single argument that contains code and can only be called. This argument is both syntactically and semantically lightweight, in particular, it looks syntactically exactly like any other control structure, and it is semantically not an object.
This special language feature, you probably guessed it, are blocks.
Every method in Ruby has an optional block parameter. I can always pass a block to a method. It's up to the method to do anything with the block. Here, for example, the block is useless because Kernel#puts doesn't do anything with a block:
puts("Hello") { puts "from the block" }
# Hello
Because blocks are not objects, you cannot call methods on them. Also, because there can be only one block argument, there is no need to give it a name: if you refer to a block, it's always clear which block because there can be only one. But, if the block doesn't have methods and doesn't have a name, how can we call it?
That's what the yield keyword is for. It temporarily "yields" control flow to the block, or, in other words, it calls the block.
With blocks, our solution would look like this:
class Integer
def my_times(&action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?
def __my_times_helper(&action_to_be_executed, index = 0)
return if zero?
yield index
pred.__my_times_helper(&action_to_be_executed, index + 1)
3.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
0.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
-1.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
Okay, you might notice that I simplified a bit when I wrote above that the only thing you can do with a block is call it. There are two other things you can do with it:
You can check whether a block argument was passed using Kernel#block_given?. Since blocks are always optional, and blocks have no names, there must be a way to check whether a block was passed or not.
You can "roll up" a block (which is not an object and doesn't have a name) into a Proc object (which is an object) and bind it to a parameter (which gives it a name) using the & ampersand unary prefix sigil in the parameter list of the method. Now that we have an object, and a way to refer to it, we can store it in a variable, return it from a method, or (as we are doing here) pass it along as an argument to a different method, which otherwise wouldn't be possible.
There is also the opposite operation: with the & ampersand unary prefix operator, you can "unroll" a Proc object into a block in an argument list; this makes it so that the method behaves as if you had passed the code that is stored inside the Proc as a literal block argument to the method.
And there you have it! That's what blocks are for: a semantically and syntactically lightweight form of passing code to a method.
There are other possible approaches, of course. The approach that is closest to Ruby is probably Smalltalk. Smalltalk also has a concept called blocks (in fact, that is where Ruby got both the idea and the name from). Similarly to Ruby, Smalltalk blocks have a syntactically light-weight literal form, but they are objects, and you can pass more than one to a method. Thanks to Smalltalk's generally light-weight and simple syntax, especially the keyword method syntax which intersperses parts of the method name with the arguments, even passing multiple blocks to a method call is very concise and readable.
For example, Smalltalk actually does not have an if / then / else conditional expression, in fact, Smalltalk has no control structures at all. Everything is done with methods. So, the way that a conditional works, is that the two boolean classes TrueClass and FalseClass each have a method named ifTrue:ifFalse: which takes two block arguments, and the two implementations will simply either evaluate the first or the second block. For example, the implementation in TrueClass might look a little bit like this (note that Smalltalk has no syntax for classes or methods, instead classes and methods are created in the IDE by creating class objects and method objects via the GUI):
True>>ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
"Answer with the value of `trueBlock`."
↑trueBlock value
The corresponding implementation in FalseClass would then look like this:
FalseClass>>ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
"Answer with the value of `falseBlock`."
↑falseBlock value
And you would call it like this:
2 < 3 ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'yes' ] ifFalse: [ Transcript show: 'no' ].
4 < 3 ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'yes' ] ifFalse: [ Transcript show: 'no' ].
In ECMAScript, you can simply use function definitions as expressions, and there is also lightweight syntax for functions.
In the various Lisps, code is just data, and data is code, so you can just pass the code as an argument as data, then inside the function, treat that data as code again.
Scala has call-by-name parameters which are only evaluated when you use their name, and they are evaluated every time you use their name. It would look something like this:
implicit class IntegerTimes(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
def times(actionToBeExecuted: => Unit): Unit = {
if (i < 0) throw new Error()
if (i == 0) () else { actionToBeExecuted; (i - 1).times(actionToBeExecuted) }
3.times { println("Hello") }
// Hello
// Hello
// Hello

How to pass a block

For the sake of simplicity, I've tried to abstract the problem down to its core elements. I've included a small piece of functionality wherein I use Socket to show that I want to pass the block further down into a method which is a black box for all intents and purposes. I'm also passing a constant True for the sake of showing I want to pass arguments as well as a yield block.
With all that being said, if I small have a hierarchy of calls as such:
def foo(use_local_source)
if use_local_source
Socket.unix("/var/run/my.sock") &yield
Socket.tcp("my.remote.com",1234) &yield
foo(True) { |socket|
name = socket.read
puts "Hi #{name}, I'm from foo."
How can I pass the implicitly declared block right down through foo and into Socket as if I were calling Socket.tcp(...) { ... } directly.
I know I could set it as an argument, but it doesn't feel idiomatic to Ruby. Is this also untrue and I should pass it as an argument? I've tried combinations of & and *, and I get a range of exception.
def foo(use_local_source)
if use_local_source
yield Socket.unix("/var/run/my.sock")
yield Socket.tcp("my.remote.com",1234)
From the docs for yield:
Yields control back to the context that resumed the fiber, passing along any arguments that were passed to it.

Why is the parameter of this method a lambda and how does it work

Taken from Programming ruby 1.9 book:
def my_while(cond, &body)
while cond.call
my_while -> { a < 3 } do
puts a
a += 1
The method expects an explicit parameter cond, and this "condition" is assumed to be a lambda/proc (the assumption is made by relying on cond.call to succeed) and has to be passed to the method my_while explicitly. The & syntax captures a method's block (if present) in a variable by implicitly converting it to a Proc object (see 'The ampersand').
Blocks are not real objects in Ruby and thus have to be converted by using the ampersand syntax. Once the block is bound to a Proc, you can send the call message on it as on any other proc/lambda.
The -> syntax is short for lambda, which converts a block to a Proc object (explicitly). There is also a slight difference between using lambda and Proc.new. Again, the wikibook:
Actually, there are two slight differences between lambda and Proc.new.
First, argument checking. The Ruby documentation for lambda states: Equivalent to Proc.new, except the resulting Proc objects check the number of parameters passed when called.
Second, there is a difference in the way returns are handled from the Proc. A return from Proc.new returns from the enclosing method (acting just like a return from a block, more on this later):
def try_ret_procnew
ret = Proc.new { return "Baaam" }
"This is not reached"
# prints "Baaam"
puts try_ret_procnew
While return from lambda acts more conventionally, returning to its caller:
def try_ret_lambda
ret = lambda { return "Baaam" }
"This is printed"
# prints "This is printed"
puts try_ret_lambda
With this in light, I would recommend using lambda instead of Proc.new, unless the behavior of the latter is strictly required. In addition to being way cooler a whopping two characters shorter, its behavior is less surprising.
The piece -> { a < 3 } is a shortcut for a lambda term (which was introduced with ruby 1.9). This is the first parameter passed to your method (i.e. cond) while the block afterwards is assigned to body. The lambda is then executed inside your method via cond.call.

Ruby - What is this output

I know that this code may be not quite correct:
def print_string(&str)
puts str
But, when I run it, this is what I get:
What is this output?
That's the default string representation of a Proc object. Because "Abder-Rahman" is in braces, Ruby thinks you're defining a block. Did you mean to put str.call inside of your function definition? That should call your block and return the string expression you defined inside it.
The problem is that you've declared that the "print_string" method takes a block argument (confusingly named "str") and you simply print the proc itself. You'd probably like to call the given procedure to see the string value it returns:
def call_proc(&proc)
call_proc { 'Foobar' }
# => "Foobar"
What you've discovered is the syntax sugar that if you decorate the last argument of a method definition with an ampersand & then it will be bound to the block argument to the method call. An alternative way of accomplishing the same task is as follows:
def call_proc2
yield if block_given?
call_proc2 { 'Example' }
# => 'Example'
Note also that procedures can be handled directly as objects by using Proc objects (or the "lambda" alias for the Proc constructor):
p1 = Proc.new { 'Foo' }
p1.call # => "Foo"
p2 = lambda { 'Bar' }
p2.call # => "Bar"
You're passing a block to the method, as denoted by the & prefix and how you're calling it. That block is then converted into a Proc internally.
puts str.call inside your method would print the string, although why you'd want to define the method this way is another matter.
See Proc:
When the last argument of function/method is preceded by the & character, ruby expect a proc object. So that's why puts's output is what it is.
This blog has an article about the unary & operator.

Elegant way of duck-typing strings, symbols and arrays?

This is for an already existing public API that I cannot break, but I do wish to extend.
Currently the method takes a string or a symbol or anything else that makes sense when passed as the first parameter to send
I'd like to add the ability to send a list of strings, symbols, et cetera. I could just use is_a? Array, but there are other ways of sending lists, and that's not very ruby-ish.
I'll be calling map on the list, so the first inclination is to use respond_to? :map. But a string also responds to :map, so that won't work.
How about treating them all as Arrays? The behavior you want for Strings is the same as for an Array containing only that String:
def foo(obj, arg)
[*arg].each { |method| obj.send(method) }
The [*arg] trick works because the splat operator (*) turns a single element into itself or an Array into an inline list of its elements.
This is basically just a syntactically sweetened version or Arnaud's answer, though there are subtle differences if you pass an Array containing other Arrays.
Later still
There's an additional difference having to do with foo's return value. If you call foo(bar, :baz), you might be surprised to get [baz] back. To solve this, you can add a Kestrel:
def foo(obj, arg)
returning(arg) do |args|
[*args].each { |method| obj.send(method) }
which will always return arg as passed. Or you could do returning(obj) so you could chain calls to foo. It's up to you what sort of return-value behavior you want.
A critical detail that was overlooked in all of the answers: strings do not respond to :map, so the simplest answer is in the original question: just use respond_to? :map.
Since Array and String are both Enumerables, there's not an elegant way to say "a thing that's an Enumberable, but not a String," at least not in the way being discussed.
What I would do is duck-type for Enumerable (responds_to? :[]) and then use a case statement, like so:
def foo(obj, arg)
if arg.respond_to?(:[])
case arg
when String then obj.send(arg)
else arg.each { |method_name| obj.send(method_name) }
or even cleaner:
def foo(obj, arg)
case arg
when String then obj.send(arg)
when Enumerable then arg.each { |method| obj.send(method) }
else nil
Perhaps the question wasn't clear enough, but a night's sleep showed me two clean ways to answer this question.
1: to_sym is available on String and Symbol and should be available on anything that quacks like a string.
if arg.respond_to? :to_sym
obj.send(arg, ...)
# do array stuff
2: send throws TypeError when passed an array.
obj.send(arg, ...)
rescue TypeError
# do array stuff
I particularly like #2. I severely doubt any of the users of the old API are expecting TypeError to be raised by this method...
Let's say your function is named func
I would make an array from the parameters with
def func(param)
a = Array.new
a << param
You end up with implementing your function func_array for arrays only
with func("hello world") you'll get a.flatten! => [ "hello world" ]
with func(["hello", "world"] ) you'll get a.flatten! => [ "hello", "world" ]
Can you just switch behavior based on parameter.class.name? It's ugly, but if I understand correctly, you have a single method that you'll be passing multiple types to - you'll have to differentiate somehow.
Alternatively, just add a method that handles an array type parameter. It's slightly different behavior so an extra method might make sense.
Use Marshal to serialize your objects before sending these.
If you don't want to monkeypatch, just massage the list to an appropriate string before the send. If you don't mind monkeypatching or inheriting, but want to keep the same method signature:
class ToBePatched
alias_method :__old_takes_a_string, :takes_a_string
#since the old method wanted only a string, check for a string and call the old method
# otherwise do your business with the map on things that respond to a map.
def takes_a_string( string_or_mappable )
return __old_takes_a_string( string_or_mappable ) if String === string_or_mappable
raise ArgumentError unless string_or_mappable.responds_to?( :map )
# do whatever you wish to do
Between those 3 types I'd do this
is_array = var.respond_to?(:to_h)
is_string = var.respond_to?(:each_char)
is_symbol = var.respond_to?(:to_proc)
Should give a unique answer for [], :sym, 'str'
