SQL Server request is very slow when nothing to retrieve? - performance

We are facing a strange performance problem with "SQL Server Express 2005" in a very simple condition.
We have a table with: [timestamp], [id], [value] columns.
and only one primary unique index on [timestamp]+[id].
The table contains around 68.000.000 records.
The request is:
SELECT TOP 1 timestamp FROM table WHERE id=1234 ORDER BY timestamp
If there is at least one record for this id the result is given in few miliseconds.
If there is no record for this id the result is given in at least 30 SECONDS!!!
We tried many other simple similar request, and as soon as we have no corresponding records for the id the processing time is awfully long.
Do you have any explanation and idea to avoid this?

TOP 1 ORDER BY what?
If it finds one record, it must scan the entire table to find more, since you don't have
an index on id.
If you did, but wanted "ORDER BY timestamp", it would still table scan because it doesn't know the id is unique in the timestamp index (even though it might make sense to you because the id is declared unique, say - is it? How if it's not a unique index of its own or as the 1st field in a multicolumn index? - or they both increase monotonically, say - do they?)

If the ID is a unique ID then your ORDER BY isn't needed - and an index on just that field would be enough.


Laravel count data field in table row

I have one table that has many fields,
Is it possible to count how many fields that filled?
I tried count() but seems doesnt work correctly, it only count the rows of the table
The purpose is i want to take the percentage of each student's completed task
This is the view from the page
This is the table
I think your table structure is messy.
why not, setup a one to many relation instead of doing that.
I would also suggest you use increment, every new task completed you increment the value. Please refer to this https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/queries.

Adding Index To A Column Having Flag Values

I am a novice in tuning oracle queries thus need help.
If I have a sql query like:
select a.ID,a.name.....
from a,b,c
where a.id=b.id
and ....
and b.flag='Y';
then will adding index to the FLAG column of table b help to tune the query by any means? The FLAG column has only 2 values Y and N
With a standard btree index, the SQL engine can find the row or rows in the index for the specified value quickly due to its binary structure, then use the physical address (the rowid) stored in the index to access the desired row in a second hop. It's like looking in the index of a book to find the page number. So that is:
Go to index with the key value you want to look up.
The index tells you the physical address in the table.
Go straight to that physical address.
That is nice and quick for something like a unique customer ID. It's still OK for something nonunique, like a customer ID in a table of orders, although the database has to go through the index entries and for each one go to the indicated address. That can still be faster than slogging through the entire table from top to bottom.
But for a column with only two distinct values, you can see that it is going to be more work going through all of the index entries for 'Y' for example, and for each one going to the indicated location in the table, than it would be to just forget the index and scan the whole table in one shot.
That's unless the values are unevenly distributed. If there are a million Y rows and ten N rows then an index will help you find those N rows fast but be no use for Y.
Adding an index to a column with only 2 values normally isn't very useful, because Oracle might just as well do a full table scan.
From your query it looks like it would be more useful to have an index on id, because that would help with the join a.id=b.id.
If you really want to get into tuning then learn to use "explain plan", as that will give you some indication of how much work Oracle needs to do for a query. Add (or remove) an index, then rerun the explain plan.

How to get the last "row" in a cassandra's long row

In Cassandra, a row can be very long and store units of time relevant data. For example, one row could look like the following:
RowKey: "weather"
name=2013-01-02:temperature, value=90,
name=2013-01-02:humidity, value=23,
name=2013-01-02:rain, value=false",
name=2013-01-03:temperature, value=91,
name=2013-01-03:humidity, value=24,
name=2013-01-03:rain, value=false",
name=2013-01-04:temperature, value=90,
name=2013-01-04:humidity, value=23,
name=2013-01-04:rain, value=false".
9 columns of 3 days' weather info.
time is a primary key in this row. So the order of this row would be time based.
My question is, is there any way for me to do a query like: what is the last/first day's humidity value in this row? I know I could use a Order By statement in CQL but since this row is already sorted by time, there should be some way to just get the first/last one directly, instead of doing another sort. Or is cassandra optimizing it already with Order By statement under the hood?
Another way I could think of is, store another column in this row called "last_time_stamp" that always updates itself as new data is inserted in. But that would require one more update every time I insert new weather data.
Thanks for any suggestion!:)
Without seeing more of your actual table, I suggest using a timestamp (or timeuuid if there is a possibility for collisions) as the second component in a compound primary key. Using this, you can get the last "row" by selecting ORDER BY t DESC LIMIT 1.
You could also change the clustering order in your schema to order it naturally for "last N" queries.
Please see examples and linked resource in this answer.

Is there any way to generate an ID without a sequence?

Current application use JPA to auto generate table/entity id. Now a requirement wants to get a query to manually insert data in to the database using SQL queries
So the questions are:
Is it worth to create a sequence in this schema just for this little requirement?
If answer to 1 is no, then what could be a plan b?
Yes. A sequence is trivial - why would you not do it?
Few ways:
Use a UUID. UUIDs are pseudo-random, large alphanumeric strings which are guaranteed to be unique once generated.
Does the data have something unique? Like a timestamp, or IP address, etc? If so, use that
Combination of current timestamp + some less unique value in the data
Combination of current timestamp + some integer i that you keep incrementing
There are others (including generating a checksum, custom random numbers instead of UUIDs, etc) - but those have the possibility of overlaps, so not mentioning them.
Edit: Minor clarifications
Are you just doing a single data load into an empty table, and there are no other users concurrently inserting data? If so, you can just use ROWNUM to generate the IDs starting from 1, e.g.
,etc AS etc
FROM ...

Teradata: How to design table to be normalized with many foreign key columns?

I am designing a table in Teradata with about 30 columns. These columns are going to need to store several time-interval-style values such as Daily, Monthly, Weekly, etc. It is bad design to store the actual string values in the table since this would be an attrocious repeat of data. Instead, what I want to do is create a primitive lookup table. This table would hold Daily, Monthly, Weekly and would use Teradata's identity column to derive the primary key. This primary key would then be stored in the table I am creating as foreign keys.
This would work fine for my application since all I need to know is the primitive key value as I populate my web form's dropdown lists. However, other applications we use will need to either run reports or receive this data through feeds. Therefore, a view will need to be created that joins this table out to the primitives table so that it can actually return Daily, Monthly, and Weekly.
My concern is performance. I've never created a table with such a large amount of foreign key fields and am fairly new to Teradata. Before I go on the long road of figuring this all out the hard way, I'd like any advice I can get on the best way to achieve my goal.
Edit: I suppose I should add that this lookup table would be a mishmash of unrelated primitives. It would contain group of values relating to time intervals as already mentioned above, but also time frames such as 24x7 and 8x5. The table would be designed like this:
ID Type Value
--- ------------ ------------
1 Interval Daily
2 Interval Monthly
3 Interval Weekly
4 TimeFrame 24x7
5 TimeFrame 8x5
Edit Part 2: Added a new tag to get more exposure to this question.
What you've done should be fine. Obviously, you'll need to run the actual queries and collect statistics where appropriate.
One thing I can recommend is to have an additional row in the lookup table like so:
ID Type Value
--- ------------ ------------
0 Unknown Unknown
Then in the main table, instead of having fields as null, you would give them a value of 0. This allows you to use inner joins instead of outer joins, which will help with performance.
