How to get the last "row" in a cassandra's long row - cassandra-2.0

In Cassandra, a row can be very long and store units of time relevant data. For example, one row could look like the following:
RowKey: "weather"
name=2013-01-02:temperature, value=90,
name=2013-01-02:humidity, value=23,
name=2013-01-02:rain, value=false",
name=2013-01-03:temperature, value=91,
name=2013-01-03:humidity, value=24,
name=2013-01-03:rain, value=false",
name=2013-01-04:temperature, value=90,
name=2013-01-04:humidity, value=23,
name=2013-01-04:rain, value=false".
9 columns of 3 days' weather info.
time is a primary key in this row. So the order of this row would be time based.
My question is, is there any way for me to do a query like: what is the last/first day's humidity value in this row? I know I could use a Order By statement in CQL but since this row is already sorted by time, there should be some way to just get the first/last one directly, instead of doing another sort. Or is cassandra optimizing it already with Order By statement under the hood?
Another way I could think of is, store another column in this row called "last_time_stamp" that always updates itself as new data is inserted in. But that would require one more update every time I insert new weather data.
Thanks for any suggestion!:)

Without seeing more of your actual table, I suggest using a timestamp (or timeuuid if there is a possibility for collisions) as the second component in a compound primary key. Using this, you can get the last "row" by selecting ORDER BY t DESC LIMIT 1.
You could also change the clustering order in your schema to order it naturally for "last N" queries.
Please see examples and linked resource in this answer.


How to create a DAX cross-sectional measure?

I don't know if I even worded the question correctly, but I'm trying to create a measure that depends on what is showing in the pivot table (using PowerPivot). In the image I posted, "DealMonth" is an expression in the PowerQuery table itself that simply takes the start date of the employee and subtracts it from the month a deal was closed in. That will show how long it took for that salesperson to close the deal. "TenureMonths" is also an expression in the PowerQuery table that calculates the tenure of the person. The values populating this screenshot are coming from a total headcount measure created. What I'm trying to do is create a separate measure that will show when the "TenureMonths" is less than the "DealMonth." So if the TenureMonths is 5, then after DealMonth of 5, the value would be 0. Is this possible?
I should add the following information.
"DealMonth" - Comes from the FactData table
"TenureMonths" - Comes from the DimSalesStart table
These two tables are joined by name. I feel like I'm so close because I can see what I want. The second image below is a copy/paste of the pivot table result but with my edits to show what I'd want to have shown. Basically, if(TenureMonths >= DealMonth,1,0). The trouble seems to be that since they're in two different tables, I can't make it work. The rows in the fact table are transactions, but the rows in the dim table are just the people with their start and end dates.
Desired Result
This is possible with some IF([measure1]<[measure2],blank(),[measure1]), however without seeing more of the data it will be hard to guide you specifically.
However you need to create two separate measures, one for TenureMonths and one for DealMonth, depending on the data this can be done with an aggregator forumla such as sum, min, max, etc (depends if there will be more than one value).
Then reference those two measures in the formula pattern I mentioned above, and that should give you want you want.
I figured out a solution. I added a dimension table for DealMonth itself and joined to my fact table. That allowed me to do the formulas that I needed.

CDC strategy for multiple staging tables

I'm implementing a Data Mart following the Kimball methodology and I have a challenge with applying deltas from multiple source tables against a single target dimension.
Here's an example of the incoming source data:
1, FOOBAR, 20/10/2018, MD5_XXX
Each of these tables (there are several others) represent a normalised version of the source data i.e. a single application can have one or more statuses associated with it.
Now then, because we only get a full alpha for these tables we have to do a snapshot merge, i.e. apply a full outer join on the current day set of records against the previous day set of records for each individual table. This is computed by comparing the CDC_HASH (a concat of all source columns). The result of this comparison is stored in a delta table as follows:
So in this example, the first table, STG_APPLICATION did not generate a delta record as the attributes pertaining to that table did not change between daily loads. However, the associated table, STG_APPLICATION_STATUS, did calculate a delta, i.e. one or more fields have changed since the last load. This is highlighted by the CDC_STATUS which identifies it as a new record to insert.
The problem now of course is how to correctly handle this situation when loading the target dimension? For example:
1, 1, FOOBAR, 20/10/2018, SUBMITTED, 20/10/2018, 12/04/2019
2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, AWARDED, 13/04/2019, 99/99/9999
This shows the first record - based on these two staging tables being joined - and the second record which is meant to reflect an updated version of the record. However, as previously illustrated, my Delta tables are only partially populated, and therefore I am unable to correctly update the dimension as shown here.
Logically, I understand that I need to be able to include all fields that are used by the dimension as part of my delta calculation, so that I have a copy of a full record when updating the dimension, but I'm not sure of the best way to implement this in my staging area. As shown already, I currently only have independent staging tables, each of which calculate their delta separately.
Please can somebody advise on the best way to handle this? I'm scrutinized Kimball's books on this but to no avail. And I've equally found no suitable answer on any online forums. This is a common problem so I'm sure there exists a suitable architectural pattern to resolve this.
You will need to either compare on joined records or lookup the current dimension values.
If the amount of (unchanged) data is not excessive, you could join the full snapshots of STG_APPLICATION and STG_APPLICATION_STATUS together on APP_ID until they resemble the dimension record column-wise and store those in a separate table with their CDC hash to use as previous day. You then take the deltas at this level and send the (complete) changed records as updates to the dimension.
If the amount of records in the daily update makes it impractical to join the full tables, you can take the deltas and full outer join them as you do now. Then you look up the current dimension record for this APP_ID and fill in all empty fields in the delta record. The completed record is then sent as an update to the dimension.
This solution requires less storage but seems more fragile, especially if multiple changes are possible within a day. If there are many changes, performance may also suffer. For a handful of changes in millions of records, it should be more efficient.

Can I compare values in the same column in adjacent rows in PowerPivot?

I have a PowerPivot table for which I need to be able to determine how long an item was in an Error state. My data set looks something like this:
What I need to be able to do is to look at the values in the ID and State columns, and see if the value in the previous row is ERROR in the State column, and the same in the ID column. If it is, I then need to calculate the difference between the Changed Date values in those two rows.
So, for example, when I got to row 4, I would see that the value in the State column for Row 3, the previous row, is ERROR, and that the value in the ID column in the previous row is the same as the current row, so I would then calculate the difference between the Changed Date values in Row 3 and Row 4 (I don't care about the values in any of the other columns for this particular requirement).
Is there a way to do this in PowerPivot? I've done a fair amount of Internet searching, and it looks like if it can be done, it would use the EARLIER or EARLIEST DAX functions, but I can't find anything that tells me how, or even if, this can be done.
I have had similar requirements many times and after a really long time of trial-and-error, I finally understood how EARLIER works. It can be very powerful, but also very slow so always check for the performance of your calculations.
To answer your question, you will need to create 4 calculated columns:
1) Item Rank - used for ranking the issues with same Item ID
=COUNTROWS(FILTER('ID', EARLIER([Item ID]) = [Item ID] && EARLIER([Date]) >= [Date]))
2) Follows Error - to easily find issue that follows EROR issue
=IF([State] = "EROR",[Item Rank]+1)
3) Time of Following Issue - simple lookup so that you can calculate the different
=IF([Follows Error]>0,
LOOKUPVALUE([Date], [User], [User], [Item Rank], [Follows Error]),
4) Time Diff - calculation of time different for the specific issue
DAY([Time of Following Issue])-DAY([Date]),
With those calculated columns, you can then easily create a powerpivot table, drag State and Item Id onto the ROWS pane and then simply add Time Diff to Values. You will get an overview of issues that contain string "EROR" issue and the time it took to resolve them.
This is what it looks like in PowerPivot window:
And the resulting Pivot table:
You can download my Excel file here (2013).
As I mentioned, be careful with the performance as the calculated columns with nested EARLIER and IF conditions might be a bit too performance-demanding. If there is a smarter way, I would be very happy to see it, but for now this works for me just fine.
Also, keep in mind that all calculated columns could be nested into 1, but I kept them separated to make it easier to understand the formulas.
Hope this helps :-)

How to get sorted rows out of cassandra when using RandomPartioner and Hector as Client?

To improve my skills on Hector and cassandra I'm trying diffrent methods to query data out of cassandra.
Currently I'm trying to make a simple message system. I would like to get the posted messages in chronological order with the last posted message first.
In plain sql it is possible to use 'order by'. I know it is possible if you use the OrderPreservingPartitioner but this partioner is deprecated and less-efficient than the RandomPartioner. I thought of creating an index on a secondary column with a timestamp als value, but I can't figure out how to obtain the data. I'm sure that I have to use at least two queries.
My column Family looks like this:
create column family messages
with comparator = UTF8Type
and key_validation_class=LongType
and compression_options =
{sstable_compression:SnappyCompressor, chunk_length_kb:64}
and column_metadata = [
{column_name: message, validation_class: UTF8Type}
{column_name: index, validation_class: DateType, index_type: KEYS}
I'm not sure if I should use DataType or long for the index column, but I think that's not important for this question.
So how can I get the data sorted? If possible I like to know hows its done white the CQL syntax and whitout.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think there's a completely simple way to do this when using RandomPartitioner.
The columns within each row are stored in sorted order automatically, so you could store each message as a column, keyed on timestamp.
Pretty soon, of course, your row would grow large. So you would need to divide up the messages into rows (by day, hour or minute, etc) and your client would need to work out which rows (time periods) to access.
See also Cassandra time series data

Can you sort a GET on a Cassandra column family by the Timestamp value created for each column entry, rather than the column Keys?

Basically I have a 'thread line' where new threads are made and a TimeUUID is used as a key. Which obviously provides sorting of a new thread quite easily, espically when say making a query of the latest 20 threads etc.
My problem is that when a new 'post' is made to a thread I want to be able to 'bump' that thread to the front of the 'thread line' which is where the problem comes in, how do I basically make this happen so I can still make queries that can still be selected in the right order without providing any kind of duplicates etc.
The only way I can see this working is if rather than a column family sorting via a TimeUUID I need the column family to sort via the insertion Timestamp, therefore I can use the unique thread IDs for column keys and retrieve these in the order they are inserted or reinserted rather than by TimeUUID? Is this possible or am I missing a simple trick that allows for this? As far as I know you have to set a particular comparitor or otherwise it defaults to bytes?
Columns within a row are always sorted by name with the given comparator. You cannot sort by timestamp or value or anything else, or Cassandra would not be able to merge multiple updates to the same column correctly.
As to your use case, I can think of two options.
The most similar to what you are doing now would be to create a second columnfamily, ThreadMostRecentPosts, with timeuuid columns (you said "keys" but it sounds like you mean "columns"). When a new post arrives, delete the old most-recent column and add a new one.
This has two problems:
The unit of replication is the row, so having this grow indefinitely could be problematic. (Using expiring columns to age out no-longer-relevant thread information might help.)
You need a lock manager so that multiple posts to the same thread don't race and possibly leave multiple entries in this row.
I would suggest instead creating a row per day (for instance), whose columns are the thread IDs and whose values are the most recent post. Adding a new post just updates the value in that column; no delete/re-add is done, so the race is not a problem anymore. You don't get sorting for free anymore but that's okay because you're limiting it to a small enough set that you can do that sort in memory (say, yesterday's threads and today's).
(Finally, I would add that I can say from experience that having a cutoff past which old threads don't get bumped to the front by a new reply is a Good Thing.)
