WP7: Remove Underscore in application name - windows-phone-7

I have a Windows Phone 7 app that has a space in the name. VS replaced the space with an underscore throughout the app, which is Ok for namespaces and such, but I cannot figure out how to remove it from the app name as it appars on the device start menu.

Check the properties of your phone project and look for the Title property under Deployment Options.

Double click on project properties and in the field xap file name remove underscore. It worked perfectly for me.


How to change Display Name of Safari Extension for iOS devices?

Can you please help me change the Display Name of the Safari Extensions(iOS v15) for the iPhone/iPad?
I did try (in Xcode) all combinations of updating Build and Bundle Ids and display names, but nothing worked. I tried updating the CBBundleDisplayName property in the project file and also in plist file, but didn't make any difference.
My app/extension ID is: "ABC.MNO.XYZ", and accordingly, there are four targets generated in Xcode, mainly App, Test, UITest, Extension.
The last target (Extension) one is already set to "ABC MNO XYZ Extension" by default, and there I tried to change its Display Name without suffix of Extension, but nothing worked, causing either build issues or no change in the app.
In sum, the app name and extension name, both in Settings > Safari > Extensions and also in the Safari Browser Extension's popup menu, should be set to "ABC MNO".
How to resolve this issue?
Change the "name" attribute in the manifest.json file, within the Targets projects, that(last folder) ends with the suffix "Extension", like "ProjectName Extension".
Then, remove the existing (installed) extension on the device, and rebuild the project, to see the new custom name.

Xcode - How to change the display name of an app for macOS?

The product name of the app is the name of your app as it will appear to customers and you choose it in the Xcode Assistant when starting a new project, but what if you would like to change it?
It seems a trivial question but I tried searching and I find old answers like this one Changing Cocoa display name in the app? (seven years ago) or this one How to change the name of a Mac application in the build settings? which assumes you have a MainMenu.xib file, or answers that refer to iPhone as for example this answer (nine years ago) How to change the name of an iOS app? or this Apple's Technical note for iOS.
Because many things may have changed in Xcode since seven or more years and macOS is different from iOS, I'm afraid to create some trouble, or to change the name that appears in some parts, but forget the old name in another place.
What is the correct way to change the name that the user sees in an app for Mac?
There are several ways to change the name of the app, after you have created the project:
You can rename the target (Double click on the name) because by default Xcode uses the target name as product's name (see next screenshot).
You can set the product name directly in the build settings or via xcconfig files. I actually prefer this way because you can create different names for different build configurations, e.g., "MyApp Debug", "MyApp Beta", "MyApp". So just replace the $(TARGET_NAME) with the name of your app.
If you only want to change the display name of the app in Finder and at runtime, but not its actual file path, this answer might be what you are looking for. Using the localized app name in that way also affects the app's title as displayed in Notification Center.

how can i change the name of my mobile app using xcode7

My app is currently called a silly name. Does anyone know how to change it using xcode7?. By app name i mean when you see the little app icon on the home screen with the apps name below it.
i have looked at other answers but they are only explained using Xcode 4-6.
xcode7 only!
Well, if you want to simply change your app's name in Springboard (aka Home screen), without renaming your project, targets and etc (which is always a lot of pain), you can just change "display name" in your app's Info.plist.
More info here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1823/_index.html
As far as I know, it applies to all versions of Xcode.
This did not change at all for quite a long time, so any older Xcode version answer does still apply:
In Project Navigator select your project > select your build target >
go to Build settings > Product name
Just change product name for your target.

Windows phone apps with same GUID - Creating more apps from one single app

I had made a Windows Phone 7 application. I copy pasted that same application 10 times to create 10 different applications, as the only difference in those 10 apps were the images. But now I cannot install 2 applications on emulator as they have same GUID. I tried using the GUID generator tool and replaced the product id in WMAppManifest.xml file and also the GUID in Assembly Information with the new generated GUID, but as soon as I Rebuild the solution, it goes back to the same old GUID and still replaces other app already installed with same GUID. Can anyone help me why is this happening? Am I missing something?
I got it working finally!! It might help somebody who might be stuck just like me.
The mistake I was doing was I was entering the GUID generated by the tool in UpperCase while it has to be put in "LowerCase". The GUID Generator tool in Visual Studio 2012 generates a GUID something like this: "AAB123-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx" while what the WMAppManifest.xml file takes is: "aab123-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx".
So the steps to change GUID of any project is as follows:
Go to www.guidgen.com
Copy the GUID.
Open Assembly Information and paste it in the GUID field (in lowercase only).
Open WMAppManifest.xml file and paste it again in the productID field (again in lowercase only)
Rebuild and deploy the solution.
To avoid the GUID issue copy the projects following next steps:
Copy the project folder
Change the name to the .csproj file
Add the copyed project to the solution: Right click on solution -> Add -> Existing
Open the WMAppManifest.xml file and replace the Product ID (you can use a generator)
This works for me. If I deploy multiple projects to the phone I can see all of them ther, they're not replaced.

Changing my xap name in windows phone app

I have created a new project called Graphics and I coded it and submitted the app to windows market place. But it seems that the term Graphics term is very generic and for that reason my app got failed. They have mentioned it to change the XAP name.
Are there any ways to do it?
Double click on properties in your solution explorer and click on Application tab on the left. Change the required details. Xap file name, Title and other options which you want to change.
Find your app's WMAppManifest.xml file.
and change the Title Node in App.
You can change your app's display name in the WMAppManifest.xml, which is under the Properties of the project.
