How do I display command errors using Grails RemoteFunction Template rendering? - ajax

I have a template that renders a list of things.
I have a submitToRemote Button on this template that then pops up another template overlayed.
inside template2:
Now I have it working nicely. If the template2 submits correctly, the action renders template1 and all is well.
The problem is what happens if when submitting template2, the command object has an error. I believe I want to get the action to generate a failure, so that the failure:'groupSpecialtyCreateDiv' updates the groupSpecialtyCreateDiv instead of the groupSpecialtyList div.
Otherwise I am misunderstanding the purpose of the failure update parameter, so is there anyway to correctly handle command errors in this case?

I found the answer eventually. To trigger the 'failure' condition you need to throw an error status in the controller action;
response.status = 409 // conflict


Page not updating after ajax call

I have a custom component (that is, an xhtml file with ui:composition inside) where I have a file upload field. When a file is selected it is uploaded via AJAX like this
nullAllowed="#{!((fieldDef.mandatory and
fieldWrapper.getCurrentFileCount() lt 1) and isSaving)}"
maxSize="#{customField.maxFileSize}" >
<f:ajax listener="#{fileUpload.uploadNewFile(fieldWrapper)}" render="#{localId}fileUploadMain messages"/>
Below this upload there's a <div> with the same id as specified in the render attribute of the ajax call, where links for downloading the files are shown. What happens is weird - after a file is selected, it is uploaded, the <div> is updated correctly with a link to the newly uploaded file. However when I click "Cancel" or "Save" on the page, their according actions are called, a correct response is returned to the browser (with status 200) but the browser seems to ignore it - the page is not visually updated or anything...
The custom component is quite big piece of code with not-so-easy-to-rewrite logic so replacing it at this point will be... hard...
One thing to not might be that uploading the file happens in a separate controller, while the main page controller is another one. This is because the separate controller is supposed to handle uploads from the custom component.
I can't really understand what exactly happens, even less why, and I'll appreciate any ideas!
For what it's worth, I am using Mojarra on Wildfly 11 (the one provided by the AS)
As it turns out, the reason is that file uploading via JSF AJAX causes the creation of an iframe called "JSFFrameId" and that frame being set as the target of the nesting form. After the AJAX request completes the target is not removed/cleared thus causing responses to go into that iframe and breaking the view.
At this point I am not sure what causes this, but a workaround for me is to have onevent in the <f:ajax> definition, that clears the form target, like this:
onevent="function(e){if (e.status == 'complete') { $(e.source).parents('form').attr('target','');}"
render="#{localId}fileUploadMain messages">
I will check what other states may need handling but basically this solves the problem. It may be useful if someone shares their suspicions on what may have caused JSF to leave behind this iframe and not reset the target of the form.

##redux-form/UPDATE_SYNC_ERRORS is unintentionally clearing my _error state

I'm setting up form-wide errors pretty much exactly like the Submit Validation Example from the docs.
But unlike the example, my _error object is removed as soon as I do any change in any other form field on my page. On the example page the _error is always shown until the button is pressed again.
Using the Redux dev tools extension in Chrome I see that the action ##redux-form/UPDATE_SYNC_ERRORS is dispatched on the first change I do on any other form field after _error has been set and this action is clearing my _error object in the form state.
How can I control when this action is dispatched?
Can I make it not clear my _error object?
Your form-wide (_error) error is from a failed form submission? i.e. something other than sync validation?
The code as it is now will definitely clear that error. The reason being that once the user has modified something in the form, it seems reasonable to remove the complaint about their past behavior.
However, this seems like a reasonable thing that someone might want to configure. Please submit a feature request referencing this question.

Wicket replacing panel with ajax fails with MarkupNotFoundException

the page markup has
<div wicket:id="stepPanel" />
tag in it and when the page is first loaded it works great that is
add(new MyFirstPanel("stepPanel"));
works fine. But then when I trigger an Ajax event and request redrawing
addOrReplace(new MySecondPanel("stepPanel"));
i get the following error
Last cause: Failed to find markup file associated. MyFirstPanel: [MyFirstPanel [Component id = stepPanel]]
please note that it tries to find the wrong markup (should look for markup for MySecondPanel) and it fails regardless it succedded to do so before!
I instantiate panels using reflection, but could it be a problem here? No exceptions thrown.
Actually it was something else - I have noticed that one of my AjaxSubmitLinks had reference to a form that was no longer placed in a markup... so whatever you do just remember not to leave that reference.
You are adding MyPage after replacing the Panel causing MyPage to re-render.
There is a good example on how to replace panels here.
Yes you can call panels via reflection. I don't clearly know what you are trying to do with event here but if you want you can attach your panel with AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior and define the duration which will update this component in the given time period.
Hope its useful.

Rails form, load new record page rather than redirecting to it

I'm creating my first app in rails.
Basically, I have a new customer form, normally when you enter a new customer you are redirected to the record you created.
However as I am loading all my pages via ajax I want to load the new record in rather than re-direct to it.
I already have the form firing via ajax, I just need to know how I can access the new record URL to load it into my container.
Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance!
You can add an option :remote => true to your form_for helper method, so that instead of page redirect the form gets posted via ajax.
For Ex :
<%= form_for(#post, :remote => true) do |f| %>
<% end %>
Then create a new template named create.js.erb which will get rendered after create method has been executed.
In this template, you can display the details of the new record you created.
For Ex :
$('some_element').replaceWith('< %>');
Edit: You mentioned using load in your javascript. I would generally avoid this as you're making two round trips to the server. 1) Create 2) Get html to load into a div. Additionally, if there is an error that happens, it will be more difficult to catch and do the "good thing", whatever that might be.
Once you've added the remote: true option to your form, you need to deal with what happens on the server side of things.
Assuming your using REST, you'll have a controller with a create action in it. Normally, this method is creating the item and then subsequently returning the HTML for the create page. Instead of this, we need to create a javascript view for the action. This will tell the calling page what to when this action is hit.
Let's assume your form has a div called "new_record_form" and that you have another div called "new_records". You'll want to blank out the form elements in the form, effectively resetting it. You'll also want to add the new record to the "new_records" div.
To add the record to the new records div, you might do something like this.
When you submit the form, you should see this added. One great way to debug issues is to use the inspector. If you're in chrome, right click anywhere, inspect element and select network. Do this prior to form submission. You'll be able to see the ajax call and the response. Your logs will also be helpful.
Don't forget to blank out the form as well.
Note: You mentioned all your pages are ajax, but I highly suggest you evaluate if this makes 100% sense due to the various issues that result. Not saying this is the best article on the subject but might be worth a read.

Manually bind JQuery validation after Ajax request

I'm requesting an MVC view into a live box and the view contains form fields that have been marked up with attributes to be used by JQuery's unobtrusive validators plug-in.
The client script is not however working and my theory is that its because the validation framework is only being triggered on page load which has long since passed by the time the MVC view has been loaded into the live box.
Thus how can I let the validation framework know that it has new form fields to fix up?
Cheers, Ian.
var $form = $("form");
$"validator", null);
// Re add validation with changes
You may take a look at the following blog post. And here's another one.
Another option, rather trick, which worked for me. Just add following line in the beginning of the partial view which is being returned by ajax call
this.ViewContext.FormContext = new FormContext();
For some reason I had to combine bjan and dfortun's answers...
So I put this in my view:
this.ViewContext.FormContext = new FormContext();
And this execute this after the ajax call finishes:
var form = $("#EnrollmentForm");
form.unbind();"validator", null);
I had a similar issue. I had a form that was using Ajax requests to re-display a part of the form with different form fields. I used unobtrusive validation by manually doing it on the client side using the
for my text boxes. For some reason the validation works when attempting to submit with invalid fields (i.e., the text boxes get outlined in red and the appropriate error messages display with the content I put in the
attribute, for example.
However, after I click a button that makes an Ajax request to modify the form with different fields and then submit again, only the red outline on the invalid fields display, but no error messages are rendered.
bjan's trick worked for me, but I still can't see what was causing the issue. All the HTML necessary to carry out the client-side validation was there I just can't figure out why the error message attribute values wouldn't display.
All I can think of is that the jQuery validation code doesn't make a second attempt to check the form fields after a submit was made.
