Rails form, load new record page rather than redirecting to it - ajax

I'm creating my first app in rails.
Basically, I have a new customer form, normally when you enter a new customer you are redirected to the record you created.
However as I am loading all my pages via ajax I want to load the new record in rather than re-direct to it.
I already have the form firing via ajax, I just need to know how I can access the new record URL to load it into my container.
Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance!

You can add an option :remote => true to your form_for helper method, so that instead of page redirect the form gets posted via ajax.
For Ex :
<%= form_for(#post, :remote => true) do |f| %>
<% end %>
Then create a new template named create.js.erb which will get rendered after create method has been executed.
In this template, you can display the details of the new record you created.
For Ex :
$('some_element').replaceWith('<%=#posts.name %>');

Edit: You mentioned using load in your javascript. I would generally avoid this as you're making two round trips to the server. 1) Create 2) Get html to load into a div. Additionally, if there is an error that happens, it will be more difficult to catch and do the "good thing", whatever that might be.
Once you've added the remote: true option to your form, you need to deal with what happens on the server side of things.
Assuming your using REST, you'll have a controller with a create action in it. Normally, this method is creating the item and then subsequently returning the HTML for the create page. Instead of this, we need to create a javascript view for the action. This will tell the calling page what to when this action is hit.
Let's assume your form has a div called "new_record_form" and that you have another div called "new_records". You'll want to blank out the form elements in the form, effectively resetting it. You'll also want to add the new record to the "new_records" div.
To add the record to the new records div, you might do something like this.
When you submit the form, you should see this added. One great way to debug issues is to use the inspector. If you're in chrome, right click anywhere, inspect element and select network. Do this prior to form submission. You'll be able to see the ajax call and the response. Your logs will also be helpful.
Don't forget to blank out the form as well.
Note: You mentioned all your pages are ajax, but I highly suggest you evaluate if this makes 100% sense due to the various issues that result. Not saying this is the best article on the subject but might be worth a read.


Clarification needed in using Ajax forms and Partial Page

I am newbie to MVC and Web App.
Recently I have went through the article
It uses the Ajax Form, to do the partial update towards a particular region alone..
But I have a doubt in that example...
I have seen the partial Page inside the Div with Id "AllTweets"....
<div id="AllTweets">
#Html.Partial("_AllTweets", Model) ***** (XXX)
And also in the controller action,
return PartialView("_AllTweets", viewModel); **** (YYYYY)
Now my question is,
They are returning the partial view along with the data from the action in the controller.
Whatever the data returned from the controller, the engine will place that data, inside the target div with id "AllTweets"...
But still, why I have to have the statement, #Html.Partial("_AllTweets", Model) inside the Div, since already I am returning the data from the controller...
And also in some of the examples, i have seen the same kind of the code..
But, even if I have removed the code "#Html.Partial("_AllTweets", Model)" inside the div, the code still works fine, and without any problem and i can able to post the data to the action in the controller.
I got totally stuck at this point.
May I kindly know, what is the reason behind it and why so.... So I can understand it more better.
Thanks in advance...
But, even if I have removed the code #Html.Partial("_AllTweets",
Model) inside the div, the code still works fine, and without any
problem and i can able to post the data to the action in the
Yes it will work fine. The Html.Partial("_AllTweets",Model) renders the partial with the specified model on every page load. After page is loaded, then ajax is used to fill the div with id AllTweets.
Html.Partial("_AllTweets",Model) is usefull when you want to display, for example, already saved tweets from your database to user when the page first loads. And then ajax takes care of later updates.

Django editing a user generated object

I'm trying to figure out how to do an inline editing for a user-generated object, what the rough procedure (no code just steps), and whether or not there's some way to do this without AJAX - of course it wouldn't be "inline" anymore.
Say the user object is just 1 line of text and 1 image. Something like,
class UserObject(models.Model):
text = models.CharField()
image_path = models.CharField()
If I were to use AJAX, would this be how it'd go? (sorry this is vague, I can figure out the details just trying to see if I understand the concepts correctly)
Create a form, populate it with an instance of the object belonging to the current user
Next to the image, I'd have, say, a "remove" button, which triggers an AJAX call to a URL that's something like project/remove/ab12345 that's connected to a view that handles it.
Wait for the AJAX call to be done
Then somehow remove the image and buttons, maybe by just deleting the div that contains it all
Is that right??
Also, what if I don't want to use AJAX? Would it go something like this?
Create a form, populate it with an instance of the object belonging to the current user
Next to the image, I'd have, say, a "remove" button, which directly links to the URL that's something like project/remove/ab12345 that's connected to a view that handles it
After the view deletes the image, it goes back to the editing page, which just refreshes and the image is no longer there.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!! I can figure out the details of the coding, just wondering if I am getting the concepts right.
An object created by a user is really no different from one you create yourself (except you have to be suspicious of potentially malicious input!). The simplest way to be able to edit objects outside the admin interface is to use the built-in UpdateView. Similarly you can delete them with a DeleteView. If you want to restrict you can edit objects you can user the PermissionRequiredMixin from django braces.
OK since I posted this ultra-vague question I'm going to answer it.
The AJAX free version is pretty much as I described, create a view and a URL that deletes the image and goes right back to the referring page. Next going to try the AJAX version, which basically requires a view that returns some kind of a signal of failure or success.
url('^project/remove_image/(?P<image_id_string>[0-9A-Fa-f]+)/$', pbrand.views.ProjectRemoveImageView.as_view(), name='project_remove_image'),
class ProjectRemoveImageView(View):
redirect_url = '/project/edit' # the editing url
def get(self, request, image_id_string, *args, **kwargs):
# ... some checks on permissions
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.redirect_url + "/" + project.id_string)
inside the template
<a class = "btn btn-default btn-sm" href="{% url 'project_remove_image' i.id_string %}" role="button">remove</a>

Problem showing a messaje to the user using ASP MVC TempData

I'm using TempData to show a message to the user. I put a string in the TempData and later I read the string, and if it is not empty, then I show a DIV that contain the message.
All works fine, and if the user refresh the page the message are not shown (Thats what I want). The problem is that if the user navigate to other page and then press the back button in the browser, then the message are shown again, and I do not want this.
What could I do to avoid this behaviour?
This is the code I use to read the TempData (Razor + VB). There is a DIV #commonMessage, with this code I put the string inside the div and show it. As I said before, it's working, but the only problem is that the TempData is still there if the user click back in the browser.
#If Not IsNothing(TempData("MessageUser")) AndAlso TempData("MessageUser") <> String.Empty Then
Dim str As String = TempData("MessageUser")
#<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
End If
EDIT: Seems like the TempData are being catched, because if I Disable the cache for the action where I'm showing the message (Using the Attribute System.Web.Mvc.OutputCache(NoStore:=True, Duration:=0, VaryByParam:="*")) the problem dissapears. But It would be better I we could find a method that not involve disabling the cache...
REQUESTED EDIT: I'm very newby in ASP, so I try to clarify what i'm triying to do. When an user performs an action (edit a client, for example), I redirect the client to the client list page, and I show a message that tell to the user "The client data was update susessfully". I'm triying to do it in a way that makes the message to be show only once. Maybe the TempData is not the right way (I don't know, 'cos i'm learning yet), but the target is to show a message to an user only once (no matter if the urser refresh or if the user go to other page and then press back in the browser)... using TempData or using something more adequate to our purpose.
Essentially, you are wanting TempData to do what you want, rather than using the right tool for what you want.
TempData is, by design, intended to be used for caching data across HTTP redirections. That is what it exists for. It is not clear from your post if this is the scenario that you are using.
Page redirection, with data in TempData, that is then displayed to the user. Refresh the page you have arrived on, and the TempData is no longer there (there has been no redirection, just a refresh).
If the user then navigates to another page, then uses the back button, the browser will have cached the html of your page and will redisplay that. That is the correct behaviour.
I also think that in your testing, you are getting it wrong. Ie, by disabling the caching, you are just knocking out TempData altogether and you will not get the correct behaviour. Ie, the message will NEVER appear, not just when you hit the back button.
Your jQuery looks inefficient. You are making it do things it doesn't need to do. You could use razor to populate your div with your message. Set the div to not display, ie:
<div id="commonMessage" style="display:none;">
Then use jQuery to show it:
Your post isn't that clear, but in summary, I would say you are seeing what you should.
Maybe you should describe, in an Edit, what you want your app to do. That way it would be easier to answer. As things stand, you have told us what happens and what you put in your view, but it is not clear what you expect.
You should also understand TempData better: it only persists between Controller actions, ie, when a redirect occurs. It stores its data in the Session store, which I believe is affected by the caching attribute you mention.

How can I add a URL parameter but hide others in a POST - Spring MVC

I'm trying to add a URL parameter within a Spring MVC application. It's a basic search page that shows results.
In the search page, there is a form that is set to POST. There are many hidden fields and other fields I don't want in the URL. So, I don't want to do a GET.
I do want the search query in the URL. So after clicking the search button, the resulting search results page needs to have a URL like /search?query=hello
To get it to work, I'm creating a RequestMapping method in the Spring MVC Controller and doing a redirect: tacking on the query parameter. However, I'm not sure using a redirect is the best answer, seems there could be performance concerns redirecting as well.
I looked around and noticed folks using javascript and the location object, but setting the location object obviously relaunches the URL you set it to. I also looked at the HTTPServletResponse & HTTPServletRequest objects, but couldn't find much.
Any thoughts on how I can force the search parameter to be added to the URL?
Your form will have an 'action' specified telling it where to POST to. I'd have thought you could attach an onclick event to your submit button (or an onsubmit event to your form) that updates the action url by appending "?query=" to it.
document.<form name>.action += "?query=...";
Then you just have to worry about someone posting your form without JavaScript enabled - in this case you could fall back to your redirect.
I don't know how the server technology so I can't say if it will be happy giving you both GET and POST parameters, if not you'll have to manually strip the GETs out of the URL.
But anyway, this seems like a rather odd situation to be in - is it really that big a deal to show the parameters in the URL? Anything that gets posted by an HTML form can still be inspected with the right tools, it's just ever so slightly more difficult.
I wanted to provide a more complete answer to my question with code. The previous user helped me down this path, so I'll keep it as the accepted answer. However, there is one item to note:
If you add on to the action, and you have an input text box with the same name, the page posts a duplicate value like: query=hello,hello.
So, I needed to remove the name on the input box, and use the following javascript. Note, I am using the prototype.js framework:
Event.observe(window, 'load', function(event) {
Event.observe('searchForm', 'submit', function(event) {
$('searchForm').action += "?query="+$('searchBox').value;

Getting Ajax return to replace whole page

This is a followup question to the one I posted last week "Ajax.ActionLink not Posting". I did finally get it to Post, and it properly calls my Delete action and deletes the record. The Delete method returns a RedirectToAction("List") so that the new data set minus the deleted record is re-listed. Except that what actually happens is - NOTHING. The listing doesn't change. And I'm pretty sure I know why: calling Ajax.ActionLink returns an Ajax result which is only supposed to replace a designated element (the UpdateTargetId option parameter) in the document. And since I haven't designated any, it doesn't replace anything, even though it's a whole fresh page.
My question is, what do I pass to the AjaxOption.UpdateTargetId to get it to wipe the whole page and reload with the new result, just as though Html.ActionLink had been called (recalling that the only reason for using Ajax.ActionLink was that I wanted the method invoked with a POST instead of a GET)? (And since this page uses a Master Page, I don't have the option of just putting an ID on the body element.)
You can do a POST without Ajax. You would need to use a Form and change your ActionLink to a Submit button. That might be the simplest way.
Otherwise, you need to change your List action to return a PartialView. This is what renders to your UpdateTargetId, which you can just set as an outer div on your page.
Do you really need to reload your list at all? You can do your Ajax POST to delete the row in the database, and use the OnSuccess property of the AjaxOptions to call a JavaScript function which then removes the row from the html on the page.
