Visual Studio 2008: How to view “Advanced” properties in the Properties window? - visual-studio

Whenever I click on an object in the Solution Explorer, in the Properties Dialog, all I can see are the "Misc" properties, usually File Name and File Path, but I need to see the "Advanced" section. Under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C#, there is a checkbox labeled "Hide advanced members". This was unchecked by default, and I've tried checking + restarting visual studio, unchecking again. Regardless, it's still hidden. I'm not even sure that this relates to Properties, but this was suggested as a solution before. How might I go about fixing this?
EDIT: I'm referring to the properties of files within the project, not the project or solution properties.

This is normally the case for projects and solutions - the properties window only has the file name and path.
Right click on the solution or project node and select Properties. This will bring up the properties pages for them, instead of the properties window (F4).

If you click on the object in the solution explorer it just shows you the Advanced and Misc properties. If you want to see all the specific properties of the object click on the object itself in the [Design] window.

check the location of folder the items are stored in if they are in folders, they have to be under the project name and not the solutionenter image description here


Modify Control Order in VC14 Build Menu Bar

You can customize the control order of the build toolbar in Tools->Customize->Commands and settings Menu Bar: to Build.
The changes are remembered in the Customize dialog after closing but are not applied to Visual Studio - Right-clicking on a project in the solution explorer displays a Build menu bar without the modified control order.
Does anybody know if the order can be permanently modified, and if so, how to apply it?
The 'Context Menu' refers to the right-click options tab. In particular the 'Class View Context Menus' and 'Project and Solution Context Menus' refer to the options created on the solution browser.

VS2012 Premium: "Data Sources" menu item is missing

I am using VS2012 Premium. I do not have a menu item to launch the Data Sources window. According to MSDN I should have a menu item:
On the menu bar, choose View, Other Windows, Data Sources (or choose the Shift+Alt+D keys).
but I have no such item.
The shortcut doesn't work either. I have reset the shortcut from Shift+Alt+D (which drops down the Debug menu item) to something else but this still does not display the window.
I have created a new VS solution which is not an MVC website (a WCF application) to address this suggestion that the option is hidden in MVC sites.
I have also run devenv /ResetSettings
as suggested on this MSDN forum posting.
Has anyone any ideas how I can launch the Data Sources window?
It depends on the project type you choose. For instance, a WCF Service Application project will not show you this option, while WCF Service Library project will show you the option.
The issue I had was that my Report Data pane went missing when working with RDLC files.
Click somewhere on your main design working area (in my case the design area for the RDLC I am updating).
Then go to the View menu -> Report Data.
The Data Sources and DataSets are now available in the Report Data pane.
Another possible solution for some:
I've noticed that the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option is not available when the active file in the main window is a .sql query file (I'm sure this would be the case for other types of files as well).
In this case, simply selecting a file associated with the solution will make the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option available again.

Is there a way to show the current TFS workspace in Visual Studio?

I'm looking for a way to have the current TFS workspace displayed in Visual Studio.
It's visible when I open the Source Control Explorer (or Pending Changes), but I want it to be visible too when I'm editing code. So for example showing it in the toolbar, or in the window titlebar, or in the bottom status bar, doesn't matter as long as I can see it with a single glance.
Any tips?
You can use the "Rename Visual Studio Window Title" extension and use the [workspaceName] attribute. Hope it helps.
There is a add on that shows this info, you can dock it somewhere :
There are a couple of options to do this without an additional plugin.
Use the Properties view
Select the solution, a project, or any file in Solution Explorer
Press F4 to go to the Properties view. The full path to your solution will be shown.
Note that right-clicking the solution or project and selecting Properties (Alt-Enter) will take you to the Properties Pages which doesn't have the information you want.
Use the Source Control Explorer
Opening Source Control Explorer will show you the last accessed workspace. Most of the time, this will be the workspace for the solution you are working on. However, if you have had two Visual Studio sessions open for different workspaces, I have seen the first VS session switch to the workspace of the other VS session.
Use the Pending Changes view
Pending Changes will show the workspace just under the header for the view.
You can get to Pending Changes through:
Team Explorer => Pending Changes
View => Other Windows => Pending Changes
Hover the mouse over an open file, the tooltip will show the full path to the file.

What is the easiest way to save settings in

I am creating a program which launches a game server. I have combobox in which the user can enter the ip, map, etc, of the game. How can I save what they have entered so that the next time they are already there so they don't have to re-enter them.
Use Visual Studio's Settings Designer, Right click on your project then properties, navigate to the settings section, from there, you can add anything you want.
then you can access your settings from code like so
My.Settings.nameOfSettingsEntry = value
you'll find more details and screenshots here,
You can also bind the settings to the control using the Properties Window.
Right click your project in the Solution Explorer and choose Properties. Go to Settings and create a new String setting. Then click on your ComboBox and open up the Application Settings > PropertyBinding section from the Properties Window. From there you can bind the control's text property to the String setting you just created.

Customize project context menu of visual studio

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 with some add-ins and extensions. The problem is now that the context menu of the project items in the solution explorer is getting so large that I always have to scroll down for the "Properties" and the "Open in Windows Explorer" which I use most.
This is getting very nasty.
Is there a possibility to group commands into a sub menu or to modify the position of the commands in the context menu?
Yes, it can be edited.
Go to 'Tools' -> 'Customize...' -> and select the 'Command' tab.
Select Context Menu and pick Project and Solution Context Menus | Project
You can always use the keyboard to do the work for you.
The default binding for Properties is Alt+Enter (or sometimes F4 depending on what add-ins you have installed). Select the project in Solution Explorer and hit Alt+Enter to show it's properties. (This works for almost any other object as well, btw).
The default binding for view SolutionExplorer is Ctrl+Alt+L, so you don't have to use your mouse to get there.
There is no default binding for opening a project in Windows Explorer, but you can set one yourself.
The keyboard bindings are set under Tools->Options...->Environment->Keyboard, and the interesting settings in this case are probably View.SolutionExplorer, Project.OpenFolderinWindowsExplorer and View.PropertiesWindow or Project.Properties depending on which propertiy collection you were referring to.
