VS2012 Premium: "Data Sources" menu item is missing - visual-studio

I am using VS2012 Premium. I do not have a menu item to launch the Data Sources window. According to MSDN I should have a menu item:
On the menu bar, choose View, Other Windows, Data Sources (or choose the Shift+Alt+D keys).
but I have no such item.
The shortcut doesn't work either. I have reset the shortcut from Shift+Alt+D (which drops down the Debug menu item) to something else but this still does not display the window.
I have created a new VS solution which is not an MVC website (a WCF application) to address this suggestion that the option is hidden in MVC sites.
I have also run devenv /ResetSettings
as suggested on this MSDN forum posting.
Has anyone any ideas how I can launch the Data Sources window?

It depends on the project type you choose. For instance, a WCF Service Application project will not show you this option, while WCF Service Library project will show you the option.

The issue I had was that my Report Data pane went missing when working with RDLC files.
Click somewhere on your main design working area (in my case the design area for the RDLC I am updating).
Then go to the View menu -> Report Data.
The Data Sources and DataSets are now available in the Report Data pane.

Another possible solution for some:
I've noticed that the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option is not available when the active file in the main window is a .sql query file (I'm sure this would be the case for other types of files as well).
In this case, simply selecting a file associated with the solution will make the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option available again.


Visual Studio View Code on Multiple Files at Once

I'm in the process of migrating some Web Sites to Web Applications, using Visual Studio 2017. One thing I can't seem to figure out is how do I open multiple .cs files at the same time? I can open the .aspx file for them easy enough by right clicking and choosing Open. I can view the code behind on a single page at a time by right clicking and choosing View Code. In the old Web Sites I could right click multiple files at once and select View Code, however, it appears in Web Applications that option has been replaced with "View Code Gen File" which isn't the same thing. It's painfully slow to open a single page at a time so hopefully there is a setting I am just not finding.
EDIT: As requested, uploading screenshots. Only .aspx files are selected but when more than one is selected the "View Source" option is no longer there. Also I should note that if multiple are selected in Solution Explorer, pressing F7 also has no effect, though that keystroke does work to View Source of a single file at a time.
After further experimentation, I now see what you see and I agree that it's something that Microsoft broke along the way. In fact, in your own image, if you single-select an aspx file in Solution Explorer then you can see the "<>" icon appear in the button bar at the top of Solution Explorer. But that icon disappears whenever you select two or more aspx files.
I've done a lot of work with Visual Studio over the years and I can't imagine any justifiable reason why Microsoft would have deliberately removed the View Code option from the context menu for multiply selected aspx files.
This appears to be a bona fide bug that should be reported to Microsoft.
Meanwhile, as a workaround, use the File | Open option in Visual Studio 2017 and, in the resulting Open File dialog box, simply multi-select any .cs files you need (this dialog box allows you to multi-select files and open all of them at once).

Why am i not seeing the security tab in my Office Solution properties?

I recently published an office solution as a click once application on my one drive. My client downloaded it from there and when he tried to install, it gave him this error.
I want to republish it by making it a full trust application but i cannot find the security tab in project properties.
Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue and the solution was super annoying to figure out. Someone on another website mentioned that the Security tab is only relevant for certain types of ClickOnce applications so I started playing around with various options and figured it out.
In the Application tab, for Application Type, select Windows Forms Application from the drop-down menu (other drop-down options might also work but haven't tried them)
Save everything: In the main menu bar of Visual Studio, click File > Save All.
Close your project Properties window (i.e. the one with the Application tab that we were just modifying)
Open your project Properties window again: in your Solution Explorer, select your project, go to the main menu bar, click Project, click Properties.
Voila! It should be there. :)

Data sources tab is missing in visual studio 2010

I started reading the Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 4 and I'm having the following problem here with my visual studio 2010
I can't find the data sources tab page as mentioned here:
When you open the Data Sources window in Visual Studio, you will
find that a data source has
already been created for each domain context created by RIA Services
in the Silverlight project, with the entities that they expose beneath
them (as shown in Figure 6-2). Dragging and dropping one of these onto
your design surface will create both a DomainDataSource control and a
bound control to display the data.
I know that the Data Sources window and Data menu are intentionally disabled in Websites and Web Application Projects but my project is a Silverlight business application.
Can someone tell where i can find this window or what should i do to create the DomainDataSource control and the bound control?
If you have MainWindow.xaml open, the DataSources tab is normally right next to the Toolbox tab.
If it does not appear there, go to View -> Toolbars, and turn on the Data Design toolbar. Click the Show Data Sources button.
Or just use Shift + Alt + D
When I create an empty project, I am able to access Data Sources as follows:
Select a project in the solution explorer. (Not a solution!)
The 'Data' menu on the menu bar now allows you to access the data sources for this project, along with other Data Source related options.
OK, i got a workaround. For some reason, it only shows up if you do a Silverlight project. So I started a blank solution, added a silverlight project. Bingo - there is the Data Source window. Now, add whatever project you really need.
You may need to build the project that contains your objects before the objects appear in the tree view.
You can find this toolbar option in View -> Other Windows -> Data Sources or use
Shift + Alt + D

Why can't I see the "Report Data" window when creating reports?

I'm creating RDLC reports in VS10. When the program is NOT running, I can see the toolbox, and add controls to the report, but the "Report Data" pane is nowhere to be found, so I can't fill the controls on my report. However, if I run the solution, the "Report Data" pane appears, and I can drag fields on to my report, however the Toolbox contains no controls while I'm running. So, I've had to put the controls on to my report while not running, run the project and while it's running I can put the fields in....
anyways, how do I get the Report Data pane to stay visible while the project is not running?
The most common answer to this problem is to go to the Data menu and choose Show Data Sources. This option does not appear for me.
The Show Report Data Pane keyboard shortcut did work for me:
CTRL+ALT+D. There is nothing in the menus that I could find that does this same thing.
After I accidentally closed this window, I took an hour to find how to bring it back up.
The right answer is indeed:
View-->Report Data (ctrl+alt+D)
The tricky part: the 'Report Data' entry does not always appear in the 'View' dropdown. Make sure that you have a report open, and some element of the report selected.
If you're not 'in the report', the entry disappears from the menu.
Hi I faced the same issue in VS2008, I tried based on the post 8 (Thanks to the "Tricky part" section in that)
The (Ctrl+Alt+D) combo did not work there in VS2008, but after opening the Report file(rdlc) I browsed on the View menu and found out that View->Toolbars->Data Design is the solution for that.
Upon opening that we get around 4 icons of which the "Show Data Sources" section brings the "Website Data Sources" section which fetches all Entities, Typed DataSets etc.
The keybord shortcut is (Shift+Alt+D).
The twisty part here is the "Data Sources" section available with the Server Explorer toolbar doesnt bring up any stuff but the "Website Data Sources" brings all the needed., can somebody explain that to me.
I was also same problem in Visual Studio 2013, Then Suddenly got an Idea.. Click on Report to make focus on it.
Simple Press Alt+Ctrl+D
I had the same problem, but in c# 2012
I closed the "report data" and I couldn't find it and I finally found a solution to this issue.
This is my method:
VIEW >> TOOLBARS >> CUSTOMIZE >> COMMANDS ... select from the "Menu bar" .. VIEW.
OK now in the "Controls" find the "REPORT DATA", select it and MOVE it UP, close the menu.
After that select a file.rdlc and click on the "View" ... OK Finally will be appeared "REPORT DATA"...
I had to go through a bit more to force a refresh in VS 2008.
First, there is a Data Sources pane/toolbox (menu trail = Data > Show Data Sources), and a Report Data Sources dialog (menu trail = Report > Data Sources). I had trouble with the Data Sources pane reverting to an earlier property list every time I opened a certain report; it was as if the report designer was overwriting the data definition with the report's cached version thereof.
To remedy this, I had to:
Exclude the report from my project to stop the build errors
Clean & rebuild my project
Refresh the Data Sources pane & confirm I could see the new fields
Re-include the report and open the report designer with the Data Sources pane pinned in view
(This is the key) Drag one of the new fields anywhere onto the report surface
Number 5 forced the report's internal XML copy of the data definition to refresh. Immediately after that, I could build again.
If the report designer is opened, Report Data Pane can be enabled using view menu.
View -> Report Data
It is in visual studio. In the designer page, it is on in the menu bar, there is XTRAREPORTS field. You can show up panels using it
Open report in Report designer
Go to View menu -> Report data
I was in a weird situation in VS2019 where choosing View -> Report Data did nothing, and pressing Ctrl-Alt-D did nothing. The Report Data window had just strangely appeared on the left for no reason, when it was supposed to be on the right, and so I had moved it back to the right and then made it auto-hide. Not long after that it disappeared and would refuse to reappear. Possibly it was off-screen but hard to say.
To fix, I had to resort to using Window -> Reset Window Layout which restored its position and I was able to use it again.
First of all select report file with rdlc extension and then go to View > Report Data
please go to
View > Toolbars > Customize
then select "Data" categories then click "Show data source" in command panel
"Data" menu will be seen in menu panel. click to get the website data source

Solution Explorer Context Menu Too Long

Ok, so I installed plenty of useful extensions from Extension Manager in Visual Studio 2010.
I really like them but now my context menu in solution explorer is way too long.
So long in fact that I have to scroll down/up using little arrows which is really annoying.
Any solution to that anyone?
The problem is that when you right-click on an entity within the Solution Explorer, the resulting context menu is so loaded down with options, extensions, menus, lists and levels that you have to start scrolling around to get anywhere.
The solution is to declutter that context menu by removing unneccessary items. This can be achieved through the Commands tab of the Tools -> Customize dialog. Specifically, click on the Commands tab, and select the Context Menu button to start customizing anything and (almost) everything to do with those context menus.
Many of the entities within the Solution Explorer have some sort of representation here; the biggest issue you have will be finding the right place to start customizing.
For example, I have a method of Source Control integrated within the Visual Studio environment which causes 7 new menu items to appear when I right-click on a project (Check In, Check Out, Get Latest Version, etc). I do all of my source controlling outside of Visual Studio, so these menu items are just clutter to me. I go to Project and Solution Context Menu | Project and delete anything and everything related to Source Control. Now, when I right-click on a project, none of those options appear in the menu.
