Tutorial for Install Shield 2010 Limited Edition VS 2010? - visual-studio-2010

Does anyone have a tutorial that they could point me too. I am kinda confused about some of the steps in the wizard for install Shield 2010 limited edition.

Here's a walkthough:
Personally though LE feels like a highly crippled adware version of InstallShield. If you don't push it very far you'll be OK but I'm betting Flexera is really counting on you needing to upgrade.

I actually used it and it works fine for me (much better than the msi).
I would like to state that this product is highly unstable and crashed VS 2010 constantly.
My solution was:
1) Unload installation project unless I am releasing a version.
2) Use it carefully and not stress this component
3) Learn to use VS 2010 in safe mode :)


DotNetNuke - Best Way to Move From Professional to Community Edition

What is the best process of moving a 200+ MB DotNetNuke site from Professional to Community edition? I am asking the Stackoverflow community since DotNetNuke's standard line is "there is no supported option to switch from PE to CE", or to contact their customer support. However DNN support told a fellow team member tell us that it was not possible to go from Professional to Community, so that was a waste of time.
Based on research there are a couple possibilities for doing this:
Create a new Community Install and then module by module going through and moving it piecemeal. Here - http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/0/threadid/427840/scope/posts
Make backups of the Professional and then install the Community Edition over it, and then go through the web.config and verify that each piece is correct. Here - http://fl2rs.com/downgrading-dotnetnuke-from-professional-to-community-edition/
Which one has the most success of converting DotNetNuke Professional Edition to Community Edition? Also, if you know of a better method please share. Thank you for your time.
Looking back at this question the only real way to convert a complicated site is to basically rebuild it which I did successfully. And if you are trying to switch from an older version of Professional to a newer version of Community even more so. I would also like to note that going to Community was the correct decision since none of the extra functionality we even used, and their support was never helpful anyway.
I don't think there's a built-in downgrade feature from Professional to Community Edition. As it was noted here in this question, DNN professional and DNN Community Edition share the same codebase. In other words, DNN Pro is DNN CE with some extra built-in extensions such as document manager, impersonate user, different caching, etc. That means 99.9% of modules and skins will run fine in either edition.
Option 1: Seems tedious but would surely work.
Option 2: I would make a backup copy of the site on a development machine and try to do it there before attempting it on the production server. Please post the results for this if you try it.
Good luck.
Option 1 would work, but I'm not sure about Option 2.
I've heard that this is not supported by DNN, but if you open a support ticket, they can walk you through the process.
This is what I found in their support forum: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/answers/cid/414288
If you have troubles with this, I've found DNN on Social Media (G+ and their forums) are more responsive. Sometimes a little prodding is needed.
Late to the party on this one - another option might be to do a portal/site export and then import it into a CE version. It has its own problems with modules that do not support this but if you are HTML content heavy then you can do it.

Visual Studio v2003, v2005, v2008 and v2010 existing on the same system

I currently have Visual Studio v2003, v2005, v2008 installed on my system. Things work fine...no issues.
I now have to install Visual Studio 2010 on my system and just wanted to know if anyone has a setup like mine or knows if there are any potential issues with so many versions existing on a system.
Really don't have a choice to remove older versions as we have a lot of legacy products written in these old versions and we are not upgrading them to new versions, only doing bug fixes on them.
Any ideas?
VS2010 supports targeting on multiple versions of .NET Framework (i.e. 2.0 or later), which mean it is designed to support the projects that were built with VS2005/VS2008 so-called backward-compatibility.
So I think no conflict here between these versions,
I've found a nice Myths and facts about VS 2005/2008/2010, check out this link here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/ee679805.aspx
It should work.
I have vs2003, vs2008 and vs2010 installed and I see no issue (but vs2010 is not yet used for production code).
All these versions of Visual Studio are independent.
You should have no problem (other than lack of disk space!) installing VS2010 as well.
Just make sure you install the service pack as well.
They cohabitate fine, I have a similar setup myself.
You should at least push for migrating away from 2003 and 2005 though, they use some pretty old technology, and pretty much everyone these days has .net 3.5 on their systems.
If you are able to use VS 2010 I would highly recommend you do for all new projects - even if you have to target an earlier version of .NET framework.
Keep the old versions of VS installed only for maintenance of projects that cannot be migrated to VS 2010 version.
By the way, the migration to VS 2010 is often very trivial and well worth an hour or two of effort!

Install Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 beside VS2008

I am too paranoid to install VS2010 Beta 2 on my production machine beside VS2008 without hearing from people who have already took the plunge. I know MS says it's OK, but that does not necessarily mean it will work.
Has anyone successfully installed VS2010 Beta 2 (preferably Ultimate edition) on their production machine with no negative consequences?
If you're that paranoid (and perhaps reasonably so!), have you thought of running it up in a virtual machine ? You can then point it to the same source repository, and be confident that the two won't interfere.
I have installed VS2010 beta 2 in my machine, together with VS2008, and it seems to work fine. There were two compelling reasons for me to start using it right now, both related to Silverlight: unit testing and visual designer.
Take a look at some of the list of known issues in VS 2010 beta 2.
I have installed it to a machine with VS 2008 on it that I don't care about. :)
Looking at the "correct" uninstall procedure from that link above makes me think that not putting it on a production box is a good idea... Going from that beta to the next one is going to be a PITA.
And whoever said they are WPF/Winform it won't conflict is crazy. .Net 4 installs side by side, yes. But there are policy files and binding redirects installed for all editions on your box because VS 2010 can also build / debug / test .Net 2/3/3.5 assemblies. You are touching every .Net runtime on your box when you install VS 2010 (like it or not).
It's working for me; I haven't seen any problems so far (admittedly in, like, one day).
That said, I'd be a lot more cautious if we didn't have a separate build server for our production builds.
Since it's in Beta, I would not install it on a production box; not even in your daily development machine. The best solution is a virtual machine, which is the way I always try beta software.
VS2010 beta 1 worked perfectly alongside VS2005 and VS2008 on two PCs for me. (One XP, one Vista)
It also uninstalled cleanly in both cases.
This is no guarantee of Beta2 working perfectly of course, but you should be ok. Generally the advice is: don't install Beta visual studio releases on development machines - use a virtual PC or a PC you don't mind reinstalling the OS on.
I have a parallel install of VS 2008 and VS 2010 beta 2. The only negative consequence is that some Microsoft DLLS (Microsoft.Test...) that is part of the unittest framework on both vs2008 and vs2010 needs to be referenced by version in the vs.net 2008 projects. Otherwise vs2008 may just pick the vs2010 reference by default and you get compilation errors.

Will I experience pain if I cut back to Visual Studio Express?

With the upcoming release of Visual Studio 2010, and all the lovely new features in C# 4.0, I would really love to update from 2008. However, over the last few years, I've managed to get student pricing, or even free versions via the MSDN Academic Alliance.
Now I am no longer a student.
I can't seem to justify the $AU500 pricetag of even the Standard version for what is at the moment, essentially a hobby. As much as I may like for it to be, it just isn't paying the bills.
So, I've read on the Microsoft site that there's no non-commercial clause in the Express version EULA which is good because I do the occasional bit of paid work in it. How much is missing from the Express version though, compared to Professional (what I use currently, and what the 2010 beta is)? Am I likely to go through withdrawal pains as I reach for something that just isn't there?
As far as addons go, the only one I've really played with is VisualSVN, and I can live with just using TortoiseSVN manually. Anything else I should be aware of?
Version comparisons can be found here: (For 2008) (Edit: A far more in depth document can be downloaded from here)
The things that leap out to me as features I wouldn't want to be without are:
Extensibility (no plugins like VisualSVN or Resharper)
Source Code Control
Remote debugging
64-bit compiler support (x64) (from the first link, though the document implies you can make 64bit apps...)
SQL Server 2005 integration
No setup projects (for making MSI installers)
Limited refactoring
Some missing debugging tools (especially the threads window)
If you can live without those (and the other limitations that wouldn't bother me personally) then I guess that you'll get by with Express just fine.
Final thought: Express isn't your only option for free .net development, there is also SharpDevelop which has some advantages (SVN integration, compact framework support) over Express. Though I'm sure it has many limitations too.
Do you do any entrepreneurial work? If you're building the next killer app, check out BizSpark: http://www.microsoft.com/bizspark/
There is new program now available from Microsoft to allow web developers to access the Microsoft Stack similar to the BizSpark program.
It is called Website Spark. VS 2008 Professional Edition and SQL Server 2008 Web Editon are some of the tools available through the program.
Of all things I would probably miss the ability to install extensions. Especially tools like AnkhSVN and TestDriven.NET have grown invaluable to me...
I would seriously consider investing some money in purchasing VS especially if you can get some of that back by using it for jobs.
Maybe switching to Eclipse and Java is an option for you?
By the way, investing a few hundred dollars is common among ex-students. If you were a designer you would probably have to invest $1000 on Adobe software.
You won't be able to have solutions with multiple project types (so no mixed language solutions), or solution folders either.
The main thing that is missing is the ability to build an installer for a solution.
The work-around is to build the installer using some open source installer for .NET, e.g. WiX.
And multi-language solutions are more cumbersome (e.g. mixed C# and VB.NET).
I use the Professional version, but I didn't experience any problems with opening and building my project/solution in the Express Edition.

What is the most common feature that demands the use of Visual Studio Professional over Standard?

I'm afraid my trial of VS 2008 is running out soon, and unless a client pays for it, I might be shelling out some cash for it. I've been looking through the comparison chart to compare VS Professional to Standard, and so far I think I'm safe. I wanted to hear from you on what the most important features are that I would be missing.
Of course, you don't know all the details of my situation - but please just answer based on what you perceive as most important.
Developing Windows Mobile Applications and availability of Database Projects are the showstoppers for me (this applies to Visual Studio 2008).
That's it really. This was a dealbreaker for me though since I wanted to join this mobile application programming contest and was floored when I found out I couldn't do it with Standard.
Otherwise you're fine with Standard edition.
The major downside of the Express Edition is they don't support addons - so you have to make sure your Source Control software has a standalone client.
Remote Debugging, Server Explorer, Compact Development (With Device Emulator). It really does depend on your situation but I don't think you'll be without a paddle in general.
"Attach to remote process" is a must. It lets you debug your application in several virtual (or physical) machines running different versions of Windows without installing Visual Studio on each such machine: you would run Visual Studio on your main development computer and attach it to the instance of your application running on another machine, and debug it that way. That's the only way I debug my applications, I never debug them on the development computer. HTH.
Very little difference between the two. The only one I can think of is remote debugging is not available in standard.
You may want to look into the VS 2008 Express editions. Install them and see if you can do everything you need to using the Express editions. Most things that you need/use are in the Express editions, and they're Free. Also, you can use them for commercial use all you want.
For me OMP support in "standard" is what's nice to have, if your into that
