Install Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 beside VS2008 - installation

I am too paranoid to install VS2010 Beta 2 on my production machine beside VS2008 without hearing from people who have already took the plunge. I know MS says it's OK, but that does not necessarily mean it will work.
Has anyone successfully installed VS2010 Beta 2 (preferably Ultimate edition) on their production machine with no negative consequences?

If you're that paranoid (and perhaps reasonably so!), have you thought of running it up in a virtual machine ? You can then point it to the same source repository, and be confident that the two won't interfere.

I have installed VS2010 beta 2 in my machine, together with VS2008, and it seems to work fine. There were two compelling reasons for me to start using it right now, both related to Silverlight: unit testing and visual designer.

Take a look at some of the list of known issues in VS 2010 beta 2.
I have installed it to a machine with VS 2008 on it that I don't care about. :)
Looking at the "correct" uninstall procedure from that link above makes me think that not putting it on a production box is a good idea... Going from that beta to the next one is going to be a PITA.
And whoever said they are WPF/Winform it won't conflict is crazy. .Net 4 installs side by side, yes. But there are policy files and binding redirects installed for all editions on your box because VS 2010 can also build / debug / test .Net 2/3/3.5 assemblies. You are touching every .Net runtime on your box when you install VS 2010 (like it or not).

It's working for me; I haven't seen any problems so far (admittedly in, like, one day).
That said, I'd be a lot more cautious if we didn't have a separate build server for our production builds.

Since it's in Beta, I would not install it on a production box; not even in your daily development machine. The best solution is a virtual machine, which is the way I always try beta software.

VS2010 beta 1 worked perfectly alongside VS2005 and VS2008 on two PCs for me. (One XP, one Vista)
It also uninstalled cleanly in both cases.
This is no guarantee of Beta2 working perfectly of course, but you should be ok. Generally the advice is: don't install Beta visual studio releases on development machines - use a virtual PC or a PC you don't mind reinstalling the OS on.

I have a parallel install of VS 2008 and VS 2010 beta 2. The only negative consequence is that some Microsoft DLLS (Microsoft.Test...) that is part of the unittest framework on both vs2008 and vs2010 needs to be referenced by version in the 2008 projects. Otherwise vs2008 may just pick the vs2010 reference by default and you get compilation errors.


Should I install visual studio 12

I'm doing a project with a couple of other guys who have vs10, will it hurt if just I upgrade to vs12. Will it hurt when we all check in on svn? Will everything still be compatible as far as wpf, mvc, etc.. goes. Should I be aware of anything about the new visual studio 2012?
I personally would keep a similar environment to everyone else working on the project - either all go 2012 or all stay 2010.
Not to say that there are or are not known issues with working between the two environments, but why introduce possible problems when you're going to work with the lowest possible common denominator anyways?
Using VS2012 and VS2010 seems to work flawlessly, so far. I installed it a month ago when it became available on MSDN. I've worked on several problems since then without any compatibility issues. Rather worryingly though, we've come across an issue where a linq to entities query works fine on a machine without .net 4.5, but fails on a machine with .net 4.5, despite the project targeting .net 4.0. A colleague is looking at this at the moment, so I don't have any more details

Visual Studio v2003, v2005, v2008 and v2010 existing on the same system

I currently have Visual Studio v2003, v2005, v2008 installed on my system. Things work issues.
I now have to install Visual Studio 2010 on my system and just wanted to know if anyone has a setup like mine or knows if there are any potential issues with so many versions existing on a system.
Really don't have a choice to remove older versions as we have a lot of legacy products written in these old versions and we are not upgrading them to new versions, only doing bug fixes on them.
Any ideas?
VS2010 supports targeting on multiple versions of .NET Framework (i.e. 2.0 or later), which mean it is designed to support the projects that were built with VS2005/VS2008 so-called backward-compatibility.
So I think no conflict here between these versions,
I've found a nice Myths and facts about VS 2005/2008/2010, check out this link here:
It should work.
I have vs2003, vs2008 and vs2010 installed and I see no issue (but vs2010 is not yet used for production code).
All these versions of Visual Studio are independent.
You should have no problem (other than lack of disk space!) installing VS2010 as well.
Just make sure you install the service pack as well.
They cohabitate fine, I have a similar setup myself.
You should at least push for migrating away from 2003 and 2005 though, they use some pretty old technology, and pretty much everyone these days has .net 3.5 on their systems.
If you are able to use VS 2010 I would highly recommend you do for all new projects - even if you have to target an earlier version of .NET framework.
Keep the old versions of VS installed only for maintenance of projects that cannot be migrated to VS 2010 version.
By the way, the migration to VS 2010 is often very trivial and well worth an hour or two of effort!

Do all the members of my development team have to upgrade to Studio 2010 SP1 simultaneously?

We have 7 developers, plus a build machine or two, all currently running VS2010 RTM. We want to upgrade to SP1, but we'd prefer not to have to all go at once - a simple scheduling concern.
Can we have two people working simultaneously on a single .sln with some of them on RTM and some on SP1?
Yes you can - we have a mix of devs in the same team (working on the same projects/solutions), some with SP1, some without, and no-one has reported any issues yet.
I also don't recall seeing any warning from the usual Microsoft suspects (Scott Guthrie, Scot Hanselmann, etc) saying that you couldn't run the same solution across both versions of VS, so you should be good to upgrade at the speed you want.

What's the stability of VS2010 like?

I'm talking about VS 2010 Professional/Ultimate RTM (not express versions).
Google doesn't show much other than stuff about the beta 2 and RC versions.
Will it run OK on a Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz with 3GB RAM and NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS?
How does it go with R# 5.0?
I've been using the Premium RTM daily since release and experienced no problems whatsoever developing with C#/ASP.NET MVC2.
My machine is also similar specs to yours and has been running just fine.
Regarding your edit, I've also been doing all of this with Resharper 5.0 - again, no problems whatsoever.
I haved runed it for since release now, and i must say i have had no problem at all, but hey diden't have any with VS 2008 ether. But evythings works great fast and all this while looking nice :D Eclipse go home .D
I installed VS 2010 Ultimate RTM, in my laptop and its specs is exactly like yours except the Nvidia, and it is working perfectly with no problems.
I've been very impressed with 2010.
Even the Beta and RC releases were stable. I find VS2008 SP1 hanging on average twice a day for me.
So far the only thing to crash 2010 was a third party plugin.
Stability: Good
SVN Support (using ankh): Good
2008 to 2010 project upgrade: Good.
No reason not to upgrade.
The only thing is that it requires 3 restarts on XP and 1 on 7...
I was running the RC for a few months before the RTM version was released, and even the RC version was rock solid as far as I was using it.
I didn't use a stopwatch but I got the impression that it is a bit slower at startup than its predecessor.

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?
What reasons are there for and against?
You can take two angles with this; using Visual Studio to build your solutions in a .NET 3.5 or earlier OR using it to build applications in .NET 4. Firstly, familiarise yourself with what’s new in both the IDE and the framework (I’ve got a quick, illustrated overview here and there's heaps of other info on the web) and see what you’re actually going to be able to take advantage of in your situation. Secondly, be aware of your target environment; If you’re publishing to shared hosting or client machines you need to consider whether the .NET 4 approach is wise while it's in beta.
I’ve previously built solutions on the last couple of generations of Visual Studio and .NET whilst in beta 2. You’ve got a go-live license so you can actually productionise solutions and both previous generations have been very stable without any significantbugs or changes from beta 2 to alpha versions.
If you can address the issues above, I say go for it!
Only if you're interested in trying it out. Don't use it for real work as it. It's a beta, which means that significant bugs may still be lying around in the code.
We started using VS*2008* Beta 2, when it came out, as our main dev environment - but targeted .NET Framework 2.0 only initially. This was mainly because VS2005 was such a dog. As to whether you want to start targeting .NET 4.0 now is your decision - but I can't see the harm in using it for targeting .NET 2.0 - 3.5.
I think we'll stick with VS 2008 for our main dev environment until at least a 2010-compatible version of CodeRush/Refactor Pro comes out.
I say whats wrong with 2008? You could use 2010 to build for 3.5 framework if you really wanted to, but I'd seriously leave it, it might be more trouble than its worth..who knows?
I have it installed and I've had a play with it and I've even installed resharper beta that works with 2010. But this is only to give the new tools a test run.
The company I work for are really good at keeping up with the latest tools, for example we have already rolled out windows 7 to some developer machines, but we wouldn't go as far as using a beta IDE in a production environment.
