Yahoo / Gtalk link in Joomla - joomla

I have a website developed in Joomla. I want to add my gtalk id on image of gtalk. That is if any user clicks on image of gtalk than he/she should be able to add my id to their gtalk account. Same way for Yahoo.
I have tried to do it in module with code
<a mce_href="http://mce_host/gtalk:call?" href="gtalk:call?">
but joomla removes my code mce_href="http://mce_host/gtalk:call?"

Some code will get stripped out on save if you have an editor enabled. Disable the editor from the config by setting to none and then Joomla will not strip out your code.


Joomla, standard contact-form in article

I have site on joomla.
I have page contact (html-text and picture).
In the end of this page, how to add standard joomla contact form?
In the components menu in the admin go to contacts.
Create a new contact and fill in the information.
You can use street address for text if you want, that is at the top or you can use miscellaneous information.
Make sure to include an email address or a link to a user so that the user's email is used.
Then make a single contact menu link to that contact from whatever menu you want it shown on.
You can either use a component for this from the Joomla! Extensions Directory. Else you can build one yourself using basic html markup.

I want to add CAPTCHA on shoppingcart.asp as well one-page-checkout.asp page in Volusion, can anybody help me how to do this? Thanks

My client has ecommerce store on Volusion and he is getting so many fake orders and now I want to add CAPTCHA before user login on shoppincart.asp page or one-page-checkout.asp page (before place order button).
My client website is
I already contacted Volusion support and they don't have any specific answer about this problem and just suggesting to take their serivce or get this done by their partner.
You can use google captcha for this :
Google reCaptcha
It is easy to use... You can find out the code how to put it. You just have to get one Public Key & Private Key for specific domain.
It's under the design menu in the admin panel, Hover over design, then click on articles.
Once on articles change display mode to list, and find one-page-checkout.asp and shoppingcart.asp click edit and add your code.
For reference use see:
Volusion File Editor Support
One Page Checkout and Advanced Shopping Cart Functionality in Volusion

Frontend editing in Joomla doesn't work

I have made a site in Joomla 2.5, and can't edit my articles by using the frontend option "edit article".
This function is available when I am running the site in offline mode, but when I switch to online mode, it disappears.
When running the site in online mode, I login to the administrator, and then "view site"
Can some one please help me!
You need to log in on the frontend when your site is in online mode to be able to edit articles. It doesn't matter if you are logged already on the backend, it won't count.
You should either enable log in module on some page, or a menu item pointing to log in page on the frontend. After logging in there, you will be able to edit your articles.
If you don't want users to see your login page/module on the frontend, you can create a hidden menu item for it, for which only you would know the link and it won't be displayed
Just go to your website's /index.php?option=com_users
There you will be able to login to the frontend.

Integrating my web application with Magento

I have created a web application in PHP, Ajax, HTML5. It is ready and working perfectly. Now I want to integrate it with magento. In the application, when user clicks buy now an image is saved in a folder on the server.
I have just started using magento. There are two ways in my mind to implement the functionality,
Navigate the user from magento products page to my application page and when user clicks buy now button on my page it will be the add to cart functionality at the back end. And i will send the image name that is randomly generated and append it into the comments of product that admin can see.
Make my app a magento custom plugin. Add my HTML, css, js, php files within magento and use my app as an internal magento application.
So, i need suggestions, comments, ideas or anything that can help me.
As I have just started with magento and I don't have any experience with e-commerce. So, my question might be showing in experience.
Try to learn Magento API it can be integrated with all your apps.

WordPress -- Plug-In To Assign Images To Users/Clients?

As a graphic designer, I am wondering if either:
there is a WordPress plugin that will allow me, as an administrator, to upload a client image and assign it to a user profile; or
there is a simple way to hack WP into doing what I stated in #1?
I want clients to have the ability to log-in once to my WordPress site, and to click on a "user gallery" page which will only show the images/graphics assigned/completed for them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Seems this plugin should work...
User Specific Content
This Plugin allows you to select specific users by user name, or by role name who can view a specific post content or page content.
