CKeditor inside Iframe problem - ckeditor

When we place the new editor (version 3) in a iframe the dialog window open only inside the iframe and not outside.
In version 2 the dialog (any dialog: image, link and more) was open all over the page and not inside the editor.
There is any solution for this problem?

No, there isn't any solution.
CKEditor dialogs are not anymore popup windows thus are not able to
live outside the host window (the frame that contains the editor) just
like most of the other popular javascript UI libraries.


How to display popup with html in firefox bootstrapped extensions?

I developed a firefox bootstrapped extension (without add-on sdk). I need to display a popup with html content, something like panel in add-on sdk. Also, it is necessary that the extension could interact with content in the popup. Also, I need a way to display html content in separate tab and interact with this content. So what can I use to implement what I need?
You can append an iframe to that panel, and then load a page into that iframe. That's what I did in this simple addon here -
Here's another gist that does something similar -
I think this is how the SDK does it as well.
but I can not understand how it is possible to implement the interaction between expansion and content inside the panel.
The panel or its frameLoader property should have a messageManager, which can be used to load frame scripts and pass messages to them.

Telerik RadWindow to replace existing window

How can I open a telerik:RadWindow so that it replaces the existing window (parent)? I do not want the window as a modal.
If you are opening a RadWindow from within a RadWindow read this:
If your RadWindows use their ContentTemplate it should not be needed and they should be able to move in the entire browser.
If they are already in an iframe (e.g., in a splitter pane, pageview or some other layout you have) the same approach from getting the main window (usually via will do the trick.
If you do not want an HTML popup you will need to use browser popups. a RadWindow is merely HTML + CSS + JS so it cannot be equivalent to a real browser window.
If you want certain pages to open in the main page when initially opened in a RadWindow look into these articles:
or generally into frame buster scripts/tricks.

N2CMS: how to add popup conent

I have a news-type website that I am looking to create using N2CMS, but besides the regular operations (being able to see a calendar, viewing lists of news, viewing news details etc.), part of the content in the website is displayed in "modal" popups (similar to the ModalPopupExtender from the AjaxToolkit) inside the page (for example if you click Login, a popup panel appears with the login controls).
My question is: is there a way of adding a handler for a link, and displaying a "modal" popup when the link is clicked? If so, can this be done from the template GUI editor (and how)?
Thank you
N2CMS doesn't have any built-in handlers to create modal pop-ups for links. However, N2CMS does ship with the Jquery JavaScript library. My suggestion would be to use JavaScript in your site template to select and format the desired links with modal dialogs -- but that can't be done from the GUI editor, you'd need to do it in the template code directly.

Adding a toolbar button to a Thundebird Compose Message window

Anyone had any luck adding a custom toolbar button to the Compose window of Thunderbird or know of an example plugin that does it? I'm new to Thunderbird development and haven't had any luck getting to work for the Compose window.
What Mr. Jonathan pointed out is a good tip, and that particular extension does have an example of what you are looking for.
Open up your own chrome manifest file and make sure your code is telling Thunderbird which of your own xul files to "align" with its own xul files. In these examples, we will assume that your xul file is named overlay.xul and it has the code for both the button in the toolbar, as well as anything you want to do in the message-compose window.
If you find that your button won't show in the "customize toolbar" dialogue, it is because the xul is mismatched in your chrome manifest.
Make sure this in your chrome.manifest:
#THIS will use your xul file for the message-composing window
overlay chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul chrome://youraddon/content/overlay.xul
#If you want a button, too, make sure this is in your file, too.
overlay chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://youraddon/content/overlay.xul
You should look at the code of addons that perform (succesfully) a similar task, e.g. In particular, look at the chrome.manifest file and the overlay.css and overlay.xul files.
Please keep in mind that the toolbar button will not appear by default, you'll first have to right-click on the toolbar then hit "customize".

Uploadify (or other) file selector dialog with checkboxes or greyed prior uploads

Does Uploadify offer any of the following options?
In the file dialog that is shown to users, display a checkbox rather than enable a CTRL + mouse click to allow the user to specify the items to upload.
In the file dialog that is shown to users, show in grey the items that have been uploaded already.
Display a tree view of files rather than present a file dialog.
If you know of a different library that does allow these features and is cross-browser compatible, please let me know, too.
It does not support any of these because the flash player which is used for Uploadify (Although nowadays there is also HTML5 implementation for which I cannot speak because I know it not) does not support them.
