Telerik RadWindow to replace existing window - telerik

How can I open a telerik:RadWindow so that it replaces the existing window (parent)? I do not want the window as a modal.

If you are opening a RadWindow from within a RadWindow read this:
If your RadWindows use their ContentTemplate it should not be needed and they should be able to move in the entire browser.
If they are already in an iframe (e.g., in a splitter pane, pageview or some other layout you have) the same approach from getting the main window (usually via will do the trick.
If you do not want an HTML popup you will need to use browser popups. a RadWindow is merely HTML + CSS + JS so it cannot be equivalent to a real browser window.
If you want certain pages to open in the main page when initially opened in a RadWindow look into these articles:
or generally into frame buster scripts/tricks.


Click Button Inside Telerik RadWindow Upon Opening

Upon the click of a button, the RadWindow in question opens. Immediately after it finishes doing so, I'd like to click one of the buttons within it. Additionally, I'd like for the window to be hidden upon launch. Is there a simple way to do either of these? Any assistance would be appreciated.
In the Javascript the RadWindow is populated from, I used this.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
console.log('DOM fully loaded and parsed');

How can I create a persistent extension page?

Is it possible to make the browserAction popup persistent so that it's not reloaded every time? Failing that, is it possible to have any viewable extension page that can be hidden instead of closed?
I have a complex layout involving a large number of elements that I'm currently saving and loading as a string or using importNode to work around the issue but neither option is great.
No, you can not cause an actual browserAction or pageAction popup to persist. However, just like any HTML page in your extension, you can open that HTML page in either a tab or window.
As to hiding an extension page: A tab does not need to be currently viewed. A window displaying the HTML page could be hidden by minimizing the window you desire to hide. Alternately, you could placed the window you desire to hide under another window by bringing the other window into focus. A third option would be to move the to-be-hidden window to coordinates that are off the screen. All of these are accomplished with windows.update().

Ordering issue in modal window

I have a problem with a component that loads in to a modal window. I am using the Alpha User Points system and it has a component that gives you a full list of yous site's users. It also gives you the ability to order by username, by points etc. If I use it outside of modal window it works fine. If I use it in to modal window, ordering don't work!!! When I put my mouse over table's headers, outside of modal window gives this...javascript:tableOrdering('aup.referreid','asc','');In to modal window I see this...javascript:tableOrdering('aup.referreid','asc','');?ml=1 Using Firebug, I remove this ?ml=1 and it works into modal also!!! So the question is, why in to modal window gives this ?ml=1, what is this? And how will I remove it?
Well here is the answer... I use the Modalizer extension of I was loading my component through modalizer's modal box, this is why I had this issue. So, if anyone use Modalizer to popup components and have the same problem with me, just go to modalizer's Plugin Manager, find the option Convert Links inside Window and disable it!!! But, after this, if you want to add link in to modal window and you don't want to show-up the whole front page but only the component or what ever this is, you have to add at the end of the link this &ml=1.

CKeditor inside Iframe problem

When we place the new editor (version 3) in a iframe the dialog window open only inside the iframe and not outside.
In version 2 the dialog (any dialog: image, link and more) was open all over the page and not inside the editor.
There is any solution for this problem?
No, there isn't any solution.
CKEditor dialogs are not anymore popup windows thus are not able to
live outside the host window (the frame that contains the editor) just
like most of the other popular javascript UI libraries.

Firefox extension - How to display an html block that overlaps the browser window?

I'd like to have my firefox extension display a block of html that overlaps the users browser window. I can currently do this by having some JS that inserts html into the DOM of the page, but I'd like the html to be displayed at a higher level within the browser so that the block remains if the user browses to a new page or switches tabs. Is this possible?
You should take a look at the XUL PopupGuide. Popups can be used for elements floating above the user-interface.
I think Panels, a special type of XUL popup, are what you are looking for. The panel itself is XUL and not HTML, but inside the panel you can safely mix both or just use HTML if you want to.
