Any possibility to get a notification if another application receives a scroll event? - cocoa

I'm developing an application in Cocoa which allows users to draw on any given window in OS X. The drawings move along with the corresponding window when dragged on screen. To complete this tie between drawings and the windows (and their contents) beneath, I'd like to catch scrolling events from the window in order to react on the positioning/visibility of the drawings.
An example:
The user opens Safari and browses the web. On a specific website s/he draws a circle around a link and takes hand written notes (this is all considered a drawing, input by a pen tablet). Afterwards s/he moves the window, the drawings are also being moved so that they remain on top of the link on the website. Then s/he begins to scroll the website and the location of the link changes (moves up until it's outside of the viewport).
Now I'd like to catch that event and also move the layer with the drawings to keep them on top of the link. When the link is no longer visible, I'd turn off the visibility of the drawing and turn it back on when scrolling brings the link back on to the viewport.
I know this is a quite tricky assignment and being able to intercept such events from another application might as well be considered an OS security flaw but maybe someone out there is good enough a coder to give me a hint... :)
The Cocoa Accessibility classes may be helpful but until now I haven't found the solution.
Thanks for your help.
Oh, and if that's not tricky to you, maybe you can tell me how to get notified when Safari switches Tabs ;)

I'm not sure if you can monitor scroll events. However, it's a lot easier if you just monitor the position of the link with the Accessibility API.
Just hold a reference to that link and constantly poll it for its position, if the position changes, you know what to do.
You could also try using AXObserverAddNotification, but as far as I am aware, there is no notification you can monitor for position changes.
If you haven't discovered it already, the Accessibility Inspector can help you a lot with identifying things that you can get using the Accessibility API and pfiddlesoft's UI Browser lets you register for notifications.


SetWindowPos API - Backward resizing?

I'm using Windows's SetWindowPos API to try to 'crop' a part of a window so a user will only be able to see the RIGHT part of it.
Problem is, I can only 'crop' it, starting from the top left corner, and I would rather cropping a different part of the window which does not 'contain' the top left part.
As seen on the image below, what i'm trying to do is reverse the 'resizing' mechanism in such way that the window will 'hide' the Label1, and only show the Button1.
It is possible that I am not using the correct API for the job, If so, i'd love to be pointed toward the right one.
You need to move your controls on the Form for that to work. The window has a position and a size, which is all the window manager cares about. What is visible inside is your application's responsibility.
Your screenshot looks very VB6-ish. Do note that newer technologies, e.g. Windows Forms or WPF offer better support for what you are trying to do here.
If you have a window handle for the control, then you can place it outside its parent. Pass to SetWindowPos a negative value for the X coordinate.
Of course, the fact that the control cannot be seen does not mean it cannot be interacted with. The user can reach it with the keyboard if it accepts focus. So perhaps a better idea would be to hide and/or disable it. Use ShowWindow and EnableWindow to do that.
Then again, it's quite plausible that you won't be able to get a window handle. Many frameworks use controls that are not windowed. To interact with them you would need to use an automation framework such as UI Automation. Only you can know whether or not the target application supports automation.

Docking wear app to watch face

Apologies for an 'open' question, but can anyone provider pointers on how to 'dock' my app to the Android Wear watch face?
Essentially, I want users of the application to be able to swipe left to right (or vice-versa) from the edge of the screen to open the application, compared to having to scroll the list of applications after tapping the watch face.
I've seen this implemented in another wear app, but don't know the right terminology to produce meaningful results in Google. Is it a wallpaper service, specific view type, touch listerner service etc?
Many thanks.
You can't receive touch events inside the WatchFaceService, touch delivery is disabled.
I can't say for sure how the app you saw implemented the desired behavior, but it probably did by inserting views directly into the WindowManager from a Service.
Checkout this youtube video:
I don't know how well the Standout library does its job, but it should give you enough examples to figure out yourself, how to add views to the WindowManager.

How to animate basiceditfield in blackberry?

In my j2me blackberry application, I want to open editfield to enter text when user clicks on search icon. I have search icon added at the top right corner, when user clicks on it, I want to open basiceditfield with animating from right to left. I want Animation should be like default search on main screen in blackberry. How to do this? Is it possible?
You can do almost anything with the Blackberry Ui, if you understand it and are prepared to put the time in. But what you see when you press the magnifying glass is something that someone has spent a lot of time doing. There is API for doing anything like that (at least not one I have found). So if you are not experienced doing BlackBerry Ui, as I suspect is the case here, then I would suggest that replicating what the BB engineers have done with the animation from the search icon on the Home screen to the search screen, is too difficult to justify.
A lot of these sorts of things are, in my opinion, just gloss. They do not make the application any easier to use, just make it look flash. Personally, I would spend your time on making sure your application works well, rather than making it look flashy.
I do recommend using the screen transition animations as a way of moving from one screen to another. These are fairly easy to use and when used correctly, provide a good visual clue to your user regarding the flow through your application. I also suggest you spend some time making sure your assets (icons etc.) look good, on all the various sizes of BB that you are developing for.

WP7: Is it possible to intercept the backstack before the journal thumbnail is created/stored

You all know the Windows Phone backstack right. If you go through some apps, tap the Home key after starting each app. Now tap and hold the Backkey to see the Backstack. You can now see some small images of your apps, and can pick which one to go to right.
Is it possible to intercept before the backstack image is created? I have tried to blur my page in various events (include OnNavigatingFrom) to no avail.
My guess is some other event (probably something we don't have access to) is triggered and a bitmap is created, because when you use the Backstack to navigate you can just see a slight transition from the saved image to a real page IMO.
Does anyone know if its possible to intercept or manipulate these images on the backstack?
Example screenshot from WP emulator of the Backstack thumbnails
Following my comment, I've just tried this:
Set a breakpoint anywhere in the code
Start the app with the debugger attached, then let it reach the breakpoint
While the execution is stopped by the debugger, long press on the back button
The task switching UI is displayed even though the managed code execution is stopped
From there, I think we can safely conclude that the task switching and the thumbnail are handled entirely by native code. Therefore, there's nothing you can do.
I recently wrote a blogpost in which I discuss the ways I tried to hide data from the application snapshot. (You can read it here:
The outcome: You just can't hide it.

Windows mobile controlling scroll bar with finger

I have a question about the windows mobile development.
I created a mobile form on the windows mobile 6.0 test project. But that example form slightly larger than the vertically normal pocketpc forms. I now everybody said you can press the scrollbar for accessing bottom or any location of the form.
But i need to use the finger for easy navigating form areas. This kind of iphone :)
Is it possible ? how can i make this ?
Windows Mobile 6.5 adds gesture support, that is supposed to allow such functionality for finger control. Of course, your code has to take advantage of it.
You can also write your own, which isn't difficult, but still cumbersome.
My answer could be classified as subjective. I try to now show the scroll bar when possible for just that reason. On most devices that have touch screen, you can scroll using you finger (and I'm a somewhat large guy -- 6'3" with farmer kid hands).
But if you are displaying a grid, that isn't always possible. The results can go off the screen very easily. Oh well, grab a pen and hit the scrollbar.
Other screen elements that can help: tab control. separate your controls into groups and put each group on a separate tab. I also do a lot of wizards with LARGE next and previous buttons.
But in all of this, if it is designed to be stylus free, just pray the user doesn't have to type anything using the screen soft keyboard. That just doesn't work with a finger.
