Docking wear app to watch face - wear-os

Apologies for an 'open' question, but can anyone provider pointers on how to 'dock' my app to the Android Wear watch face?
Essentially, I want users of the application to be able to swipe left to right (or vice-versa) from the edge of the screen to open the application, compared to having to scroll the list of applications after tapping the watch face.
I've seen this implemented in another wear app, but don't know the right terminology to produce meaningful results in Google. Is it a wallpaper service, specific view type, touch listerner service etc?
Many thanks.

You can't receive touch events inside the WatchFaceService, touch delivery is disabled.
I can't say for sure how the app you saw implemented the desired behavior, but it probably did by inserting views directly into the WindowManager from a Service.
Checkout this youtube video:
I don't know how well the Standout library does its job, but it should give you enough examples to figure out yourself, how to add views to the WindowManager.


Which screen size should I start making a wireframe from?

Usually, browsing on Behance, Dribbble or other online stuff like those, we see wireframes only for desktop or only for mobile, so I'm still in doubt about something: when we need to make a wireframe (and considering the "mobile-first"), where should I start from? Desktop, tablet and mobile or the inverse?
"Mobile first" is a design philosophy of designing for a small screen and touch interactions first and then adding layout changes that need to happen as the display gets larger...
Start with the size/device your audience is most likely to use for interaction. Not all interactions are best on a small screen...
So as a designer who knows most users will be on a phone might go: "mobile first". In that case, you should start with mobile wireframes and then show the developers how it should change on a bigger screen by making additional wireframes (if that's your team's process).
Behance and Dribbble are bad examples of process since they're usually only showing you the end result, not the work that goes into getting there.

Stacked Notifications Extra Click

I'm developing a simple application, and my goal is to get stacked notifications working on the Android Wear watch, according to this webpage:
When there exist multiple stacked notifications, you have to click on the stack before you can swipe to the left to get access to any extra actions (e.g., a voice reply action). However, when there is only one stacked notification, I still have to click on the "stack" to get access to the extra actions. This is a very annoying and unintuitive extra click to have to do as a user, and I'm thinking I'm probably doing something wrong. Does anyone have any experience with this issue, and if so, what did you to do work around it? The code I'm using is essentially identical to the code found in the link above, except I'm only issuing one stacked notification on the watch along with the summary notification on the phone.

Google Play Games notifications not visible

I've looked through all questions on SO about Google Play Games, but looks like I'm the only one having problems now.
Using new GPG with Games.Achievements.unlock(), the achievement notification isn't showing up. I can see that achievement is unlocked when checking in unlocked achievements list, but that badge - it just doesn't show up!
The app isn't published, but has all the achievements correctly set up in Play Store. other GPG features seem to work fine, but they usually do not show notification (like Leaderboards)
And another issue that might be actually related to this. The initial login popup, the one that allows to pick an account when you have several of them on the device - sometimes it ends up being behind the app screen. And when you quit the app it keeps sitting on the device screen until you close it by picking Cancel. Not sure, this might be a debug issue due to app being force-closed on every next installation, but still.
Any ideas? How Achievement badge can end up being invisible all the time?
You may need to try changing the popup view, depending on which implementation you have used, this is the basegameutils method:
Games.setViewForPopups(getApiClient(), getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(;
Depending on your code, you may need to use a different view.
Try this in the activity view in which you want the notifications to be seen : Games.setViewForPopups(getApiClient(), getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(;
The issue was that I was calling Games.Achievements.unlock(mGoogleApiClient, context.getResources().getString(R.string.achievement_pro)); from a helper class. The context that I passed was of MainActivity.class, however I actually intended to show the achievements being unlocked in my GameScreen.class and not the MainActivity.class since it would be in the background. GameScreen.class, in my case, is an activity that I invoke through an Intent from MainActivity.class. And I suppose, it is because of this that the context is not set properly for Games.Achievements and it could not show the pop ups in my current activity screen.
When I added that line of code in GameScreen.class, I assume that now Games class knew where it has to popup the alerts. My explanation might sound a bit fussy here but let me know if you have any issue.

How can I make calendar notifications show bigger?

This seems like an easy thing but I'm coming mainly from the Win world to Mac. Is there a way I can make notification alerts bigger? Or install a different App that will do this?
Right now if I notice them, I see a little alert boxes in the upper right of the desktop when a calendar appointment comes up. I have no sound...and might not be sitting at the desk if I have a lot of windows up and happen not to look at the upper right (actually of two screens)...I just miss the notification. I'd like to have a lot of control over those pop ups. Size, perhaps different actions (flash the screen until acknowledged?) etc. At the very least it's just not useful to me at all unless I can increase the size of the popups somehow. Jack up the font size? Again, maybe some different app that I need? Etc.
Thanks in advance! Man I can't seem to hit on the magic Google input to return anything useful on this topic.
After some research, amazingly it seems there is no way to customize OS X native notification display. The best I have come up with, in theory but not personally tested, is to add a third party notification app called Growl which is much more customizable, and then add an app that produces Growl notifications based on iCal entries. I haven't done this yet because it seems like a lot of hassle and for now I've been living with the native notifications. When I have time I'll try the Growl route...unless I see something different posted here.

Any possibility to get a notification if another application receives a scroll event?

I'm developing an application in Cocoa which allows users to draw on any given window in OS X. The drawings move along with the corresponding window when dragged on screen. To complete this tie between drawings and the windows (and their contents) beneath, I'd like to catch scrolling events from the window in order to react on the positioning/visibility of the drawings.
An example:
The user opens Safari and browses the web. On a specific website s/he draws a circle around a link and takes hand written notes (this is all considered a drawing, input by a pen tablet). Afterwards s/he moves the window, the drawings are also being moved so that they remain on top of the link on the website. Then s/he begins to scroll the website and the location of the link changes (moves up until it's outside of the viewport).
Now I'd like to catch that event and also move the layer with the drawings to keep them on top of the link. When the link is no longer visible, I'd turn off the visibility of the drawing and turn it back on when scrolling brings the link back on to the viewport.
I know this is a quite tricky assignment and being able to intercept such events from another application might as well be considered an OS security flaw but maybe someone out there is good enough a coder to give me a hint... :)
The Cocoa Accessibility classes may be helpful but until now I haven't found the solution.
Thanks for your help.
Oh, and if that's not tricky to you, maybe you can tell me how to get notified when Safari switches Tabs ;)
I'm not sure if you can monitor scroll events. However, it's a lot easier if you just monitor the position of the link with the Accessibility API.
Just hold a reference to that link and constantly poll it for its position, if the position changes, you know what to do.
You could also try using AXObserverAddNotification, but as far as I am aware, there is no notification you can monitor for position changes.
If you haven't discovered it already, the Accessibility Inspector can help you a lot with identifying things that you can get using the Accessibility API and pfiddlesoft's UI Browser lets you register for notifications.
