How to configure jboss rewrite valve settings - mod-rewrite

I am developing a web app. using struts2 and jboss url rewrite valve as you see from the title. What i want to know is which are the neccessary jboss configuration files to configure rewrite valve settings?
Besides, I couldn't find any information in order to fix my non-english character problem while url rewriting. Some flags like [NE] doesn't help.
Let me clear the case for you;
There is a link on my jsp page, its value is:
And in my file I added this code;
RewriteCond %{SERVLET_PATH} ^/redirectLogin/text/(.)
RewriteRule ^/redirectLogin/text/(.) /$1 [NE,PT,L]
If the 'text' variable include non-english characters like 'şçğüıö' instead of 'blahblah' then the action gets a differently encoded value of 'şçğüıö', I mean it gets a string like '%C4%5F%' or including some another wierd characters.
If you have any idea about how I can fix this issue with, say, a rewriteMap or another flag include a piece of perl code, or (up to me it is more effective solution) configuring a charset or encoding in an xml file of jboss like server.xml etc. I will be glad to hear that.
Thanks a lot,

I used URLEncoder.encode or decode for UTF-8 in order to prevent character problems


MAMP/WAMP - Which process is yours to alternate between your online websites (URLs, https, ssl) and local developpment (URLs, https,ssl)

how is it adviced to alternate between online and local development, since you want to modify your websites on local.
Do you systematically change all URLs (by search/replace) in your project code to fit local URL type and sometimes create personal SSL certificate for https, or do you use another solution like localhost aliases, rewrite rules, or online developpement tools?
What could be an automatic solution in order to avoid this fastidious modifications like search/replace sometimes looking quite primitive and time costing since I develop during the few hours left after my main work.
What are the operation modes to facilitate developpment,
Have a nice day,
for all the biginners, here's the thing.
I've created a config.php file which contains constants: one config file for the local project folder and one for the online server folder.
Inside this config file, I've create a constant (constant are then available everywhere in the project) to define the main URL of the project. e.g.:
define('CST_MAIN_URL',; // for the online config.php file
define('CST_MAIN_URL',http://localhost:8888); // for the local config.php file
Thus, each header or redirection can work with that constant, like:
header('location:' . CST_MAIN_URL . 'index.php');
Then, things must have to do with RewriteEngine in your htaccess file, for instance whenever you must modify the behavior of MAMP/WAMP if an interrogation point or a slash provokes you with its malicious resistance. But, unfortunately RegEx expression must be understood as a basic level for mastering those url rewritings.
Hope it'll helps.

French character é is printing as � in jhipster thymeleaf template

I am using Jhipster application email functionality to send mail on user creation. When sending mail in French the character like é is printing wrongly.
These characters are coming from standard file.
Obviously its encoding issue but both in email template html and java code we are setting encoding as UTF-8, which should display this correctly.
While debugging I found that in class, content loaded by the SpringTemplateEngine's process method have already loaded the character wrongly before setting the encoding as UTF-8.
My code:
String content = templateEngine.process("activationEmail", context);
Looks like I know the root cause of it but as it is Spring's internal API class, I don't know how to fix this issue.
As Gael pointed I found that the exact root cause of issue is that STS is changing the encoding of .properties files to ISO by default. Changing the file back to UTF-8 is the solution of this issue. Thanks Gael for pointing to this direction.

Concrete5: How to stop macrons disappearing when cache is cleared?

I have a concrete5 site, which uses 'designer content' an add on available via their market place.
Our clients site requires the use of macrons for their language.
Now this is fine throughout 99% of the site, whether hard-coded html or via a content block etc. However, when macrons are used inside a block created with 'designer content' the macron is replaced with a "?"...
Can anyone help?
Unfortunately this site wont let me post an image to help you see whats going on due to my 'low reputation'....riiiiight thats helpful.
Thanks in advance!
usually the apparition of question marks "?" instead of certain characters is the sign of a charset coding problem. With C5 you should be using a generic UTF8 encoding however if your database table was set to use a different charset or if your php settings are set to a different charset, then you will get those weird characters.
You should start with your php.ini and set the charset to utf8
If that doesn't fix the problem, check this thread, it has a useful script to use to fix the database
Be aware however that if content was saved while the charset was not correct, you may discover that the content still looks weird and you will have to insert it again AFTER having set the correct charset.

Some problem with encoding $_GET variable from address bar

My project is based on CodeIgniter, but I guess this question isn't about it at all.
First, I have enabled query strings and a search function. Search string passes to the “searchterm” variable and when I pass it through the form, it works fine and looks like:
http:// local/home/search/?searchterm=testtesttest
Okay, now when I input some cyrillic string in a search form, it works fine as well, the URI would be for example:
http:// local/home/search/?searchterm=привет (in chrome) or
http:// local/home/search/?searchterm=������ (in IE, Opera etc.)
Two above cases work fine, BUT WHEN I enter the CYRILLIC search string directly from the address bar (for example, in Opera or IE) it doesn’t wanna search anything. $_GET[‘searchterm’] is empty, and as for QUERY_STRING, it is something like searchterm=������ (all data from profiler).
I urldecode my string from the controller, but it somehow doesn’t work. I also tried some iconv() cases, from what I’ve googled, but they also didn’t work.
So the question is why all other browsers except chrome doesn’t retrieve CYRILLIC $_GET variable from the address bar if it was entered from there? Passing through the form everything works fine.
Thanks in advance, guys. Hope for your help.
I've also found:
this is passed from the form, accept-charset is set to UTF-8. In that case, as I said, everything works fine. And:
this comes in the address bar when typing the string directly inside the address bar. So I guess every browser changes my cyrillic symbols into something strange... I don't know :(
Don't forget that with Chrome everything works fine! Maybe it's because by default this browser doesn't encode cyrillic symbols in wrong way like other browsers.
I'm guessing part of the issue here is that you are using UTF-8 characters in the URL ... You can setup PHP to use UTF-8 by default from within the php.ini file or by adding ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); somewhere in your application, (I add it to the root index.php file within CodeIgniter if I can't modify the .ini file).
I tested both Japanese and your example in Firefox and Safari quickly and they both displayed the correct strings. More information about setting up Apache/PHP for UTF-8 can be found in this excellent guide.

What is a clean way to use a "/" in a part of a URL

In an MVC framework, I have a model with an "identifier" field. This field can be whatever is used by the user as their unique identifier. I then use this identifier field in URLs to access the relevant resources.
In one such case, the user is using identifiers of the format 00/000. The quick among you will have spotted the problem straight away - how do we know which part is the identifier, and which part the action?
The obvious solution is to use URL escaping (%2F being the relevant code). However, this confuses my apache load balancing proxy as well as the application server on our demo box (running passenger). Although annoyingly this works fine on the local development servers. URLs including %2F seem to cause 404 errors from the server (not the application!).
What i'm looking for is a general approach to solving this problem, while keeping a tidy URL.
The stack which caused this problem is: Ruby 1.8.7, Merb 1.0.12, Apache load balancing to a thin cluster on production, Passenger on the demo server, and working with unproxied thin on development.
The cleanest way would be to prevent the user from entering in a forward slash character in the first place. If it is necessary to support this format, then there is no way around having to use URL escaping.
You could always use a home-grown encoding that replaces / with some other character that is never used in your identify field and then converts it back when reading it from the URL.
For example:
