MAMP/WAMP - Which process is yours to alternate between your online websites (URLs, https, ssl) and local developpment (URLs, https,ssl) - https

how is it adviced to alternate between online and local development, since you want to modify your websites on local.
Do you systematically change all URLs (by search/replace) in your project code to fit local URL type and sometimes create personal SSL certificate for https, or do you use another solution like localhost aliases, rewrite rules, or online developpement tools?
What could be an automatic solution in order to avoid this fastidious modifications like search/replace sometimes looking quite primitive and time costing since I develop during the few hours left after my main work.
What are the operation modes to facilitate developpment,
Have a nice day,

for all the biginners, here's the thing.
I've created a config.php file which contains constants: one config file for the local project folder and one for the online server folder.
Inside this config file, I've create a constant (constant are then available everywhere in the project) to define the main URL of the project. e.g.:
define('CST_MAIN_URL',; // for the online config.php file
define('CST_MAIN_URL',http://localhost:8888); // for the local config.php file
Thus, each header or redirection can work with that constant, like:
header('location:' . CST_MAIN_URL . 'index.php');
Then, things must have to do with RewriteEngine in your htaccess file, for instance whenever you must modify the behavior of MAMP/WAMP if an interrogation point or a slash provokes you with its malicious resistance. But, unfortunately RegEx expression must be understood as a basic level for mastering those url rewritings.
Hope it'll helps.


MVC allow an IIS default page in subfolder without breaking parent route

I need to bypass an MVC route for an application where the developer left - we're going to fully replace it, but for now if I can bypass this one route, it'll save us a ton of time.
The route is (e.g.)
Since it's on IIS, I can take advantage of the default document and create the following folder / file structure: /path/subpath/index.htm
However if I do this, I'll "break" the parent route (it throws a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied) because I now have an actual file folder where the /path/ route was.
Is there a way to get around this / have IIS defer to MVC on /path/ but still handle the child html file?
thanks. Again, this is not intended as a long term solution but a work-around until we can replace the app entirely.
Perhaps a better workaround would be to use the IIS AAR module and it's reverse proxy functionality out the app.
To do so:
a) stand up the app at it's own site the proper path -- so it should work at something like http://localhost:1234/path/subpath/index.htm
b) install IIS AAR module and enable the reverse proxy functions using the WebPI and the IIS management tools
c) Ignore the /path/subpath route in your app
d) Add a virtual directory for /path/subpath to IIS
e) Configure that to reverse back to localhost:1234 or whatever port you configured the site
This will keep the legacy app completely separate while keeping the public facing URLs looking correct for the rest of the world.

Apache internal rewrite module for unique URLs?

I am trying to create a secure download web app with the following scenario. Anybody know how this can be achieved:
1) The user is given a one-time URL
a) This one-time URL is stored in an Oracle DB mapped to the actual URL
2) When the user visits the one-time URL:
a) Apache module connects to the DB to see if the one-time URL exists
b) if it exists, apache does an internal rewrite to the actual URL
c) if not, then 404 or any sort of error (404 or something else) is good enough
2.a and 2.b are the what I am looking answers on. I am not sure how to do this and make sure the rewrites happen internally.
This should be possible using the new dbd-type RewriteMap functionality available in the trunk version of Apache. Obviously with this being the current development branch of the server you'll need to be careful about config-breaking changes over time.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap urlmapper "dbd:SELECT redirect_url from my_table WHERE some_key = %s"
RewriteRule /one_time/(.+) ${urlmapper:$1|/404.html}
Of course you will need some additional logic for handling cases where no results are returned.
AFAIK this is not possible just by apache. What you must want to do is:
Configure apache to redirect that unique links to a server script which will make the "magic" happen
the server script checks if the unique provided url is still valid and acts in accordance:
serves the file and invalidate (delete or mark as served) the unique-url row in database
replies with status 404 or redirects to a 404 page in other cases
The exact details on how to make things happen depends on the scripting engines available to you on the server, and your preferences. It can be done in a variety of engines, from php to cgi to .NET to asp and many others.
Figured this out... You can achieve this using XSEND ( Setup a php script to handle any URI's with file download and denied all access to the actual file directory so the only way to get the file it to force it through XSEND.

Camping's URL() doesn't give me "site root" as expected?

Due to circumstances beyond my control, my production Camping site appears at I'm pretty sure this is a common Apache / Passenger configuration issue, and I'm not interested in how to fix it right now because the server is out of my control. Suffice to say, the controller for "/" points there and I can't change that any time soon.
Now, for a long time, this wasn't an issue, because R(MyIndexController) points to the correct place. However, I serve my site's CSS using a Rack::Static call to make $SITE_ROOT/public accessible. This means that the stylesheet is at Here's where the problem comes in: the Camping URL() method, when called in my layout, gives, not So I can't get it to point to the /css subdirectory, because it's missing a "hop" in the middle. When I run rackup locally, everything is fine (because this file is at localhost:8080/css/style.css), but on the production server I don't know how to fix it.
My question: is there another method (maybe directly from Rack?) that I should be calling instead? I really want to avoid hardcoding it, and/or having a hack to determine whether I'm running locally (for debug) or in production, for every rendering of the layout.
ETA: OK, this gets stranger. Obviously I've abstracted out some of the actual details above, part of which I think I "over-scrubbed". The "top level" URL is actually more akin to /mysite/rest (the developer-centric HTML presentation of our RESTful interface), as opposed to /mysite/management (accounts) or /mysite/ui (JQuery'd / "nice" UI). These are set up in our, via run['/rest' => RestModule, '/ui' => PrettyInterfaceModule, '/management' => UserManagerModule], etc.
So in answer to the comment below, R(Index), from a view in the RestModule, actually returns /mysite/rest/. As an example, I have a "home" link in the layout, which looks like a :href=>R(Index), and generates code that looks like <a href="/mysite/rest/">. The server is configured to serve files from ./public directly at the "site root", so ./public/css/style.css actually does apppear at, as noted previously. It's that link that I'm having trouble automatically generating, and it's because of the Rack::URLMap that I thought I may have to rely on a native Rack method (not a Camping abstraction) to locate this resource.
So in this case, URL() actually returns
What about something like this?
This is an old question so I assume that you did already find a workaround but the new passenger + apache (or ngnix) behaves correctly for camping as far as I could replicate. Your app would be on the Documents root and all the includes in the /public folder so /public/css should be routed correctly regardless of you using a sub folder /mysite or not as passenger doesn't make a difference (again) as far as I can replicate. Therefore this should be easily solvable with passenger 3 + Apache or ngnix.

Anyone using TortoiseSVN with SSL and a relative path for the bugtraq:url?

(NOTE: All fake URL's below are shown as https:/ or http:/, with just a single slash.)
I've spent most of the day trying to get TortoiseSVN to work with my bug tracking system using a relative URL for the bugtraq:url parameter. I'm using SSL on the repository with a self-issued certificate. I'm using VisualSVN for the server and client pieces and's "Artifacts" for the bug tracking piece.
Seems like the only way I can make the embedded hyperlink (e.e. %BUGID%) work to fire up the browser is to use an absolute path for bugtraq:url, like this:
I've tried every variation I can think of for relative paths (using "^/bla") without any luck. I'm getting a link showing up in the commit and log dialogs, but when I click on it it's a NOP. Here's what the TortoiseSVN docs say:
You can also use relative URLs instead of absolute ones. This is useful when your issue tracker is on the same domain/server as your source repository. In case the domain name ever changes, you don't have to adjust the bugtraq:url property. There are two ways to specify a relative URL:
If it begins with the string ^/ it is assumed to be relative to the repository root. For example, ^/../?do=details&id=%BUGID% will resolve to http:/ if your repository is located on http:/
A URL beginning with the string / is assumed to be relative to the server's hostname. For example /?do=details&id=%BUGID% will resolve to http:/ if your repository is located anywhere on http:/
I'm beginning to think that this is a limitation of either: A) using HTTPS on my VisualSVN Server; or B) trying to access a project on the same box as the repository but that's stored separate from the repository.

mod_rewrite and server environment variables

The setup I have is as follows:
I have one Apache server acting as a URL rewriting engine (SERVER1).
I have a second server (Apache too) which runs a web application (SERVER2). First tries to authenticate users. Part of the authentication protocol involves a lot of redirection between that application server and the authentication server.
My problem is that once the authencation is successfull, the authentication server needs to redirect the user back to the application server, which is only visible from SERVER1. Effectively, SERVER2 needs to be able to reconstruct a URL based on SERVER1's parameters.
Most of the environement variable are helpful i.e. I know the host name, script name, page called etcc but I can 't figure out wether the call was made through HTTP or HTTPS: that information is wiped in the rewrite process by SERVER1...
Anybody knows if/how I can get that information through environement variables? I am limited in that I can't use query string parameters...
Thanks all !
This may sound strange, but I have found part of the answer to my question.
The rewrite engine (at least in Apache 2, I haven't looked anywhere else) allows for writting extra request header.
The rule should look something like that.
RewriteRule .* -
Put simple, it creates a new header called INFO_PATH_INFO and sets the value to PATH_INFO.
( For more info check out )
Then it can be retrieved in any languages.
For info I am using Oracle's OWA which adds an extra layer of complication due to the fact that the default environment variables are limited to a few and additional variables need to be specified in thr dads.conf
Hope this will help anyone !
