Managing internal 3rd Party Dependencies - visual-studio

We have a lot of different solutions/projects which are managed by different teams. Our solution needs to reference several projects that another team owns. We don't want to add these dependencies as project references because we do not intend on modifying that code, we just want to use it. Also we already have quite a bit of projects in our solution and don't want to add a bunch more since it will slow down Visual Studio. So we are building these projects in a separate solution and adding them as file references to our solution.
My question is, how do people manage these types of dependencies? Should I just have some automated process what looks for changes to those projects, builds them and checks the dlls into our source control, after which we treat them like other 3rd party dependencies? Is there a recommended way of doing this?

One solution, although it may not necessarily be what you are looking for, is to have each dependent sub-system perform a release. This release could be in the form of a MSI install, or just a network share of assemblies. When a significant change is made, that team could let you know, and you could run the install or a script to copy the files.
Once you got the release, you could put them into the GAC, that way you would not have to worry about copying them to your project bin folders.
Another solution, assuming you are using a build server or continuous integration of some kind, is to have a post build step or process stage the files. Than at any given moment, the developers of the other teams could grab the new files , or have a script or bat file pull them down locally.
It might be best to ask why do you have these dependencies? Do you really need them locally when building your part of the application? Could you mock out the dependencies in your solution, allowing you to code, build, and run unit tests? The the actual application would wire these up in your DEV/Test/Prod environments. Keeping your solution decoupled and dependent free may be a better solution for the individual team. Leave the integration and coupling when the application runs in a real setting.

(Not a complete answer, but still:)
Any delivery is better stored in a file/binary repository, as opposed to a VCS used to manage sources history.
We prefer managing those deliveries in a repo like Nexus, and we are using maven to get back the right dependencies.
Even if those tools can be more Java-oriented, Nexus can store anything, and maven is only there to read the pom.xml of each artifact and compute the right dependencies.


How to manage stable binaries and avoid risk of CI rebuilds when install packaging?

I am looking for a tool to manage the collection of binary files (input components) that make up a software release. This is a software product and we have released multiple versions each year for the last 20 years. The details and types of files may vary, but this is something many software teams need to manage.
What's a Software Release made of?
A mixture of files go into our software releases, including:
Windows executables/binaries (40 DLLs and 30+ EXE files).
Scripts used by the installer to create a database
API assemblies for various platforms (.NET, ActiveX, and Java)
Documentation files (HTML, PDF, CHM)
Source code for example applications
The full collected files for a single version of the release are about 90MB. Most are built from source code, but some are 3rd party.
Manual Process
Long ago we managed this manually.
When starting each new release the files used to build the last release would be copied to a new folder on a shared drive.
The developers would manually add or update files in this folder (hoping nothing was lost or deleted accidentally).
The software installer script would be compiled using the files in this folder to produce a SETUP.EXE (output).
Iterate steps 2 and 3 during validation & testing until release.
Automatic Process
Some years ago we adopted CI (building our binaries nightly or on-demand).
We resorted to putting 3rd party binaries under version control since they usually don't change as often.
Then we automated the process of collecting & updating files for a release based on the CI build outputs. Finally we were able to automate the construction of our SETUP.EXE.
Remaining Gaps
Great so far, but this leaves us with two problems:
Rebuilding Assemblies The CI mostly builds projects when something has changed, but when forced it will re-compile a binary that doesn't have any code change. The output is a fresh build of a binary we've previously tested (hint: should we always trust these are equivalent?).
Latest vs Stable Mostly our CI machine builds the latest versions of each project. In some cases this is ok, but often we want to release an older tested or stable version. To do this we have separate CI projects for the latest and stable builds - this works but is clumsy.
Thanks for your patience if you've got this far :-)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
After some time searching for solutions it seems it might be easier to build our own solution, but surely someone else has solved these problems before!?
What we want is a way to store and manage binary files (either outputs from CI, or 3rd party files) such that each is tagged with a version (v1.2.3.4) that allows:
The CI to publish new versions of each binary (but reject rebuilt versions that already exist).
The development team to make a recipe for a software release (kinda like NuGet packages.config) that specifies components to include:
package name
path/destination in the release folder
The Automatic package script to use the recipe collect the required files, and compile the install package (e.g. SETUP.EXE).
I am aware of past debates about storing binaries in a VCS. For now I am looking for a better solution. That approach does not appear ideal for long-term ongoing use (e.g. how to prune old binaries)... amongst other issues.
I have tried some artifact repositories currently available. From my investigation these provide a solution for component/artifact storage and version control. However they do not provide tools for managing a list of components/artifacts to include in a software release.
Does anybody out there know of tools for this?
Have you found a way to get your CI infrastructure to address these remaining issues?
If you're using an artifact repository to solve this problem, how do you manage and automate the process?
This is a very broad topic, but it sounds like you want a release management tool (e.g. BuildMaster, developed by my company Inedo), possibly in conjunction with a package management server like ProGet (which you tagged, and is how I discovered this question).
To address some specific questions you have, I'll associate it with a feature that would solve the problem:
A mixture of files go into our software releases, including...
This is handled in BuildMaster with artifacts. This video gives a basic overview of how they are manually added to releases and deployed to a file system:
Of course, once that works to satisfaction, you can automate the import of artifacts from your existing CI tool, create them from a BuildMaster deployment plan itself, pull them from your package server, whatever. Down the line you can also have your CI tool call the BuildMaster release management API to create a release and automatically have it include all the artifacts and components you want (this is what most of our customers do now, i.e. have a build step in TeamCity create a release from a template).
Rebuilding Assemblies ... The output is a fresh build of a binary we've previously tested (hint: should we always trust these are equivalent?)
You can mostly assume they are equivalent functionally, but it's only the times that they are not that problems arise. This is especially true with package managers that do not lock dependencies to specific version numbers (i.e. NuGet, npm). You should be releasing exactly the same binary that was tested in previous environments.
[we want] the development team to make a recipe for a software release (kinda like NuGet packages.config) that specifies components to include:
This is handled with releases. A developer can choose its name, dates, etc., and associate it with a pipeline (i.e. a set of testing stages that the artifacts are deployed to), then can "click the deploy button" and have the automation do all the work.
Releases are grouped by "application", similar to a project in TeamCity. As a more advanced use case, you can use deployables. Deployables are essentially individual components of an application you include in a release; in your case the "Documentation" could be a deployable, and maybe contain an artifact of the .pdf and .docx files. Deployables from other applications (maybe a different team is responsible for them, or whatever) can then be referenced and "included" in a release, or you can reference ones from a past release.
Hopefully that provides some overview and fits your needs. Getting into this space is a bit overwhelming because there are so many terms, technologies, and methodologies, but my advice is to start simple and then slowly build upon it, e.g.:
deploy a single, manually uploaded component through BuildMaster to a share drive, then manually deploy it from there
add a deployment plan that imports the component
add a second plan and associate it with the 2nd stage that takes the uploaded artifact and deploys it to the target, bypassing the need for the share drive
add more deployment plans and associate them with pipeline stages and promote through them all to "close out" a release
add an agent and deploy to that instead of the default localhost server
add more components and segregate their deployment with deployables
add event listeners to email team members at points in the process
start adding approvals if you require gated "sign-offs"
and so on.

Least-impact solution to binary references in VCS

We are using TeamCity 2017.1 and have been using it for years with great joy. A long time ago, someone decided that all third-party binaires should be put into Subversion (our VCS of choice).
This has worked fine, but over time this repos has grown quite large, and combined with our being better and better at using TeamCity, we now have dozens of build configurations which all uses third-party binaries.
Our third-party folder is called Department and is around 2.6 GB in size. As such this is not so bad, but remember that this folder is used by pretty much every single project on the build server!
Now, I will agree with everyone that says that we should use Nugets, network shares etc., and that would work great with new projects. However, we have a lot of history and we cannot begin to change every single solution and branch.
A co-worker came up with the idea, that IF we made a single build project that in reality did nothing but keep a single folder updated with our Department stuff. Then we just need to find a way to reference this, without have to change all our projects and solutions.
My initial though is using Snapshot dependencies and then create a symbolic link as the first build step and remove it as the last, in order to achieve the same relative levels.
But is there a better way? What do other people do?
And keep in mind, that replacing with nugets or something else is not an option.
Let me follow the idea of your colleague and improve it. There would be a build configuration that monitors the Subversion repository and copies packages to a network share. That network share will be used by development teams as nuget repository. Projects that will convert their dependencies from Binary reference to nuget reference will enjoy faster build. When all the teams will use nuget repositories you may kill that Subversion.

How to set up and maintain directory structure in TFS build server?

So I have this pretty huge solution with many projects, few of them use dlls from other projects in this solution, some projects copy files to other directories after build is performed. (as post build events)
when I build the solution locally on my machine, everything is great and working, but when i configure a build, and build it on build server (we use TFS) something goes wrong and i get a an error when i try to load one of the applications in this solution. (the error does not give me much data on what went wrong)
so before i sit to debug all of this. does anybody know how can i smartly manage all the build actions that are performed locally and via build server and see the deltas?
I would like to be able to build the solution exactly the same on build server as i do on my machine (with directory structure, post build events..etc)
thanks a lot
The generally accepted way to do what you're after is to use NuGet for managing your assembly references. You can publish your dependent assemblies into NuGet as part of a continuous delivery process, then reference (and update!) those dependencies in the solutions that consume them as necessary.
This removes ambiguity ("What version of Foo.dll is Project X using?") and reduces runtime errors ("Why is Project X using Foo.dll 3.0? It was never tested with 3.0! It needs to run with 2.7!").

Build dependencies and local builds with continuous integration

Our company currently uses TFS for source control and build server. Most of our projects are written in C/C++, but we also have some .NET projects and wouldn't want to be limited if we need to use other languages in the future.
We'd like to use Git for our source control and we're trying to understand what would be the best choice for a build server. We have started looking into TeamCity, but there are some issues we're having trouble with which will probably be relevant regardless of our choice of build server:
Build dependencies - We'd like to be able to control the build dependencies for each <project, branch>. For example, have <MyProj, feature_branch> depend on <InfraProj1, feature_branch> and <InfraProj2, master>.
From what we’ve seen, to do that we might need to use Gradle or something similar to build our projects instead of plain MSBuild. Is this correct? Are there simpler ways of achieving this?
Local builds - Obviously we'd like to be able to build projects locally as well. This becomes somewhat of a problem when project dependencies are introduced, as we need a way to reference these resources or copy them locally for the build to succeed. How is this usually solved?
I'd appreciate any input, but a sample setup which covers these issues will also be a great help.
IMHO both issues you mention fall really in the config management category, thus, as you say, unrelated to the build server choice.
A workspace for a project build (doesn't matter if centralized or local) should really contain all necessary resources for the build.
How can you achieve that? Have a project "metadata" git repo with a "content" file containing all your project components and their dependencies (each with its own git/other repo) and their exact versions - effectively tying them together coherently (you may find it useful to store other metadata in this component down the road as well, like component specific SCM info if using a mix of SCMs across the workspace).
A workspace pull wrapper script would first pull this metadata git repo, parse the content file and then pull all the other project components and their dependencies according with the content file info. Any build in such workspace would have all the parts it needs.
When time comes to modify either the code in a project component or the version of one of the dependencies you'll need to also update this content file in the metadata git repo to reflect the update and commit it - this is how your project makes progress coherently, as a whole.
Of course, actually managing dependencies is another matter. Tons of opinions out there, some even conflicting.

Managing Dependencies of Reflected Dependencies

I presently work with a large solution, containing about 100 projects. At least 10 of the projects are executable applications. Some of the library projects are imported as plugins via MEF and reflection rather than with direct references. If a needed plugin's own dependencies are not copied to the output or plugin directory of the executable project using it, we'll get reflection errors at runtime.
We've already tried or discussed the following solutions, but none of them seem like a good fit:
"Hard" References: Originally, we had the executable projects reference other projects they needed, even if they were going to ultimately be imported as optional plugins. This quickly fell out of favor with team members who needed to make builds that excluded certain plugins and liked to unload those projects to begin with. This also made it difficult to use Resharper or other tools to clean unused references and remove obsolete third party libraries without accidentally blowing away the "unused" references to the needed plugins own dependencies.
Post-build copying (with pre-build "pull"): For a brief period of time, a senior team member set all the plugin projects to xcopy their outputs output themselves to a known "DependencyInjection" folder as post-build events. Projects that needed those plugins would have pre-build events, xcopying each desired plugin to their own output directories. While this meant that the plugin projects "rightly" had no knowledge of where they might be used, this caused two major headaches. First, any time one made a change in a plugin project, they had to separately build (in sequence) the plugin project and then the executable project they would test it in (to get the files to copy over). Rebuild all would be more convenient but far too slow. Second, the continuous integration build would have to have been reconfigured since it compiled everything all in one directory and only cared if everything built successfully.
Post-build copying (push): The present solution started with xcopy and now mostly uses robocopy in post-build events of the plugin projects to copy needed files directly to the plugin folders of the executable projects that use them. This works fairly well in that if one makes a change in a plugin, one can go straight to running with the debugger. Also, the CI build doesn't break, and users disabling certain "optional" plugin projects for various builds don't get build errors from missing references. This still seems hackish, and is cumbersome to maintain in all the separate post-build windows, which are rather small and can't be expanded. When executable projects get moved from a project restructure or renamed, we don't find out about broken references until the next day after hearing results from the overnight automated testing.
"Dummy" projects with references: One idea that was briefly tossed about involved making empty projects for each of the different executable build configurations and going back to the hard references method on those. Each would use its own references to gather up the plugins and their dependencies. They would also have a reference to the actual executable and copy it over. Then, if one wanted to run a particular executable in a particular configuration, you'd run its dummy project. This one seemed particularly bloated and was never attempted.
NuGet: In my limited familiarity with NuGet, this seems like a good fit for using packages, except I wouldn't know how to implement that internal to one solution. We've talked about breaking up the solution, but many members of the team are strongly opposed to that. Is using NuGet with packages coming from within the same solution possible?
What are best practices for a situation like this? Is there a better solution to managing dependencies of reflected dependencies like this than any of the above, or is a refinement of one of the above the best choice?
Ok, so I assume in this answer that each developer needs to constantly have all 100 assemblies (Debug mode) locally to do its job (develop, compile, smoke test, run automatic tests).
You are mentioning that RebuildAll takes long time. Generally this symptom is caused by too many assemblies + build process not rationalized. So the first thing to do is to try to merge the 100 assemblies into as few assemblies as possible and avoid using things like Copy Local = true. The effect will be a much faster (like 10x) RebuildAll process. Keep in mind that assemblies are physical artefacts and that they are useful only for physical things (like plug-in, loading on-demand, test/app separation...). I wrote a white-book that details my thoughts on the topic:
Partitioning code base through .NET assemblies and Visual Studio projects (8 pages)
Common valid and invalid reasons to create an assembly
Increase Visual Studio solution compilation performance (up to x10 faster)
Organize the development environment
In the white-book advice's, one of idea is to avoid referencing project but to reference assemblies instead. This way it becomes your responsibility to fill Project > right click > Project Dependencies that will define the Project > right click > Project Build Order. If you decide to keep dealing with 100 assemblies, defining this setting represents an effort, but as a bonus a high-level (executable) project can depend on a library only used by reflection and this will solve your problem.
Did you measure the Lines of Code in terms of # of PDB sequences points? I estimate that until the limit 200K to 300K doing a RebuildAll (with optimization described in the white-book) should take 5 to 10 seconds (on a decent laptop) and it remains acceptable. If your code base is very large and goes beyond this limit, you'll need to break my first assumption and find a way that a developer doesn't need all assemblies to do its job (in which case we can talk about this further).
Disclaimer: This answer references resources from the site of the tool NDepend that I created and now manage its development.
I have been in a situation like yours. We had almost 100 projects. We too were using MEF and System.AddIn. In the beginning we had a few solutions. I was working on the core solution that included the core assemblies and their tests. Each plug-in category in a separate solution, that included contracts, implementation (some plug-ins had more than one implementation) and tests, plus some test host as well as the core assemblies. At some later point we added a solution that included all projects and after trying a few of the approaches you mention we decided to do the following:
Keep the references that are mandatory,
All executable projects were set to output to common locations (one for debug and one for release configurations),
All projects that should not be referenced were set to output to these common locations,
All projects that were referenced by others, were left unchanged and each reference was set with Copy Local = true.
Tests were left unchanged.
Although building all was slow, we didn't have any other problems. Of course having almost 100 projects is a sign that the design is probably too modular and as Patrick advises, we should have tried to compact it.
Anyway, you could try this approach in a couple of hours and perhaps instead of setting Copy Local = true, try to set the output folder of all projects mentioned in 4 to have their output set to the common locations. We didn't know that this setting will slow down the build process as Patrick mentions.
PS. We never tried using NuGet because we didn't have enough resources and time to experiment with it. It looked promising though.
We are starting up a new project and I am looking for the "best practices" solution of this similar problem. For us, we can divide the projects into two categories 1) The Platform assemblies, which provide common set of services across the board and 2) Verticals which would be perform business specific functions.
In the past we have used a Visual Studio plug-in with a simple UI that allow developers to specify a common assemblies path to copy the output assemblies and then reference all assemblies (whereever they reside in a different solution) from the common assemblies folder.
I am looking at NUGET but the sheer work you have to do to created and maintain NUGET packages is punitive.
It's a very common scenario and would be really interested to see how others have addressed it.
