How do I stop USB buffering? - windows

I'm reading real-time data over USB, but the data is buffered. How do I stop the buffering?

Use udev to change the latency_timer.
On ubuntu, create a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d for your device. Eg 99-xsens.rules
Create a rule in that file to match your device and set the latency_timer. For example, for my device this is:
KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb-serial", DRIVERS=="ftdi_sio", ATTR{device/latency_timer}="2"
This causes the device to wait a shorter time before deciding there's no more incoming data to buffer. In this case my device went from waiting 16ms to waiting 2ms.
Use udevadm info -a -n /dev/ttyUSB0, for example, to find out what key-value pairs to match against in your rule. There are some tricky things to keep in mind, but finding resources to help with the ins and outs was easy once I knew to use udev rules.
Here's a good reference page on writing udev rules. It is old and the syntax of the udev tools has changed, but the concepts are still valid.
On Windows you use Device Manager->Ports->COM Port->Port Settings->Advanced->Latency Timer.


Writing to /dev/loop USB image?

I've got an image that I write onto a bootable USB that I need to tweak. I've managed to mount the stick as /dev/loopX including allowing for the partition start offset, and I can read files from it. However writing back 'seems to work' (no errors reported) but after writing the resulting tweaked image to a USB drive, I can no longer read the tweaked files correctly.
The file that fails is large and also a compressed tarfile.
Is writing back in this manner simply a 'no-no' or is there some way to make this work?
If possible, I don't want to reformat the partition and rewrite from scratch because that will (I assume) change the UUID and then I need to go worry about the boot partition etc.
I believe I have the answer. When using losetup to create a writeable virtual device from the partition on your USB drive, you must specify the --sizelimit parameter as well as the offset parameter. If you don't then the resulting writes can go past the last defined sector on the partition (presumably requires your USB drive to have extra space). Linux reports no errors until later when you try to read. The key hints/evidence for this are that when reads (or (re)written data) fail, dmesg shows read errors attempting to read past the end of the drive. fsck tools such as dosfsck also indicate that the drive claims to be larger than it is.

Mac Matlab/ Simulinks Real time audio input

I am building a simple real time delay system on my mac (2010-11 model; os x Mavericks; serial audio input) using Simulinks (Matlab 2014a) consisting of a 'Audio Input' block, an 'Audio Output' block a 'delay' block and an adder (to add the delayed signal to the original signal), but I receive the error: 'Error in 'untitled/From Audio Device': A given audio device may only be opened once.' twice for the audio input block.
When I try the same using a audio file as my input I get the desired results. Also the same diagram works fine on a windows machine.
Please help.
Thank you.
I think the issue is that you are trying to output a sound to the audio device, while at the same time to trying to read from the audio device. That won't work, you can't do that. See Keep playing a sound over and over again in Matlab? for a similar issue in MATLAB. You need to somehow wait for the reading part to complete before outputting the sound back to the audio device, or use two different devices, one for reading and one for writing.
I suspect the same model worked on a Windows machine because it probably had two audio devices (maybe a built-in and an external), and the model automatically detected this, reading from one device, and outputting to the other. The documentation for both blocks says:
Use the Device parameter to specify the device from which to acquire
audio. This parameter is automatically populated based on the audio
devices installed on your system.
which again, reinforces that theory. If you still have access to the Windows machine, you can double-check that this is the case.

Linux IOCTL commands

Trying to implement IOCTL commands, and just encountered as below:
If _IO is for both read and write
than why should I consider _IOR and _IOW
any clue please ?
Actually _IO is for ioctls that don't take any parameters at all. For instance, say that you want to trigger a command that has been previously set up in the driver, you may not need to pass any data at all!
_IOWR is for ioctls that pass parameters in and then out. In my experience these are rare and can be confusing since one parameter is utilized for two very different purposes but it can be useful when you need it.
See the beginning of
There isn't anything in the kernel that enforces the direction, so it is mostly for documentation purposes.
_IOR --- For reading from device to user space app, _IOW --- Write data passed from user space app to device(Hardware) and _IOWR --- For both read/write data from/to device. But _IO --- are basically used to send device configurable commands to intended device i.e. for example if you want to read/write to flash you need to send command first and then read/write data from/to flash. Since read/write command is constant/fixed as specified in the flash datasheet, so there is no need to explicitly send/pass command from user space app to driver ioctl, you can form a command packet as required inside _IO ioctl case and send it to flash. _IO --- Tells that you don't have to pass data(command) from user space app, you in the driver have use hard coded read/write command and send command to the intended device. _IOR or _IOW or _IOWR are used read/write volatile data passed form user space app to/from device (ex:flash). Hope this answer would clarify your doubt :-).

Analyze Local Network Traffic, Update Quota with tshark and BASH [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I calculate network utilization for both transmit and receive
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a slightly weird problem and I really hope someone can help with this:
I go to university and the wireless network here issues every login a certain quota/week (mine is 2GB). This means that every week, I am only allowed to access 2GB of the Internet - my uploads and downloads together must total at most 2GB (I am allowed access to a webpage that tells me my remaining quota). I'm usually allowed a few grace KB but let's not consider that for this problem.
My laptop runs Ubuntu and has the conky system monitor installed, which I've configured to display (among other things, ) my remaining wireless quota. Originally, I had conky hit the webpage and grep for my remaining quota. However, since my conky refreshes every 5 seconds and I'm on the wireless connection for upwards of 12 hours, the checking of the webpage itself kills my wireless quota.
To solve this problem, I figured I could do one of two things:
Hit the webpage much less frequently so that doing so doesn't kill my quota.
Monitor the wireless traffic at my wireless card and keep subtracting it from 2GB
(1) is what I've done so far: I setup a cron job to hit the webpage every minute and store the result in file on my local filesystem. Conky then reads this file - no need for it to hit the webpage; no loss of wireless quota thanks to conky.
This solution is a win by a factor of 12, which is still not enough. However, I'm a fan of realtime data and will not reduce the cron frequency further.
So, the only other solution that I have is (2). This is when I found out about wireshark and it's commandline version tshark. Now, here's what I think I should do:
daemonize tshark
set tshark to monitor the amount (in KB or B or MB - I can convert this later) of traffic flowing through my wireless card
keep appending this traffic information to file1
sum up the traffic information in the file1 and subtract it from 2GB. Store the result in file2
set conky to read file2 - that is my remaining quota
setup a cron job to delete/erase_the_contents_of file1 every Monday at 6.30AM (that's when the weekly quota resets)
At long last, my questions:
Do you see a better way to do this?
If not, how do I setup tshark to make it do what I want? What other scripts might I need?
If it helps, the website tells me my remaining quota is KB
I've already looked at the tshark man page, which unfortunately makes little sense to me, being the network-n00b that I am.
Thank you in advance.
Interesting question. I've no experience using tshark, so personally I would approach this using iptables.
Looking at:
[root#home ~]# iptables -nvxL | grep -E "Chain (INPUT|OUTPUT)"
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 9763462 packets, 1610901292 bytes)
we see that iptables keeps a tally of the the bytes that passes through the each chain. So one can presumably go about monitoring your bandwidth usage by:
When your system starts up, retrieve your remaining quota from the web
Zero the byte tally in iptables (Use the -z option)
Every X seconds, get usage from iptables and deduct from quota
Here are some examples of using iptables for IP accounting.
There are some drawbacks to this approach. First of all you need root access to run iptables, which means you need conky running as root, or run a cron daemon which writes the current values to a file which conky has access to.
Also, not all INPUT/OUTPUT packets may count towards your bandwidth allocation, e.g. intranet access, DNS, etc. One can filter out only relevant connections by matching them and placing them in a separate iptables chain (examples in the link given above). An easier approach (if the disparity is not too large) would be to occasionally grab your real time quota from the web, reset your values and start again.
It also gets a little tricky when you have existing iptables rules which are either complicated or uses custom chains. You'll then need some knowledge of iptables to retrieve the right values.

Recovery from optical media ignoring read errors

I have backups of files archived in optical media (CDs and DVDs). These all have par2 recovery files, stored on separate media. Even in cases where there are no par2 files, minor errors when reading on one optical drive can be read fine on another drive.
The thing is, when reading faulty media, the read time is very, very long, because devices tend to retry multiple times.
The question is: how can I control the number of retries (ie set to no retries or only one try)? Some system call? A library I can download? Do I have to work on the SCSI layer?
The question is mainly about Linux, but any Win32 pointers will be more than welcome too.
man readom, a program that comes with cdrecord:
Do not abort if the high level error checking in readom found an
uncorrectable error in the data stream.
Switch the drive into a mode where it ignores read errors in
data sectors that are a result of uncorrectable ECC/EDC errors
before reading. If readom completes, the error recovery mode of
the drive is switched back to the remembered old mode.
Set the retry count for high level retries in readom to #. The
default is to do 128 retries which may be too much if you like
to read a CD with many unreadable sectors.
The best tool avaliable is dd_rhelp. Just
dd_rhelp /dev/cdrecorder /home/myself/DVD.img
,take a cup of tea and watch the nice graphics.
The dd_rhelp rpm package info:
dd_rhelp uses ddrescue on your entire disc, and attempts to gather the maximum
valid data before trying for ages on badsectors. If you leave dd_rhelp work
for infinite time, it has a similar effect as a simple dd_rescue. But because
you may not have this infinite time, dd_rhelp jumps over bad sectors and rescue
valid data. In the long run, it parses all your device with dd_rescue.
You can Ctrl-C it whenever you want, and rerun-it at will, dd_rhelp resumes the
job as it depends on the log files dd_rescue creates. In addition, progress
is shown in an ASCII picture of your device being rescued.
I've used it a lot myself and Is very, very realiable.
You can install it from DAG to Red Hat like distributions.
Since dd was suggested, I should note that I know of the existence and have used sg_dd, but my question was not about commands (1) or (1m), but about system calls (2) or libraries (3).
Another linux command-line utility that is of help, is sdparm. The following flag seems to disable hardware retries:
sudo sdparm --set=RRC=0 /dev/sr0
where /dev/sr0 is the device for the optical drive in my case.
While checking whether hdparm could modify the number of retries (doesn't seem so), I thought that, depending on the type of error, lowering the CD-ROM speed could potentially reduce the number of read errors, which could actually increase the average read speed. However, if some sectors are completely unreadable, then even lowering the CD-ROM speed won't help.
Since you are asking about driver level access, you should look into SCSI commands, or perhaps an ASPI like API. On windows VSO software (developers of blindread/blindwrite below) have developed a much better API, Patin-Couffin, that provides locked low level access:
That might get you started. However, at the end of the day, the drive is interfaced with SCSI commands, even if it's actually USB, SATA, ATA, IDE, or otherwise. You might also look up terms related to ATAPI, which was one of the first specifications for this CD-ROM SCSI layer interface.
I'd be surprised if you couldn't find a suitable linux library or example of dealing with the lower level commands using the above search terms and concepts.
Older answer:
Blindread/blindwrite was developed in the heyday of cd-rom protection schemes often using intentionally bad sectors or error information to verify the original CD.
It will allow you to set a whole slew of parameters, including retries. Keep in mind that the CD-ROM drive itself determines how many times to retry, and I'm not sure that this is settable via software for many (most?) CD-ROM drives.
You can copy the disk to ISO format, ignoring the errors, and then use ISO utilities to read the data.
Take a look at the ASPI interface. Available on both windows and linux.
dd(1) is your friend.
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image bs=2352 conv=noerror,notrunc
The drive may still retry a bit, but I don't think you'll get any better without modifying firmware.
